tabiji @ 2003-08-22 06:45:00 |
Snape is in San Francisco
Alcatraz, and some funny encounters with the locals! And he's hungry!
Edited to add
Also, just a request...please try to keep from duplicating threads. There has been a lot (alot!) of repetition lately, and it gets hard to follow!
*added link*
quixotic_sense @ August 22 2003, 03:55:13 UTC |
Congratulations on your first marijuana cig, Snape. XD What, no bong or hash brownies?
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hobaggins @ August 22 2003, 03:56:02 UTC |
His mood is mellow. Happy trippy Snape may beat out Shiny!Lucius. May.
xnera @ August 22 2003, 05:29:51 UTC |
Remus and Lucius got into a duel (I forget over what). As a result, Lucius got injured. He went looking for his pain medicine but found Narcissa's cramp medicine instead. The results were quite funny.
(parent)tocomfortyou @ August 22 2003, 14:29:08 UTC |
Swing low, sweet chariot....
I can see the light.......
Sweet Jesus. If I hop on the BART, do you suppose I could catch a glimpse of Snape attempting to twirl on top of the Golden Gate Bridge?
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childofatlantis @ August 23 2003, 08:12:56 UTC |
The scary thing is that cramp medicine DOES actually do that to the unprepared, as I found out the other day. o.O
(parent)mimsy @ August 22 2003, 03:59:24 UTC |
The title is from W.H. Auden's Atlantis.
snowballjane @ August 22 2003, 04:13:52 UTC |
And while on the surface its an interesting reflection on his actual journeying, it brings us full circle to issues of faith and belief.
Also, not only is it more Auden, it's heavily influenced by Cavafy - one of potions_master's favourite poets!
lazy_daze @ August 22 2003, 04:01:45 UTC |
*dies* High!Snape is my new favourite thing. haaaaands.
(parent)purplelavender @ August 22 2003, 04:47:23 UTC |
what a crack up, I loff high Snape..
" oh I have hands"
anoni @ August 22 2003, 04:32:29 UTC |
Oh. My. Lord. ::dies laughing:: Even before the wonderfully... er, sophisticated ::snrk:: ending, I was rather amused at the "Kindly stop pawing at your screen.", but still. Snape is *high*. I would *love* to see how he reacts when he gets UNhigh. ::giggles helplessly::
I think we needed that. ^_^
saffronlie @ August 22 2003, 04:41:16 UTC |
Well that makes a pleasant change from other posts of late. Teehee.
(parent)context @ August 22 2003, 12:35:35 UTC Re: As a native San Franciscan, I have a few points: |
I'm just as excited the Our Dear Professor has visited SF. xD If I weren't cackling so hard I'd think of something more amusing to type. Amsterdam inDEED.
I'm sorry you're homesick. It's not overly foggy for once, and the Giants seem to be over their losing streak. It's as good a time than ever to visit. ^^
bookwench31 @ August 22 2003, 07:32:37 UTC |
i cannot WAIT to see what Lupin has to say to this. :)
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 07:56:40 UTC |
I can't wait to see what everyone has to say about this, Sevvie included. Ahh, we did need this.
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 08:19:01 UTC |
Thanks. I cannot read a post like that from Snape and not make something out of it. NA has now taken over all of my icons.
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 12:48:26 UTC |
Oh, yes it certainly is. But it's ohsovery worth it.
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 12:51:26 UTC |
My intent upon making this icon really wasn't homicide, or even manslaughter. I was only intending to entertain. But if I shall kill a few along the way *shrug* it must be gone.
Fighting the August of Angst, one icon at a time.
tocomfortyou @ August 22 2003, 14:31:13 UTC |
*worships your icons*
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 14:33:18 UTC |
*worships all your "sweet jesus" things* I'm glad you like. Coming soon: Afroman!Snape singing "Then I Got High."
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 15:21:00 UTC |
*too* Someone (far too lazy and all that to look it up, will when I post with it) made a post about "then I got high, then I got high" and I had no choice.
So far, it looks absolutely ridiculous. We'll see.
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 16:40:31 UTC |
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 15:15:19 UTC |
Haha! Cruelty to NRagers? I'm trying to cheer you all up! If a couple of you have to go down because of you go down while the majority get a chuckle, then its worth it, don't you think? Come on, take one for the team! *wink*
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 15:19:11 UTC |
*grin* Thank you, and thanks for dying like a good lil' NRager. I'm sure many who come after you will be very thankful.
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 15:27:26 UTC |
Oh, do hold off on that for a moment, dear. Something tells me you'll want to see what I'm creating right now. Die later.
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 15:36:35 UTC |
Are you trying to force me to make a Travolta!Snape?
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 16:39:07 UTC |
selene_rain @ August 24 2003, 01:57:17 UTC |
You should! You should indeed. I only just met her yesterday, but she seems lovely. And she makes me do silly things like put snape in an afro and write song parodies! She must be a wonderful girl! You build the shrine, and I'll decorate it with stupid photo manips!
(parent)luna_lg @ August 22 2003, 08:51:29 UTC |
*looks at the icon* BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! *half-dies laughing* Excellent! Just, pure...excellent! *laughs and wipes away a tear from her eye*
(parent)selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 12:55:11 UTC |
See? You see? Tears of mirth in this wibblesome time. My work here is done.
(parent)imochan @ August 22 2003, 13:08:43 UTC |
1) stare at your icon
2) blink
3) point at said icon
4) laugh hysterically until breathing is impossible
5) die
6) rinse and repeat as desired
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thumbsup!
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 13:13:07 UTC |
haha That may be the single coolest thing anyone has said about my icons. Thanks. And yay for the cleaning up after being dead.
(parent)jupistrahan @ August 22 2003, 10:26:23 UTC |
OMFG.... *cackles maniacally* Such speed and precision on your part! *applauds*
(parent)imochan @ August 22 2003, 11:08:34 UTC |
:O!! 'Bout time you got here, love! I saved a spot on the comfy chair for you!
jupistrahan @ August 22 2003, 13:52:47 UTC |
~^ ^~
Don't tell nobody, 'kay? I'm still a bit of a lurker, but Some things simply can't be helped. *squishs into Comfy Chair of Happiness and Joy* Yay!
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 12:57:46 UTC |
Thank you. You know, the more people comment on this thing, the funnier I find it myself. W00t.
I wonder what Sevvie himself would have to say about it.
zorb @ August 22 2003, 09:05:30 UTC |
*completely dead* I want to see High!Sevvie and Shiny!Looshie go at it. In whatever sense.
(parent)dari_brit @ August 22 2003, 09:14:59 UTC |
Snape's a picker, he's a grinner
He's a lover and he's a sinner
He brews his potions in the dank
He's a joker, he's a smoker
*He's a San Francisco toker!*
Everything means another spank....(ing)
--Dari-Brit, with aid from Steve Miller
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 13:15:35 UTC |
omigoodness. That is the coolest. thing. ever. I loooooove it. Fabulous.
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 12:36:09 UTC |
haha. I can see him laughing at the jokes he made about Black and Lupin..just sitting somewhere in San Fran and chortling happily to himself..
And then he gets high. hahaha. ::dies laughing.:: "And then I got high, and then I got high" haha. aw jeez, at least we aren't wibbling though..which is a very good sign indeed..
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 13:19:06 UTC |
OHDEARLORD! I AM SO picturing Snape with the Afro... *scampers to make "Then I got high, then I got high, then I got high" picture for that.
For the record, I am doing this posthumously, because that utterly killed me. Thank you.
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 16:34:59 UTC |
I was gunna write a travel report ‘til I got high.
I was gunna make a snarky retort, but then I got high.
Now everybody’s laughing at me, and I know why.
Why Sev? Don’t call me Sev.
‘Cuz I got high, ‘cuz I got high, ‘cuz I got high.
La da da da da da da da da
I was gunna get away from you, until I got high.
I was gunna head to Timbuktu, but then I got high.
I’m still in San Francisco, and I know why.
Yeah why? I said
‘Cuz I got high, ‘cuz I got high, ‘cuz I got high.
La da da da da da da da da
I was really gunna wash my hair, until I got high.
But then I got an Afro there, because I was high.
Now I look like Macy Gray, and I know why.
Why Sev? Don’t call me Sev.
‘Cuz I got high, ‘cuz I got high, ‘cuz I got high.
La da da da da da da da da
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 16:36:48 UTC |
haha! That rocks! You own!
xB! ::giggles insanely and points and laughs at Sevvie::
selene_rain @ August 22 2003, 16:38:13 UTC |
:D Thanks. I've never been told I owned before. Glad you like it.
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 16:39:27 UTC |
I do!!
::Pats her Chibi Severus on the head, who is walking around in circles after his own shadow:: xD
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 16:43:09 UTC |
^_^ ::Picks him up and huggles him.:: I'm just going to put him down for a nap..poor Sevvie..lmao.
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hobaggins @ August 22 2003, 13:53:15 UTC |
ahahahaa hahaha ahahaaa
The council has spoken. The ouija board and the crystal ball both agree that Sevvie is VERY shiny!!
redbowties @ August 22 2003, 15:09:30 UTC |
::points and laughs at Sevvie, then at Lucius::
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Anonymous @ August 22 2003, 14:54:51 UTC |
I've been thinking about this titles-thing.
Maybe there is also some kind of code in it.
He takes every title from another poem. So, I don't know, first letters of poems titles? Of authors names?
What do you think? Is it possible?
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ponymouse @ August 22 2003, 15:02:30 UTC |
*dies laughing*
Your photo manips kick ass! *goes back to dying out of mirth*
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deadnealsociety @ August 22 2003, 15:37:31 UTC whee. |
Beautiful manip!
When I read the end of the entry I completely cracked up.
<3 to Snape's player for lightening the mood!
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Anonymous @ August 22 2003, 22:47:17 UTC |
Of course he has hands!
Or, wait. Do humans not always have hands? Do these limbs fall off and regenerate as lizard tails do?
Just when I think I have you creatures figured out you of course must disprove my logic.
(Why is my master wasting his time with unwashed idiots? Why doesn't he come back to me?!)
windtear @ August 22 2003, 23:09:42 UTC |
I should think that you would prefer your prey washed.
As for hands - when you are introduced to blood pudding and your Severus, being an intelligent slave human, places it in the refrigerator so it does not go bad before you eat it, I daresay you will be pleased with his hands. Especially when they open that refrigerator.