dayafternext @ 2003-04-04 23:26:00 |
(no title)
Mood: pissed off
Does anyone else feel like throttling Parvati? She's Harry's fellow Gryffindor and sorta friend and former date, yet she's taking Snape's word over his. Maybe a grudge from where he stepped on her toes at the Yule Ball?
And! She's trying to get between boot_boy and
petitemillicent! The little bitca.
Have we heard yet what Dumbledore has to say about the whole supposed cheating fiasco?
moony @ April 5 2003, 00:44:56 UTC |
Makes sense. The whole's school's turned on Harry, what, at least once a book? CoS and GoF particularly. :P
Never understood that, but then I never understood how kids could be so stupid in my high school, either.