context @ 2003-08-21 20:25:00 |
Neville's Grandmother is going to be ok
Mood: relieved
And everywhere, fangirls were heard rejoicing.
redbowties @ August 21 2003, 20:35:12 UTC |
::sighs of relief::
Oh. Thank goodness! It's sad though..just think if she had died..she's practically all the family Neville has left..
Well, at least someone posted..
akutenshi2007 @ August 21 2003, 20:38:34 UTC |
well, theres no huge *boooom noises* here, but this calls for a dance of incredible relief. *sighs*
(parent)context @ August 21 2003, 20:39:23 UTC |
There should be fireworks. Lots of pretty fireworks and a parade.
(parent)redbowties @ August 21 2003, 20:40:30 UTC |
ooooo..a parade..that would be cool..and fireworks! ::thinks of Gandalf.::
(parent)redbowties @ August 21 2003, 20:43:28 UTC |
meep! You are most correct! ::runs off to find some wood to knock on.::
(parent)redbowties @ August 21 2003, 20:48:54 UTC |
::cowers:: Evil August...
I wonder if Trelawney forsaw that this would be such a month of terrible woe?
akutenshi2007 @ August 21 2003, 20:50:34 UTC |
i wonder if forSees anything with Hooch? hmmmmm
(parent)redbowties @ August 21 2003, 20:54:51 UTC |
There has been hints of them..I first caught some here
And, she also says: "Fact 3: All marriages, upon the month having become August, have become null and void."
Which is just another thing to hold against the month of August. It destroys marriages!
akutenshi2007 @ August 21 2003, 21:06:09 UTC |
yes, August currently has a list of things to hold against it.
we should've just cut out August completely, blame Augustus Caesar for it.
well, then we'd be blaming Sextillus instead. . .
akutenshi2007 @ August 21 2003, 21:02:53 UTC |
yeah, my spelling sucks. i meant:
I wonder if Trelawney foresees anything with Hooch?
notapipe @ August 21 2003, 20:48:45 UTC |
She's alive, and she can remember some things, that's good, but we dont' know the full extent of the damage caused by the stroke. Gran could still have problems, like other memory loss, for example.
This touches close because the year before last my grandfather had a stroke and has now developed mild alzheimers, and the whole thing has not been a pretty thing to see. A once fun, great nice guy becoming this frail thing who can't even zip up his own pants.
redbowties @ August 21 2003, 20:50:39 UTC |
::Huggles:: I know how you feel..
My grandmother had at least three strokes before she died in her sleep last year..strokes are not fun..she couldn't remember any of us before she died.
akutenshi2007 @ August 21 2003, 20:52:04 UTC |
*nods* my nana's had about three strokes, her memory's ok, she screws up names though and can't walk so well anymore, hopefully Neville's gran comes out of this without too many complications.
(parent)dari_brit @ August 21 2003, 21:20:17 UTC |
I know that the hypothesis has been that there was a memory block placed on Neville and perhaps on his parents. Wouldn't it be weird if there had been one placed on his grandma, too, and if the stroke somehow dislodged it? That could be quite the interesting plot twist...
(parent)muggleangel @ August 22 2003, 14:54:30 UTC |
Interesting theory. A titch far fetched, but interesting none the less. ;)