stefijeanw @ 2003-08-19 20:34:00 |
(no title)
Narcissa posts.
The lyrics are to the song "Non, Je Ne Regret Rien" by Edith Piaf.
I think you can find an accurate translation here.
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adolfa @ August 19 2003, 17:39:25 UTC |
Bah, you beat me to it by two minutes.
And I found that odd, but strangely satisfying, that she's quoting Je Ne Regrette Rien. I don't think this breakup is permanent.
thefirst @ August 19 2003, 17:41:02 UTC |
Trust Narcissa to come up with a classy song like that for her split with Lucius. And I agree with the other noter above- I find myself doubting this split will last long, at least not for Draco's sake.
(parent)nmalfoy @ August 19 2003, 17:50:57 UTC |
I don't know. She did leave off the very last line. That can't have been an accident.
(parent)athene_51 @ August 19 2003, 18:14:19 UTC |
D'accord. Je pense qu'il n'est pas un accident.
Car ma vie, car mes joies, aujourd'hui ça commence avec toi
Hmm, I wonder if she left that line off because it's the most hopeful line of the song. It implies that the singer (well, quoter in this case) is ready to start again with someone new. I doubt that's Narcissa's intention.
babytyggeryss @ August 19 2003, 18:14:40 UTC |
I think the leaving off of the last little bit means she has left Lucius for good.
Time will tell however.
If you read the piece in full, it talks about a new life with a new love but having no regrets about the past.
However, if it is read like Narcissa has posted it, the tone changes. It seems to speak of a new life. A clean slate, no regrets.
Leaving out that last part makes all the difference as that is when the reader finds out that the speaker as been talking about the new love all along.
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adolfa @ August 19 2003, 19:34:57 UTC |
I think the leaving off of the last little bit means she has left Lucius for good.
I more interpreted it to mean that she isn't thinking of starting a life with another man.
The reason I think this isn't permanent is that it's just too, well... eerie for them to all stay this way. I mean, there have been FOUR breakups (counting Neville's) in the last month. Now, I have no idea why this onslaught of family trauma, but if it's all permanent, that wouldn't be very realistic (which we can almost always count on NA to be). I think we can at least count on the Malfoys and the Weasleys to pull through. Sirius and Remus may just not be very compatible with each other -- hey, they're young and they tried -- but the other two marriages have lasted around two decades, which is a huge amount of time nowadays.
babytyggeryss @ August 19 2003, 20:39:20 UTC |
In the words of Marianne Dashwood: Time alone does not determine intamicey........
People who have been married for longer than the Malfoys have divorced; time together doesn't mean that they will stay together.
Narcissa has changed, her world has expanded with the help of Remus and Hera Peligroso. Five months ago her life was Lucius and Draco. She didn't seem to know much outside of them and maybe she didn't care to.
But that lady is no more. She's reading books on subjects she's never thought about. Her time with Remus helped to show her that she is able to do things for herself and doesn't need to depend on someone else to make her happy.
Lucius hasn't changed and hasn't been responding in a positive way to his wife's changes. Does he ask about the new books she reads or any of the other things she has discovered? No, instead he chooses to focus on talents that don't need to be encouraged because she's already quite good at them--her design skills for example. Even then Lucius is hardly encouraging when his wife wants to try something outside the decorating of rooms. I remember something about designing dresses?
The new Narcissa might be threatening to Lucius and his ideas of a male-dominated household. Lucius's preditory behavior toward Sirius might be an attmept to cow her back her old role of Trophy Wife and Breading Mare.
To make this marriage work now, Lucius would have to change his behavior toward his wife; he must change with/for her. I don't think that will happen.
dari_brit @ August 19 2003, 18:16:49 UTC |
The Narcissa love is legion for me right now. How very classy and Peltier of her!
And I think that it might be permanent-- or at least as permanent as anything is in NA land. :::slight wibble::: The calmness of her tone really brings it home for me, as Narcissa is so often overly emotional. Hera Peligroso has been peligroso indeed!