akutenshi2007 @ 2003-08-19 03:04:00 |
Mood: O_O
apparently its over with Lucius.
Edit: link to actual breakup
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 00:09:02 UTC |
And she wants to have a discussion with Draco. 0.0 (You might want to add that link to the post too.)
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 00:10:48 UTC |
yeah, i fixed that, first by editing that theres no link, and then by getting the link- so, its up there now. *points up* ^^
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 00:12:42 UTC |
I know. Narcissa is the Queen. *runs off to make icon*
(parent)aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:11:21 UTC |
I just don't know what to think about this.
A really big part of me wants Lucius and 'Cissa to stay together--but I'm not sure why. For Draco's sake. And as horrible as Lucius may be--I think he loves her. In his own way.
I also think that Narcissa is not as innocent as she keeps trying to make herself out to be.
Nocture Alley: Where No Couples Are Safe.
anjenue @ August 19 2003, 00:13:33 UTC |
I agree that Lucius probably does love Narcissa, and that they should try and make it work for Draco's sake...but I think Narcissa's had to deal with more than enough lately. Lucius has been trying so hard to cause trouble wherever he goes...
...and look where it got him.
Don't get me wrong - I LOVE Lucius and I think he's a fabulous character. But...I think it was time for Narcissa to really stand up for herself.
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:16:30 UTC |
*puts hand over mouth* I am in a "No-Wibble" zone. =)
Okay. So I do agree that Narcissa needed to put her foot down. Everytime a Lucius/Sirius thread would start up, I would wait ever so patiently for her to step in...which she didn't do nearly enough.
I really want to know what went down.
anjenue @ August 19 2003, 00:25:52 UTC |
Don't we all!
Unfortunately, Narcissa is an insanely private person, so it will have to come out in hearsay and such.
cirakaite @ August 19 2003, 00:18:41 UTC |
I think that if they ever ARE going to make it work, this needs to happen, just to prove to Lucius that Narcissa can stand up for herself now, and will. Who knows? He might take note and learn something the way he didn't last time, since she seems a little more secure in what she's doing.
Plus *growl* Serves him right for hitting on Sirius
babytyggeryss @ August 19 2003, 00:27:32 UTC |
they should try and make it work for Draco's sake
Would that really be in Draco's best interests? He sees that his parents aren't happy together.
What would be gained by having him see them fight?
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:33:44 UTC |
He might see that his parents aren't happy together, but he's nowhere near being able to accept it.
Draco is so...parent-obsessed. I'm not sure if that's the best way to put it, but he really is. He's obsessed with being like his father, and likes to be the family that others are jealous of. Power-wise, anyways.
And all of his sarcastic little remarks about his parents are just his way of dealing with it, I think. I'm not sure what he'll do. I don't think he'll know what to do either. It makes me worry for him.
babytyggeryss @ August 19 2003, 00:50:50 UTC |
I never said that he is ready to see that his family isn't prefect; no child is. The little comments he makes about the issue make is very clear that this is something he is aware of.
As for his parents, Draco is a Malfoy. The family mask is one of upstanding members of the Magical Community. They have things only others dream of. His parents' hostility might be a smack in the face for Draco; he was drawn into that illusion (or gave his own illusion that he was) and then reality knocks.
But what good comes from an unhappy home? How will Draco be a better person from being exposed to all this? If Lucius and Narssica continue to live under the same roof, this cycle of pseudo-happiness and anger will continue. It happens every-time they live together.
Maybe the best course of action is for them to live apart. While Draco won't be happy about this, it will allow his parents to focus on what should be their #1 priority, him.
anjenue @ August 19 2003, 00:11:27 UTC |
*whap, whap, whap, whap!*
((sound of Narcissa beating the holy hell out of Lucius without laying a hand on him))
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:20:43 UTC |
I have this horrible vision of Remus and Narcissa getting together and having a sleepover, in which they eat a lot of ice cream/pastries, listen to bad music, talk about how much "boys suck!", and cry.
akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 00:24:10 UTC |
ehhh, thanks for the great mental images, is it bad that these're popping up now?
*great* icon <333 Auron
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:28:16 UTC |
Yes! Auron-fans! *glomps*
I can't make the images go away. Someone help!
"Seriously Remus, boys are soooo stupid."
akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 00:31:34 UTC |
if our Remus started saying things like "TOTALLY." i would seriously need to take refuge somewhere for a while.
the images are burning my brain. ow.
auron is soooo godly! *glomps back*
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:37:28 UTC |
Yes, I am familiar with the burning. It hurts, but it won't go away. I keep imagining them talking and brushing each other's hair. *shudders*
I'm SO glad you like Auron! FFX was wonderful, and he was easily the best character. I have a wall scroll of him. I am sad and pathetic. =D
akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 00:59:21 UTC |
oy, with all this anger with the posts, i doubt a pity-slumber party'll be happening anytime soon...
auron's so great! obviously the best. i want your wall scroll! (i've got vicious from CB on my wall ^^)
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 01:10:08 UTC Just so you realize the wierdness of all this: |
This is my other icon.
Woohoo for us!!!
akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 01:17:28 UTC Re: Just so you realize the wierdness of all this: |
completely weird.
you've been drive-by friended, ok? ^__^
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 01:25:16 UTC Re: Just so you realize the wierdness of all this: |
Hehe. Ditto.
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 00:28:15 UTC |
Hehe. That would be greeeaaat!<-- said tony the tiger style.
Someone needs to drabble/fic that. Fanfiction for the RP.
akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 00:32:47 UTC |
*nods* yes. fanfiction for the RP would be quite cool.
now to get a fic author onto that endevor...
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:39:25 UTC |
Hehe! Oh man, Fanfic for the RP. Only in THIS fandom. =)
eponis @ August 19 2003, 01:12:14 UTC |
I wish, actually. I would've loved to write some stuff based on it. I do remember that they've said before (don't remember where) that they would prefer for NA-fanfic not to happen. Their reasons, which seem quite good, are that these characters belong to their players, and it would be odd - RPSy, I suppose - to have other people taking them over and making them do things.
But perhaps a player can correct me if I'm wrong?
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 00:21:25 UTC |
Well, I think this was inevitable what with Narcissa's new self-assertion and watching Remus leave Sirius over similar problems.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 00:27:31 UTC |
yes, all signs seemed to point to this, especially considering the fight between Narcissa and Lucius the other night.
o_o its just a shock because i was heading off to bed and then bam! n_a updates.
context @ August 19 2003, 00:33:04 UTC |
Ditto on the bed thing >>;;
I really hope she gives him what he deserves, especially after that night.
And goodnight.
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 00:35:35 UTC |
They've always put a pretty face on the whole family dynamic in the past and now this. Poor Draco, I'll bet he thought they'd go on as they always have, presenting a united front to the world no matter what went on underneath.
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 00:43:40 UTC |
*blinks* I think the wibbles just become x2 for me. With the RemusxSirius breakup, we didn't have that much Harry, but this is directly addressing Draco, so he has to say something. I think H/D might just happen very soon.
*hopes the angst ends before September*
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 00:46:54 UTC |
Well, going back to Hogwarts will probably be a relief for both of them, and especially Draco.
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 00:53:54 UTC |
But then the other student's will be asking what happened. The Malfoy's were probably a pretty social couple, and they're pretty well-known so a breakup like this will be really big. The only thing that can protect Draco will be his name, and if Lucius doesn't support him, it probably won't help.
*waits for more comments*
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 01:00:49 UTC |
Yes, but when the parents break up you usually just want to get away from the situation altogether.
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 00:25:32 UTC |
She's fire chatting with Remus.
This is like a tootsie pop- thw world may never know.
cirakaite @ August 19 2003, 00:34:05 UTC |
I just feel sorry for Sibyll. She's being so sincere . . . I do applaud Remus though. He was so polite!
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Anonymous @ August 19 2003, 00:37:13 UTC |
I feel rather weird cheering for a family breakup.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 00:39:53 UTC |
sirius is posting now too... wonder what happened there?
(parent)dragynville @ August 19 2003, 00:47:39 UTC |
Wonder if it had anything to do with Lucius and/or the Lucius/Narcissa split?
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 00:50:09 UTC |
yeah, we're throwing a few ideas around on it thisaway
(parent)serpensortia @ August 19 2003, 07:18:21 UTC |
Hooch sticks up for Sybill! *grins madly* OTP! <3333