dayafternext @ 2003-03-28 00:51:00 |
(no title)
Mood: squee
He's giving him laundry tips.
Harry is so in love.
delfeus @ March 28 2003, 01:14:27 UTC |
That's so damn cute!!! :D
Yes. He is...
I just can't see Malfoy washing the laundry. Maybe Lupin should make him do some... might be fun... :D
dayafternext @ March 28 2003, 01:15:34 UTC Re: |
Maybe Draco and Harry should do laundry together.
With soap.
And bubbles.
Oh god.
delfeus @ March 28 2003, 02:00:40 UTC |
I think there is a H/D fic that includes laundry... not doing it though.
Aja, anyone? We need a fic!
delfeus @ March 28 2003, 02:23:20 UTC |
Hmm... yes, that was the one I meant... been ages since I've read it. I didn't remember who wrote it... :D
(parent)dancingrain @ March 28 2003, 02:32:55 UTC Re: |
I just thought it was cute that the first person to be thought of as a potential purveyor of laundry!fic is Aja... and that she has indeed already ventured there. Now, what about Aja just screams "Boys Using Laundry Nefariously!" ?? :D :D
(parent)bookshop @ March 28 2003, 06:58:57 UTC |
*hands Puddle!Lily a bucket to drool in*
seriously, dude, i kept waiting for harry to be like "I can help you with it some night if you like. The stains, I mean." Gah, so much wrong there...
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luleh @ March 28 2003, 01:16:07 UTC |
Maybe he and Harry could do laundry for detention?
They might get wet...
*waggles eyebrows*
delfeus @ March 28 2003, 02:01:50 UTC |
Oh yes... wet and slippery with soap. They'd probably need to take the wet clothes off so they don't drip everywhere, or catch a cold...
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Anonymous @ March 28 2003, 01:36:35 UTC |
Dude, Harry totally looked that stuff up on the internet, didn't he? You know he sat there researching! LOL! *loffs!!*
milenalupin @ March 28 2003, 04:43:01 UTC |
Did not. No need for that.
Harry's a laundry professional after growing up as a Dursley house elve.
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quire @ March 28 2003, 01:46:18 UTC |
Also you should moisten the stain with kerosene and then let stand a short time and then wash with soap and water. Or you could use vinegar.
*is in love*
metaphoracle @ March 28 2003, 01:47:40 UTC |
The boy is soinlove with Draco. I think Aja said it best--Harry is totally "Merp. I love you. Please talk to me."
And mean, mean Potterstinks. Ah, well. Have to give the boy a break. It's not every day you realize that you'd rather snog Potter than Pansy.
luthienlupin @ March 28 2003, 06:23:51 UTC |
"Merp. I love you. Please talk to me."
Yeah, that about sums it up.
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luleh @ March 28 2003, 01:50:34 UTC |
Do you think any of these will work? They should work because they always worked for us when we had algae stains.
He's so concerned. It's too cute. *squee!*
dayafternext @ March 28 2003, 02:38:31 UTC |
I just did he and Dudley get so many algae stains, of all things?
(parent)delfeus @ March 28 2003, 04:52:23 UTC |
You know... this has been bugging me for a while and I feel really stupid, but I don't have a dictionary around, so... What's algae?
(parent)bookshop @ March 28 2003, 06:20:49 UTC |
It's, hahaha--pond scum. Come to that, *are* there any ponds near Little Whinging?
(parent)luthienlupin @ March 28 2003, 06:21:15 UTC |
Algae, a group of structurally simple organisms that carry out oxygen-evolving photosynthesis. Although most algae are microscopic-some as small as 1 to 2 micrometers in diameter (a micrometer is 0.000001 meter, or 0.00004 in)-many are conspicuous in the form of pond scum, seaweeds, red tide, blue-green discoloration of aquarium walls, and the green coating on trees.
delfeus @ March 28 2003, 06:25:52 UTC |
Oh. Thank you, miss Hermione. :D Now I actually got it.
(parent)luthienlupin @ March 28 2003, 06:39:12 UTC Re: |
It's all in Magical Mediterranean Water-Plants and Their Properties. :D
Glad to be of assistance.
And speaking of Hermione, where is she???
*joins in with everyone on the refreshing of NA every few seconds*
delfeus @ March 28 2003, 06:56:58 UTC |
I have no idea.
Damn, is something happening? I got stuck in a conversation with lycoris (I'd expect that 2 of her LJ entries have about 30 replies by now... :D) so I haven't checked... Have to do it before I leave.
luthienlupin @ March 28 2003, 07:27:12 UTC Re: |
Damn, is something happening?
Well, no, not at this exact moment. But something could happen.
darklites @ March 28 2003, 02:02:12 UTC |
Why does Harry continue to be so damn earnest? Doesn't he realise that he's going to break my heart if he continues like this?!
Wah. I know. It's Harry. But I don't know how much of this I can handle. I can't believe how calm and sweet he's being in the face of rejection, even after that Monumental Fight with Ron. I feel terrible about Harry and Ron falling out, too. Just awful. Even if had totally been coming for months.
*waits for more updates in trepidation*
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Anonymous @ March 28 2003, 02:03:44 UTC |
Cute, but since
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Anonymous @ March 28 2003, 02:05:19 UTC |
Oh, but that's what's cute. Harry's obviously pasting this from Muggle stuff and not even realizing. <3333333
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 07:15:59 UTC |
Hahahaha. I hadn't even thought about that but you're right. Harry's just so desperate to get Draco to talk to him that he's forgotten about the Muggle connection!!!
*clings to Harry*
spastichair1000 @ March 28 2003, 10:01:02 UTC |
That's the hilrarious part though. The fact that they're muggle tips and the assumption that a Malfoy would stoop so low as to clean his own clothes (not to mention the sheer number of comments itself) has got to be such an affront to Malfoy that he simply cannot believably ignore it.
Well, he can, but it will be so obvious and utterly ridiculous that it would reveal so much more than if he actually interacted with Potter now.
sarahtales @ March 28 2003, 02:46:09 UTC |
He's so *wee.*
dayafternext @ March 28 2003, 02:47:27 UTC Re: |
That is my new favorite quote. EVER.
sistermagpie @ March 28 2003, 10:02:56 UTC |
Mine too! "Talk to me about algae stains" has now officially become code for ICLFAMWYL.
(parent)anamirza @ March 28 2003, 06:30:08 UTC |
And winner of the most appropriate icon for this thread goes to...
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fatalseafood @ March 28 2003, 03:34:33 UTC Awwwww... |
What I love most about their latest posts is not the innocent, I-just-wanna-hear-from-you nature of Harry's posts, but the sheer amount of them. Stalker much?
*loves passionately*
samenashi @ March 28 2003, 04:40:06 UTC :D |
(parent)black_dog @ March 28 2003, 05:03:32 UTC |
Do not use hot water as it will coagulate protein and make stain more difficult to remove.
"Algae" stains, eh?
luthienlupin @ March 28 2003, 06:14:38 UTC |
"Algae" stains, eh?
*giggles* Good to know that I'm not the only one who thought about that.
anamirza @ March 28 2003, 07:24:24 UTC Eww. |
Great, I'm now thoroughly squicked by the reference to Dudley and algae stains.
greenapricot @ March 28 2003, 05:19:46 UTC |
This just kills me. He's so frickin' adorable and in love. Gah. Poor Harry, he's trying so hard and Draco just ignores him. And he doesn't even seem to care about Ron, he just wants Draco to talk to him. Gah. Can't stand the suspense.
*keels over*
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 06:44:52 UTC |
Wah. I think Harry still cares a ton about Ron, but he's reached the end of his rope. I mean, Ron has been ignoring him for *months* and months and months to be with Hermione. Harry's been SO alone this whole time, his crush on Draco has been developing in almost total isolation, and now all of a sudden because Ron's screaming at him and saying horrible things to him and everyone because of Ginny, Harry's supposed to just, what, be glad Ron is talking to him again? No, I think whoever said this was inevitable was right. Poor Harry. Poor Ron, but mostly Poor Harry! <3333!
(parent)bookshop @ March 28 2003, 07:02:28 UTC |
oh, And--*squees*-- look at the times!!
2003-03-28 00:47
2003-03-28 01:37
2003-03-28 02:52
WAAAAAAH. Harry must have just been sitting there staring at the monitor for three hours waiting for Draco to reply! *bawls*
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nefeleo @ March 28 2003, 07:10:31 UTC |
*bawls too* That is so unbelieveably SAD.
I am getting so... ARGH! Frustrated with Malfoy! Stupid git, this is worse than an argument, it's worse than a fistfight. This whole ignoring thing just HAS to stop.
*wonders if she can find recaps of NA in the Soap Digest magazines at the grocery store*
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 07:13:29 UTC |
no shit, i could use a 'The Best-of Harry & Draco' episode right now.
(parent)dayafternext @ March 28 2003, 09:46:39 UTC Re: |
Oh! I didn't even notice that! *heart breaks*
(parent)sistermagpie @ March 28 2003, 08:15:51 UTC |
So when I read the responses I'm always careful to scroll down slowly so I don't see what's coming. This has never been so effective as with this thread: Oh good, a post from Harry! Aw, he did two. That's so cute. And another from Harry. Could there be another? Oh my god, there's another! Good lord, how much algae has Harry had to deal with??
Part of me wants to be enraged at Potterstinks. But the other part realizes that his ignoring Harry is, in its own way, just as vulnerable and earnest. I mean, think of all the insults he's refrained from saying? Also, remember that he did slip up once when he corrected Colin on Harry's birth weight. And then he actually deleted it. Wah!
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 11:17:49 UTC Good lord, how much algae has Harry had to deal with?? |
Hahahahaha! I just now realized that Harry was talking about *grass stains* in his copied-from-better-manors-and-gardens post, haha. I completely missed that the first time around, i think i was just too busy boggling, haha.
That quote is absolutely hysterical. And how very perceptive of you, it's an excellent point that draco is at his most vulnerable right now even though we're reacting to him as if he's never been colder. Wah.
*schnoogles Sister M*
lore @ March 28 2003, 08:44:27 UTC |
Their UST is so pure, it's delicious. What Draco doesn't realize is that playing hard to get is sooooo not-man-like. ;)
love, lore
zorb @ March 28 2003, 09:08:20 UTC |
Poor Draco is too confused to insult Harry anymore, so he's desperately attempting to prove his het-ness. *hopes he fails*
Mmm, Harry leaves him speechless.
sistermagpie @ March 28 2003, 10:54:58 UTC |
Uh-oh. Looks like we're not the only ones think Harry has an ulterior motive here...