gryffindorckr @ 2003-08-19 16:24:00 |
Mood: amused
Meanwhile, the Hufflepuffs sing The Beatles...
(my first post, hope I did it right! :D )
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gryffindorckr @ August 19 2003, 15:43:14 UTC |
Oh sorry! Erm... better luck next time, I guess? :\
You gotta love those 'Puffs!
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neveth @ August 19 2003, 15:34:16 UTC |
First off, WELCOME!
Who else thinks somebody put the hufflepuffs up as a distraction from all the wibblesquee going on?
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gryffindorckr @ August 19 2003, 15:48:27 UTC |
Thank you! I've been lurking around here for a while now, and I've participated in the Q&A, but this is my first foray into postingdome... or something. :D
I'm just glad that there's still some love left in the N_A world. T_T
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shallowfemme @ August 19 2003, 15:40:41 UTC |
I have great love for erniemacmillan's player. *grins* We really needed this!
flyingcarpet @ August 19 2003, 17:50:44 UTC |
I second this. Much love to Ernie and the player!!
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 19 2003, 15:44:27 UTC |
Welcome! Great month you picked to come. ^-^
Hee. Hufflepuffs. So cool. Happiness is a Hufflepuff. And if you didn't know the Beatle connection it would sound like they're all high! Hee. ^-^ That made my day.
tiamet_nox @ August 19 2003, 16:24:46 UTC |
That would explain a lot. Which drug(s) makes you paranoid?
Paranoid: The pathological belief that one is important enough to be the object of a conspiracy. ~Rick Bayan, The Cynic's Dictionary.
tiamet_nox @ August 19 2003, 19:25:00 UTC |
Hufflepuffs Disclosed: The secret behind the paranoia, next on Nraged.
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gryffindorckr @ August 19 2003, 15:54:51 UTC |
Thanks! I've been lurking for a couple of months, but yeah, it just figures isn't it. :(
At least they're finding some happiness despite all these wibble-worthy conflicts.
tiamet_nox @ August 19 2003, 16:21:07 UTC |
Ah well. Bad joining timing must be an Nraged thing. I stopped lurking the day before The Outing. Talk about out of the frying pan into the fire!
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gryffindorckr @ August 19 2003, 16:37:54 UTC |
Wow, I can only imagine how frenzied Nraged must have been then!
*sigh* It's times like these that I start miss the good old days, when the biggest disaster amounted to Ron getting his hand glued to Hermione's bum during the Bleu Ball. There's only so much wibbling a person can take...
(Also, I love your icon!)
tiamet_nox @ August 19 2003, 16:46:42 UTC |
The players are sadistic. Sirius' player even admitted in in a Q&A session. (It inspired an icon collection which stubbornly refuses to show up on the N_A icon community.) I think they're moving on to big league angst for the sole reason of: because they can. [/bitterness]
Oh well. We love them anyway (or possibly because of it. I have this suspicion that I'm secretly masochistic and simply haven't gotten around to informing myself of the fact yet.)
Thanks! It used to say "Another Victim of the WibbleSquee" but I got bored.^-^
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gryffindorckr @ August 19 2003, 17:31:21 UTC |
I like to think that all this angst is for the greater good, i.e. Sirius' flirting with Lucius is part of an assignment from Dumbledore (I can dream right?). And if not, then they're just cruel. :\
I completely agree with out about having a masochistic side! Though hopefully by the time September rolls around, N_A will reward us with something that will make us forget what a horrible, heart-wrenching month this has been.
tiamet_nox @ August 19 2003, 19:21:13 UTC |
Oh I'm pretty sure they're just cruel. We don't need Vodie to eradicte the muggle world. N_A will wibble us to death!
Unless N_A is secretly a Death Eater faction sent to distroy us! Ah Ha! That's it! There's already the mad theory that they made us wibble so much it caused the blackout. Maybe it's not so mad after all! We're on to you N_A! ...and yet still I refresh. Curses! Their dastardly trap has worked! *takes a deep breath*
imochan @ August 19 2003, 15:45:00 UTC |
goo... goo... g'joo... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm seeing Snape as a backup, man, and it's so fucking glorious. SO BLOODY GREAT.
zorb @ August 19 2003, 15:48:25 UTC |
You know, I always thought the words were Coo Coo Ca-choo, like Mrs. Robinson. Look, Ma, NA is giving me an edumakashun!
(parent)dari_brit @ August 19 2003, 16:32:56 UTC |
All the trippy lyrics of the Beatles in this phase as applied to N_A and the Hufflepuffs are cracking me up!
Due to the randomness of the lyrics, and also because they *are* the Hufflepuffs, it's making me wonder whether they aren't speaking in code...?
(Ernie, if you play it backwards, it says "Paul is dead!")
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Anonymous @ August 19 2003, 17:53:29 UTC |
It's funny, but the lyrics didn't feel random to me at all. They felt very... very hufflepuff, I guess. Like they were reminding everyone that we're all alike- buck up it'll all be okay. It felt like a big hug to me, for all the players who are tearing their hair out as well as all of us out here.
(parent)angerfish @ August 19 2003, 17:01:21 UTC |
Beatles _and_ U2 all in the same day? That's sort of awesome. ^^
And it strikes me as somehow perfect that this would be the songs the Hufflepuffs would sing! <3