steph_hime @ 2003-08-22 10:34:00 |
(no title)
Lupin posts
tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 02:49:08 UTC |
'cause it's totally possible to forget he's mmissing.
is it wrong if you lose sleep over fictional characters?
steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 02:51:05 UTC |
Play the N_A drinking games, it's sure to get you drunk enough to sleep, that's what I keep telling myself anyway...
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 02:55:22 UTC |
Good idea! The only thing I have on hand is Tequila and I'm soooo cheap.
But with my luck N_A would announce the Hufflepuffs all got food poisoning(OW!OW!OW!) and are in hospital when I'm too delirious to handle it! WOE!
tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:06:30 UTC |
Yes! Singing! Please sing! Or uncover a new plot. Please?
*thinks a bit*
I've got it! Ernie is sure the world is out to get the Hufflepuffs, right? Well, what if it's a bit broader then that? What if fate isn't only out to get Hufflepuffs but all of N_A? THE PROOF IS THERE!!! Nraged knows it's going on. THE CONSPIRACY IS REAL I TELL YOU!!! Now all Ernie needs to do is make everyone else aware of it. It's obviously a plot of the Dark Lord. Revenge for the fish incident! Divided they fall!
steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 03:10:47 UTC |
LOL! That's gotta be it. The Dark Lord is setting the cats on us (which, by the way I'm allergic too), and making them act as spies. He already know's that Harry cares muchly for Remus and Sirius and is making them break up. Can I add you to my friends???
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:19:48 UTC |
Lilitou is an agent of The Dark Lord? Of course! and Remus said he sent her! I smell brain washing. Friends? Really? *feels special* Can I friend you back?
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 03:22:23 UTC |
Course you can!! Actually that makes sense about Lilitou, the nraged mods are warning us!!!
tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:32:02 UTC |
Ooooooooooooh! We have uncovered the truth! Does this mean we get stars?!?
Wait a sec. Does this mean we need to get rid of her? But she's cute!!!
steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 03:34:23 UTC |
That's what the Dark Lord wants to think, KILL IT!!!
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:52:44 UTC |
but... CUTE!!!
On the other hand ladybugs are cute and it turns out they're the minions of Saten. So does this mean all cute things are minions of dark creatures or dark creatures themselves and must be destroyed?
steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 03:54:05 UTC |
Maybe... I still think we should confisgate Lilitou from Remus, hopefully it will include a strip search...
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:58:07 UTC |
I second the motion. He might be hidding another kitten in his sock. You can never be to careful. AND he need's distraction from The Harry Issue. Call it our civic Nraged duty. It would be wrong of us not to take on this mission.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:00:29 UTC |
Who else wants to join us in going to Dogear Wryde???
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 04:03:58 UTC |
Woohoo! Party at Remus'!!! I mean... "We, the concerned Nragers, are taking it upon ourselves to cheer Remus up. Should "cheering" involve a strip search we feel we are up for the task." [/noble, self sacrificing speech]
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:06:27 UTC |
I'm sure he'll be happy to see all us Nragers wanting to cheer him up. We should visit Sirius too, just to be fair
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 04:11:56 UTC |
Yes. We must be fair... Can we strip search him too? We need to make sure the elder Malfoy didn't leave any nasty spells hidden about his person.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:13:21 UTC |
Yep, it's only fair that he and Remus get the same treatment.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:23:13 UTC |
We should get special awards for services to Hogwarts.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 04:30:10 UTC |
and people can polish it when they get detentions! he he he... *it occurs to me that I get sadistic pleasure out of that*
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:32:33 UTC |
It would be better if it were just_harry,
potterstinks or
knight_to_h3 polishing it.
tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 04:36:36 UTC |
Together (LOL)... and it would be really funny to see Remus and Sirus try to explain it to them. "You see, there were these crazy fangirls..."
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:38:50 UTC |
LOL! If it pushes Remus and Sirius together, I'm all for it!
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 04:41:49 UTC |
They'll have to get together to save themselves from us! 'casue going after married men is a no-no. Even if they're really really hot.
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:46:54 UTC |
*sighs* I don't think Harry would like it if we did go after them. We could always go after Ron, he hasn't got a girlfriend (yet)
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 04:54:54 UTC |
Your so lucky!!! Mine was in June. darn.
k going to bed now. I was great talkin' to you!
We'll plan The Seduction of Ron Weasley at length some other time.
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 12:10:52 UTC |
::raises her hand and waves it about:: me! me! I want to come!! Strip search!? I'm so there!
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 14:46:32 UTC |
Yay! The more the merrier! It's our duty as Nragers to sacrifice ourselves in this manner. How utterly noble we are!
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 14:48:24 UTC |
Exactly! It's our civic duty to make them feel loved in this time of uber wibbles and missing Harrys. ::nod::
(parent)bookofjude @ August 22 2003, 03:39:01 UTC |
I was confused.
I probably still am.
*prods Remus*
tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:44:18 UTC |
I meant Remus was rubbing in the fact Harry is missing. And now I'm sad again. *wanders off to check he's not hiding in the garage. He's not in your garage is he? If Nraged looks he might get found a little faster. hopes*
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:46:51 UTC |
look in your basement! look in your closet! make elaborate traps with your chocolate! we'll get him!
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:16:01 UTC |
Question: how exactly does TBWL just go missing? Aren't the ministry paranoid of that? Didn't they find him like two hours later when he pulled a disappearing act in POA? Aren't there like a million spells that help people like the paparazzi find him? What about private detectives? I mean, he's supposed to be so important. How can he just vanish? Can owls find him? Can't Sirus sniff him out? 'cept he apparates now... never mind.
*know's everyone is doing their best. wibbles anyway.*
steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 03:17:20 UTC |
Harry will have his invisiblity clock no doubt, and there is only Moody that can see though it.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:26:09 UTC |
Well where is Moody? Can they get him on the case? Maybe Harry's in his room lying under his cloak in a drugged sleep!!! SOMEONE HELP HIM!!!1
steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 03:27:37 UTC |
*wibble* Shouldn't havetold me that, I'll be having nightmares now
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:41:45 UTC |
When he first went missing I thought he was just sleeping under his cloak. (It happened to my sister when she was three... just substitute a craftily angled chair for an invisibility cloak) But he's been gone to long for natural sleep. And if that was the case, wouldn't Sirus be able to sniff him out?
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 03:42:56 UTC |
Hmmmm, good point. They should try looking in Iceland.
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:49:54 UTC |
YES!!! ICELAND! I'M SURE HE'S THERE! *realizes this is getting rediculous when she realizes the last statement wasn't sarcastic*
and I bet he's hungry! We can make traps with his favorite meals just incase he's nearby!
tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 03:55:25 UTC |
I have no idea what he likes apart from chocolate and I'm out of that. *glances around shiftily and hides rather king size 3 Musketeers bar behind back*
any ideas?
tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 04:00:38 UTC |
Chips like katchup, BBQ and other? or chips like french fries? 'cause in England the former is crisps and the later is chips. Course I'm a big fan of fries so...
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:02:06 UTC |
Chips like french fries, I'm English and forget that most people on LJ are American
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 04:04:52 UTC |
Where in England? I'm Canadian but all my family is over there.
steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:08:41 UTC |
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire.
Chips should do the trick
tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 04:26:54 UTC |
Don't know there. But maybe I do. I suck at geography! My family is just outside of Wokingham, Berks and London suberbia. However There are friends in Modbury, Devon and York and it's possible my Aunt is by Oxford as she's a proff there but I can't remember!
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:28:00 UTC |
Ah, they're further south than me.
Come out little Harry, we have chips...
tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 04:38:08 UTC |
Sooner or later he'll come out of hidding. We must be strong! outlast him! Constant Vigilance!
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:39:11 UTC |
Are you sure you're not Moody in disguise? Or Ernie?
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 22 2003, 04:44:28 UTC |
*fangirls Ernie*
Na, I just have a thing for conspiracy theorists. *fans self* Ernie is so cool. And Justin. But Ernie man. Ernie! (I was this close to having his babies. And Justin's. But then Justin figured he was to young for that sort of resposibility. AWWWW!!!)
steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 04:45:45 UTC |
Justin's the same age as Ernie, but I agree, Ernie Rocks!
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 22 2003, 03:17:12 UTC |
That's like the 6th 2/3/4 liner post from either Remus or Sirius wibbling about Harry since he's gone :> Don't think it's gonna work, guys!!
(*wibbles in corner*)
steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 03:19:12 UTC |
If they post anymore, we should add it to the N_A drinking game...
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 03:31:56 UTC |
Anyone want to tell the n00b about the NA Drinking Game? *grins* Sounds like fun!
(parent)steph_hime @ August 22 2003, 03:34:44 UTC |
There's a link somewhere, I'll have a glance for it
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 08:10:13 UTC |
Oh my. That is too wonderful. I will have to try it out. Thank you.
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 08:24:02 UTC |
*grin* Thank you. How often is Sevvie going to make a post like that? I had to worship/memorialize it in the form of icony-goodness.
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 12:19:53 UTC |
I think someone should write it all out again..because people have been adding stuff ::nod:: and make it we don't have zillions of posts saying that we should do this, or this, or
Just a suggestion..
steph_hime @ August 23 2003, 12:04:58 UTC |
Tis a good one, unfortunately, I have to pack for my trip to Dogear Wyrde (as well as University)
(parent)redbowties @ August 23 2003, 12:05:58 UTC |
oooo, yes, hmm..I could do it, later, I don't have anything to do for..well, quite some time actually lol.
(parent)redbowties @ August 23 2003, 12:15:14 UTC |, I don't go back to school until the 3rd of September..which is soon, but not soon enough, if you know what I mean..
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 12:08:22 UTC |
That's it?! alkdfjasd. Potter come home!!