vellum @ 2003-08-18 17:26:00 |
(no title)
Mood: confused
::points up::
nraged mods, what's with the cat?
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hobaggins @ August 18 2003, 17:35:18 UTC |
Are those Gryffindor and Slytherin quidditch players in the upper left corner?
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hobaggins @ August 18 2003, 17:39:01 UTC |
Yeah... above the cat... in the top.. they're tiny, to the left... where the cat is not
(parent)vellum @ August 18 2003, 17:41:28 UTC |
ooh, i thought those were words or something...
::squints:: yeah, they are.
notapipe @ August 18 2003, 17:44:34 UTC |
Or M.B., though this is obvious. However it occured to me that it would be awesome.
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hobaggins @ August 18 2003, 17:47:09 UTC |
I can't keep up with all of these threads!!!1!
MAN... maybe I should take a break from NA
notapipe @ August 18 2003, 17:51:04 UTC |
Why, because your brain is turning to angsty mush? Pah! Get down with the sickness.
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hobaggins @ August 18 2003, 17:56:36 UTC |
I am starting the H/D Q&A important thread-thread
#contemplates making H/D: get down with the sickness shirt#
nightflight @ August 18 2003, 17:44:36 UTC |
I tried very hard to come up with an intelligent response to this, but all I could hear in my brain was "I have a black cat." Which I don't think is the answer. Sadly.
(parent)xnera @ August 18 2003, 18:18:35 UTC |
No, Lilitou's all gray. The cat in the new nraged icon is gray/white.
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Anonymous @ August 18 2003, 18:45:08 UTC |
Isn't my un-clue-ridden riotous laughter helping the befuddlement? OH HO HO HO AHAHAHAHAHA
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Anonymous @ August 18 2003, 18:27:26 UTC |
You know the answer, if you think about it. Just delve into your mind. It shall come to you.....................................
vellum @ August 18 2003, 18:34:03 UTC a little more help, please |
happiness is a warm pussy?
cats are taking over the world?
lilitou's going to become a character in the rpg?
you know i was never able to see the 3-d shapes in those 3-d books?
portkey @ August 18 2003, 19:01:01 UTC Re: oh, for ****'s sake. |
The cat who is..
.. chillingly supernatural or that doesn't forget anything unless old hags say, "Fred Weasley's wonderful." Ha! This acronym is totally perturbing, nragers = psycho.
Ignore me.
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Anonymous @ August 18 2003, 19:11:12 UTC |
A ha! Success! We have flushed you out.
We had been wondering where you had gotten to.
non_inferno @ August 18 2003, 19:18:58 UTC |
Ha, really? I think the issue is that I can't post unless I know I'm ignoring other responsibilities, which I'm doing splendidly right now.
(parent)notapipe @ August 18 2003, 21:34:33 UTC |
Then can we expect to see copious amounts of garth brooks and golf!draco once school starts up?
(parent)non_inferno @ August 18 2003, 22:31:01 UTC |
Yes, that's what I expect will happen. There will be joy in the world once again.
(parent)peccavium @ August 18 2003, 23:16:07 UTC |
everyone would become far too confused by the possible implications/subtext of such an event, re: "Gay as a spring parade"
Would be melee,
Cannot in good conscience allow this to happen.
notapipe @ August 18 2003, 23:20:34 UTC |
Confusing clueless nragers = bonus. Perhaps anonymous would sponsor it even.
(parent)peccavium @ August 18 2003, 23:28:20 UTC |
Involvement of anonymous = even more confused clueless nragers.
Confusing clueless nragers = foregone conclusion in any scenario.
non_inferno @ August 19 2003, 13:21:16 UTC |
Ha, ha! Wonderful! Does conscience really need to be an issue here?
(parent)kat99999 @ August 18 2003, 19:41:10 UTC |
Oh, it's this again.
Do NA just know somehow that I see these acronyms and then don't sleep for hours on end because I have to know? I can't let that sit. *stares*
imochan @ August 18 2003, 18:46:09 UTC |
THE PAIN. I'm sure this is a new form of angst. I'm SURE.
(parent)nightflight @ August 18 2003, 19:10:31 UTC |
I agree.
They are trying to kill us. Again. Sigh.
portkey @ August 18 2003, 19:11:58 UTC |
The NA players are constantly looking for brand new ways to torture us. I wouldn't put it past them to use subliminal messages in icons.
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Anonymous @ August 18 2003, 18:53:53 UTC |
You are clearly following what is true nraged style. :)).
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Anonymous @ August 18 2003, 18:57:16 UTC |
That's it. NA is done. It's been a long hard journey to get to this point, but finally the day is here. Thanks for coming along for the ride. You can't know how much it meant to us.
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Anonymous @ August 18 2003, 19:01:17 UTC |
i'm Confident that you'll All understand evenTually.
(parent)vellum @ August 18 2003, 19:06:41 UTC |
but we're too Confused At The momenT to undersTand...
i know na has to end eventually... but not now, right?
non_inferno @ August 18 2003, 18:54:31 UTC |
Also, why is does this cat seem to be giving a seductive look?
(parent)non_inferno @ August 18 2003, 19:09:40 UTC |
Oh, I do, but that doesn't stop me from bringing them here.
(parent)tortietta @ August 18 2003, 19:02:57 UTC |
portkey @ August 18 2003, 19:05:55 UTC |
They like to play with us. It's like they're throwing us a ball of yarn so that we can occupy ourselves while they do their evil bidding.
That's it! WE'RE the "cat", and that's the hidden message!
I'm not actually this insane. Okay, so I am, but whatever.
non_inferno @ August 18 2003, 19:12:10 UTC |
There is a GATL within. And possibly a Harry And Draco.
(parent)novembersnow @ August 18 2003, 19:22:57 UTC |
It's the HOT before the GATL that keeps distracting me. *snerk*
(parent)non_inferno @ August 18 2003, 19:32:22 UTC |
Maybe the GATL is just so HOT that it must be written in all caps, even if it breaks the rules of acronym-writing.
(parent)imochan @ August 18 2003, 19:14:10 UTC |
Does anyone else read TCWFATATBETMAMNTAN like a new-and-chic Asian-Fusion dish? >:D
(parent)novembersnow @ August 18 2003, 19:38:16 UTC |
The Cat Who Fell Asleep Thinking About The Best Effort To Make All Militant Nragers Twitch And Natter
The Cat Who Is Begging, You Know, In Hopes Of The Great And T00by Loff That Is Harry And Draco's Totally Lascivious, Infamous Secret Kiss
(Yes, yes, all right, I'm terrible with anagrams.)
novembersnow @ August 18 2003, 19:47:59 UTC |
*facepalms* Argh. That's what I get for commenting when I'm overtired and not checking what I type. *slinks away, covered in shame*
(parent)vellum @ August 18 2003, 19:54:00 UTC |
heh, sorry, i didn't mean it like that. i meant to put a happy face or something like that but my mind's getting addled.
novembersnow @ August 18 2003, 20:04:56 UTC |
Alas! It is too late! I am shamed to the core of my being (or at least the twitchy little former English major I keep caged inside is). I must away, for fear of embarrassing myself further.
Well, that and the fact that these nutty acronyms are giving me a headache. ;)
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hobaggins @ August 18 2003, 19:14:37 UTC |
Dear NA, I have just spent over an hour on a H/D Q&A post. But I now am being distracted from finishing said post by this post, I hate you muchly. Very muchly.
vellum @ August 18 2003, 19:16:14 UTC |
damn me and my sharp, stalkerish eye. ;P
and damn that anon, too. ::shakes fist::
vellum @ August 18 2003, 19:47:41 UTC |
oh, you know i love you. i have love to go around. :D
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hobaggins @ August 18 2003, 19:39:41 UTC |
Now you're calling me a liar?
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Anonymous @ August 18 2003, 19:41:08 UTC |
you Can keep All the furniTure, but i'm keeping the cat. bitch.
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hobaggins @ August 18 2003, 19:42:28 UTC |
#laughs until she collapses, exhausted#
anjaliesque @ August 18 2003, 19:43:49 UTC |
Do I hear the siren call of a single...erm, personage? I will take the either of you home with me.
anjaliesque @ August 18 2003, 19:55:50 UTC |
am Cold and lonely in the flAt,
will Take anyone with cat!
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hobaggins @ August 18 2003, 19:55:05 UTC |
NA dating service, because half the people who follow NA wind up leaving their significant other for the sweet bliss of the internet
anjaliesque @ August 18 2003, 19:59:44 UTC |
We definitely need to pair NrAgeders all up, it's the only relationship that can ever work anymore. Net spousage! (is that a word?)
(parent)eponis @ August 18 2003, 21:14:41 UTC |
Dude. Yes. Given that I've already freaked out everyone in RL with my wibbles and squees . . .
I see a slight gender problem, though, given that I'm pretty darn positive that (nraged.women - nraged.women.lesbian) > ( -
Then again, Snape does have a potion to change at least one aspect of the problem . . .
anjaliesque @ August 18 2003, 21:21:50 UTC |
Dude, this is NrAged! Sexuality/Gender is non-existent. :D
(parent)eponis @ August 18 2003, 21:27:00 UTC |
True, true.
::evil grin:: I'll play snarky!OOC-sexy!Snape if you'll play lonely!OOC-desperate!Lupin . . .
eponis @ August 18 2003, 21:33:17 UTC |
Can I join your harem, can I, can I? I can cook N_A food when I'm not busy boring everyone with wild and wildly inaccurate speculations! I'll even make a usericon just for you!
notapipe @ August 18 2003, 21:38:54 UTC |
Certianly, so long as you don't make a usericon, I have far too many of those already.
That reminds me... *fires up photoshop*
eponis @ August 18 2003, 21:48:17 UTC |
Oh, not for you, dear. ;-) For me. "Property of notapipe" or something similar okay?
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hobaggins @ August 19 2003, 20:23:43 UTC |
We'll all have to take tests.
Some people just won't be allowed to join our t00by dating service of d00m.
anjaliesque @ August 18 2003, 19:48:48 UTC |
And OMG your post! All the pretty links! *is addicted*
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Anonymous @ August 18 2003, 19:51:45 UTC |
i Can't stAy wiTh you. i just Can't tAke the beaTings any more. :((.
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hobaggins @ August 18 2003, 19:53:45 UTC |
It's not my fault!
You make me beat you!!
You know I only beat you beCause I cAre Too much. It shows how much I lurve you.... C'mon NA, don't be this way, you know I love you. C'mere NA.... don't be like that
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Anonymous @ August 18 2003, 19:54:48 UTC |
anjaliesque @ August 18 2003, 19:35:49 UTC |
I am mystified. The anon kept spiking my hearbeat. And the cats just kept marching on.
The Cat With Interesting Black Y-shaped Kisses In Hot, Optimistic, Terribly Great And T00by Love That I Hacked And Desecrated Terrifically, Learning It Still Kicks.
notapipe @ August 18 2003, 21:26:57 UTC |
I can admit that if one has smoked enough they could see the seductive look, but attractive? I want what you're having.
(parent)arborwin @ August 18 2003, 21:55:13 UTC |
Cats are pretty. You don't have to be on anything to appreciate that, surely?
(parent)noirenails @ August 19 2003, 05:29:11 UTC |
Cat pretty. Much like Harry and Draco put together. T00by love. Am sane.
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hobaggins @ August 18 2003, 20:52:50 UTC ELISE'S BRILLIANT CONCLUSION |
This Cat Was Involved Cooly, Sordidly, On The Daughter/Father Assumption Unfortunately, Other Homes Soon Found With What Taste An Inevitable Pretentious Naught Personage
The Cat Who Interestingly Believes Youthfully, Knowingly, In How 'Onestly The Great And T00by Love There Is Has A Decidedly Totalitarian Like Side Kw[q]uality
Tibet Clearly was For A Time, And, There Be Eating The Mainland, And Many Nasty Thoughts Are [k]Nown
tabiji @ August 18 2003, 21:45:48 UTC |
Oh, Fuck.
Must you taunt us this way, you evil sadistic mods? It's not bad enough that we analyze and re-analzyze every post, now we have nraged acronyms to work out too?
And, on top of that, you appear to be calling us a bunch of pussies!
saffronlie @ August 18 2003, 22:15:49 UTC |
:| I so didn't see that as a cat. Last night I thought it was, oh, I don't know, fairies.
So, we are cats? Or kitten minions? Or catnip?
-from a very public computer lab where I just *know* people are sneaking looks at my screen and sniggering at people talking about people pretending to be Harry Potter people.
zionsstarfish @ August 18 2003, 23:23:33 UTC BUAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! |
I am sorry this isn't useful but I had to share (bet you will be all sorry afterwards ;):
the cat who finds all this at times better entertainment than monkeys and mice naked, talking and noodling. (I don't know what noodling is, but when monkeys are involved, it can't be good.)
even more unhelpfully:
the cat who is betting you know it has offered to give a teaser: last time it happened, albus dumbledore talked lucius into some kissing.
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! sorry, purestblood. Okay, I am not sorry ;)
More usefully, I think I see "with what happened to all its" in the first acronym.
*runs away from the pimp cane*
lazy_daze @ August 19 2003, 11:57:26 UTC |
Ok, now I can. I am no less Confused As to why, Though.
(parent)thessamunga @ August 20 2003, 06:08:31 UTC |
:)) Well I commented on it, first. I was like, "IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS!?" And they were like, "YOU ARE THE FIRST PERSON WHO HAS SPOTTED IT." :))
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queeniefox @ August 19 2003, 13:27:36 UTC |
*reads page*
*laughs for a long time*
That's it. Nraged has eaten my brain.