dragynville @ 2003-08-14 12:14:00 |
ah hah!
Mood: amused
Will the origins of Lilitou finally be revealed? More importantly, will Lupin answer Snape's questions? Will we find out how she got from point L to point S?
And Seamus is on the job! :D
imochan @ August 14 2003, 12:24:28 UTC |
Seamus is the best thing in the world right now. He is the real-butter topping on the popcorn of my life that I crave so hard and bad right now.
You rock that gay HARD, Seamus-babe, and you rock it good.
dragynville @ August 14 2003, 12:29:47 UTC |
You rock that gay HARD, Seamus-babe, and you rock it good.
:D *lurve* :D
He did such wonders for Harry's wardrobe, I hope we'll get another 'fashion show'. :D
imochan @ August 14 2003, 12:32:11 UTC |
And wah! Remus! "Doesn't look at himself much anymore". That statement either made me wibble or grrr. I can't tell which. Am just overwhelmed with love for Seamus and his buttery self. >:::DDDD
(parent)dragynville @ August 14 2003, 12:35:00 UTC |
Remus gets major points for "Did anyone ever think you were straight, Seamus? Anyone at all?". XD
OMG! Buttery self! LOVE!!! :D You are fabulous..!
dragynville @ August 14 2003, 12:38:18 UTC |
Well, of course. Shay is Gay Perfection, after all. XD I could roll in the Shayness right now! *squee*
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 12:37:59 UTC |
Aw, poor Lavender (http://www.livejournal.com/users/seamus_f/6879.html?thread=68575). :P
(parent)notapipe @ August 14 2003, 12:40:19 UTC |
Why is Lavender's pain so much fun for me? I blame the ^_^
(parent)el_erzulie @ August 14 2003, 19:30:07 UTC |
*in hysteric giggles*
It's all in the patheticness. Hee hee. "=/"
tocomfortyou @ August 14 2003, 13:50:21 UTC |
I, for one, am hoping Seamus finds nothing suitable to his tastes and instructs Lupin to walk around naked instead.
But surely I am the only one.
el_erzulie @ August 14 2003, 19:32:02 UTC |
Oh my god so many posibilities.
And stop making me jealous of your icons. >:O
el_erzulie @ August 15 2003, 05:23:52 UTC |
>:O And that Slashwraiths icon is yours too! Oh my god! And like, Hard core Elf!!! *DIES*
[You KILLED me, I hope you feel bad. *sulks*]