just_harry @ 2004-08-14 22:29:00 |
(no title)
Mood: enraged
I've hacked into Potter's journal as I'm certainly not generous enough to allow you the honour of having my journal's presence. In any case, I'm rather bored, and I've found Potter online so I've coerced him into giving me his password. Of course, Potter is hideously boring, so I've found nothing to do with this information, and now we've decided to use this opportunity for a press release in which you may ask either one of us questions right here in this dreadfully exciting post. Of course, I do have the right to abstain from answering, though I doubt Potter will need to use that right as there's surely nothing he's got to keep to himself.
So, ask away. I apologise most sincerely for the tragic loss you must be feeling now you've realised there's only the one post for two people, but Potter has to learn to share, anyway.
Yours in superiority,
Draco Malfoy (and Harry Potter who does not fit the bill of 'yours in superiority' but should be included regardless as I'm using his journal. Do not ask me why.)
crimson_stained @ August 14 2003, 15:39:59 UTC |
...Why has he given you his password? Do you know if he wears boxers of briefs? O.O
*fans self*
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 15:44:26 UTC |
Well, it's not like I really care about my password anyway. I mean, I can just change it if I want, so it's not like it's a big deal or anything. And yeah, he knows.
(parent)crimson_stained @ August 14 2003, 15:55:03 UTC |
...um. How does he know? (and what is it? boxers or briefs? or neither?)
*fans self even more rapidly*
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 16:06:53 UTC |
Well it *was* mentioned in NA about Harry's preference, before...
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 16:11:14 UTC |
Remus announced it to everyone a couple of months back. That's probably where he found out, anyway. It's boxers, but I don't really see why you'd want to know that. It's not like I even really think about it or anything. Why is this even important?
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 14 2003, 16:35:10 UTC |
It says something about the personality or something in the language of girls. I am sad to say I never quite learned the dialect. Still, it is nice to know that you have that little bit of modesty, sweetie.
(parent)crimson_stained @ August 14 2003, 17:19:15 UTC |
what colour do you think they are?
I bet they ride up when he sits down.
hunin_munin @ August 14 2003, 17:40:40 UTC |
Hmm. Black or green. Probably made of cotton, unless Draco has had any say in that, in which case they might be silk.
(parent)crimson_stained @ August 14 2003, 21:11:37 UTC |
...in H/D land, if Draco had any say in Harry's underdrawers, it'd be Harry having on nothing at all.
*thuds down stairs*
hunin_munin @ August 15 2003, 16:34:55 UTC *t00b, t00b* |
xD *helps you back up the stairs*
Calmly, now. Mustn't drool all over the boys or their players. >)
I don't know about that. There is something incredibly sexy about the way thin cloth molds over a boy's rear as he moves about. Adds in an air of "what you can't see" to the whole equation. I think Draco would be appreciative of the shimmer of silky cloth over Potter's arse. Don't you agree? ^-^
Heh. At this rate we are all going to frighten Draco back into his hole in the wall. xD Muahahhah.
crimson_stained @ August 15 2003, 17:14:01 UTC Re: *t00b, t00b* |
We might as well frighten Harry into the wall hole with him...Besides, if Draco were appreciating the shimmer of silky cloth of Potter's arse, sooner or later he must feel the urge to rip them off and appreciate some other things about Potter's arse.
Dear god. I'm making out NA to be one big pr0nfest. Though Harry's already had sex. i think i might have missed something somewhere >:0 Hmph.
hunin_munin @ August 15 2003, 20:51:34 UTC Re: *t00b, t00b* |
Oh, you know Harry would follow him in to keep him company. So considerate, that one. Anything more, I am thinking ... Well, like you said, Harry has had sex. There are some hopefuls as to who that might have been with, aren't there?
Speaking of that, I have yet to catch up with it. From what I understand, he's keeping quiet about who with. *eg* Wonderful. xD
crimson_stained @ August 17 2003, 11:27:49 UTC Re: *t00b, t00b* |
My imagination has been running wild about Harry's sexlife. Draco is my number one hopeful.
What would they do in that hole in the wall? Quidditch players can be so flexible.
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 15:47:07 UTC |
Who said Potter can't answer as well? Given that I said if you had questions for either one of us you should ask, obviously Potter's answering his own insipid dribble.
I've just written an entire saga about retrieving my watch, so I think you'll find the entirety of your answer there.
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 16:01:14 UTC |
To prove that I could, obviously.
And I, for one, don't wear hats. Sorry. I prefer to leave my hair untainted.
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:19:02 UTC |
That hardly means I'm going to wear one and forsake my hair.
(parent)potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:35:37 UTC |
As I'm not a Muggle, I don't even know what 'gel' is.
(parent)siren52684 @ August 14 2003, 15:43:38 UTC |
draco, employ your devistating wit, and describe harry in 5 words.
harry, utilize your adorable charm to do the same for draco.
*<3's you both*
siren52684 @ August 14 2003, 17:30:56 UTC |
well, one out of two requests fill isn't bad, i suppose.
(parent)kat99999 @ August 15 2003, 02:07:30 UTC |
*pets you* *and possibly j_h* Heee. lmfao Anna, you're so cute.
(parent)therealycats @ August 14 2003, 15:51:40 UTC |
How very INTERESTING! :D Thank you, dear.
You know you are quite attractive. As if you need to be told that.
zorb @ August 14 2003, 15:48:06 UTC |
Do you like my icon?
That question is for both of you. <33333333333
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 15:52:55 UTC |
I don't think Malfoy even knows what pay per view is. And I just don't really get it. Colours are nice, I guess.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 15:51:40 UTC |
Mister Malfoy,
Your choice of wording intrigues me: Potter has to learn to share, anyway. Does this mean you plan on sharing more things with Harry in the future?
Or are you trying to make him agreeable to the general wizarding population by leading by your excellent example?
Harry, don't change unless you want to. People love you just as you are.
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 16:03:29 UTC |
No, it means Potter has to learn to share, given that he generally cannot be bothered as it would interfere with his reputation. One would think that if he is supposed to be such a saviour, he could at least share a pot of ink with someone else during lessons, but there's a reason everyone calls him 'No Ink Potter.'
(parent)therealycats @ August 14 2003, 15:52:54 UTC |
This one's for Harry, now.
How do you feel about the current situation between Sirius and Remus? I understand if this is too personal and if you do not wish to address it, but I hope you're doing alright.
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 15:58:30 UTC |
It's kind of hard to talk about. I mean, they're my family and all, and if I have problems with them, really it's between me and them, and not me and everyone else, you know? But I guess I used to think that all they needed to do was sit down and talk and at least try to listen to each other. But I'm not even sure they want to anymore. I mean, you would think that family was more important than some things, and you would think that you wouldn't go around telling people you loved them and you wanted to be with them forever if you didn't really mean it, but I guess that's just me. I mean, I guess I thought I knew what was important to them, but what do I know? Not alot, apparently.
(parent)therealycats @ August 14 2003, 16:01:17 UTC |
Yes, of course. I know it's difficult; hopefully all will work out for the best. But whatever happens you do know that they both love you. *smooches*
(parent)trowa @ August 14 2003, 15:53:05 UTC |
When will you admit your great t00by love for Harry?
conversant @ August 14 2003, 15:54:05 UTC |
Draco: What, besides looking for your (Draco's) watch (you don't think we believed that, do you), were the two of you doing in the garden at Dogeare Wryde for long enough that both of you suffered sunburn?
Harry: What caused you to manhandle Draco the other day in the incident in which his elbow was scraped? I'd very much like to hear your version of that event. (Was he as dreadfully injured as he claimed in his post? Are you as prone to violence as he suggested there?)
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 16:05:16 UTC |
Arguing, of course. Potter seems to think my watch and its potential loss is of little consequence to the state of the world.
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 16:12:39 UTC |
I manhandled him because it was pretty clear that he wanted me to.
(parent)dragynville @ August 15 2003, 08:33:29 UTC |
Omigod! Your icon rocks! When I read OOTP, I kept picturing Helga Phugley everytime Umbridge showed up! XD
(parent)vileseagulls @ August 15 2003, 23:11:00 UTC |
Hee! I don't know who she is, and I didn't make the icon, I lifted it from an icon site, but yes. Iconsotrue.
(parent)vileseagulls @ August 16 2003, 02:41:04 UTC |
Ooh, I see. I wonder if we get that in New Zealand? Hmm.
(parent)tocomfortyou @ August 14 2003, 15:55:21 UTC |
Could each of you tell your favorite piece of gossip about the other? Spill, boys.
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 16:13:44 UTC |
I can't, 'cause first off, Millicent would kill me, and second off, even if she didn't, she wouldn't tell me anything anymore. Sorry.
(parent)potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:24:41 UTC |
Potter has an interesting history of jealousy that I've learnt about in great detail, but I'd like to know what's in it for me if I tell you, as Potter will probably start sitting outside my window with a sword if I do.
(parent)potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 20:08:58 UTC |
I rather thought it was implied that this was a figurative sword we were discussing here. There's not really a sword. I was being facetious.
(parent)kat99999 @ August 14 2003, 17:38:21 UTC |
You are God-like. Ask more witty questions like that, lmfao. :-D My wit is torn to shreds today, clearly!
(parent)tocomfortyou @ August 14 2003, 17:37:49 UTC |
.......the satisfaction of an evil job well done?
And if Potter provokes you, grab the sword from his inept hands and use it as a toothpick.
For that matter, since when have you had to have something in it for you to be evil? There's such a lovely feeling after doing something particularly spiteful...so...delicious. Come now, it'll spread over the Internet like dirt on a Weasley. Details!
dragynville @ August 14 2003, 15:56:08 UTC |
<3's to you both for doing this!
Draco, what about Harry made you want to be friends with him back in first year? And when did you first realize you liked him and what do you think is his most attractive trait?
Harry, were you interested in becoming friends with Draco in first year (before he and Ron started insulting each other)? And when did you first realize that you were attracted to him? And what do you find most attractive about him?
Cheers! :D
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 16:08:47 UTC |
Who said I wanted to be friends with Potter ever? I imagine Potter's most attractive trait is his absence.
(parent)dragynville @ August 14 2003, 16:13:37 UTC |
Well, you did attempt to make frinds with him, after a fashion. (Does anyone have the quote handy?)
If that's his most attractive trait then why do you go out of your way to get his attention so often?
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 16:58:47 UTC |
Oh, I did, did I? And I suppose you were there?
(parent)dragynville @ August 14 2003, 19:40:54 UTC |
No, but it has been chronicled in a series of biographies about Harry that are considered to be absolutely canonical.
(parent)potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 21:01:41 UTC |
I'm not Potter, so I'd go looking for the Draco Malfoy biographies if I were you.
(parent)dragynville @ August 14 2003, 21:24:43 UTC |
They haven't been written yet and that is a shame.
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 16:19:07 UTC |
No, I wasn't. I mean, maybe before he opened his mouth. And, I guess I didn't really figure it out until after one of our Hogsmeade weekends, the one where they threw chairs and Remus caught on fire and we got to see Professor Sinistra's legs. So, a while ago. And it's kind of hard to say what I like the best. I think I like just hanging out and talking the best. I think I like him best when it's just us and there's no one else around. I like the way he talks.
(parent)eponis @ August 14 2003, 16:23:32 UTC |
::isn't sure whether to squee or cry::
Please, please, though I know that Sirius and Remus are having a tough time, don't lose hope in love, k? Because what you just said is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in these last, very-stressful-for-relationships weeks.
Because I won't lose hope in you two.
dragynville @ August 14 2003, 16:43:13 UTC |
Thank you Harry, that was a beautiful answer. :)
<3 squee! <3
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 16:00:19 UTC |
Hey, Harry? Is there anything about the Muggle world that you miss when you go to Hogwarts?
Draco, is there anything good about the Muggle world at all?
And for the both of you, what are you planning to do once you leave school?
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 16:23:18 UTC |
I miss parks, I think, and I miss electric lights, and microwave ovens. I don't miss them alot, and I like being at Hogwarts better, but I'll think about popping microwave popcorn, and it's just not as easy.
I kind of want to be an Auror, but I don't think I have the grades for it. I'm going to try anyway.
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 21:00:07 UTC |
How should I know? I've never been, other than one time with Potter.
I'm planning to be even more famous than I already am when I leave Hogwarts. I'll probably have to go into hiding to avoid the reporters from the Daily and Evening Prophets. So, there you are. My future career is fame.
purestblood @ August 14 2003, 16:03:39 UTC |
Why are you fraternizing with Mr. Potter, Draco?
conversant @ August 14 2003, 16:08:02 UTC |
You, sir, spend too much time on-line when you ought to turn off the computer, knock on the door of your wife's suite and spend the evening making a concerted effort to repair your marriage.
Leave the boys alone. They are doing assigned journalling required by their Headmaster.
eponis @ August 14 2003, 16:08:37 UTC |
Perhaps because "they are schoolmates and Quidditch rivals, and I daresay Mr. Potter has served, and will yet serve, to illustrate several very valuable life lessons to all who witness"?
Also, I thought that you were defending Sirius's right to befriend whomever he chooses. Does Draco have that right?
hunin_munin @ August 14 2003, 16:38:51 UTC |
And why are you fraternizig with Mr. Black when you should be thinking of ways to make things up to your lovely wife, sir?
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 14 2003, 16:51:46 UTC |
you've noticed?
Just a wild hair, dear. I am stalking everyone today.
hunin_munin @ August 14 2003, 16:58:13 UTC |
Oh, come now, I am standing in line like anyone else. Cannot help that I have less of a life than our Mister Malfoy.
And, we are doing it again.
hunin_munin @ August 14 2003, 17:11:14 UTC |
As you wish. See if I let you hide in my closet anymore. xD!
(parent)potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 16:57:56 UTC |
Since I've been left alone in my quarters for quite awhile, I eventually went online to see if Millicent or Goyle was around. Of course, neither one of them was, so I decided to pester Potter for his password to see if I could do anything useful with it. Of course, I can get into Potter's email, but I don't have any need to read 'PICTURES OF CELESTINA WARBECK NAKED!!!!', which seems to be the sort of rubbish mail Potter receives, so I've yet to find a use for it. I shall persevere.
Your pride and joy,
purestblood @ August 14 2003, 17:14:57 UTC |
Don't go out on the west veranda. Your mother is sunbathing topless again.
I do not relish the thought of massaging aloe vera into her sunburn tonight, either.
purestblood @ August 14 2003, 17:25:04 UTC |
If you like, we can Apparate to Paris for dinner. Your mother seems to enjoy the company of her chambers.
(parent)therealycats @ August 14 2003, 17:53:06 UTC |
Ahahaha! You do realize Narcissa is going to curse you...or something...I don't know.
I love this whole interaction you've got going on with Lucius. It's just as good as the rest of this whole thing right now :D
therealycats @ August 14 2003, 17:57:28 UTC |
Oooooooooooooh...like the movie? Do you want Lucius to spank you because your behavior is very bad? :D *ahem*
Well of course you do. Who wouldn't?! Look at the hair! I want to touch the hair :$
eponis @ August 14 2003, 16:04:34 UTC |
Harry, I think that the love and adoration and protectiveness I have for you is far far greater than I could express, so just know that . . . well, we care about you, k?
Draco, I think that your love for you probably even surpasses mine, but nevertheless, I do love you, and I think you're enjoyable to read and devastatingly sexy. ;-)
Draco: Do you think of your father as gay, straight, bisexual, or something else? How would you classify yourself? (In other words, we know that you've dated girls in the past, but would you ever consider dating a boy?)
Harry: Have you ever kissed someone romantically? (If so, who? If not, if you could kiss anyone right now, would you, and who?)
Thanks boys, and sorry that I couldn't stay away from the romance questions!
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 16:29:06 UTC |
Yeah, I have. Lavender and I kissed, but I don't think it really counts as romantically. It was at a party and part of a game. And yeah, since then, but this is kind of embarrassing, you know? But yeah, I have.
(parent)eponis @ August 14 2003, 17:07:25 UTC |
I love it when you smoulder like that, baby.
And when you play hard to get.
Guess I'm just the wrong gender. ::shrug::
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 16:04:37 UTC |
To either/both of you: what is your definition of love?
By that same definition, have you ever been in love with anybody?
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 16:38:05 UTC |
Love and in love is kind of different, don't you think? This is kind of a girly question, but I'll try to answer it as long as you guys don't laugh or anything. I think that when you love someone it means that you think of them first. That what matters to them matters to you, just because it matters to them. That sometimes you don't do the things that you want to do or that are important to you, because it's more important to you that they're happy. I think that all of that sounds kind of like facts and not like an emotion, really, but I think that maybe love is more like facts than emotions. That you can feel like you love someone all you want, but until you act like you love someone, you don't really love them at all.
And in love is something completely different. I think that in love is more like feeling like you love someone. It's all about feeling nauseous and dizzy and all that, and I don't think it matters as much as really loving someone does. I think that people think that they fall in love all the time, and maybe they're right. I don't really think that being in love is very important. I don't think that it means alot. For it to mean something, you have to act like it means something.
I think I've been in love. I think just about everybody has.
siren52684 @ August 14 2003, 16:51:09 UTC |
guess who is my new favorite person?
oh right, it's you.
anjenue @ August 14 2003, 18:19:52 UTC |
*sniffles* Harry, you are a darling...we all wish you all the best. That was a beautiful answer.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 16:09:34 UTC |
Harry, how can you be friends with someone like Draco, considering all the things he's done to you and your friends before, and who his father is?
Draco, why do you tolerate Potter at all?
You both are going to be answering questions until the end of bloody TIME.
zorb @ August 14 2003, 16:14:16 UTC |
You both are going to be answering questions until the end of bloody TIME.
So very true. *g* My F5 is going to wear out this afternoon.
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 16:42:59 UTC |
I think that people change, or at least if they don't change, you get to know them better and you get to understand where they're coming from. I don't think that Malfoy's like his dad, so I don't think it's fair to blame him for everything his dad does. I wouldn't want everyone blaming me for the stuff that Sirius does, you know? I mean, even if it's not anything really bad, it's not something that I did, and so I don't think it's fair to make me explain it or feel bad about it. Does that make sense?
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 16:56:53 UTC |
"Fathers shall not be put to death for their sons, nor shall sons be put to death for their fathers."
Yes Harry, that makes sense. :-)
That's Deuteronomy, for Draco's benefit.
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:01:03 UTC |
Who said I do? After all, isn't it relatively common and boring to refer to me as intolerant? Most of Hogwarts does so, and I rather think that implies that I'm not tolerant of Potter at all. Of course, he does seem to finagle his way into my life on more occasions than one would consider normal, but as he's obviously a fan of mine and I'm a generous person, I've not yet had him sent to a Russian wizarding school.
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 16:50:57 UTC |
I don't know why he stopped, really. I guess he thought I got the point, or something. I think he ran out of students, because he got all the way through Slytherin House before he stopped. I don't really know.
And I pretty much remember that whole night. I don't know what you'd want to know about it, because what Malfoy said was pretty much what happened. I was kind of lost and dizzy and so I was sitting down in a corridor, and Malfoy found me, and I leaned on him because it felt funny to be standing up, and then I guess I decided that I would kiss him, and then he left. That's pretty much how it went.
I haven't really seen any movies since I was about 10 or so, and mostly I watched stupid kids movies back then, or whatever they brought home for Dudley to watch. I think I saw Young Frankenstein once and it was pretty funny, but I don't know if I would say it was my favourite or anything.
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 17:50:52 UTC |
Yeah, I think Malfoy was the last detention he gave. But no, Remus and Sirius and I don't go to the cinema. It would be kind of a pain and I guess I don't really think they're worth the trouble.
(parent)notapipe @ August 14 2003, 18:13:46 UTC |
I was referring to wizard musicals, though I agree Sirius's musical tastes leave something to be desired: He needs to branch out his metal tastes a bit more. I'd be amused to see what Sirius thinks of Rhapsody, for example.
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:48:22 UTC |
I don't go to wizard musicals. Who told you that I did? And I like plenty of Muggle entertainment, or I do when I see it, anyway, but it's kind of a pain to find a television or a cinema at Hogwarts or Dogear Wryde, and I don't like any Muggle entertainment enough to bother to try, you know?
(parent)meifu_shinigami @ August 15 2003, 15:57:51 UTC |
By 'trouble', do you mean the two of them snogging as soon as the lights go out?
That would certainly make watching movies rather difficult.
toopizza @ August 14 2003, 16:12:26 UTC |
Draco: How exactly did you coerce Harry into giving you his password?
Harry: How does playing Quidditch make you feel? What's the best part of it? Flying or the feeling of winning, or what?
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:03:49 UTC |
I took him to a cliff and, using my supernatural strength, dangled him over it by his toenails until he spelt it out letter by letter. Then I had a quick victory lap around a bed of lava and singed off most of his hair.
Also, I asked for it.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 17:25:55 UTC |
What *is* his password? Is it "potterstinks" like mine?
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 14 2003, 17:37:51 UTC |
I knew it!
(hearts and chocolates to your player!)
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 17:47:53 UTC |
*applies Black Dog's theory that PS speaks in code*
"I took him, using my supernatural strength until he sp[i]lt it. Then I had a quick victory lap around [the] bed. Also, I asked for it."
*agrees with Black Dog*
jupistrahan @ August 14 2003, 22:38:55 UTC |
*chokes* You sick creature! How can you even think that, let alone rape his words to form your own sick, twisted fantasies!?
And yet, I bet it's true. *cackles evilly* Excellent work! *giggles*
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:03:47 UTC |
I don't really play for the feeling of winning, though that's better than any other thing, I think. I play because I like the feeling of playing, and flying, more than anything.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 16:16:15 UTC |
Harry: In your copy of Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them, Ron was doodling the "Chudley Cannons" logo. Underneath one of these doodles you wrote, "write a decent team in my book for a change Weasley". When did you start supporting the Cannons?
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:06:05 UTC |
How did you get my textbook? I've been looking for that for months now. Can I have it back please?
(parent)notapipe @ August 14 2003, 18:21:21 UTC |
Do you have any idea how much TBWL's textbook could fetch on eBay? I'd pay at least 5 dollars plus S&H for it, myself. Mainly because I like buying used books, but still.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 18:53:34 UTC |
Nope. Sorry. I think I'm going to sell it on eBay. I've heard that there's an interest...
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 14 2003, 16:24:09 UTC Being a Draco fan is a dangerous thing ... Just watch my brain explode. |
I think what I am about to ask is first and foremost in each person of the NRaged community's minds:
To our favorite Malfoy and most darling Slytherin: What, would you say, is your ideal fashion accessory and/or thing to wear? Also, what is the one thing you would want Harry to wear (in the intrests of making him presentable, of course) but have not managed to get him into yet?
To our darling TBWL: What is your favorite flavour of ice cream? Your favourite song? I wish you the greatest luck in patience with your family (as well as friends) and hope things straighten themselves out.
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:10:27 UTC |
TBWL ought to wear his own trousers rather than trousers that Finnigan picks out for him. Of course, they're terribly outsized, but I personally think the key to fashion is wearing what I think looks best on you and not what anyone else thinks looks best on you.
My favourite thing to wear is of course anything that looks good on me, which is just about everything. I've a set of cerulean robes from Germany that look excellent on me, though of course, there's not much opportunity to wear them at Hogwarts. I do like robes with high collars, as they're traditional and look quite good if you have the neck for them.
My ideal fashion accessory is my wand. I've found it goes with anything.
hunin_munin @ August 14 2003, 17:23:15 UTC |
Oh, yes, of course. Although, I tend to like some of the things Seamus picked out for Harry, there are things like Harry's height and what a pair of pants or shoddy tailoring can do to one's legs. Let us hope that he stays away from patent leather.
I've a set of cerulean robes from Germany that look excellent on me, though of course, there's not much opportunity to wear them at Hogwarts.
That is unfortunate. I am aware that school uniforms are meant to make the school look prim and proper, but they tend to do unfortunate things to the student body. Thankfully you are not stuck in the yellow and black of the Hufflepuff house, though there is little doubt you would be able to pull it off as well. What are your views on embroidery? What colors do you feel work the best for you? (and, yes, i know all colors would no doubt work on you, but your favourites?)
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:28:59 UTC |
At last, the opportunity for me to speak out on embroidery has arrived. I would be feeling positively overjoyed right now if I had any remote interest in embroidery. Likely, you should have asked me about macramé, as I've a world to say on that matter.
Fashion wise, I think I look best in crimson, black, grey, vermillion, amber, violet, scarlet, cerulean, midnight blue, forest green, silver, white, etc etc etc. Fashion not withstanding, my favourite colour is blue.
hunin_munin @ August 14 2003, 17:35:39 UTC |
In that case, dear, what are your views on macrame?
The blue is not too paling on you, is it? Of course it is a lovely compliment to your hair.
As I forgot to ask earlier, do you keep your wand in holder at your belt? What sort of transport do you use to keep it free of scratches and wear?
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 20:06:05 UTC |
I like dark blue. Light blue is for those with dark hair.
Which wand holder? Do you mean my hand? I keep my wand up my sleeve, generally. Quite a lot of robes have loops in the sleeve to keep your wand in, these days. Of course, a wand has to be polished regularly to avoid wear and tear.
hunin_munin @ August 15 2003, 16:24:26 UTC |
I suppose it is just as well that blue is the one color that TBWL can wear, seeing how you like it so much. Should make finding suitable clothing that much more easy. In a light blue, of course.
Of course I meant your hand, dear. >) I do hope you don't wear a riding glove on your wand hand like that idiot Lockheart did. However, do you have any sort of case to hold it in while in transit or do you prefer keeping it on your person?
What a handy feature! One wonders why that had not been worked into robes before now. I am guessing such a thing would have a sort of charm to make sure the wand does not slip free, or does it merely cinch tight around the handle?
Speaking of wands, your prowess with one is quite intimidating. The way you execute a swish and flick is so smooth as to appear natural. Would you say this is through years of practice or pure talent?
potterstinks @ August 15 2003, 16:37:04 UTC |
God, no. Potter would look like a puffed up flower in light blue.
The loops rather size themselves to your wand, but not, of course, so tight you can't remove it. I prefer to carry my wand on my person, as you never know when you'll need it. In fact, if I didn't carry my wand as close to me as I could, I'd feel rather horrified and naked.
What do you mean, 'to appear natural'? It is natural.
hunin_munin @ August 15 2003, 21:13:31 UTC |
That would be amusing to see. I think the effect of wearing his cousin's pants would have the same outcome. Alas. Here I was hoping to see Harry wear periwinkle one of these days.
Ah, then (as it is natural), you display this inate ability beautifully. Pansy must be quite pleased to have such a capable boyfriend. You will be helping Harry with his wandwork, won't you? The darling is quite adept at turning dark lords' wands into fish, but his style lacks a certain ... I am sure I don't need to go into detailing his wand techniques. You have seen him in class, after all.
tiamet_nox @ August 14 2003, 17:39:33 UTC |
Macrame? During the course of my childhood I was subjected to a rather unfortunate macrame moose head staring at me from above the mantle piece. It had googly eyes. My Aunt Elspeth was very proud of it, having made it herself. How can anything you have to say on the subject possibly beat that?
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:13:39 UTC Re: Being a Draco fan is a dangerous thing ... Just watch my brain explode. |
I like banana fudge ripple the best, I think, but I have a different favourite ice cream all the time. And my favourite song is Radio Gaga by Queen, but I have different favourite songs all the time, too.
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 14 2003, 18:20:35 UTC Re: |
Banana fudge ripple, hmm? You should try Chunky Munky, that is, of course, if you like nuts. And you like Queen. What better reason is there to adore you?
(parent)anjenue @ August 14 2003, 18:24:04 UTC Re: Being a Draco fan is a dangerous thing ... Just watch my brain explode. |
*worships the fellow Queen-lover*
Is that Remus's influence, perchance?
just_harry @ August 15 2003, 17:04:20 UTC Re: Being a Draco fan is a dangerous thing ... Just watch my brain explode. |
Remus and Sirius both listen to excellent music, but yeah, I think it was Remus who played that for me first.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 16:31:01 UTC |
Be honest, Harry - have you taken a side in what's going on with Sirius and Remus? Do you even think they ought to stay together anymore, if it's got so bad that Remus had to leave?
If you could say anything to either of them, what would you say?
Oh and how is Rosie?
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:19:15 UTC |
Well, yeah, always one side makes more sense than the other. I mean, I'm trying to understand both sides, but you can't help but take sides just a little bit. Yeah, I think they should stay together. I think that if you tell someone you love them and you want to be with them forever and you marry them you've made a promise and you'd better stick with it and try to make it work. Or you shouldn't ever have gotten married in the first place. I think you get old enough where you should know better than to just make promises that you don't mean.
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:19:37 UTC |
Oh, yeah, and Rosie is pretty good. Thanks for asking!
(parent)ma_cheri @ August 14 2003, 16:47:21 UTC |
Draco: Who would you rather be stuck on an island with: Harry or Pansy?
Harry: What do you think of Millicent?
*loves you both*
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:12:22 UTC |
Why would I ever be stuck on an island? If I were going to be stuck on an island, why would I get to choose who I was washed up with? Of course, I'd infinitely prefer to be a cast away by myself, but I suppose if it came down to Pansy and Potter, I'd choose Potter. If I ran out of food, I'm sure Potter would be too polite to kill me and cook me over a fire. Pansy, on the other hand, would probably try to do so and end up taking three days to kill me on top of it.
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:20:35 UTC |
Millicent's alright, I think. She's kind of scary when you're getting to know her, but she's okay.
(parent)kat99999 @ August 14 2003, 16:49:01 UTC |
To both boys (:-D)-
Who are your closest friends at the moment, and why do you consider them to be? What is it that you really like about them?
Thank you!
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:13:49 UTC |
In order, I spend the most time with Millicent, Pansy, Potter, Crabbe and Goyle. That's not to say I like anything particularly about any one of them.
(parent)el_erzulie @ August 14 2003, 21:07:28 UTC |
Speaking of Millicent...
Did you decide her hangman skills were just not good enough to warrant playing anymore?
One word. Six letters. Has an O. What is the first word that comes to mind? ^_^
potterstinks @ August 15 2003, 15:35:33 UTC |
No, Millicent was angry that I cheated. She's rather a sore loser that way.
A six letter word with an O? Malfoy.
potterstinks @ August 15 2003, 15:54:34 UTC |
Alternately, since I'm bored:
Which is the first word that came to my mind? You tell me.
el_erzulie @ August 16 2003, 02:09:59 UTC |
It's not really cheating so much as utilizing more skills than the game necessarily requires. In that way, you are simply thinking beyond the square...
Damn. My mind was evidently not up to scratch yesterday.
el_erzulie @ August 16 2003, 02:12:47 UTC |
... *g* Did I miss something? God damn, if only. Or you know, Potter, but I forgot that Malfoy had an "o". Sodding stupidity, that's what that is.
However! Five letter word, starts in S ends in ash...? ^_~
_ _ _ _ _
el_erzulie @ August 20 2003, 00:54:50 UTC |
*sips at tea and eyes you warily* That, my dear, is uncanny.
(parent)el_erzulie @ March 3 2004, 03:30:10 UTC |
*L* Hullo! This is the oldest comment, so I was very confused, but HI! *beams*
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:23:29 UTC |
My closest friends are Hermione and Ron. Everyone knows that. I haven't gotten to see alot of them this summer, but that's just because I had to stay with the Dursleys, and Hermione's on holiday, and Ron and I both kind of want to be with our families now. But they've always been my best friends and they always will be.
(parent)doingfirst @ August 14 2003, 16:50:53 UTC |
Harry: What do you find most frustrating about Draco?
Draco: What is your first childhood memory that you can remember?
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:17:40 UTC |
When I was two or so, I inadvertently broke a china cup with accidental magic because My Mother went to greet a friend and left me in the bath. Of course, I certainly didn't intend to break the cup, as far as I can recall, but accidental magic is delicate.
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:29:27 UTC |
I think it's that he doesn't listen all the time, and that he decides what you mean for you, and doesn't pay attention when you try to explain. He just figures that he knows.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 16:58:55 UTC |
How did you feel when you finally realized that Draco's the one you're attracted to?
How did you feel when Draco kept ignoring you after you tried to kiss him ?
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:38:50 UTC |
I kind of thought I was going crazy, honestly, about liking him. It was pretty hopeless, you know? And just knowing that it was him made me feel like a jerk sometimes. And the ignoring thing, I'd say it felt awful, but at the same time I kind of expected it so it wasn't a surprise or anything. It was really frustrating because I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't been drinking, because I knew it was a dumb idea. I just wished that I could have made it like it never happened, more than anything. I just screwed things up is all.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 18:43:54 UTC |
You say "wished". Do you still wish that you could have made it like it never happened?
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 21:52:43 UTC |
Sometimes I think yeah, but everything would be completely different if I hadn't, so I think it all worked out.
(parent)anjenue @ August 14 2003, 19:34:43 UTC |
Darling Harry, you can't possibly have screwed things up. If anything, drink brings out repressed feelings...so they were only natural. You aren't a jerk for expressing your feelings, and don't ever let anyone tell you differently.
Besides, he still talks to you...so what can you possibly have screwed up? *tilts head*
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 17:01:03 UTC Just two comments, really. |
Harry...I'm sorry about what's going on with Sirius and Remus. I trust it'll all be worked out in the end, and you can be a family again (although, I hope you know that you never really stopped being a family).
Draco...I admire you more every day. I think that's all that needs to be said, really.
Tara (taradiane, who should be abstaining but couldn't resist.)
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:31:28 UTC |
I think that's all that needs to be said as well. It speaks for all of us, don't you think?
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 14 2003, 17:18:31 UTC |
Draco: Is M.B. really god? Discuss.
Harry: Whatever happened with Ron and Hermione?
Player question: Do you find making fangirl/boys faint, squee (or other) amusing? Any other sadistic pleasures? And in your opinion are toe socks evil and/or a sign of the Apocalypse? Thank you so much!
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:20:49 UTC |
No, Millicent is an egotheist. Now that I've finally worked that word into casual conversation, I suppose that makes me god.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 17:21:55 UTC |
Draco: Do you plan on remodeling your estate so it can hold your ego?
Harry: If you had one wish, what would it be?
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:43:25 UTC |
I don't know. I wish I could have my mum and dad back, I guess.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 17:23:25 UTC |
Draco and Harry:
Have you ever had an erotic dream about each other?
If so, could you please describe in detail?
Were you alone the whole time in the washroom at DW (Dumbledore's birthday party)?
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:30:38 UTC |
'Alone' is an interesting word. Now, when you say alone, do you mean physically or emotionally?
(parent)cirakaite @ August 14 2003, 23:35:58 UTC |
How did you come to be right there? And what exactly was the entertainment of which Draco speaks?
<3<3<3 to your player, and Draco's
just_harry @ August 15 2003, 17:09:53 UTC |
Well, I opened the bathroom door and pulled Malfoy inside and didn't leave after that, which is how I was right there. I don't know what he meant by entertainment. It's not like there was anything specific.
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Anonymous @ August 15 2003, 22:41:45 UTC |
What did you two do in the washroom? Why not the bedroom or other rooms?
It didn't seem so comfortable .
potterstinks @ August 16 2003, 14:08:51 UTC |
I already said I was in the lavatory because it was the only room no one had filled with drunken slobs. Why does no one listen to me? I'm starting to think no one understands me ever.
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Anonymous @ August 17 2003, 14:30:21 UTC |
But Harry's with you that night, were you still alone emotionally?
(parent)purestblood @ August 14 2003, 21:54:54 UTC |
You were in the washroom with my son? How intriguing. May I inquire after your health, Mr. Potter? My wife is ever so concerned with your wellbeing. Did I not know better, I'd say she is fonder of you than of her own son. We, of course, know that such a thing is patently false.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 22:05:12 UTC |
Mister Malfoy,
Go lock yourself in a closet. All parties involved will be happier for you sacrifice.
el_erzulie @ August 15 2003, 07:25:50 UTC |
*raises hand* Not this party! I will rally my troops, never you fear.
The Hair! The Stick! The Sexiness Of It All. *strokes Lucius' arm and runs away cackling*
...which is not to say that Harry isn't the LOVELIEST little thing ever, because he clearly IS. Evil, though, with such small hints.
dragynville @ August 16 2003, 13:45:48 UTC |
Mr. Malfoy, quit trying to rain on our squee parade. :p
(parent)eponis @ August 14 2003, 17:28:42 UTC |
Draco and/or Harry: Why do you think that it seems like the majority of people on nraged are overly obsessed with your relationship and its romantic possibilities?
Players: Does it ever get irritating? Though I probably know the answer to that.
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:52:49 UTC |
I don't really know why they are. I think people just like to gossip. They talk about everyone else, too. It's not just us.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 17:31:19 UTC |
For either of you:
-Who is/are your role model(s)?
-In general, do you enjoy school?
-Do you care what others think of you?
-What is your greatest strength as a person?
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 17:41:43 UTC |
My Father, of course, is a suitable role model for any young wizard. He's quite successful and has managed to be a success in his own right regardless of any previous notions regarding his surname.
I certainly don't enjoy school. They seem to think it's clever to teach us at a level well below my intelligence and often what they teach is so remedial that I can't be bothered with it. That's not to mention the fact that I attend Hogwarts with some of the drippiest human beings I have ever had the horror of meeting in my entire life. Sometimes, though, I suppose Hogwarts is acceptable.
I don't care what others think of me at all, because, of course, I already know what everyone thinks of me, which is only the best. I can't see why anyone would think otherwise.
My greatest strength as a person is my highly delectable wit. Of course, there's also the fact that I'm quite alluring and distracting. There are far too many strengths of mine for me to be able to choose just one.
vellum @ August 14 2003, 17:34:14 UTC |
both: where do you think your completely platonic relationship with each other is going to go in the future?
draco: you do know your dad's... friend is trying to kill harry, right? and that your dad completely supports this?
harry: who do you think is the better parent, lupin or black?
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 18:55:39 UTC |
I don't know where our friendship is going to go. Ask Trelawney or something. I bet she has all sorts of ideas about it.
And that's not a fair question about Sirius and Remus. They're different people and they do things in different ways, and I think it's pretty rude of you to ask that.
zionsstarfish @ August 14 2003, 17:40:08 UTC |
Harry: why didn't your best man's speech go off as planned during the wedding? How did you get that split lip, and why did you need that locking spell? And if you don't want to answer those, you can just tell me how you eat your Oreos. You strike me as someone who licks the cream off, don't ask me why. Oh dear, am I going to the special hell? ;) :) *many smooshes to you and your player :)*
Draco: what are you looking forward to most upon your return to Hogwarts? Before summer ends, do you have any special plans? *<3333 to you & your player :)*
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 19:00:27 UTC |
I got distracted because Malfoy tracked me down and yelled at me when I was trying to finish it. I got the split lip because he punched me, and I didn't need a locking spell. I learned one.
I haven't had oreos in a really long time, but I used to like to smash the cookies down on each other until the white part came out the sides. I thought they tasted better that way.
notapipe @ August 14 2003, 17:41:40 UTC |
Draco, Harry, thanks for gracing us with your presence. I'm sure it's the high point of a great number of our pathetic lives.
Questions for both:
What's your favorite musical?
Have you seen Zabini? Do you know what gender it is?
What non-family member (thus, also not yourself) do you idolize the most?
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 19:04:22 UTC |
I don't have a favourite musical. I don't think I've really seen any. And I didn't see Zabini, but I heard it. I can tell you that it's strong, but its voice is so weird that I don't know what kind of it it is.
And I don't really know about idolising anyone. I really really look up to Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall. I think if you had asked me before the wedding, I would have probably said Professor Lupin, but he's family now, so he doesn't count.
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ex_delz @ August 14 2003, 17:42:58 UTC |
I don't have any questions, but I'd just like to express my awe at the fact that the players took time to answer all these questions.
Reason number eight million to love NA.
saffronlie @ August 14 2003, 17:49:04 UTC |
Draco, I imagine you to be a man of many ambitions -- what plans do you have for a career after Hogwarts?
Harry, dear, what would you like to do after school, too?
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 19:09:42 UTC |
I think someone else asked me this already. What I really want to do is be an Auror, but I'm not sure they'll take me.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 17:49:08 UTC |
Draco, would you describe yourself as Uke or Seme? In the event you are not familiar with these terms feel free to leer attractively. If you are familiar with them, which term would you apply to Harry? Would he agree?
(parent)anjenue @ August 14 2003, 18:05:43 UTC |
First off, I'd just like to express my heartfelt <333 to both of you (and your players) for being so damn incredible.
That out of the way, my questions:
Draco, darling, we all know you are the Prince of Slytherin, and you certainly seem to fit your role very well...do you feel like you are the true embodiment of what a Slytherin should be? (Also, can I have your babies?)
Harry, dear, do you ever wonder if perhaps you might have done well if you'd let the Sorting Hat place you in Slytherin? Do you ever wonder about that decision (not necessarily regret)?
To both of you, I do hope things with your parents turn out well. Much love and many hugs from me.
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 19:16:26 UTC |
Well, if the Sorting Hat thought so, I guess the Sorting Hat was probably right. I used to wonder about it alot. But I think I'm doing fine in Gryffindor, and I don't think that the Hat would have put me here if I didn't belong here. I think just about everyone probably could have done okay in a different house.
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 14 2003, 18:45:10 UTC |
Draco: This is such a rare and special opportunity that you offer. Do you think it possible that the subsequent squeeing of your fans could knock out the power in several major cities across the Atlantic? You are, after all, rather electrifying.
Also, of the many people you know, who is the most entertaining? And do you have a favorite book?
Harry: Before you came to Hogwarts, who or what was the closest thing you had for a friend?
Many thanks to the both of you, and good luck in answering the rest of the questions.
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 19:21:01 UTC |
I didn't really have friends before I came to Hogwarts. I would for a little bit, like, when someone new moved to our school, but never for very long. I can't even think of somebody to tell you, because there really wasn't anybody. Sorry.
(parent)xnera @ August 14 2003, 18:55:11 UTC |
Draco: What do you find comforting about being enraged all the time? Also, what is your happiest memory?
Harry: How do you feel you've changed over the last year?
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 19:25:47 UTC |
I don't know how I've changed. I guess maybe I've learned to be a little more patient, but I'm not sure. I got to be with my family, and got to be better at having a family, I think, but then again, if you think about it, I probably didn't do so well at that, either. I don't think I have a very good answer for you.
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 19:28:42 UTC |
It kind of sounds like you're already pretty sure, so does it matter if I admit it or not?
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neveth @ August 14 2003, 19:12:10 UTC |
Harry: Do your glasses ever bother you? Like slipping off or anything?
Draco: Isn't terribly hard being SO devestantingly wonderful?
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 19:30:10 UTC |
They stay put pretty well. Hermione helped me with that.
(parent)athene_51 @ August 14 2003, 19:17:34 UTC |
- In your opinion, what is Hermione's best quality? Ron's? Sirius's? Remus's?
- After growing up in the Muggle world, what would you consider the most amazing and/or confusing thing about the Wizarding World?
- Was there any particular significance in your choice of the Volga Boat Song for that essay you wrote?
- In general, does being around Harry make you more or less enraged than usual? Or does that depend on the situation?
Thanks for answering our questions!
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 19:55:44 UTC |
I don't think that any of them have one best quality. I mean, Hermione's funny and when you're upset there's really no one better to talk to. I keep thinking that I have things that I can't tell to anyone, but when I tell them to Hermione, it's okay, and she makes me think about them differently. She's smart and she's just about the most true friend you can have, and she's completely patient when she has to explain things like how to tie ties to me over and over. Everyone's like that, you know? Ron's loyal and really brilliantly funny and you don't have to be anyone around him, and even when he doesn't understand or like what you're doing, he's still your friend anyway. And Sirius is fun and he almost always makes me feel safe, and I feel like whatever I'm thinking and whatever I'm feeling is okay when Sirius is around. And it's sometimes like Remus knows what I think before I say anything, and I don't have to say anything at all, and he always takes me seriously and never makes me feel like just a kid. I can't pick just one thing about anyone.
And I'm trying to remember what was the hardest thing to get used to when I came here, but nothing seemed to be any harder than anything else. Probably the thing that I'm still not used to is the Improper Use of Magic department. I still don't understand how they can tell how a spell is cast somewhere miles and miles away but not know who cast it. It doesn't really matter much anymore now that I'm 17, but they've always really bothered me.
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Anonymous @ August 14 2003, 19:23:19 UTC |
To both of you:
How tall are you?
What's the most embarassing moment in your life?
What endearing qualities do you adore about each other?
mars_daydream @ August 14 2003, 19:24:05 UTC |
To both of you: If you had a free day to do whatever you wanted, how would you spend your time?
mars_daydream @ August 14 2003, 19:26:59 UTC |
(Looks like babytyggeryss and I had the same idea at the same time. ;) )
babytyggeryss @ August 14 2003, 19:24:58 UTC |
Boys, thank you for doing this; you are very sweet.
Harry--What is your idea of a perfect day?
Draco--What are your plans after you leave school?
I wish you both much happiness.
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 20:55:21 UTC |
I plan to be a gentleman of leisure when I leave Hogwarts. I'll spend my days in satin dressing gowns smoking metre long pipes. Also, I'll likely not wake up until 1500 in the afternoon, so don't drop in.
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chibi_draco @ August 14 2003, 20:07:40 UTC |
Draco: Have you solved your house elf problem yet? What do you want to be when you get out of Hogwarts?
Harry: You're brilliant with the fish thing and all. (Who would've thought it?) Is Dudley getting any thinner? What's your favorite kind of candy, magical or otherwise?
potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 21:08:06 UTC |
Oh, you mean the problem wherein all of the elves at Hogwarts stalk me like a piece of meat? No, as a matter of fact, I haven't, given that their master won't bother giving them clothes or telling them to refrain from stalking the students. I suspect that when I return to Hogwarts, my bed will have been sawed all the way to the ground. They leave MESSAGES IN MY FOOD. They write on the steam that's left on the mirror after I shower. They are threatening my very life and Dumbledore can't be bothered to do a thing. I ask you, is this fair? Of course not. But then again, I'm only DRACO MALFOY, so who cares? My Father has tried his best, but Dumbledore must think it's funny, as he's not listened. Father says we haven't heard the last of this, though, so I expect something will be done by the time I leave.
(parent)just_harry @ August 14 2003, 22:43:22 UTC |
Who is that? He kind of looks like Malfoy, but he isn't. What is that?
(parent)notapipe @ August 14 2003, 20:54:32 UTC |
Draco, would you be so kind as to regale us with a tale of Harry's incompetence? You do it very well.
(parent)potterstinks @ August 14 2003, 21:28:08 UTC Potter, you should likely read this as well. |
Yeah, sure. Where do I start?
Potter once got chased down the corridor by a fat little dwarf dressed as Cupid who wanted to sing him a valentine from the Weaselette.
Potter, evidently, breaks noses when he decides he finds people charming.
Potter once stupidly accepted food from a suspicious party who had, in fact, laced it with a Sleeping Potion.
Potter made me hobble all the way to the computer room from my dormitory on crutches, and then he didn't even offer to levitate me or something.
Potter gave me something from the Muggling World for Christmas, which I'd been under the impression didn't work, and when I tried to ask him about it he had no idea what I was even talking about.
Potter accidentally participated in the Triwizard Tournament. What sort of moron accidentally participates in a tournament?
Potter attacked me for no apparent reason at the Bleu Ball, and, as it turns out, he evidently thought this was the appropriate thing to do, as I've learnt over a year later.
Potter has this odd shirt that he seems to think is the greatest thing in the universe, but what no one is telling him is that it makes him look like a plum. Sometimes he wears it with his scarf, which of course just makes him look like a plum covered in mustard and catsup.
Potter once got his foot stuck in his cauldron and tried to be very discreet about it, but one can hardly be discreet when one is wearing a cauldron as an overly large boot.
Potter encouraged me to steal an automobile several weeks ago. So much for all of those noble intentions.
Potter's knee went out while he and I were being chased by a maniacal book from the Restricted Section, so I was left to take care of it by myself. Of course, I've not yet received an award for Special Services to the school for this, but I'm certain it's just around the corner.
Potter stupidly allowed me to transfigure his wand into a fish, and then seemed surprised when I didn't turn it back immediately.
Potter is friends with Weasley, which I think speaks for itself.
Potter is, ingeneral, ludicrous.
nightflight @ August 14 2003, 20:54:55 UTC |
First off, let me thank both of you fine gentlemen for taking the time to answer our questions. You are really great. I just have a question or two for Harry though, since many people already asked the wonderful potterstinks things I had on my mind.
Harry - my apologies if this has been asked before, or if you've gone over this in the past, but when did you start feeling attracted to men? Is he the first one you've ever liked? You've been so incredibly strong through everything -- as somebody who has had to deal with the lack of family and other issues similiar to yours, I send you lots of warm hugs and love. My thoughts are always with you.
Did you enjoy 'gulf'?
Thank you. =)
just_harry @ August 14 2003, 22:52:35 UTC |
I don't think anyone asked me that yet. I didn't really realise that I was attracted to men until I figured it out about Malfoy, and that was like a year ago or so. So yeah, he was the first one.
And thanks. Sometimes you figure that there isn't anyone who gets it, or who knows what you're thinking, and so it's nice to know that it's not true. I mean, it's not nice to know that stuff like that has happened to you, too, but you know what I mean.
And golf was fun, but we didn't really play by the rules. We didn't figure out the rules until later. We just hit rocks at things until we hit this lady's dog, and then we ran.