laurac0re @ 2003-08-22 23:29:00 |
(no title)
hey everyone!
I'm fairly new to Nraged and Nocturne Alley (I've only been following it for less then a month!) and I'm still trying to catch up but I had a few questions..
1. who's Rosie?
2. is it always like this???
I swear I have been sitting on the edge of my seat (and my fingers hovering over F5) since I've joined.
siren52684 @ August 22 2003, 19:33:42 UTC |
1. rosie's a puppy. she belongs to remus, sirius, and harry. although with the recent turn of events, it's hard to say....
2. no, things are not always this wibbly and sad and depressing. some days are downright happy. just not any days in august.
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cacklebang @ August 22 2003, 19:34:56 UTC |
Well, since someone else explained Rosie, I shall answer your other question.
Yes. And a lot of the time it's worse. Like the wedding. The posts during that were insane.
xnera @ August 22 2003, 19:41:26 UTC |
I see your wedding and raise you an outing. I don't think I even blinked that night.
(parent)redbowties @ August 22 2003, 20:17:22 UTC |
*gasps* I hadn't read the outing. I'm doing a lot of gasping right now..
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hobaggins @ August 22 2003, 20:23:38 UTC |
If you have anymore questions, just post them with a OT in the subject, someone will be happy to answer- and most importantly it won't spam our friendslists.
Enough people check up on NrAged and are uber-link happy to fill you in
And to answer your second question- are you referring to NA or NA and the NrAged Q&As put together?
Because if you're just talking about NA it gets much much more intenze.
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hobaggins @ August 22 2003, 20:25:09 UTC elaboration.... |
Post them in an on-going thread. NOT as a new post in NrAged.
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hobaggins @ August 22 2003, 20:32:21 UTC |
It would be fine except that there's been a ridiculous amount of posting recently- if you open up and look at the calendar, it's pretty much constant recently- and there's not even that much going on, just about three plotlines. I mean there's no need to post a thread everytime someone goes, "Harry?"
That's what the EDIT option is for. We can go to NrAged if we want to discuss, that's what it's here for- we all KNOW that
Sorry if I seem'd snappish, it's just getting frustrating- and essentially we need an NrAged FAQ to point new people to.
xnera @ August 22 2003, 20:42:09 UTC |
This is why I <3 my custom friends groups. Keeps my friends list less cluttered.
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hobaggins @ August 22 2003, 20:44:47 UTC |
Ah, but you see, I want to get NrAged updates on all my friends lists, just not constant purposeless ones. I'm not saying this girls post was purposeless, as she is new and some things just need to be explained- but I'm extremely confident that it's been frustrating to a lot more people than just me.
notapipe @ August 22 2003, 20:31:19 UTC |
2. At one point in the distant past there was less wibble than laughter and squee, though the basics have been the same. This is why we love it.
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hobaggins @ August 22 2003, 20:34:01 UTC |
Your comment Pipe was nice and informative, not I feel like a goddamn slat.
Ah, well. I suppose you're just pleasant because you don't hold to crown that belongs to the Literati Queen. It really weighs you down- I'm getting quite a headache.
tabiji @ August 22 2003, 22:01:16 UTC |
Nah, don't feel like a slat, I don't think it sounded mean, I know you didn't intened for it to, and believe me, I understand the frustrations with all the posting lately.
After two months of it being relatively slow on here and in NA, it's an adjustment to have all the activity now. Plus I think the wonderful Q&A sessions have brought a lot of new interest in posting.
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hobaggins @ August 22 2003, 20:36:24 UTC |
Also in the Wibble:Squee ration do you think that, proportionately the Wibbling is directly affected not only by wibbling happenings but also the lack of squee? And vice versa? Could you do out a formal equation of this matter?
(parent)notapipe @ August 22 2003, 21:44:18 UTC |
well, obviously the presence of wibblesquee means there isn't a direct inverse relationship. Also, a couple (at least perceived) slow periods earlier this summer (punctuated by wonderful Snape entries, of course) show another counter-example. I think it's a very complex system you'd need a stats person to work out.
But this... uh... increasingly hypothetical someone, would not be me.