dari_brit @ 2003-08-19 19:03:00 |
One more couple down...
Mood: mournful
Sara breaks the news to Neville.
Poor baby...it would have been so nice for Neville to have a girlfriend. Still, I hope that the experience of having a girl be attracted to him will be confidence building, despite the eventual demise of the relationship.
I speak from experience when I say that summer experience can be a huge stepping stone to something much better. Here's hoping that either A) this points the way to Nev finding a great girl this upcoming year, or B) that Sara comes to her senses and comes back to him!
(and yes, this is my first initial post as well! hold on, bandwagon!)
counterfeitkiss @ August 19 2003, 16:17:09 UTC |
He deserves much better. Hopefully the new school year will bring that for him.
(parent)saphywaphy @ August 19 2003, 17:00:03 UTC |
Aww, poor Neville! This really is the month of break-ups, isn't it? Who will be next?
He's seemed to have gained a lot this summer, as you've said - he's growing to be much more self-confident, from his job with Mr. Takakura to standing up to his grandmother to his relationship with Sara. I wonder if he'll still cower when in Potions, or not (or maybe just not as much?)
And yay for the first post! I'm officially out of lurking, too, because the drama is too much even though I've posted thrice already ^^;
saffronlie @ August 19 2003, 17:18:34 UTC |
Yeah, while I wouldn't want to liken this to a BSC movie, it *has* been an eventful summer around N_A, and a learning experience for many of the characters, I'm sure. I like that, that the characters are growing and changing just as we all do. Now's lets hope that autumn brings some quality squee.
(parent)![]() |
lunar_dancer @ August 20 2003, 03:16:20 UTC |
I don't think you could say that she really broke the news to him, she just cried. With some luck the poor guy *will* get a break with someone who is a bit more faithful, because he deserves it.