lunadeath02 @ 2003-04-04 17:50:00 |
This is On Topic, right?
Mood: dorky
I have read the horoscopes for the week. They are frighteningly close to what is going on at NA! I thought you peeps would get a kick out of it! :)
(Moi? Too obsessed? Nah!!)
Harry: (July 31)- Leo: The sun, your ruler, is not only well-placed in your chart, it also makes a wonderful aspect to Pluto, planet of power, later this week. Which means that if you want something enough, you'll find a way to get it. But try not to upset too many people.
Ron: (March 1)- Pieces: There comes a time when you have to stand up for what you believe in: That time is now. The whole world may be against you this week, but if you're convinced that what you're doing is right, then you must continue to do it. Your courage will see you through.
Draco: (December 31)- Capricorn: You'll be amazingly focused this week, especially in your personal life, where you've come to the conclusion that changes are necessary. Don't worry if a relationship comes to an end. The space in your heart will soon be filled. (!!!!!!!!!)
Hermione: (September ? according to the books, her birthday is in Sept) I don't know if she's a Virgo or a Libra, so I'll put both up just in case.
Virgo: (Aug 24-Sept 23) No matter how self-controlled a Virgo you might be, your desires will get the best of you- but that's not a bad thing. You've suppressed your feelings long enough and need to find an outlet for all that pent-up anger. It could be uncomfortable, but it could also be fun.
Libra: (Sept 24-Oct 23) You'll defend your beliefs with such passion this week that others will be afraid to offer alternative opinions. That might be good for your ego, but it could be bad in other ways, making it seem as if everyone agrees with you. That's asking for trouble further down the line.
sistermagpie @ April 4 2003, 16:25:33 UTC |
Parvati will be so pleased! But then, she already knew this anyway...
(parent)divineparvati @ April 4 2003, 22:42:48 UTC |
Taurus. Seventh of May. I expect Lots of presents.
.. no Beans.
lunadeath02 @ April 4 2003, 23:46:07 UTC Taurus: |
(April 21-May 21) For best results this week, you must work in secret, pulling strings behind the scenes, where you're less likely to draw attention. Keep your real intentions to yourself and don't let even your closest friends know what you're up to.
I swear, this IS what it says! O_O
Of course, it sounds more like what's going on with your sister. ;)
lunadeath02 @ April 5 2003, 00:27:47 UTC |
Just that your sister is more in the background right now- keeping things to herself. ^_^; that's all.
er, would you like a cup of tea?
artistic_flower @ April 5 2003, 17:21:25 UTC |
There isn't anything wrong with being quiet, is there? I'm a private person, that's all. But, you're right, I do think being social wouldn't hurt.
xnera @ April 4 2003, 18:06:44 UTC Woah |
Oh my... I'm a Virgo, and that scope is dead on accurate for me. Weird, because scopes usually don't work for me. Tarot's been much more accurate. But this one... woah, I say again.
weatherby @ April 4 2003, 18:22:51 UTC |
Oh, now I want mine! Where are they from? What is Cancer's?
(parent)lunadeath02 @ April 4 2003, 18:50:08 UTC Cancer: |
(June 22- July 23)-This week's powerful sun-Pluto aspect cuts across the angles of your chart that govern your work and reputation, which presents you with a golden opportunity to impress employers. Let them know you're the one for the job.
And what's scary, is that Daniel Radcliffe's b-day is July 23, but he's claimed as a Leo. He could be either Cancer or Leo, I think. ^_^;
weatherby @ April 4 2003, 19:01:09 UTC Re: Cancer: |
Thank you!
A friend of mine was 23 July, and he never really knew which sign he was supposed to be, either. Oh, and Hermione is 19 September.
lunadeath02 @ April 4 2003, 19:09:58 UTC Re: Cancer: |
Oh, and Hermione is 19 September.
Oh thanks!! I've been needing to know that! Ah, so she's Virgo. :)
lunadeath02 @ April 4 2003, 23:49:18 UTC Scorpio: |
(Oct 24-Nov 22) The sun's aspect to Pluto, your ruler, will endow you with limitless self-confidence: You'll honestly believe that anything is possible. Maybe it is. But you'll still need others' help in certain areas, especially where your abilities are limited.
(parent)moony @ April 4 2003, 22:27:49 UTC |
Ron: (March 1)- Pieces: There comes a time when you have to stand up for what you believe in: That time is now. The whole world may be against you this week, but if you're convinced that what you're doing is right, then you must continue to do it. Your courage will see you through.
Yeah, that'd be me, and Ron. Against the WORLD.
*fish of fury*