anoni @ 2003-08-17 13:38:00 |
Lupin posts!
Mood: depressed
Lupin posts...
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 20:44:29 UTC |
he sounds sooo alone....
*chants* wontgetweepyagainwontgetweepyagain
anatidae @ August 16 2003, 21:36:54 UTC |
He seems to be ignoring the arguments in the comment between Sirius, Snape, Lucius and Narcissa. And so far, all he's commented on is decorating ideas.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 21:38:18 UTC |
yeah, ive just got back online and started reading that. after last night, its good to have some relative non-angst though.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 21:41:30 UTC |
Very good. I hopefully won't be up till mignight again wibbling. *looks at Lucius's comments* OK, maybe I will.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 21:43:23 UTC |
only midnight for you? im jealous, where i am, it was almost 3:30AM that i stopped wibbling last night...
school and N_A shall not be good...
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 21:46:18 UTC |
Mother kicked me off. Something about me being sick.
school and N_A shall not be good...
I have to be in bed by 9:30, and counting that all the good stuff happens at night, I'm pretty much screwed.
anoni @ August 16 2003, 21:46:24 UTC |
I am in the middle of the school term, and approaching several deadlines. The world is a wonderful place, no? ^^
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 21:52:22 UTC |
The world is a wonderful place, no? ^^
absolutely wonderful. ^^;;ohh, the middle of the term, ive still two weeks before i forefeit my freedom of all night internet -.-;;
but then again my town is on the verge of cutting electives in school, i might have a study to sleep through...
anoni @ August 17 2003, 01:48:29 UTC |
Oh, no question there. They can wait - NA cannot.
Wait, it should be the other way around. Ah, well. Of course, I'm perfectly aware that should my grades drop by a milimeter, I'll be banned from the internet, but I'll claim I was on drugs. And it would be true, too. ^^
anoni @ August 17 2003, 01:49:33 UTC |
Awww... ::pats:: You'll survive, trust me. Just be prepared for three hours of sleep instead of six. ^_^
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 17 2003, 02:00:39 UTC |
September 3rd is my birthday!! Sorry , I just get irrationally excited whenever I see it. I go back on the 5th, but I have to have english coursework done by enrolment which is the 21st of August -.-
(parent)ungemmed @ August 17 2003, 10:46:15 UTC |
You go back that late? !!!!
My school district restarts on the twenty-seventh.
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shallowfemme @ August 17 2003, 11:16:14 UTC |
We got out on June 12. It depends on what time you get out of school, my cousins got out in May, but ahd to go back August 10th or something.
(parent)eponis @ August 16 2003, 20:49:48 UTC |
Heh. His three initial comments are kind of a good summary of how Lupin's closest friends have reacted to him in general. Narcissa cares, in that she responds immediately and helps him in the way that she knows (with decorating advice), while totally missing the deep sadness and need in his entry. Snape acknowledges how Lupin is feeling (and bickers with Sirius), and in so doing shows that he cares, but refuses to actually comfort Lupin in more than the most minimalist fashion. Sirius manages to avoid talking about Lupin's depression while indicating by his tone that he does care, but does it in the kind of way that's only going to make Lupin feel more guilty.
Lord, this so situation is so engaging and so sad and so messed up.
(In other news, I'm making a big pot of Lupin's favorite soup at the moment, and the silly, ignoring-reality part of me really, really wishes I could send him a big hot mug of it right now . . .)
babytyggeryss @ August 16 2003, 20:59:03 UTC |
Snape acknowledges how Lupin is feeling (and bickers with Sirius), and in so doing shows that he cares, but refuses to actually comfort Lupin in more than the most minimalist fashion.
If Snape shows anymore concern, that would show any feelings beyond friendship he might have. No one is ready for that.
It would also start a fight of world-ending proportions with Sirius and force Remus into a very-large guilt-trip.
eponis @ August 16 2003, 21:09:38 UTC |
You're absolutely right, of course.
On the one hand, the Snape/Lupin dynamic in this whole ordeal has made me happy. Snape's clearly being supportive, without showing any signs of other interest, and Lupin is talking to him without directly begging for comfort. Frankly, even if Snape is interested in more than friendship, I don't think that there's any way that Lupin would accept; he loves and misses Sirius, despite everything, and what he misses is Sirius, not just an empty bed.
I can't believe that I'm saying this, but I truly hope that their relationship stays (for the forseeable future) as a deepening friendship, for a number of reasons. One is, as you say, that anything in the near future is inviting trouble. The other, though, is that Lupin's and Snape's personalities are just as different as S & R's, just in different ways. They're really getting to care for each other, and I'm afraid that anything romantic or sexual would be even more disasterous than what's happening now.
So yeah. Much with the friendship and the comfort. As much as the romantic in me is screaming for Remus to just find someone who'll wuv him, and wibbling over Snape's "You are not alone."
notapipe @ August 16 2003, 21:25:08 UTC |
I agree with the "staying" aspect. Excuse the aristotlian sentiment, but there's absolutely nothing wrong, and a lot right, with agape (which I see this as, currently). And at least in this case, now, eros is a step down.
(parent)blue_lightning @ August 16 2003, 21:45:48 UTC |
More importantly, Snape has taken it upon himself to intervene with his usual edge to comments that might just hurt Remus more, thus relieving Remus of the need to answer them himself. Not only has their friendship deepened quite beautifully as of late, it seems Snape has taken the role of protector and guide, in that he is doing what is necessary to help Remus acclimatize himself to being single with the least amount of anguish possible.
Everyone needs a guardian, and I'm glad Remus has the best.
On another note, it seems that things have finally calmed to the point of civility between Sirius and Remus. With the heated emotional conflict behind them, perhaps they will finally be able to reflect upon the situation and handle it like adults. It seems that some time apart may have been the best remedy possible. Hopefully the end result of this "treatment" will be a better understanding of each other's needs and concerns. The whole situation is being played out most spectacularly. Kudos to the players, and much love to Snape.
notapipe @ August 16 2003, 21:17:43 UTC |
I don't think that's the problem. I think they both know, for Snape has shown, that Snape has MASSIVE concern, certianly enough for your scenario if that's the case (though I am not sure I think it is so, I tend to go more with the Shakespeare scenario provided (though sonnet 18 would be interesting in this case, :P)).
I think it's more about Snape's personality. He's not good at providing comfort like that. I know the feeling. For some, it's hard to figure out how to do that. Plus, it's just not Snape. You're suggesting he doesn't become an entirely different person because he doesn't want to deal with the consequences of that re: his relationship with Remus; I think it's rather more simple that Snape doesn't become an entirely different person (though his concern is pretty extreme for him).
babytyggeryss @ August 16 2003, 21:34:54 UTC |
Maybe I should have worded my statement better:
Anymore concern on the part of Snape (who has always paid particular attention to Remus), would make him very OCC and that might attract the attention of Sirius.
Sirius, of course, would call him on it and that would start a fight.
notapipe @ August 16 2003, 21:41:26 UTC |
Either way, you're suggesting that Snape could show any more concern, and that consequences could arise from this possible action and it is therefore avoided. Snape is showing heaping insanely large mounds of concern, I'm not sure if it's even humanly possible for Snape to show more concern. Others could, I suppose, but Snape just doesn't have the personality.
Since it's just not possible for him to show significantly more concern (enough that it would be substantially different in it's implications, he could say immensly powerful "Yes."es more, of course, but that's more of the same), there is no avoidance of a fight.
anjenue @ August 17 2003, 00:39:43 UTC |
You know, the mention of sonnets made me think of my favorite:
"Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds
Or bends with the remover to remove
Oh no! it is an ever fixed mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken."
(Sonnet 116)
As much as I ADORE S/R...that just puts me in mind that maybe their love wasn't as complete and true as we (and they) once thought? And maybe they were married without really considering what it would entail?
I hate to say this, since I really do love them so much...but...seriously...
theantimodel @ August 16 2003, 22:56:27 UTC |
Narcissa cares, in that she responds immediately and helps him in the way that she knows (with decorating advice), while totally missing the deep sadness and need in his entry.
Hmm, I read that completely oppositely. I think Narcissa understands a lot more than she is given credit for. She was responding in the manner that she was wanted to, Remus wanted to discuss furnishings with her, so she responded on that topic. And the way I see it, concentrating on decorating is probably much easier for both of them right now than talking about the other stuff is.
And as for her understanding of Remus' situation, and not being compassionate, I think that her comments to Sirius could shed a lot more light on her feelings on the matter. Also, Narcissa often tries to keep her real feelings from coming out on the "entre-net" as she likes to have the emotional discussions in person, so it is possible that she could be saving that for when they get together to decorate.
saffronlie @ August 17 2003, 00:39:24 UTC |
This is the first time that Narcissa has confronted Sirius and commented directly with him in a while. I like that she's sort of protecting Remus while also keeping an eye on the man who could make Lucius an infidel again. She really is doing what she can for Remus and making a stand for herself into the bargain, and that can only be a good thing.
(parent)dragynville @ August 17 2003, 02:11:04 UTC |
I agree. And here, Remus and Narcissa seem to be making plans to discuss the deeper issues privately, which suits their personalities.
(parent)babytyggeryss @ August 16 2003, 20:53:36 UTC |
Sirius and Snape are fighting........AGAIN.
It's like two suiters fighting over a much-wanted lady.
Life is bitter-sweet.
tocomfortyou @ August 16 2003, 21:00:32 UTC |
Oh my sweet Jesus in a corn field, Snape's last comment, ("Yes.") is going to make me CRY.
::chin wobbles dangerously::
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 21:09:55 UTC |
Me being the stupid idiot I am, have yet to figure out what he meant by that. Can someone please explain, and put me out my braindead induced misery?
*hands tocomfortyou tissues*
*and cookies*
anoni @ August 16 2003, 21:17:00 UTC |
Yes, Remus will get used to the quiet. I think that's what he means. It made me cry too, by the way. ::pensive::
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 21:33:14 UTC |
Thanks for claering that up. *thinks* Ah. Oh god. *cries*
(parent)tortietta @ August 16 2003, 21:11:09 UTC |
This whole situation is just so depressing. I wish I could just wrap both Sirius and Remus up in a great big hug and make it all better.
I know that most people are siding with Remus, and with good reason, but a part of me feels just as sorry for Sirius as it does for Remus.
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Anonymous @ August 17 2003, 11:25:55 UTC |
I did feel sorry for Sirius before, but lately I've been feeling less and less sympathetic for him. He's not doing anything! Yes, there was that one time that he went to talk to Remus, but since then, he's been very distant. Yes, he was being helpful when he offered Remus the furniture in the manor, but it's helping Remus in his attempts to get away from Sirius. Sirius needs to fight for this relationship, and he's not, and the apathy he's showing is what bothers me most of all.
(parent)windtear @ August 17 2003, 18:23:03 UTC |
I know that most people are siding with Remus, and with good reason, but a part of me feels just as sorry for Sirius as it does for Remus.
As well you should. It does take two to fight. In a divorce nobody is guiltless. But I agree it's harder to sympathise with Sirius, because of his actions.
I want to shake him and say, "Damnit, man! What's it going to take to get you to bloody well work for your marriage? Did you think it was going to just be an idyllic dream where you didn't have to do anything? Relationships, if they're going to go anywhere, require commitment, time, energy, input and sensitivity. They're a lot of work. The point is that they're worth it. Or wasn't Lupin worth it?"
Hopefully, after he'd given me a bloody nose, he'd think about what I'd said.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 21:37:05 UTC |
Me to. *huggles imaginary potions_master plushie*
Am feeling extreme Lucius hate as well.
anatidae @ August 16 2003, 21:39:12 UTC |
Yesh. *wibbles after Snape*
I <3 this thread, and how the seperate marriage issues, though they are linked, have come together.
zorb @ August 16 2003, 23:13:38 UTC |
Very much. "You are a crude, vomitous mass" is my new favorite insult.
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 17 2003, 02:06:01 UTC |
Me too! I giggled like mad when I read that and am searching for someone to use it on. Possibly my sister.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 21:49:42 UTC |
Erm. I believe he's saying that he got Sirius out of the way, so Severus can get Remus.
(parent)notapipe @ August 16 2003, 21:59:18 UTC |
Thanks, but I was talking about Token intelligence. Aside from Lupin, that is. Not something Snape concedes often.
*should be more clear*
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 22:09:17 UTC |
yes, but i think its because he's working on Lupin's side in answer to the posts of Lucius and Sirius. as somebody in another thread stated, he's being himself but if he pushes it anymore he'll be way OOC.
(parent)anoni @ August 16 2003, 21:43:30 UTC |
In a way, Remus' entry proves a point - Sirius really is coming out as the 'baddie' in this situation. Both he and Remus have posted depressed entries within the past day or so, but whereas Remus was offered comfort from several sources, the only person to speak to Sirius was Lucius himself. That doesn't excuse his invitation to Lucius, of course, but I'm feeling desperately sorry for Sirius at the moment. He is so *alone*. And he shouldn't be alone after what happened - he did care for Remus, after all, and he cared a lot. Besides, a seperation is never entirely one person's fault.
(parent)anatidae @ August 16 2003, 21:46:49 UTC |
Thank you, you've summed up my feelings far better than I could have done.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 22:10:40 UTC |
<33 your icon!
yeah, all of Remus's icons are lonely, i miss all of his other ones, the human ones. ;_;
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 22:15:34 UTC |
yeah people IRL were commenting on me this afternoon when i was laughing and counting out Haiku on my fingers. nobody understands... ^^
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Anonymous @ August 16 2003, 22:23:49 UTC |
LJ is being stupid. Ignore that. I was just switching icons.
- Lupin's player (*snarl*)
anjenue @ August 17 2003, 00:43:55 UTC |
*weeps and hugs you, even though you are the player and not Remus, because it makes me feel better*
I <3 you and Remus equally though...*smiles bravely*
bentley @ August 17 2003, 01:51:43 UTC |
It is it is.
...And Severus never replied to lucius' question.
*has cried. Cried back when Sirius and Remus were "conversing"*
Online. You. Now?
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childofatlantis @ August 17 2003, 10:17:22 UTC |
Actually... I want to glomp Remus silly, and all, but... is anyone else starting to get the urge to grab him by the shoulders and shake him until he stops angsting? o.o
(parent)thefirst @ August 16 2003, 21:58:03 UTC |
Sirius so does not deserve Remus at this point. He's so... THICK! Nothing anybody has been saying has gotten to him at all. And though Remus has repeatedly complained that Sirius still speaks to Lucius (who clearly wants Sirius's hot bod), Sirius continues to do it.
IMHO, Sirius has brought all this upon himself. I find it hard to pity Remus, as he has Severus to provide intelligent repartee.
notapipe @ August 16 2003, 22:09:46 UTC |
I hate to defend Sirius, but I will anyway.
Remus's Lucius complaint can't be it. There is more than just talking to Lucius, it's an issue of Remus's acceptance of Sirius's behavior/self and of Sirius's ability to respect... anything. Unless those basic problems can be worked out, something that isn't easy, Remus and Sirius will continue to have problems.
Besides, if Sirius really doesn't see anything wrong with talking to Lucius -- I think he really beleives Remus is being jealous, and I sort of agree with him -- why should he? In his mind, Remus is being insane and Sirius doesn't know what he is supposed to do anyway, since he never did what he thinks Remus thought he did. So he goes and apologizes, but doesn't get what Remus is angry about in part because there's a communication problem (Remus is very "If you don't know, I won't tell you"). If you're Sirius, what do you do? I'm not exactly sure myself.
And Snape isn't helping on the Sirius front. He's being protective, but that doesn't tell Sirius what to do, just that he's a bad person.
small_rodent @ August 17 2003, 11:49:01 UTC |
I think part of the problem is that we're complaring S/R to the Malfoys and the Weasleys, but not really taking into account that Remus and Sirius have a very new relationship. Lucius and Arthur know their wives very well, and thus know how to talk to them and what general strategies to use to keep options open. And although Sirius and Remus were friends, they hadn't seen each other for years because of azkaban, and they both changed immensely during that time.
I think that we're expecting Sirius to know a lot more about Remus that he actually does, and every time he starts talking to Lupin, he hits this ring of protectors that he has to work through first. And notapipe is right, no one is telling Sirius what he should be doing. They're just saying what a bad person he is, which probably makes him feel even less sure of himself and what he should be doing.
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 22:32:44 UTC |
when you decide on the dates for practice, give me a ring. ^^
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 23:07:51 UTC |
go for it, icons are wonderful, i have to make myself an N_A icon sometime or another
i think the potter-fruit comment would be a good one maybe ^^ wouldn't want to offend anybody though
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 23:13:09 UTC |
thank you thank you thank you! *grins wiiiide*
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 23:09:05 UTC |
*runs off to make icon*
Hehe! Friending you back!
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 23:09:55 UTC |
yes, you need to be friended now, you were part of our little scheme ^__^
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 22:31:30 UTC |
maybe something other than a fork would be better...
personally, im thinking a pair of pliers and a blow-torch.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 22:35:24 UTC |
Complete with stoning perhaps? Pitchforks are great fun though.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 22:38:20 UTC |
*grins* Sounds normal to me! (Though, I have been told that I've fallen off the deep end)
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 22:39:48 UTC |
my dad's an 'outdoorsman' heh, i have sharp garden implements to bring.
lots of corpse jumping to be done
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 22:45:37 UTC |
yeah, thats definitely something they should be worrying over... *grin*
a car chase would be lovely, but it needs to be rainy, and dark, and without anybody else on the road, we need to be skipping lanes here and swerving madly, y'know?
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 22:51:47 UTC |
im not trained either, but, yes, we'd be absolutely brilliant for this job. *plasters grin* i can see it now.
and most definitely friending you now, 'kay?
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Anonymous @ August 17 2003, 13:20:43 UTC |
I wonder if the player has seen this and is worrying yet?
Yes, I have, and yes, I am a bit disturbed. You guys are far from alone in wishing Lucius to die in various and quite graphic ways. In a way, I suppose it's a compliment--he is a hateable character, after all--but this has me feeling very unsettled. Anytime I post as Lucius, I get 6 or 7 anonymous comments telling me (or, I guess, Lucius) just how I should die and just how painful and prolonged it should be. Not the stuff happy campers are made out of. It's game, guys. Played by real people, the majority of whom are not evil.
--Lucius' player
akutenshi2007 @ August 17 2003, 23:25:03 UTC |
I'd like to apologize again for causing you discomfort, this posting was meant in jest, we got ourselves a laugh out of frustration of the characters being, well, in character.
You're *quite* well at what you do as a player, and we wouldn't want our comments to inhibit how great you are at what you do. you're a brilliant player and we didn't mean to offend you as a person.
We would never mean any harm to come to any person IRL, player of an 'evil' character in an game or the whatnot. I'm very sorry that this has you disturbed, please continue to be the great portrayal of Lucius that you are.
a side note, if you weren't great at being Lucius, we wouldn't have posted this, would we? please take that as sort of a complement and not a threat of any kind. I'm so sorry that we've caused you, as a person, discomfort.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 22:32:58 UTC |
Yes you can! I'll stick with my nails. By the way, akutenshi2007, the pliers and blwtorch idea is absolutley brilliant.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 22:34:58 UTC |
thanks, i think i may have 'Pulp Fiction' to credit for that though ^^;
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 22:41:19 UTC |
*plans to happily follow you*
Crap. The bastard went to bed.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 22:45:52 UTC |
Ahh, never seen Psycho, but that sounds like a great idea. Stupid Lucius.
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a_player @ August 16 2003, 22:55:54 UTC |
Alright, I hate to do this, but...
This thread has become a little too graphic and a lot disturbing, and I'd appreciate it a lot if you guys would maybe not take it any further? Lucius's player is getting rather uncomfortable with it.
Lucius is evil, yes. However, he played by a real, live, flesh-and-blood and decidedly not!evil person. Just keep that in mind, okay guys?
- A Player
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 23:00:19 UTC |
this was fun, but we'd rather not scare away the players. *nods* sorry to cause any discomfort.
(parent)anoni @ August 17 2003, 01:42:40 UTC |
::hugs you for no reason::
I don't know who you are but you're obviously a player, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it is even more emotionally wrenching for you than it is for us. After all, you guys *are* the characters we curse and glomp and angst over. If even we are crying...
I'll stop rambling now. But thank you for portraying the characters so well. Lucius's player included. ^_^
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shallowfemme @ August 17 2003, 09:15:51 UTC |
It's a weird thing for me to say this, but I agree with you about Lucius's player. If he gets that much of a reaction out of us, she's doing a pretty good job in my opinion. And I umm, agree with everything Anoni said.
(parent)anjenue @ August 17 2003, 02:30:24 UTC |
*sends love and cookies to Lucius's player*
You know, Lucius may be a jerk, but I think I love him almost more than anyone else, simply because he is so enigmatic and yet so straightforward at the same time. That's something that extremely difficult to do, so mad props to you, Looshie's player.
Nothin' but love.
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Anonymous @ August 17 2003, 13:23:40 UTC |
He is, strangely, very, very easy to play. I just channel him. I'm not sure if I should be worried or not, but maybe I'm just secretly really evil. Lucius gets to say and do all the things I wish I could.
--his player
anjenue @ August 17 2003, 14:33:10 UTC |
The power trip that comes from channeling an evil character is far too much fun to pass up, isn't it? I personally enjoy playing an evil!Snape on a different RP, and the release that comes from it when you get to be truly cruel and heartless is just mindblowing.
Once again, much love to you, and congrats on a job very well done.
small_rodent @ August 16 2003, 22:32:30 UTC |
*de-lurks, bows*
While I know Lucius is considered to be the big bad guy here, I'm liking how he's finally trying to understand what Narcissa's doing. This made me very happy, because it seems that he finally cracked and admitted that he didn't understand what was going on, and here they're finally telling each other what they see to be the problem. At last! Two people willing to talk rationally about their problems!
This is the big reason I think Sirius is getting so much flack... Arthur is trying desperately to reach out to his wife, and here we have Lucius showing that it is indeed possible to effectively communicate with an estranged loved one, but Sirius has done almost nothing. He seems to be letting his pride get in the way of reconcilliation, since both other men have now shown that reconciliation is more important than looking like they're going to cope.
But Sirius isn't trying to get Remus back, other than what appear to be a few token attempts. He's not making any persistent attempts, instead he's sitting around hoping that Remus will change his mind and come back. Which seems highly unlikely.
*runs away into the bushes again*
akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 22:37:36 UTC |
looks like we'll be chasing down two people tonight
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 22:43:31 UTC |
yup *TWO* *averts eyes* wouldn't dream of looking at you like that... ^^;
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 22:44:09 UTC |
Most probably yes, although I might just stick to Lucius.
(parent)eponis @ August 16 2003, 22:43:08 UTC |
Oh, [expletive].
Until now, it's only been Lucius who's been accusing Snape of being attracted to Lupin. (This thread could be seen to imply that Lupin and Snape have talked about it, though, from the way that Lupin guards Snape from actually having to answer The Question.)
But here, Sirius seems to imply that he might believe Lucius, too.
And that can't be good for anyone involved. . . .
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 22:47:46 UTC |
I'm off to wibble. A lot.
*eats bunches of cookies in hopes of feeling better.*
It didn't work.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 22:55:52 UTC |
*puts baked cookies away*
Yep, resorting to dough.
*inhales cookie dough*
I am such a sucker for the angsty romance thing. *sighs* But now I really have to smothe Lucius with that pillow. Also thinking about helping you with Sirius.
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shallowfemme @ August 16 2003, 23:02:06 UTC |
I can barely move, as the after affect of the cookie dough inhalation, so I'll follow your lead and be a good girl to.
(parent)eponis @ August 16 2003, 22:57:07 UTC |
::hands you, spiking_glue, and anyone else who wants them, some fresh-baked Pumpkin Pasties, hot from the oven::
Now I'm going to go wibble over the next batch of pastry.
theantimodel @ August 16 2003, 23:24:08 UTC |
Surprisingly I actually feel better after reading this.
At first when reading that thread I was happy that Snape was telling Lucius to leave, and I still am happy that he did that, it showed a good deal of solidarity, and admittedly, I enjoy seeing Snape stand up to Lucius.
But for Snape to be the one to tell Sirius that his offer was misguided, felt wrong, because I think if they are going to really break from each other Remus needs to be the one to step up and tell Sirius that he doesn't want the furniture.
And I was getting a bit worried that Remus would just let Snape fight his battles, so for me, seeing Remus step in and tell Sirius that he doesn't want the furniture, and seeing him gently reproach Snape about his conduct reads as a good sign. I can only hope that Snape is right about him being able to get past this.
dari_brit @ August 16 2003, 23:39:45 UTC |
I totally adore the icon that you already have. It's breaking my heart too, but I just have so much respect and love for the players. That professional detachment and the haiku binge are what's keeping me going!
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 16 2003, 23:28:18 UTC |
i dont know if anybody else noticed, but is Lupin's subject (And you give yourself away.) a U2 lyric? (from With or Without You i think)
(parent)onthehillside @ August 17 2003, 00:10:50 UTC |
Here's a link to lyrics of the song
I think one of more telling lines is:
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you.
akutenshi2007 @ August 17 2003, 00:18:57 UTC |
hmmm, that tells a lot about the whole summer between S/R. The waiting parts.
I wait for you
when Sirius first leaves, Remus waits for his return.
And I wait without you
Now, he's waiting at the party, when they first started having issues.
You give it all but I want more
And I'm waiting for you
And that part describes the current situation, Remus was waiting for Sirius to apologize, but he didn't give enough of one.
maybe there's more to read into, maybe there's nothing to read into, i'm too tired at this point to think anymore about it.
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Anonymous @ August 17 2003, 00:19:44 UTC |
Major <3 to Remus' player.
It's a beautiful song and fits the situation perfectly.
saffronlie @ August 17 2003, 00:31:57 UTC |
Yes, and this made me very very sad because that song can never be anything but sad and desperate and waah. And I think the fact that the particular lyric used is 'and you give yourself away' says a lot -- not only is he without Sirius, but Sirius is literally looking to give himself to someone else. :(
(parent)bentley @ August 17 2003, 01:53:10 UTC |
Also that Sirius has given away his true intentions by that particular thread between he and Lucius about business in London.
(parent)bentley @ August 17 2003, 02:04:46 UTC |
It makes me cry, because it's the music from Looking For Alibrandi, the John Barton funeral scene.
athene_51 @ August 17 2003, 01:05:10 UTC |
As much as I hate to draw attention away from the angst, maybe a change of pace? I can't take any more -.-
Snape's back in America and still doesn't like it there.
In that same thread, Lupin quotes T.S. Eliot, "These fragments I have shored against my ruins". It's from The Waste Land V: What the Thunder Said. I'm not sure what to make of it. The poem starts out "normal" (for lack of a better word), but that quote is from the end which is decidedly more confusing.
bentley @ August 17 2003, 01:49:12 UTC |
I noticed that, as well.
But, I mean,
He who was living is now dead
We who were living are now dying
It's a rather bleak poem. The last in The Wasteland series, which are all sad. That particular quote is found amidst a lot of lines from the Spanish Tragedies.
Er, notes on it here.
dragynville @ August 17 2003, 02:40:55 UTC |
This is all just so.. wahh.. and wibble.. and ;_; but the ones I feel really bad for are Draco and Harry because they have no control over the messes their respective parents are making.
On the one hand you have Draco, who's intensely private as well as image-conscious, yet here are his parents having public rows all over LJ.
Then there's Harry who's, understandably, not speaking to either parent because from his point of view they have ruined his last chance for a loving family and home. And worse, to his mind they appear to be doing it out of petty stubbornness and pride.
And, both being only children, have no one else in the home to turn to, to commiserate with them, to make them feel they aren't all alone in this.
Then there's the fact that it's all so sordid, involving accusations and suspicions of infidelity between their fathers.
dragynville @ August 17 2003, 08:18:29 UTC |
Romance/relationship aside, they could offer each other a great deal of understanding and camaraderie. They ought to go somewhere and have a mini-vacation of their own away from their families.
(parent)anjenue @ August 17 2003, 14:36:15 UTC |
Definitely. Maybe they can journey to the City of Lights or something. *smiles* That's in between the two locations, and it'll be a nice way to get away from it all.
(parent)zionsstarfish @ August 17 2003, 20:02:50 UTC |
I'm so glad you brought this up! I find the differences in how Draco and Harry are dealing with their parents' relationship chaos very interesting.
Harry is reacting in the way that I would normally expect. He's being non-communicative, sullen, grouchy... he's not talking to either Sirius or Remus and he's keeping (mostly?) to himself.
I actually find it a relief that Sirius and Remus have decided to make a clean break, or as clean as they can make it, rather than holding onto something mutually destructive.
Draco, on the other hand... in his latest post, he said that he had dinner with his father, and that his mother makes a point of coming to kiss him goodnight every night. I don't really know if this is typical ps behavior--(doesn't he usually go off and sulk like Harry when he is displeased with his parents?)-- but he seems to be making a point to still be available to his parents. To an extent.
I like that Draco and Harry are still able to get along, talk, hang out, be friends, despite that their parental figures are fighting amongst each other.
*hopes for coherence*
dragynville @ August 17 2003, 23:57:20 UTC |
Yes, he does normally sulk doesn't he? But this is the first big public division his parents have had, usually they act like everything's alright and you have to read between the lines. It's like their open hostility has forced him into the role of being the one who pretends that things are fine. And also of smoothing things over as much as possible. I think he's trying to not add any more pressure to an already volatile situation.
And then there's Harry, whose parents have already split, so it's not like he would feel his behavior would make it worse because the worst has already happened.
dragynville @ August 18 2003, 02:49:37 UTC |
And Harry's feeling abandoned by Remus. ;_;
And I thought I saw a new post in there somewhere reflecting his feelings toward Sirius, but I can't find it again.
anjaliesque @ August 17 2003, 08:30:57 UTC |
Any ideas on where Snape is? I believe 'H' is next. He says he's back in America, in a place where 'nobody bloody sleeps.'
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 17 2003, 21:25:43 UTC |
Oh, and wouldn't THAT be amusing! I'd love to hear his opinion of the movie star glamour.
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childofatlantis @ August 17 2003, 10:09:37 UTC Someone confiscate his music collection |
AII. The subject line is surely from "With or Without You", U2 -
and you give... and you give..
and you give yourself away
with or without you
with or without you
I can't live... with or without you...
nmalfoy @ August 17 2003, 13:50:02 UTC |
Me too. Rich, sexy, powerful... yeah, I'll play with the Pimp Cane anytime he wants.
(parent)anjenue @ August 17 2003, 14:35:13 UTC |
Lucius is incredibly sexy in his evilness, isn't he?
I always fall for the bad guys, it never fails.
*licks the pimp cane*
context @ August 18 2003, 00:32:38 UTC |
It's technically not a new post or anything, and I don't know if anyone's posted about it earlier or if anyone will see it down here, but Arthur has invited Remus over for tea.
Will now be thoroughly depressed about the "...she is fortunate that you will not give up on her. There's not many out there who could claim the same" line.
I'm tired of the angst. Shameless self-plugging, but has anyone read my parody-type thing How to Write a Stereotypical Sirius Black x Remus Lupin (WAFF) Fanfiction in Ten Easy Steps or Less? Just wondering. -_-;; Does anyone have any GOOD humorfics?
dragynville @ August 18 2003, 01:07:32 UTC |
*ugh* I know, that is depressing me too. Seems to be another hint in a long line of hints that things are o-v-e-r between them. ;_;
Have you tried the humor fic section @ Also, I have a sweet shonen ai S/R doujinshi for download @ my site.
context @ August 18 2003, 01:28:26 UTC |
There are so many fics there... ^^;; Way to state the obvious, jyes.
And you 0wnz me. Thanks for the dj~~~ (have friended you, hope you don't mind)
dragynville @ August 18 2003, 01:38:46 UTC |
Welcome! I have another one that I'll be putting back up when my host quits doing weird things to my site. (friended you back!) :D