siren52684 @ 2003-08-19 02:39:00 |
(no title)
Mood: curious
sirius' current mood = fucked
something directly connected to the lovely malfoy breakup no doubt....
insanelonewolf @ August 19 2003, 00:43:49 UTC |
Or he knows that he had a hand in busting up their marriage?
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 00:46:19 UTC |
yes, that sounds pretty logical. i'd be mortified if i had helped break-up somebody's marriage.
(parent)dragynville @ August 19 2003, 00:50:56 UTC |
Those were my immediate thoughts too: caught or involved somehow. ;_;
(parent)aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:47:15 UTC |
*crosses fingers*
Sirius, my love, please please PLEASE tell me that you weren't caught doing....anything...with Lucius. I realize he is a lovely chunk of man-meat.. but...
C'mon Sirius! *prays that his post is completely unrelated, and he just spilt juice on his trousers or something equally forgivable*
cirakaite @ August 19 2003, 00:50:18 UTC |
Why am I just positive that's not going to be the case. Wah!!!!!!!!
I think this is the death knell. *mourns S/R* After all- Narcissa has been showing a lot of backbone in facing down Lucius when he's been flirting with Sirius, presumably because she knew what it was doing to a friend of hers. Now she insists on talking to Remus in the fire, and ends it with Lucius entirely- I think she'd be a lot more likely to do that for Remus' sake than if she walked in on Lucius with a random stranger.
anjenue @ August 19 2003, 00:51:08 UTC |
and now we have a Remus comment.
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 00:55:30 UTC |
*hands tissues*
*is crying. a lot.*
I'm scared. I think it's mainly the suspense of not knowing what happened.
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:53:00 UTC |
I still have faith!
This is all just a BIG misunderstanding!!!
Oh hell.
Oh shit.
siren52684 @ August 19 2003, 00:53:46 UTC |
*passes you the communal nraged box of tissues*
have at, hun.
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:56:02 UTC |
*takes tissue*
Thank you, siren. *sniff*
Sevvie? Where are you??
siren52684 @ August 19 2003, 00:57:14 UTC |
don't call him sevvie.
and i was wondering that! where are his wit and utter brilliance when we need them most!?
noirenails @ August 19 2003, 02:40:54 UTC |
Severus is pretty much like my little brother. His name is Jarkko but I've called him Jaku about all my life. Then suddenly he insist that his name is not Jaku and therefore I must call him Jarkko. Yeah, sure, destroy my habits. I blame the pubertity. He'll get over it.
(parent)cirakaite @ August 19 2003, 00:52:32 UTC |
Although Remus' response to Siris' post is now making me wonder whether it was something else entirely, although I still think that Lucius was involved . . .
If it was fooling around, why would Sirius need to meet Lupin again? They're already separated! *headspins*
Something tells me that sleep isn't coming in the near future . . .
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 00:57:31 UTC |
I don't know.. it comes right on the tail of his firechat with Narcissa. And it's Remus insisting on seeing Sirius. *wibbles*
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 00:53:39 UTC |
we really won't know the details until somebody starts posting them.
from what Remus comments, his suspicions seem to be similar to ours.
akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 00:57:03 UTC |
*shakes* god, this is not going to pretty in the least.
why does it always happen in the middle of the night? time zones. bah.
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 00:59:36 UTC |
I know! And I can't stay up for this one, school starts tomorrow. ;_;
(parent)anjenue @ August 19 2003, 00:59:13 UTC |
some birthday present for me. *grumbles as today is her 21st birthday*
(parent)siren52684 @ August 19 2003, 00:59:54 UTC |
*passes you alcohol. and a cupcake with a candle in it.*
(parent)anjenue @ August 19 2003, 01:00:25 UTC |
Thanks. *eats cupcake and begins drinking straight from the bottle*
(parent)anjenue @ August 19 2003, 01:13:32 UTC |
Well that sorta sucks.
And you all the way in Australia too. *chuckles*
anjenue @ August 19 2003, 01:17:38 UTC |
*laughs* Lucky! It's 3:15 in the morning here.
So hey, are you an RPer by any chance?
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hezzabeth @ August 19 2003, 03:25:01 UTC |
Pssst wanna join the secret Australian Nraged hang out?
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hezzabeth @ August 19 2003, 03:30:09 UTC |
Of course there is , this club was formed in order to spite notapipe whose been holding out on us.
I'm president of course.
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hezzabeth @ August 19 2003, 03:32:36 UTC |
Oh of course , I must go and sleep for I have to be up at five thirty in the morning.
* makes the secret hand shake and departs*
windtear @ August 20 2003, 01:21:30 UTC |
May I be Secretary?
(For authenticity: Shane Warne's a couple of snags short of a barbie)
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hezzabeth @ August 20 2003, 02:14:04 UTC |
Of course you can be secretary what with your witty Shane Warne social commentry.
siren52684 @ August 19 2003, 01:03:21 UTC |
color me stupid, what wtf does "t00by" MEAN, anyway?
(parent)aquagia @ August 19 2003, 01:03:39 UTC |
*also passes alcohol*
Come on, say it with me now, "All just one big misunderstanding!"
*hands anjenue a kazoo*
Don't worry! There is t00by H/D love going on somewhere in DW, I just know it.
anjenue @ August 19 2003, 01:06:03 UTC |
Hurrah for H/D fluff! XD
Thanks for the booze and kazoo. *will use both*
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:14:27 UTC |
Happy birthday!
*sends you drink of your choice*
nightflight @ August 19 2003, 01:27:48 UTC |
Happy birthday! ::gives you many <3s::
I'd suggest we all have a big chat on some Instant Messaging program, but, uh, that's not my job to suggest. =x
anjenue @ August 19 2003, 01:30:45 UTC |
*laughs* You have IM? I'm on - MaJuliette.
I'll be happy to chat if nobody else wants to!
And thanks for the birthday wishes!
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 13:18:51 UTC |
There's a National Mustard day? Well, August just got a bit better!
I <3 mustard
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 00:52:26 UTC |
Remus knows something and is heading for DW! O_O
(parent)anjenue @ August 19 2003, 00:57:33 UTC |
*grins* Yeah, wanna chat with you about something.
(anything to help relieve the stress as we
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:00:15 UTC |
Oh my god. *dies* I think Remus saw something. If he did.. August is the month of wibble. *cries* *hugs Narcissa and Remus imaginary plushies*
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 01:05:10 UTC |
i was contemplating a Gackt plushie this afternoon, but the timing calls for plans to attempt N_A plushies.
ugh, *wishes for better sewing skills*
anjenue @ August 19 2003, 01:14:37 UTC |
*imagines the number of times she would have ripped off plushie heads*
(parent)anjenue @ August 19 2003, 01:17:02 UTC |
*does also*
My Snape plushie would have lip prints on it.
And my Harry and Draco plushies would be velcro'd together.
Not to mention Remus and Sirius.
And forget about Lucius. He'd be locked in a box somewhere.
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:17:09 UTC |
Me too.. All I have is a wolf!Remus plushie that I have from a crane game...
*runs off to get it*
anatidae @ August 19 2003, 01:48:11 UTC |
Wah. I have a sinking feeling that Harry isn't at DW.
Mehopes me is wrong.
anatidae @ August 19 2003, 02:40:55 UTC |
Highly possible, but Draco seems to have some problems of his own.
Also, I'll eat my LJ if this turns completely H/D centred. Though in Nraged, H/D seems to be the centre of everything.
anatidae @ August 19 2003, 03:00:16 UTC |
Oh! I'm sorry I took it out on you, but I was going through 100 comments of "H/D!!11!!" and then, gah.
black_dog @ August 19 2003, 04:41:22 UTC |
It's got to be something big, doesn't it? Always fun to speculate out of nothing, but here are some thoughts and far-from-complete conclusions:
1. We know that Remus is done with Sirius over Lucius. If this were just Sirius and Lucius making fools of themselves again, I don't think Remus would be seeking out Sirius for a further confrontation for its own sake -- he's over that.
2. So I'm thinking that if Remus is going to Dogear, and in fact is willing to see Sirius again in pursuit of whatever he's doing, there must be some emergency that requires him to be there, not just to see Sirius. Maybe he needs to give Narcissa and Draco a refuge at Dogear? (The flat in London would be too small for all three of them; Narcissa would have the resources to go elsewhere but may feel she needs Remus' company.)
3. So, what did Lucius get himself up to? Last we heard, he was returning early from London and his implied meeting with Sirius, to try to work things out with Narcissa. And he did get back, and they had a nice family day trip to Pisa. It doesn't seem like he's had time for another trip to London. Also, it doesn't sound to me as though Narcissa is addressing an absent Lucius. It sounds like she had some sort of confrontation with him in the villa? It's uncertain, but the precision of her insult -- "elegance walking arm in arm with a lie" -- and her decisiveness in talking to Draco, Remus, and Sirius, seem to suggest an incident or a confrontation that have changed things definitively, not just an empty bed and the assumption that he was skipping out again.
4. I like the tone she strikes in her summons to Draco. It seems a perfect balance of authority and endearment, of urgency and a willingness to explain herself. It's hard to describe, but it sounds like a real request to someone she cares about and not some imperious self-regarding gesture. The tone is pragmatic rather than wheedling or persuasive -- so it also sounds like she takes it for granted that Draco will be on her side in whatever she has to do. (I'm also assuming Draco is coming with her because Remus is going to Dogear, rather than just bringing Narcissa to the apartment.)
5. So Lucius got up to something in the Villa that was just over-the-top as far as Narcissa is concerned, and she takes it for granted that Draco will have the same reaction (I'm not positive about that last part). Just for the sake of argument, we could look beyond the obviously sexual -- Could it have been an ugly confrontation between Lucius and Draco? Some sort of DE activity? Is this the time to raise the murky NrAged speculative current about Malfoycest? Or was it just the garlicky girl (or boy) from the vegetable market after all?
athene_51 @ August 19 2003, 09:09:05 UTC |
Note to self: there is no such thing as a "quick" friends page read-through, as long as it contains N_A and NrAged o_O
Great speculation as always!
Okay, I'm looking at this in order. It looks like Lucius does something to make Narcissa leave, possibly with Draco. She tells Remus they need to firechat. Suddenly, Sirius is upset/worried/"fucked", and Remus is angry (although with whom and for what reason is uncertain right now) and on his way to DW.
I'm ignoring the S/R issue right now and assuming Sirius's post has everything to do with Harry and nothing to do with the S/R relationship. Since they were separated already, I don't see Remus heading to DW because of more S/L action, although I suppose it could happen if that was enough to make Narcissa leave. Remus would return in a heartbeat for Harry, IMHO. Mmm... idle speculation.
It looks like Sirius and Remus are talking about the same thing, which makes me wonder how they both know. Assuming Remus was told something important by Narcissa, how did Sirius get the same information? Did something happen at DW? Was Sirius there for it?
So. Could it be that Lucius has finally acted openly against Harry, either in person, or through Draco, or made a mention in passing to Narcissa? Since we have no idea where Harry is at the moment, there's no real way to tell. The fact that Remus is headed to DW makes me wonder if it wasn't something in person. Maybe Sirius has realized just how dangerous Lucius really is? Maybe that's why Narcissa needed to speak to Remus so badly?
Ah, there's nothing like clueless speculation and jumping to conclusions :) black_dog covered lots of the Malfoy family-related theories, but I wanted to jump in with some Harry-centric ones, because of Sirius's reaction. Maybe I'm wrong, but my immediate thought was that he was worried about Harry. I guess we'll have to wait for those evil, evil N_A players to feed us a few more scraps of information.
Not to pin everything on Lucius unfairly, since I know his player (<3) has been uncomfortable with NrAged lately. It just seems like the most obvious starting point. Occam's Razor and all.
black_dog @ August 19 2003, 13:06:11 UTC |
Oh cool, I really like your Harry-centric theories because I was just unconsciously looking at it from the other end.
It's interesting to recall that if Sirius was "away" in London on Lucius-related business, that would have meant he had left Harry alone at Dogear. Perfect scenario for an attack on Harry. If it failed, if Harry escaped and owled them both, that would explain Sirius sense of being "fucked," Remus' fury about Sirius' absence from Dogear, and Lucius' philosophical poem about Voldemort's latest miss. (There are a couple of ways to read Lucius' quoting 'Casey at the Bat,' but that's one of them.) Even if what happened was something less melodramatic, it seems you could construct a series of events along the line of: Harry alone, something bad or awkward happens because he is unsupervised, Sirius feels like a jerk, Remus is furious.
Oddly enough, one of the reasons I'm most worried about Harry is that Ron has popped back up quite suddenly. For all his goofy surface, I think there's something eerie and uncanny about the way he pops on to the scene when something important is happening to someone he cares about, and about the almost supernatural way he noses out important truths that everyone else is guessing at. Worth watching, that boy.
Anyway, if the action centers on Harry, how do you explain the reaction at the Villa? Did Lucius do his evil grin and tell Narcissa about the attack and she reacted in an unexpected way? Did Draco react in an unexpected way? Is Draco missing now or was MB just taking a random shot?
Hmmm. So many variables in play, so many key things left vague. Perhaps it's time for us NrAgers to lie low, and pretend to be bored, and hope the players dangle the string a little closer . . .
sistermagpie @ August 19 2003, 09:33:38 UTC |
La! Love that speculation!
Since Remus and Narcissa are both angry it sounds like it has something to do with their husbands on the surface. Remus may have let it go with Sirius but he might still be angry on Narcissa's behalf. It's interesting, though, that Remus tells Sirius to meet him at the house, like he's Sirius' husband again. I mean...he's now asserting himself as a force in Sirius' life that he'd better listen to. He might be speaking to him as a friend and protector of Harry, though.
Sirius' comment and mood could also indicate that something's gone down that's being misunderstood, though. A sort of, "Oh great, now the drama queen's are flying into a frenzy and they'll never listen to any explanation." It might be kind of funny if the Malfoys ran into Sirius by coincidence and Narcissa and Remus took this to mean they were meeting on purpose. Narcissa's "lie" comment would certainly fit with that, but really I have no idea what's going on.
Narcissa's comment to Draco could mean she's taking him with her, or she may just be telling him their vacation is being cut short, or that she's saying good-bye before she leaves. We also don't know what Draco's reaction will be. Will he go to Narcissa? Not sure. M.b.'s totally delightful and delighted comment has her in fine form, enjoying the freak show. She asks Narcissa where Draco is then tells Ron "we" are going to pick up his favorite Slytherin and that Pansy says hello. That sounds to me like she and Pansy are together as she writes the post and that they are going to get Draco. (I hope so!) He may want to remove himself from the mess completely. Harry may not yet know anything is going on.
M.B. is probably finding all this parental angst quite amusing. In the midst of a crisis the Malfoys are still on opposite sides of this huge villa. Draco might not even be there, in fact. M.B. could be telling Narcissa to check because Draco is with her (M.B.) or she could have just gone to look for him herself and not found Draco there.
black_dog @ August 19 2003, 13:17:17 UTC |
What's interesting me about Remus' latest post is the very short arc of his furious intervention. There he was, in the morning, ready to brave Dogear and Sirius to save the day somehow. But now, whatever was getting him so worked up seems to have fizzled. Which may feed in to your take on Sirius thinking R was just being a drama queen. I think there's a strong suggestion that he was worried about Harry, and angry about Sirius' neglect of Harry for a trip to London, but now it seems like whatever happened was a false alarm. Or else, Harry failed to respond appropriately to Remus in his protector role?
I am also wonderfully baffled by Lucius' quoting 'Casey at the Bat'. I can think of three ways of reading it, off the top of my head. First, as a rueful acknowledgment that he failed to pull off his reconciliation with Narcissa. Second, as a mockery of Remus, for failing in his attempt to be the hero of the day. Third, as I speculated to athene_51 above, it could be an allusion to Voldemort trying and failing to get at Harry, which requires some assumptions about the London backstory and what happened at Dogear.
Anyway, three one-line posts are a dramatic and intriguing way to start the day. But seven one liners and one short poem? I fear we are being teased, indeed mocked by the players. I fear the yarn is being dangled just out of our reach for their amusement in watching us dance. So I for one am going to sit quietly and not speculate until I am fed.
dari_brit @ August 19 2003, 15:44:00 UTC |
black_dog, you are brilliant and insightful as usual. I agree that the one-liners are definitely designed to make us think that Sirius and Lucius were caught in bed together by Narcissa. Actually, it's still a distinct possibility, but I also believe that those tricksy players enjoy their misdirection...
I'm liking something involving Voldemort; something enough to shock Narcissa. During Dumbledore's Roast, do you remember when Lucius made reference to Narcissa's "willingness to do her duty" as regards the Dark Lord? It seems that he has been referring to her role in his nefarious doings much more frequently as of late; perhaps leaning on her to do something? Also noting her increased interaction with Harry, if she's been encouraged to exploit that, that (and the repeated infidelities) might be the last straw for Narcissa. But, then again, that may be ascribing too much nobility to the complex blonde_narcissa.
This will be quite the puzzle to unravel-- but I for one would be thrilled to see Draco and Narcissa take refuge at Dogear Wryde. Let's hear it for the possibility of increased H/D facetime!
black_dog @ August 19 2003, 16:11:12 UTC |
Interesting. I took Lucius' repeated references to Narcissa's shared guilt as a kind of attempted blackmail -- in other words, don't think you can turn on me and Voldemort, because we've got enough on you to put you in Azkaban, too. And he may be right -- that fear may be inhibiting Narcissa just a bit. Yet I don't see him as having enough leverage to force her to hurt Harry, for example. In fact, the more obviously he leans on her, the more explicitly he proposes she join him in some new crime, the more ammunition she would have if she did decide to turn him in as part of a deal for lenience for herself.
I like your idea that Lucius may have blown it by misreading what Narcissa was willing to go along with. There is that very interesting exchage the other day about Lucius' "quest for knowledge" or whatever, and Narcissa seems sympathetic to his most fundamental drives here. Maybe it was something like "help me with one last attack and I'll never ask you to work with V again."
I don't think it's ascribing too much nobility to Narcissa to think she'd balk at hurting Harry. If she did that, she would irreparably damage her relationship with her son, and with Remus (who is her best link to the normal world), and she is smart enough to know she wouldn't necessarily be buying her own freedom from Lucius, because he'd just have more dirt to use to blackmail her. She may also calculate that Harry stands a pretty good chance of success in any such attack, having defeated V multiple times already.
So Lucius may have played a losing hand, thinking he could bluff Narcissa. Maybe. I'm eagerly awating more evidence.
In the mean time, I <3 Hufflepuffs, who have their own perfect commentary on all this mystery!
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:54:27 UTC |
I am placing hope upon hope that Harry is ASLEEP in some very far away part of DW.
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:57:25 UTC |
Draco being with Harry in some very far away part of DW might actually cheer me up. Maybe they're in a bathroom. Breaking towel racks. Accidentally.
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Anonymous @ August 19 2003, 01:20:14 UTC |
What if Harry's with someone else.
*runs off to find Crabbe/Harry/Goyle smut fics*
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:27:20 UTC |
Oh god, if Harry posts I'm just going to start crying... If Harry comments I'm going to start crying. But I need him to say something. I need to know what he wonats with Remus, Sirius, Draco and everybody.
Hold up 'Post Harry, comment, anything!' banner.
arborwin @ August 19 2003, 00:54:49 UTC |
I was on my way to bed but ... uh. No bloody way now.
(parent)aquagia @ August 19 2003, 00:59:54 UTC |
When I show up at work tomorrow morning incoherently wibbling about Sirius and Remus, it will not be pretty. "Are you happy NOW, NA??"
akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 01:02:15 UTC |
yup. no sleep. not now. not happening. ugh, school in two weeks, so short a time, but im lucky its not tomorrow. ^^;;
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:21:37 UTC |
*dies* You keep reminding me of that. Be quiet! It's all a lie! No more school! It's still 3 months away!
akutenshi2007 @ August 19 2003, 01:23:10 UTC |
*blinks* ok, three months
ignorance is bliss.
and i'm attempting to be blissful here. ^^
arborwin @ August 19 2003, 01:27:25 UTC |
My attitude right now is: School starts next week. I'll sleep when I'm dead.
(parent)anjenue @ August 19 2003, 01:28:54 UTC |
I'll be mellow when I'm dead.
*walks away whistling Weird Al*
anjenue @ August 19 2003, 01:19:18 UTC |
*drums fingers*
ARG! I won't have any fingernails left by the time we figure out what the hell is going on!!!
*narrows eyes in frustration*
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:22:27 UTC |
Two words- TOOTSIE POP.
That is what N_A really is.
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 01:23:45 UTC |
Capslock is so easy to use, when so-inclined. I understand your pain, Ron Weasley.
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 01:22:51 UTC |
I keep checking my mail, or other random sites, and then quickly "refresh"...yet to no avail!!
That's it. It is time for Snood.
anjenue @ August 19 2003, 01:26:08 UTC |
SNOOD! @_@ Snood is EVIL! It sucks out your brain! It is an obsessive addiction!
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 01:31:15 UTC |
Too many obsessive addictions in one night!!
nightflight @ August 19 2003, 01:25:19 UTC |
Oh dear God, I go to play a game for a bit and THIS is what I come back to?
I can't even use my normal n_a icon, this is so sad.
anjenue @ August 19 2003, 01:29:29 UTC |
I thought they were supposed to keep it to weekends!
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:29:54 UTC |
If Harry posts, I believe we're doomed. Unless it is a proclamation of his and Draco's long-term relationship. That might take a little bit of the wibble away. But just a little.
*resumes plushie cuddling*
aquagia @ August 19 2003, 01:33:30 UTC |
The only Harry comment that will make me feel better would be something along the lines of:
Dear everyone:
Am infinately exhausted due to intense love-makin' with Draco. Am going to bed without reading any other posts.
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:37:47 UTC |
*hands you tissues and standard issue n_a plushies.*
'Welcome to the Wibble threads, home of the Nocturne Alley fanboys and fangirls.'
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:33:58 UTC |
None of the players are commenting. They are trying to kill the kitties!
nightflight @ August 19 2003, 01:41:15 UTC |
They obviously must take pleasure in our pain.
Our neverending, wibbly pain.
siren52684 @ August 19 2003, 01:41:49 UTC |
damn them....and their sadistic ways that we cannot seem to get enough of....
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:45:39 UTC |
We're all masochists. *sighs* Just when you think it can't get any worse, another couple breaks up.
(parent)aquagia @ August 19 2003, 01:46:16 UTC I couldn't resist... |
I am such a Google Image search ho.
Not to mention I now have the tune of the "Thundercats" theme song in my head, only with "wibble" in place of the word "thunder."
WibbleCats are on the move! Wibble cats are loose!
siren52684 @ August 19 2003, 01:46:47 UTC Re: I couldn't resist... |
that was beautiful.
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:49:28 UTC Re: I couldn't resist... |
There needs to be a website or something for things like these. The Ligher Side of Nocturen Alley or something for these things. That way we can escape from the wibble!
Of course, there's always smut. *grins*
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 01:50:59 UTC Re: I couldn't resist... | is my homeland.
(parent)aquagia @ August 19 2003, 01:51:41 UTC Re: I couldn't resist... |
Oh yes!
If this doesn't pick up soon, I am so there.
Oh who am I kidding. I'm there already. =)
nightflight @ August 19 2003, 01:46:04 UTC |
::glomps you back::
It is 5 am here. WHY AM I NOT SLEEPING?
Now, get to work, you! <33 The wibble will remain later. x.x ::snuggles::
anoni @ August 19 2003, 01:49:18 UTC |
That's as likely as you going to sleep, o fellow wibbler. ::shnugs and <3<3<3s:: ^_^
(parent)nightflight @ August 19 2003, 01:51:25 UTC |
Actually, I was thinking of heading off since the drama itself seems to have ceased for the night. Although I know the minute I close my eyes, ten thousand threads will all explode all at once. x.x ::hugs:: <333
(parent)anoni @ August 19 2003, 01:55:51 UTC |
Nightmares = NA activity without our presence.
That is rather sad, when I think about it... ::tucks you in:: Good luck finding sleep. ^_^ ::gives you plushified!Remus:: <3<3
nightflight @ August 19 2003, 01:58:05 UTC |
::snugs:: Thank you, dear. Hee! ::squishes it:: I actually have a stuffed wolf named Remus, which is the funny part. See you later. <3
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Anonymous @ August 19 2003, 02:03:39 UTC |
Sirius = Fucked...
Is that literal?
*Cackles evilly to self and flees from the S/R shippers*
lazy_daze @ August 19 2003, 02:18:21 UTC |
First thing that went through my mind too...*grins*
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 19 2003, 02:49:38 UTC |
And I thought I was on vacation...
These are just random impressions.
I don't know, but to me, the wording each character is using doesn't equal 'I just caught Sirius and Lucius doing the dirty'.
Narcissa says he's 'Walking arm in arm with a lie'. Also, she's shut off her comments? Not surprising if she's not talking to Lucius. In her next post's comment, she starts to tell Remus she's okay, then just says No. <3 Backbone!Smackdown!Narcissa. Also, both she and Remus tell Sybill to bugger off. Teehee.
I don't think Sirius's post makes sense for someone just caught cheating. It sounds more like he found something out. Which if you take it with Narcissa's 'Arm in arm' comment, maybe means that Lucius got caught doing something? Am I deluding myself?
But then Remus's comment: He's going to the house. And he sounds pissed. At least they'll finally be talking? Right?
imochan @ August 19 2003, 06:22:17 UTC |
You know they've pumped you WAY TOO FULL of angst when you're encouraged by a post like this. I HAVE to stop going to bed so frelling early. :O
(parent)el_erzulie @ August 19 2003, 23:56:06 UTC |
This is ... ARGH. If he fucked Lucius there is going to be HELL TO PAY. You know, I am a HUGE Lucius fan. In NA, though, I want to hit him a lot. I don't like that, and I still love some of his smart arsed posts, but I can't help but be annoyed. I know Sirius is not at ALL blameless [if he did shag him, or of any interraction in the past] regardless of Lucius' persistance but... he's not helping matters, you know? Wibble.
I adore MB - but what's new? It's just so sweet, she's concerned about potterstinks! I also like the suggestion someone made earlier that Harry has gone to comfort him. <333 Very sweet.