chasingwhispers @ 2003-08-19 13:42:00 |
Mood: amused
The ever-mocking Millicent? Or is she genuinely joyous about something?
Ron's asking questions and Millicent implies her post may just be a mockery of Sirius's. Millicent mentions collecting Ron's 'favourite Slytherin'.
So is she collecting Draco or Pansy?
notapipe @ August 19 2003, 05:48:10 UTC |
Also, she asked Narcissa where Draco was at about the same time (Since it's obviously the same hour now as it was when she posted, and also the same hour as when she asked Narcissa: ORDER! (though technically they're maybe at the same time or so) Take that time-stamps!)
I am not ready to speculate, but I am very very amused and happy with the mental image/sound I have of her being serious. It's wonderful.
eponis @ August 19 2003, 05:48:57 UTC |
Okay. I've talked about this with Nancy and Anjali, among others, but:
I really wonder whether the events went something like this:
Lucius sees Harry's comment that H/D had seen each other naked.
He digs out of Draco that, now or in the past, he had a liason with Harry.
Lucius blows up at Draco, threatening disinheritance, etc.
This is the last straw for Narcissa - she cares about Draco more than anyone. She leaves Lucius.
Lupin and Black find out. That's why Lupin went back to DW.
Millicent finds out, and is happy that H/D are finally coming out.
I dunno. It relies on a) H&D having had a liason, which is a hot debate, and b) a comment in the Nraged community being a plot point in N_A, which would be unusual. Other than that, though, it does seem to fit the events.
We'll see.
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Anonymous @ August 19 2003, 06:12:14 UTC |
While this might be nice, I just don't think that Remus would appear so angry in his post to Sirius, or Sirius so "fucked" if this was the case.
eponis @ August 19 2003, 06:17:26 UTC |
::nods:: Remus could be upset in general, and ditto with Sirius being "fucked." However . . . what could be worse, in their relationship, than it already is? Sirius said in his Q&A that he had not slept with Lucius throughout his marriage. Even if he did sleep with Lucius this past week, then, that might upset Remus, but I don't think it would enrage him this way. They were separated, after all.
So: with the S/R relationship as it is, I can't think of what would upset Lupin like that, except some sort of threat or problem with Harry. Which seems to be what Ron and Millicent are worried about as well.
dragynville @ August 19 2003, 12:34:12 UTC |
I don't see why Sirius would say his mood was "fucked" over H/D or over the Lucius/Narcissa split (unless he was involved). However, if Harry has run off for some reason.. to be with Draco or over Sirius/Lucius or some such.. then I could see it.
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Anonymous @ August 19 2003, 06:15:03 UTC |
Why would a comment or two in NrAged be part of the game in NA? *boggles* I have a high amount of respect for the players and would be extremely shocked if this would be the case. IMHO, all action should take place within the game. Anything commented on in NrAged like those Q and As should just be information for the fans and not construed as NA Canon.
Just my .02
tabiji @ August 19 2003, 07:04:12 UTC |
Well, actually if you think about it, a lot of the game takes place outside of the game. The players only post what is in character for them to put into a journal...the rest is left for everyone to fill in the blanks.
The Q&A sessions have allowed them to stay in character (so that's canon), and address a lot of unanswered questions about their interactions that we were never able to see and could only speculate about.
black_dog @ August 19 2003, 14:48:42 UTC |
I would have assumed that was the rule. Interesting counterexample, though: Lucius proposes taking Draco to dinner in Paris on the Nraged thread, and that dinner becomes part of the game backstory on Draco's next post. But consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 19 2003, 07:21:21 UTC |
Of interest, the first time I saw these new posts, I missed Narcissa's "au revoir" one. First thing that jumped into my head after skimming them? Someone had found out about H/D. That would be why Narcissa is calling for Draco, why she had a firechat with Remus and he's going over to Sirius, why Millicent is so gleeful and looking for Draco, etc.
However, as soon as I saw the "au revoir" post, I made the more plausible connection that the hullabaloo is stemming from Narcissa's break-up. Yet I still can't help but wonder about how easily the H/D-uncovered situation fit. So I really am pondering if that might be somehow involved.
Unrelated, I am a little worried about which parent Draco would go with. Narcissa is devoted, yet in the Q&A he answered that his favorite parent was "My Father." Is he sworn enough to his Malfoy duty to stay with Lucius?
noirenails @ August 19 2003, 08:45:26 UTC |
*hopes* I just don't know who or what to believe anymore. N_A is confusing the hell out of me. I just happen to be either at school or asleep when everything happens.
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intern_alley @ August 19 2003, 13:17:18 UTC |
For clarification: Anything that happens in nraged is not in game. The Q&A is just for your enjoyment and information. The answers are true (or as true as the characters feel like being), but they are not part of the game. Lucius didn't learn anything from the Q&A because nraged does not exist in Lucius's universe.
Wouldn't normally step in like this, but we wanted to minimise confusion. And we still find you just as cute as ever. :-*
tabiji @ August 20 2003, 06:03:03 UTC |
Lucius didn't learn anything from the Q&A
Soooo, are we to take that to mean that there is something there for him to learn?
notapipe @ August 19 2003, 05:55:57 UTC |
So I said it was to early to speculate for me, but damn, my mind doesn't listen to me.
I first think it's something with her parents or Pansy, because her parents are evil.
Perhaps she has a boat. Boats = r0x0r.
Last time she was God there was H/D pnwage. H/D pwnage. Now it would have to be amplified. H/D pwnage.
Apparation liscense. Pass. I know I said something similar when I passed my driver's liscence (it actually was much less polite, of course).
It appears that loud music combined with sugar combined with fun -> l33t. Interesting
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hobaggins @ August 19 2003, 06:09:03 UTC |
That's a wide range of options for you to win as. Anything could happen and you can say you were right
Oh well. r0x0rZ it is.
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stefijeanw @ August 19 2003, 06:01:47 UTC |
Ron comments, but he is as clueless as the rest of us.
(parent)angelsasha @ August 19 2003, 07:52:58 UTC |
OMG! I just have to say that I love your icon! *giggles madly*
(parent)_audrey @ August 19 2003, 06:13:54 UTC |
Although it does sound as though she's just taking the piss.
*refreshes madly*
adrienneblack @ August 19 2003, 06:38:38 UTC |
Heh, that's what I thought.
Though after reading other people's theories I'm not so sure anymore.
serpensortia @ August 19 2003, 07:13:40 UTC |
I think she's just taking the piss out of Sirius myself :)
I'm now waiting to see if anyone in N_A will post up something like "Yeah baby" and follow a strange little word game (Sirius says Bloody Hell, M.B. goes for Hell Yeah...) it's just me who's thinking this isn't it? ^-^;;
serpensortia @ August 19 2003, 11:06:19 UTC |
^___^ So I wasn't totally crazy for once!
Remus hasn't followed the pattern though, for shame.
imochan @ August 19 2003, 06:26:42 UTC |
woo! Live Thread, ba-e-bee. Am so glad to see more Ron. Have been seriously lacking in the Ron as of late! Is anyone else seeing this as, like, the Best. Rescue Mission. Ever?
best. superlative. ever.
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Anonymous @ August 19 2003, 06:29:00 UTC |
The poor thing has been having his own family angst lately. :( What is going on with all the families?! :O
(parent)girlchild @ August 19 2003, 09:29:53 UTC |
off topic: your icon? is it draco/harry, or is it zell/squall?
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chasingwhispers @ August 19 2003, 14:53:33 UTC |
Mine? It's H/D from an artwork off Rhysenn's site. Mmmm... ;)
(parent)girlchild @ August 19 2003, 20:38:24 UTC |
gosh, draco's bangs look awfully like zell dincht [[from ff8]]'s tattoo. and harry just happens to look like squall leonhart! i never realised the similarities in appearances they have.
thanks for clarifying. *^^*