lazy_daze @ 2003-08-20 21:29:00 |
Ron petition <33
This is indirectly kat99999's fault for giving me the idea - does anyone else want
knight_to_h3 to do a Q&A session? If you do, leave a comment (and tell him how much you love him whilst you're at it ^_^) and let's see if we can get him to do one!
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ms_potter @ August 20 2003, 13:37:44 UTC |
kat99999 @ August 20 2003, 15:39:21 UTC |
What did I do?! I'm innocent, I tell you! AND President of your fanclub, lets not forget, young man!
(parent)kat99999 @ August 20 2003, 15:42:54 UTC |
You had a something club! I forget what it was... sure it was a fanclub! *nods keenly and motions around to all the comments on this thread* Can't you tell? :-D :-D :-D
(parent)ifyouweremine @ August 20 2003, 14:31:32 UTC |
#hops on the bandwagon#
I’m in!
(I tried to think up something clever to say, but all my witticisms sounded lewd and/or overwhelmingly stupid. But let it be known that I tried. =o) ^_~
ifyouweremine @ August 20 2003, 15:02:06 UTC |
Indeed. #nod, nod#
Hmm. I’m usually more devastatingly ingenious (^_~ do not believe my lies—I flatter myself because it amuses me, personally) with words than this, but a morning spent moving things into a dorm room does not a witty person make, I suppose.
It could be because I’m tired, but I think not; I blame society for my current ineptness at conversation, myself.
#collapses with the effort of typing, her brain power spent; is comforted by the petting and whatnot#
—Miranda, who should not be later held accountable in any way for her words
kat99999 @ August 20 2003, 15:09:25 UTC |
Aw, everyone seems to be moving back into college today! Don't worry; I'm generally never a witty person - wit must be appreciated when it comes in small doses! *grin*
(parent)ifyouweremine @ August 20 2003, 15:43:24 UTC |
Aw, everyone seems to be moving back into college today!
Well, the dormitory move-in time doesn’t officially start until tomorrow, I think, but I got to bring in some of the basic stuff today (the fact that my mom works at the University and knows every single person imaginable (no kidding—she’s a public relations specialist and makes it a point to know at least ¾ of the entire world population) also helped, though). I keep on imagining the look of horror on my roommate’s face when she walks in tomorrow and finds herself bombarded by the vision of a small stuffed animal community and various knick-knacks littering one half of the room, and laughing. (jk) ^_~
…wit must be appreciated when it comes in small doses!
True—unless, perchance, you are potterstinks, in which case overabundant and especially caustic wit is very much accepted and appreciated by much of the
nraged community. =o) He makes his own rules, that boy. #adores#
Of course, I love you too, Ron. (<3!)
ifyouweremine @ August 20 2003, 16:29:40 UTC |
Oops, sorry I took so long—I had to go eat dinner.
#dives back into the conversation#
So, anyway, I’m at University of Texas Pan American/Freshman year (I am but a low, low fixture at the bottom of the totem poll, as it were)/Am Heritage I-Honors, Computer Science I, General Chemistry I, General Chemistry Lab I, Intro to Engineering, and Precalculus Math (it’s only about 14 hours worth of courses, but luckily I already had 9 hours from AP English and 3 hours from CC Psychology, so my schedule doesn’t have to be exceedingly taxing just yet). Or wait—by ‘course’ did you mean ‘major’? Because that would make me feel like something of a jackass for typing all that. ^_~ (Blast! I am unfamiliar with this college-speak.)
—Miranda, who is terribly exciting, really
eponis @ August 20 2003, 16:40:30 UTC |
W00t, Texas! There seem to be a lot of us Texans in nraged. (Houston, Rice University, meself)
(parent)ifyouweremine @ August 20 2003, 16:53:03 UTC |
#Quietly chants “We rule!” under my breath#
Nice to meet you! #feels a profound sense of camaraderie# ^_~
kat99999 @ August 21 2003, 12:04:08 UTC |
Sorry this took so long! Sounds like you've got a hard year ahead of you!! I'm not one on college-speak either, being from the UK and all so I can only guess the American terminology!
Oh, and I friended you, btw! :-)
ifyouweremine @ August 20 2003, 14:41:38 UTC In regards to your icon… |
What a coincidence! I got my lj code at nraged, too. (<333
altricial, who is just darling ^-^)
Yeah, I just thought I ought to say that. ^___^;;
#is leaving now#
hunin_munin @ August 20 2003, 15:25:15 UTC |
All right. He can explain to me just what is so great about Quidditch.
(parent)serpensortia @ August 20 2003, 15:38:43 UTC |
I'd love to see a Ron Q&A session! So, Ron's player...pretty please with a cherry on top? ;)
Have I mentioned how much I love Ron yet? <3333333
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 15:59:31 UTC |
Hello! Questions for me? Nothing about school, mind you! Still haven't done my summer readings but Hermione doesn't have to know that, ha! Might take a while to answer because I'm on a Harry search with Professor Lupin. Well, go on then!
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 16:15:34 UTC |
!! Hey
... Have you tried asking that Malfoy git if he knows where Harry's gone?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 16:19:45 UTC |
Nah, he doesn't know, if he did he'd have told me by now!
anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 16:23:02 UTC |
Wise, very wise. Going to try and enlist Hermione? Smart gal, that one.
anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 16:33:46 UTC |
Oh dear, that's too bad. Between us, any suspicions about what might have set Harry off?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 16:42:03 UTC |
Something nobody's thought of, I bet! Harry's weird like that, the big things don't really bother him. Sometimes I think he's more annoyed with his scar hurting than the fact that You-Know-Who is insane and after his life!
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 16:57:21 UTC |
Laid-back, isn't he? Good thing you're there to tackle the big things by his side. And may I say you're sporting a very handsome icon there?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 17:03:22 UTC |
Well Harry can take care of himself most of the time, but he sure needs my help sometimes!
You think?? My mum hates it, says I should wear my uniform neatly ALL the time, hah. Yours is not looking too bad either!
anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 17:26:14 UTC |
He certainly does. And maybe right now?
Why, thank you. Lavender must have forgotten to tell you that the ravished- I mean, messy look is in this season. Keep this in mind and don't let your mother go all
on you. The girls will be all over you.
Speaking of which, been dating much lately?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 17:52:04 UTC |
No time for girls! The summer heat is making everyone insane. What about you?
anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 18:00:38 UTC |
Nah, last guy who propositioned me ended with a brick up his nostril. None since, and I have no idea why.
Say, how are Ginny and Cho doing?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 18:05:20 UTC |
A brick! Wicked! Ha ha! What did he do??
We haven't seen Cho in a while but I think Gin's going to visit her soon, things are good without that PARKINSON HOG around!
anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 18:22:16 UTC |
Oh, he's fine, more's the pity. Should be out of St. Mungo's any day now.
Hmm, that Parkinson seems to have caused quite a bit of trouble to your family. Though she really seems to like you!
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 18:37:29 UTC |
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 18:54:24 UTC |
Sorry, mate - that type of girl's best avoided anyhow.
Out of pure curiosity, are there any Slytherins that you like- well, at least find bearable?
anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 19:08:05 UTC |
Ah, good choice! Is is true that you get extra credit in CoMC if you can give a description of it?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:13:17 UTC |
Ha ha! You know about it too?? I was partnered with it for a project once but it never showed! I was rather looking forward to solving the mystery!
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 19:31:18 UTC |
Ah, the Zabini mystery. We should get Malfoy on to solving it- I mean, what kind of Prefect is he -was he- who didn't even know the facts of his own house members?
Hmm, does Hogwarts have many mysteries you know of?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:40:08 UTC |
Oh come on, we all know what type of Prefect he is!
Mysteries, yeah, I know quite a few and everything that is in Hogwarts, A History, thanks to Hermione Granger.
anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 19:48:47 UTC |
Yes, I suppose we do. What do you think of his mother, though?
Say, you ever going to buckle down and read that thing?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:54:45 UTC |
His mother is out of her sodding mind.
I did read it! I read it once to get her to talk to me because she was mad at me for something or another. But I can't remember much because, unlike SOME PEOPLE, I don't swallow books!
anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 20:13:14 UTC |
But she did- or appears to- leave that Death Eater father of his. Something positive, I suppose.
Good job with the non-book-swallowing, man. Can't be good for the throat, that.
anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 20:32:28 UTC |
True that. Wise Weasley you are. I think there should be a ferret emoticon, don't you?
So, are you going to be updating your journal any time soon?
knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 08:29:28 UTC |
Ha ha! Ferret!
I don't know, I don't really have time to write in there lately and there isn't much to say anyway. I mean, it's summer, and yeah.
anjaliesque @ August 21 2003, 14:53:27 UTC |
I'm sure you're awfully busy. Good luck with finding Harry; if anyone can track him down, you can.
And it's been wonderful chatting with you. Keep away from the bloody scarlet woman, yeah?
dragynville @ August 20 2003, 16:35:39 UTC |
Has anyone checked Privet Drive? Sometimes people who are upset return to the familiar.
(parent)dragynville @ August 20 2003, 16:39:25 UTC |
Yes, but it's where he spent his childhood and there's nothing more familiar than that. Also, it's about as far removed from the wizarding world as you can get.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 16:43:03 UTC |
Hm maybe, I'll ask Professor Lupin to check there, cheers!
(parent)dragynville @ August 20 2003, 16:46:10 UTC |
Good luck, and you're a very good best friend. :)
(parent)serpensortia @ August 20 2003, 16:41:02 UTC |
Think like Harry to find him Ron!
If you were Harry and you wanted to run off - where would you go?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 16:45:23 UTC |
Uh to Sirius? But I'm not Harry and he's not with Sirius but I've still got loads of Floo powder!
(parent)serpensortia @ August 20 2003, 16:53:03 UTC |
Right then. Plan B. Anyone got a Plan B?
Have you tried really obvious places? Or bags! I always find things I've lost in a bag somewhere!
I'm not being very helpful am I? ^-^;; Keep searching Ron! He'll turn up eventually...although I think you really should try Malfoy, I mean, why would he tell you if Harry was with him?
Good luck!
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 17:00:12 UTC |
Ha ha! Bags? Harry's not THAT small! Malfoy's kind of strange that way, he tells me things out of nowhere.
(parent)serpensortia @ August 20 2003, 17:11:03 UTC |
Bet he could fit in a dustbin liner...why he'd actually want to is beyond me, but theoretically speaking, he could.
What was the last random thing Malfoy told you then, since you're answering questions? <333
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 17:37:22 UTC |
knight_weasley: Honestly Malfoy, get over yourself!
malfoytheharassed: No, I don't think I will. I was rather stunned by my own birth, you see. I was left speechless for a whole ten months.
knight_weasley: What are you on about NOW?!
malfoytheharassed: It was a joke.
knight_weasley: See if you spoke normally maybe more people would bloody understand you
knight_weasley: It was a rotten one then!
malfoytheharassed: I don't speak abnormally. I speak perfectly fine.
knight_weasley: Whatever!
malfoytheharassed: Potter doesn't seem to have trouble understanding my terribly broken English.
knight_weasley: Harry's different!
malfoytheharassed: Oh, and why is that?
knight_weasley: Because he's Harry!
knight_weasley: He can speak to snakes so naturally he can understand you
knight_weasley: It makes a lot of sense actually
malfoytheharassed: Yes, that's right. Malfoytongue is now an entirely different language.
serpensortia @ August 20 2003, 17:48:47 UTC |
You're right, he does tell you strange things out of nowhere for no apparent reason if this conversation is anything to go by.
We could all probably use a Malfoytongue dictionary to un-code everything he says I think. Rather than spending hours looking for subtext, we'd get a straight answer for once!
Thanks for answering Ron :D Hope you find Harry by the time I wake up tommorow! (If you haven't, I may well just keel over from the suspence).
Ron's player: *tackle glomps* You rock. <333
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 17:53:11 UTC |
Cheers! Well if you need a Malfoy un-coder, just ask Harry!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 03:37:36 UTC |
That was right before summer, I think. And of course bloody not! Why would I want to do that?!
(parent)notapipe @ August 21 2003, 03:44:30 UTC |
I don't know, perhaps you don't get insulted enough by your brothers. He is rather good at that.
(parent)ceilidh @ August 20 2003, 16:39:50 UTC |
What do you think Hermione would do to you if she found out you didn't do your summer homework, hmm?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 16:47:40 UTC |
The same she does every year, of course! Bug me till I go mad or ask to borrow hers to copy from!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 16:50:03 UTC |
Huh? I think he meant Harry, people get us mixed up all the time. And Fred's mental, in case you haven't noticed. I mean honestly.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 16:57:59 UTC |
THEY'VE GONE BARKING MAD, THAT'S WHAT! Charlie was born mad and Fred is, well Fred. I know them best!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 17:06:39 UTC |
Of course I'm sure!! What, you believe them over me??
(parent)ifyouweremine @ August 20 2003, 16:47:00 UTC |
Ron, you loffly little dear, you:
Hello! And thanks for the opportunity! (Thank you, Ron’s player! =o)
Now, on to my very important question:
What do you think of my icon? #points up#
P.S. I promised myself I wouldn’t rave on and on about how cute, brave, good-intentioned, noble, and generally-adorable you are, but. I lied. Youaresuchadarling! (<333!)
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 16:54:27 UTC |
It moves! I like the moving ones best! Good one you have there!
(parent)ifyouweremine @ August 20 2003, 17:09:55 UTC |
Why, thank you, dear. #preens#
Now I must be off to think up a real question, though. I just wanted my chance to fawn at you, first. ^__^
Also, good luck finding Harry, mate! Have you tried “Accido Harry!” yet? Always worth a try, that one. ^_~
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 17:33:47 UTC |
That spell only works on a person if you know where the person is or it is really dangerous! He could get smashed into buildings on the way and Professor Lupin will eat me!
(parent)ifyouweremine @ August 20 2003, 17:52:56 UTC |
Well, that’s good to know! Let it never be said that Ron Weasley smashed his good friends into buildings. ^__~
Also, maybe you should search for a good tracking spell. Or have you already tried that?
And have you tried looking in the Shrieking Shack yet? I don’t know why Harry would go there, but it’s a possibility, right?
Anyway, I’m all out of ideas—good luck with your search!
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 18:03:36 UTC |
Thanks! I think Professor Lupin is there right now!
(parent)ifyouweremine @ August 20 2003, 17:33:53 UTC |
Whoops! I meant “accio.” “Accido” means 'destroy,' and we don’t want to annihilate Harry—just fetch him back from wherever he’s gone off to. ^_~
weatherby @ August 20 2003, 16:59:47 UTC |
Hello, Ron! Where is that Weasley jumper you promised me? My name still starts with R, you know. I've got a few questions for you. Sorry there are so many! I just like you an awful lot.
What did you hear when the Dementors got on the train in your third year?
If you weren't a Keeper, which Quidditch position would you play?
What do you like about Hermione?
Which of your brothers is your favourite?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 17:22:41 UTC |
Hello, Weatherby! Ha ha! I like your name, funny story behind that too!
Uh laughter, it was really weird and loud. Just lots of people laughing at me in my ears, no idea what they were laughing about or where it was coming from but was very bloody glad when it stopped! So uh, what about you?
Keeper's fun! I think it is one of the most important positions on a team. Keeper and Seeker! That's why there's only one of each, see. I think Beater's pretty cool too, I used to play that with Fred and George. They're Beaters too! We'd play with Charlie and it would be him as Seeker against 3 Beaters. It's great!
She makes me laugh and then she gets mad when I laugh so it gets even funnier.
Whoever is nicest to me!
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ashh @ August 20 2003, 20:11:43 UTC |
Me? Oh heavens no. I'm as hopelessly Muggle as they come. Feet firmly on the ground, all that. It's a satisfyingly bloody spectator sport, though.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 20:14:36 UTC |
Sure is! Thanks again for the paid account by the way, you rule!
(parent)![]() |
ashh @ August 20 2003, 20:23:04 UTC |
Aww no, you rule! That was the point. But you're welcome anyway.
Find Harry! We all need to get sleep tonight.
kat99999 @ August 20 2003, 17:13:23 UTC |
What is your favourite subject at school?
What is it you like the most about your best friends?
Do you have one brother or sister that you get along with the best? Why?
Oh! And when did you start playing Chess?
Thank youuuu!
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 17:29:47 UTC |
Care of Magical Creatures, of course! As long as we're not getting fed to any, that is.
That they are mine!
Well I only have one sister and mum said I was the one who asked for her to be born so I'm rather fond of her. Charlie gets along with anything and he likes to talk to me so I guess he's the brother I get along with the best. But I like speaking Mermish with Percy too because then everyone thinks we're talking about them, ha!
Chess! Do you play too? I think I started when I was four. Percy gave me my first chess set!
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 18:55:12 UTC |
PERCY gave it to you?
Well, well! At last, we have proof that Percy really DID do something wonderful for once!
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 18:58:40 UTC |
Sorry, but I seemed to view Percy as sorta...well, to be honest, BORING.
No offence, Ron.
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:01:04 UTC |
Well then you don't know Percy very well, do you?!
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 19:07:44 UTC |
...shouldn't you be looking for Harry? He's been gone for a good day or two, right?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:09:26 UTC |
Yeah, it's been about 2 days, I'm heading over to Professoe Lupin's right now to see where else we can look.
(parent)kat99999 @ August 21 2003, 00:07:48 UTC |
I don't play chess, no! Are you a good teacher? :-D
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 08:37:12 UTC |
Yeah! Percy's good at teaching chess but I'm pretty alright at it too!
(parent)kat99999 @ August 21 2003, 09:45:57 UTC |
If you want, you can teach me chess! I'd like to learn!
Also - saw a very cool chess set today when I was shopping and I of course thought of you!! It was VERY expensive though! O_O
knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 14:04:00 UTC |
I saw a really nice one the last time we went to Diagon Alley too but it was expensive as well, all the good things are, ain't it? Oh well, this one will have to do for now, besides Hermione's set is terrified of mine, ha!
(parent)kat99999 @ August 21 2003, 15:27:19 UTC |
The one I saw was green and yellow! Very cool!!
Are Hermione & Harry good at chess?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 17:43:27 UTC |
Uh, it is rather complicated, really.
Handcuffs? My dad has some!
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 18:02:32 UTC |
- Her hair's everywhere at the same time and when she gets mad, she turns around in a huff and her hair will hit you in the face but somehow it feels rather nice.
- She knows a spell to correct spelling mistakes and because she does, I do too because she won't shut up about it but it's okay.
- I can't decide whether I prefer Hermione or Hermione The Girl so I'll keep her around until I figure it out.
- It's hard to make her laugh but it feels really good when I succeed.
Once Gin, Fred, Charlie and I used the handcuffs to hook all out tea cups together by the handles and then we had to run in a straight line while drinking the tea. Last person to finish the tea or spills it has to do the house chores for a week!
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 18:16:57 UTC |
Sure did! Smuggled a garden gnome into his bed! Ha ha!
(parent)ceilidh @ August 21 2003, 03:33:36 UTC |
- Her hair's everywhere at the same time and when she gets mad, she turns around in a huff and her hair will hit you in the face but somehow it feels rather nice.
Aren't you the cutest little woobie! <3
redbowties @ August 20 2003, 18:32:34 UTC |
Um, first off, how are you?
I'm so sorry to hear about Harry and I hope he is home safe with Sirius and Remus as soon as possible.
As for the summer reading, don't feel bad, I haven't done mine either..><;
And for my question: How do you feel about the slash fanfiction depicting you in pairings with people such as..oh..Malfoy?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 18:39:07 UTC |
Exhausted really, what about you?
Slash fanfikerwhat?? What Malfoy huh??
redbowties @ August 20 2003, 18:42:08 UTC |
Me? I'm doing okay, rather hanging off the edge of my seat waiting for news.
Fanfiction. It's like, stories that people write about you all..
As for Slash, it' Sirius/Remus or Ginny/Cho..stories that people write with homosexual relationships..and I've seen..quite a few about you and Malfoy..
What do you think of that?
redbowties @ August 20 2003, 18:47:57 UTC |
Write about you and Malfoy?
I'm not sure..I'm a Harry/Draco shipper myself..maybe it's the Weasley/Malfoy rivalry that sets them off..or maybe the fact that you need someone to dominate you..
I honestly don't know, but, from your tone, I can tell that you would, never, consider it? Although, he doesn't seem to be picking on you as much...::suggestive eyebrow waggling.::
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 18:49:19 UTC |
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:45:07 UTC |
I don't have a problem! Well I can't find Harry, but that's it!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:49:08 UTC |
I admit I can't find Harry! Will keep trying though!
(parent)notapipe @ August 20 2003, 23:28:06 UTC |
What about when Malfoy went as Harry to the ball? There was lots of hair pulling on both sides there I'll bet.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 08:32:19 UTC |
That was different! He had Harry hair at that time!
(parent)notapipe @ August 21 2003, 10:22:24 UTC |
Funny, Harry never struck me as exceptionally narcissistic.
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 19:56:46 UTC |
anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 20:43:36 UTC |
:D Not coping either. *cough* In this trying time, he needs our support in dealing with his arachnid love-hate relationships. I wonder if Aragog- but no. :O
anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 21:02:28 UTC |
By Merlin, I may have to write that now. Might I friend you, seeing as we're practically engaged and all? *flutters eyelashes*
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 20 2003, 21:20:41 UTC |
Good night, new friend! I'm off to bed, as wild plot bunnies dance in my head. (If our dear Ron reappears, give him what for about coming out, eh?) :D
And just as I go, potterstinks himself pops up. The rollercoaster never ends.
notapipe @ August 20 2003, 20:32:38 UTC |
What's your favorite musical?
What openings do you prefer while playing chess?
Any particular reason for your username being Knight to H3? Why not Knight to F3, for example?
Do they have Wizarding Go?
Is fighting with Justin fun?
knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 09:08:57 UTC |
I think you should ask Ginny that, she likes to sing songs from them but I can't really remember their names. All sound the same to me really.
Giuoco Piano Opening, you??
It's my favourite move!
Uh no? Go where?
Justin? From Hufflepuff?? I don't really fight wtih him much...
notapipe @ August 21 2003, 10:11:37 UTC |
I'm fairly boring, I'd rather use Roy Lopez in that case.
Why do you like that move?
Go, also known as weiqi, is a strategy board game that originates in China. It's not quite the same sort of thinking as chess, maybe deeper, but you'd probably enjoy it anyway. You should check it out some time.
But you seem to enjoy it, since you go to the trouble of schedualing fights. What is it that makes you come back for more even months later?
knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 14:07:30 UTC |
That'd be giving away too much, wouldn't it!
Well he owes me a duel so obviously we have to arrange for a date to settle it, it's not like we do it for fun or something like that.
notapipe @ August 21 2003, 21:50:06 UTC |
No it wouldn't, unless you win by sandbagging and deliberately deceptive (about your abilities, etc) play, which isn't cool. Especially because it's already so counterintuitive.
You'll save a poor fool a trip to the library or google for theory to hopefully explain why Nh3 is any good at all. It's the right thing to do, explaining it.
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ponymouse @ August 20 2003, 22:42:42 UTC |
Have you checked to see if Harry is hiding under his invisibility cloak by any chance???
knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 03:41:44 UTC |
Well if he's using it then we can't exactly see him, can we!
(parent)notapipe @ August 21 2003, 03:46:38 UTC |
Have you tried running around flailing your limbs all willy nilly in attempt to connect with an invisible Harry? Or glitter? Throw up lots of glitter and it should kind of move AROUND someone in an invisibility coat, or stick, one of the two.
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 08:35:53 UTC |
Maybe Floo powder will work? I'm running out of them though! I'm starting to cough up soot!
(parent)notapipe @ August 21 2003, 10:13:16 UTC |
That can't be good. Have you tried wearing a surgical mask? Muggles use them when they're paranoid over SARS, might help with the soot.
(parent)notapipe @ August 21 2003, 10:38:53 UTC |
Oh good. So long as you don't die. No one wants that. Well, maybe Draco, but he doesn't count.
(parent)blushcrush @ August 21 2003, 04:29:37 UTC |
Do you need any of your socks mended for school? I'm doing mine before I go to Cho's, so if you want them fixed, speak now or forever have holey toes!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 08:44:28 UTC |
Oh! When are you going to Cho's? For how long?? I want holeless socks! Thanks Gin! Want an Owlcard from whereverthehell I am??
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aurorasinger @ August 21 2003, 06:23:12 UTC |
Ron! Yay, questions for you too.
So how exactly have things been going between you and Hermione? Have you hung out with her this summer? When are you going to get your apparation license? What do you think of the whole Harry-befriending-Malfoy thing? (I mean, do you still hate him as much?)
Anyway, your journal is wonderful, as is your devotion to your friends and family! Have fun when you go back to school (heh heh...).
Much love!
knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 09:14:37 UTC |
Uh things are fine between us? I haven't seen her at all this summer but we've Owled a couple of times, it's just been rather busy and things kept happening so we couldn't really invite anyone over.. It's expensive getting an Apparation instructor so Percy's been teaching me, I think I'm ready for the exam but that needs money too, you know, so. It doesn't matter anyway, I guess.. Harry can do whatever he wants, he may have the WORST taste in the world but he's still my best friend. Malfoy's still a git and will always bloody be one!
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aurorasinger @ August 21 2003, 09:32:45 UTC |
Thank you! That's sweet of you to say, about Harry I mean. Any luck at all finding him yet? And how are you holding up about your own parental...situation? Does it look like your mother will be moving back into the house soon?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 14:09:16 UTC |
It looks like I'm back to running to and fro the shed and the house for now... I don't know why mum's still mad at dad but dad should have known better and listened to me about that Parkinson but mum's being silly about things, I don't know.
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 21 2003, 09:08:54 UTC |
Hope no-one's already asked this, but - what do you want to do when you leave Hogwarts? Do you have any big ambitions?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 09:15:50 UTC |
An Auror, I think! With Harry and Hermione! Or maybe Quidditch, I don't know, it's still so far away!
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 21 2003, 09:27:48 UTC |
You'd make a great Auror, darling. I can just see the three of you - the ultimate crime fighting team!
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 16:52:08 UTC |
The wash? You mean Cleaning Spells? Or Shrinking Spells? Gin and I shrink old sweaters for Dante once in a while though!
(parent)tocomfortyou @ August 20 2003, 18:13:41 UTC |
Ron, what's the funniest thing any of your siblings did while growing up?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 18:36:28 UTC |
Oh there are so many! Hm let's see. Bill used to lock himself out of the house ALL THE TIME, it became a running joke and whenever we see that he's missing from the dinner table, one of us will just go to the door and let him in without a word, ha ha! See, he got so used to getting locked out that he didn't even bother yelling at us to let him in anymore! Charlie does funny things all the time, it's hard to pick out one thing he did... Oh! When he was trying to tell mum and dad that he prefers boys, he walked around the house in a wedding dress for the whole day until we got the point, ha ha that was wicked! Percy is probably the funniest person on earth, really. When they were about 8 years old, Fred cried when George used his teddy bear in an experiment and blew it up by accident but it turns out Fred was crying over the tricks supplies he'd hidden in the bear so then George started crying too when he realised that. Ha ha ha. Ginny refused to wear her girly underthings when mum got them for her the first time so she wore them on her head saying that her brain is the only thing that should be growing, and she gave one to Percy too!
(parent)tocomfortyou @ August 20 2003, 22:54:56 UTC |
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, you guys are the best. <33
Why didn't anyone think to make Bill a spare key? Oh, what am I saying, like you guys wanted to stop all the fun. ;) Was Charlie's dress pretty, at least? More importantly, are there pictures?
And did Percy wear the underthings? Are there pictures?
noirenails @ August 21 2003, 01:56:31 UTC |
Do you want to know what your icon brings to my mind?
(parent)noirenails @ August 21 2003, 07:44:47 UTC |
OMG another icon!!!11!
Draco is all about smooching. It's all in the smooching!
knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 08:55:45 UTC |
He kept losing them! Ha ha! Charlie's dress was very big and it had girly things everywhere, there are pictures! Ask him for them! No Percy didn't wear them, he said he was unimpressed and that it was uncalled for and no one was surprised, of course.
(parent)tocomfortyou @ August 21 2003, 14:02:42 UTC |
there are pictures!
REALLY? Okay, when you find Harry (and you WILL, rest assured), tell him to send your dad a scanner and tell him how to use it. It'll cheer up your Dad, there's loads of plugs and wires. DON'T LET HIM NEAR THE STAPLER. Really. Then you can threaten to post the pictures online and blackmail Charlie. Fred and George will be impressed.
knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 14:05:26 UTC |
We have a Scanner! Only problem is, it's actually not possible to blackmail Charlie, he used those bloody pictures as Christmas cards one year and sent them to everybloodyone we know.
(parent)tocomfortyou @ August 21 2003, 14:25:58 UTC |
What's your favorite Muggle tradition/object/whatever?
knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 14:35:07 UTC |
Mobiles are pretty cool I guess, and COTTON CANDY!!!
tocomfortyou @ August 21 2003, 18:22:45 UTC |
Tell me, Ron, have you ever had a deep fried Twinkie?
tocomfortyou @ August 22 2003, 13:36:49 UTC |
Junk food of the gods, man. Like a Cauldron Cake, only better. Mmft.
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 18:48:06 UTC |
Since Ron's answering questions now, I'd like to ask a rather important one:
When Charlie came out of the closet, you were fine with it. When Ginny came out, though, you simply blew up. They're both your siblings, so what was the big deal?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 18:51:15 UTC |
I didn't blow up! And she's my baby sister! Cho LIED TO HER! I was just looking out for her!
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 18:53:38 UTC |
But Ron, Cho didn't EXACTLY lie to her--
Scratch that. Maybe she did.
But I hope you understand now that she used the Polyjuice potion because she loved Ginny and didn't want to embarrass herself in public last Halloween. Not to mention that it shows how dedicated Cho is to your sis.
And yes, Ron, you blew up--completely. Even Harry thought you were being a bit of a git. I know--I've read ALL the posts in the archives.
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 18:59:45 UTC |
You know what? Imagine you have a baby sister who you don't think anyone will ever be good enough for her, and then this girl uses POLYJUICE to LIE TO HER and then tells you it is because she loves your sister, WOULD YOU BELIEVE HER?? I mean, I know now that Cho is cool but I HAD GOOD REASONS TO "BLOW UP"!
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 19:05:48 UTC |
Actually, I DO have a baby sister myself, and I can understand your view point. I'm just saying that you didn't have to get THAT angry. I mean, an hour or two of raving, yes, but...
*sighs* Nevermind. Sorry I brought it up.
hunin_munin @ August 20 2003, 19:29:37 UTC |
YOU! In here! WTF.
Oh, and Weasley? You did blow up. You popped. You totally went mental. Mind you, it was amusing to read and does show a bit of your care towards your sister. Were you perhaps just not ready to let her go?
luna_lg @ August 21 2003, 07:55:33 UTC |
Yes, Hunin. I have arrived. You should've known that if I got hooked to nocturne_alley, sooner or later I would wind up here.
And if you cause trouble, wellll... *grins* There's always nicknames for ya...
hunin_munin @ August 21 2003, 11:45:38 UTC |
I did not hear of your hookage to said role play. But, I suppose it would have to happen one of these days; it is a good rp.
What sort of nicknames were you thinking of and just what is your definition of 'trouble'? You do realise your saying that is just more incentive for me to cause trouble (and how i hate that word when used in that context ...)? However, since I am so nice and like being able to post here, I will have to keep the trouble I cause to a minimum.
And, I am guessing that you like Luna Lovegood. It's just a hunch.
luna_lg @ August 21 2003, 18:56:52 UTC |
You kiddin? I wish that the NA crew WANTS someone to play Luna so that I can join!!! ^^
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 20 2003, 19:02:25 UTC |
So. Quidditch. There is a point behind it, correct?
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 19:04:10 UTC |
*sighs* Of COURSE there's a point, Hunin! ...I'll just let Ron explain it. Yeah...
hunin_munin @ August 20 2003, 19:19:57 UTC |
More like not born into a sports inclined family. However, Quidditch is strangely attractive to me. The set up and the rules seem rather askewed, though. Perhaps this is just the versitile nature of Quidditch. Do you mind explaining some of it to me or just why you think it's great?
*looks at icon* Hmm. Tapioca.
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:30:33 UTC |
Askewed? What? Why?? It is the best game in the world! It's the only game where EVERY player is important and actively part of the team at all times! And you get so many layers of action all in the same second! The strategies involved have to be so well thought out that every layer will still work as a whole. A Beater move will affect a Keeper move and all this while, the Seeker is on the lookout for the Snitch. The players have to time everything so that the team has enough points before the Seeker catches the Snitch, it's brilliant! And all the moves! Even the fouls are wicked, you should read the Quidditch Monthly sometime!
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 19:32:47 UTC |
Hmmmmm...maybe I'll go hunt it up for ya, hunin, since I'm more of a sports nut than you are.
And Ron, I totally did Quidditch. And congrats on your win last June.
luna_lg @ August 21 2003, 07:54:10 UTC |
Sadly, no--I'm American, so there's no way that I could ever be at Hogwarts, especially since I'm 20 now.
BUT I read up all about it! ^^
hunin_munin @ August 20 2003, 19:39:22 UTC |
Oh, don't get upset. It was a mercy killing --I mean, just an observation. Yes. >.>
So, you are saying that one needs to understand and know battle tactics? Perhaps have a sort of connection with the other team to know how they will move? I do hope bribery and charms to make the handles of the other players' brooms red hot are allowed. The smell of roasting flesh mixed in with the pain of loss does make me shiver.
Maybe you should send me the Quidditch Monthly? I'm afraid I would be unable to find a subscription here.
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 20:01:20 UTC |
Yeah, it's a lot like playing chess actually. Will owl you a copy!
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 20 2003, 20:07:54 UTC |
Oh, excellent! I hope no one freaks out at an owl coming in the window ...
Like chess? Ooh, that explains a few things. I used to play chess when I was younger. Miss that, I do.
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 20:08:58 UTC |
A chess player! Brilliant! I'm sure you'll like Quidditch then!
(parent)notapipe @ August 20 2003, 21:14:46 UTC |
Hmmmm, interesting. But a lot of the beauty of chess is watching the mind controlling a dance of control, threats, peices, etc. There's a beauty in that, something that I would think that the anarchistic nature of a many-actor quidditch game would decrease that. Or am I just too much of a purist?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 09:06:35 UTC |
well of course Quidditch can't be exactly compared to chess, since one needs equal mind and body power but the strategies and moves are just as brilliant as the ones in chess!
(parent)notapipe @ August 21 2003, 10:20:49 UTC |
But they're tactical rather than strategic, which kind of grates with me.
(parent)noirenails @ August 21 2003, 02:00:13 UTC |
He had his...boyish charm. But no muscles.
It had to be done.
hunin_munin @ August 21 2003, 11:49:19 UTC |
*shivvu shivvu shivvu*
*breaks into song*
With a deltoid and a bicep! A HOT groin and a tricep!
noirenails @ August 21 2003, 23:57:00 UTC |
*scratches head*
I forgot the rest.
Nocturne Alley should do Rocky Horror Picture Show. Draco w/ golden pants=Rocky
noirenails @ August 23 2003, 06:32:56 UTC |
*points at icon* I <3 Kuja! Am in love with his tail.
A lot cuter Janet. And Brad already has glasses. HP and Rocky Horror walk hand in hand.
hunin_munin @ August 24 2003, 00:47:43 UTC |
So do I. I absolutely adore him. xD
Why did I never see this before? The similarities are astonding!
noirenails @ August 24 2003, 01:15:59 UTC |
Oh the possibilities of the tail...Never underestimate the tail.
And Snape makes a perfect Frank-N-Furter.
And, who would make a better Eddie than Sirius?
hunin_munin @ August 24 2003, 02:37:09 UTC |
Mmmm..... The mind boggles.
Oh, lord. No. Stop bringing up memories of that fanfic I read about that. Snape as Frank N. Furter ... meep. Draco as Janet. Harry as, who else? Brad. I think it was Ginny as Columbia ...
*sobs and hides*
noirenails @ August 24 2003, 02:41:38 UTC |
Wahaha! No, I will never stop!
And Remus as Dr. Scot. Or should I say, Dr. Von Scot?
hunin_munin @ August 24 2003, 19:51:42 UTC |
OH, if you insist. >)
O.O! GASP! Just what are you -- No, no, I will let it go. xD
noirenails @ August 24 2003, 22:54:39 UTC |
In that fic Ron was Riff Raff. In my opinion, Filch would make a better Riff Raff. <3 Riff Raff.
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 25 2003, 04:33:54 UTC |
So, you have read it, oh, evil one.
Yeah, I agree, though. Ron doesn't strike me as having the proper mentality for the part. It's amusing to imagine, however. Hm. He can play Rocky. We'll just bleach his head.
noirenails @ August 25 2003, 06:23:00 UTC |
Haha! I'll give you a muffin if you can get him into golden briefs!
(parent)anjenue @ August 20 2003, 18:58:48 UTC |
Ron, dear...
Just curious. How do you feel about the way girls seem to positively fawn over you?
(the nraged folk included, I might add...)
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:03:31 UTC |
Uh who? My mum? It's embarrassing really, I wish she'd do it quietly, I mean really.
(parent)anjenue @ August 20 2003, 19:04:55 UTC |
*laughs* Oh, darling, you are rather thick, aren't you?
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 19:08:36 UTC |
She's talking about fangirls--us girls that really, really like you.
anjenue @ August 20 2003, 19:08:48 UTC |
Do you really not see the number of people who are absolutely in love with you?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:10:15 UTC |
The summer heat is getting to you too, isn't it? What are you on about!
(parent)anjenue @ August 20 2003, 19:10:55 UTC |
Come now, Ron, is it really that hard to believe that people daydream about you? I mean, you are quite a catch, really.
anjenue @ August 20 2003, 19:23:40 UTC |
I'm quite serious, dear.
And I haven't had any sugar today. :)
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:19:45 UTC |
Woah, if only Gin's not dating Cho! Ha. Nah, Ginny's happy with her but if only I had another sister to say hello to you!
(parent)imochan @ August 20 2003, 19:35:34 UTC |
Wah. Thank you, Ronald Weasley! <333333333
Now, go find Harry!!
hunin_munin @ August 20 2003, 19:55:41 UTC |
Hermione is going to remove your head for that one.
Hope you find him. You might want to check the closet you were in. It seems to have amazing hiding powers.
hunin_munin @ August 20 2003, 20:05:39 UTC |
You would like to know, wouldn't you? >:D Oh, man. Her hair puffs up when she is mad. I wonder if that is left over from when she became M.B.'s cat?
(parent)hunin_munin @ August 20 2003, 20:11:50 UTC |
Hmm. How will you hide while looking for Harry?
*smirks* And I didn't tell her anything. Heh. Nothing at all.
... Perhaps you might want to hide. You know. Or get a mirror to look behind you with.
luna_lg @ August 21 2003, 07:53:02 UTC |
Ignore her. She's just in one of her..."moods".
hunin_munin @ August 21 2003, 11:57:19 UTC |
Liar. That would be saying that I am ever any different from now. >)
(parent)kat99999 @ August 21 2003, 09:44:51 UTC |
RONLOVE!!1!!!1 I may have to actually make a banner. lmfao or a RONLOVE group! <33333 SO MUCH LOVE.
(parent)imochan @ August 21 2003, 09:54:52 UTC |
TOTALLY. we need a knight_to_h3 fanclub.
ALL RONLOVE, ALL THE BLOODY TIME! and then maybe a >:O or two for good measure. <3
kat99999 @ August 21 2003, 10:10:19 UTC |
And some <4!! lmfao *pets* I may just have to get on that. *giggles merrily and scampers off*
(parent)imochan @ August 21 2003, 10:27:06 UTC |
keep me informed, lovey, or I will start with the stalking. XD
kat99999 @ August 21 2003, 12:50:01 UTC |
Ron!Fan or NA!Fan? *ponders* Hmmmmmmmm. You know, an Nraged website would be an awesome project though. *ponders first* With a Whoever!Fan section... hmmmm. I wonder if I have the time.. do I have the time? lmfao
(parent)imochan @ August 21 2003, 13:00:52 UTC |
besides, it's august, what else have we to do but wibble like floobly jell-o cutouts?
kat99999 @ August 21 2003, 13:13:27 UTC |
But I should really be getting a job.. WE WILL SEE. YAH.
anjenue @ August 20 2003, 19:13:16 UTC |
See what I mean, darling? *grins* The girls adore you!
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Anonymous @ August 20 2003, 19:28:34 UTC |
Simple--most or all of us are in America--24/7. :)
anjenue @ August 20 2003, 22:45:12 UTC |
*laughs* I'm a Slytherin all the way. I just think Ron is cute.
In that pinch-your-cheeks kinda way.
I much prefer Severus myself. *drools*
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hobaggins @ August 20 2003, 19:25:58 UTC |
Can we play word association?!
When I say a word, you tell me the first thing you think of, yeah?
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hobaggins @ August 20 2003, 19:40:10 UTC |
(Do you have licorice in the Wizarding World by the way? Do you like licorice?)
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:46:40 UTC |
Try getting stuffed into your closet for 5 hours!
(parent)luna_lg @ August 21 2003, 11:12:20 UTC |
*pats Ron* Don't worry--she just took it the wrong way. :)
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hobaggins @ August 20 2003, 19:44:47 UTC |
(Have you ever been to the ocean?)
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hobaggins @ August 20 2003, 19:58:38 UTC |
(Yes, I used to live by the ocean, you can come and visit it here, yeah? We could stay with some of my friends?)
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 20:02:48 UTC |
(Okay! Can I bring Ginny? She likes the ocean)
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hobaggins @ August 20 2003, 20:07:53 UTC |
Swish and flick?
(You can bring whomever you please! It will be great fun, has Ginny been to the ocean?)
[Are there Wizarding street gangs? Is there a Wizarding riff raff?]
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 20:11:43 UTC |
Troll booger!
(No, but she's seen it in books and she loves it!)
[There used to be, not so much now. But there is still a lot of rivalry going on between Wizarding clans. Percy was telling us about it the other day but I fell asleep.]
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hobaggins @ August 20 2003, 20:21:08 UTC r0x0rZ |
[You'd look handsome in a streetgang. Even more so than in pajamas maybe. You should put up a Ron-in-Pajamas icon. I bet it'd make all the girls fancy you, that is the ones who don't already]
knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 03:39:13 UTC Re: r0x0rZ |
[You saw me in pyjamas????]
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hobaggins @ August 21 2003, 03:45:22 UTC Ron, the dudette |
Fish and Chips.
[Yes. You looked fit, Ron. Don't deny it.]
tabiji @ August 20 2003, 19:33:42 UTC |
Hi Ron! ♥
I have to say, you are just too adorable!
If it's not too personal a question...are you a virgin?
Also, would you be interested in meeting a older American Muggle lady?
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 19:48:18 UTC |
Um... yeah?
Sure! Can I bring my dad? He loves Muggles!
tabiji @ August 20 2003, 19:51:28 UTC |
Of course you can, sweetie!
It would be like a great big Weasley sandwich!
tabiji @ August 20 2003, 19:54:39 UTC |
Me too darlin'!
Did you know that you look very handsome in that icon?
anjenue @ August 20 2003, 22:46:46 UTC |
Oh dear, you are too cute for your own good.
non_inferno @ August 20 2003, 19:53:32 UTC |
Are you able to look at your livejournal layout for extended periods of time?
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hobaggins @ August 20 2003, 20:18:34 UTC |
I think I dreamed abuot your icon before #disturbed#
non_inferno @ August 20 2003, 20:25:28 UTC |
Ha, ha! That's great! I hope there were sound effects.
I am friending you because I am amused.
knight_to_h3 @ August 20 2003, 20:04:18 UTC |
Why not? Oh! Did you see the Maloney glove?? Isn't it brilliant? Harry's journal has it too!
(parent)non_inferno @ August 20 2003, 20:17:13 UTC |
It's so brilliant that I sometimes have to shield my eyes, that's all. It's ingenious, really.
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stefijeanw @ August 20 2003, 20:22:36 UTC |
I think Harry has had his layout changed for awhile now...
(parent)notapipe @ August 21 2003, 10:32:52 UTC |
You should take a break from dealing with the whole crisis thing, Ron. How about joining me for a game of chess? And maybe dinner and a muggle movie? It'd be fun.
Also, that's a wonderful icon.
knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 13:58:43 UTC |
Sure! Or you can come help me find Harry, I mean, we can play chess during breaks or something..
(parent)notapipe @ August 21 2003, 21:12:11 UTC |
Ron, there's only so much time you can spend looking for Harry. I'm sure one evening wouldn't hurt. Though if it's too much, perhaps you'd like to get a coffee or something once you've found him?
I'm afraid I can't see what help a hapless muggle would be in locating a wizard with an invisiblity cloak (I mean besides the glitter idea, which I must say is brilliant).
luna_lg @ August 21 2003, 08:42:15 UTC |
Heel, girl! He's already taken by Hermione! Besides, he still needs to find Harry! After all, we simple readers care about the latter, too!
Find him, Ron! And hurry, before the Dark Lord catches him!
imochan @ August 21 2003, 13:04:51 UTC |
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That icon makes it so much better.
I say you fight her for insulting your manhood and we'll gauge the bovine-ness of it. ;D
steph_hime @ August 21 2003, 09:24:11 UTC |
Wish me Happy birthday!!! I'm 18 today you know...
(parent)steph_hime @ August 21 2003, 09:26:36 UTC |
YAY!! So what's the deal between you and Hermione? Are you seeing each other?
(parent)knight_to_h3 @ August 21 2003, 09:27:46 UTC |
Uh, it's really really complicated, you know, yeah complicated.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 21 2003, 09:29:50 UTC |
Aw, You're so sweet *pinches cheeks* I'm sure she really like you.
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 21 2003, 06:12:04 UTC |
:)) - Nearly 300 emails! Boy was that a surprise when I logged on this morning ^_^
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Anonymous @ August 21 2003, 08:25:11 UTC |
Hahahahahahaahaha! I'm so sorry! I totally forgot about the emails! Sorry sorry!!
-Ron's player!
lazy_daze @ August 21 2003, 08:35:43 UTC |
No matter!! I'm just glad my petition worked ^_^ <33333
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Anonymous @ August 21 2003, 09:10:16 UTC |
Turn off notifications! I think the questions should be dying down soon though. Still sorry!
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 21 2003, 12:21:44 UTC |
:)) Ah it was worth it, we got him to answer our questions!