tabiji @ 2003-08-23 03:09:00 |
Suggestions, reminders, and requests
Since there's been so much activity on nocturne_alley and
nraged lately, I wanted to make mention of a few things. I'm not a mod, but some of this is official
nraged policy, and some is just suggested to make the boards enjoyable for everyone.
The Five Minute Rule: Players do request that comments be withheld for five minutes, to allow them enough time to go back and edit wording or typos. They have enough to do, without having to come onto nraged to explain why a comment was modified or deleted! (Er, I know I'm guilty of this one, and I promise to try to exercise some restraint!)
The Be Nice Rule: Be respectful of the nocturne_alley players and the other members of
nraged. Don't bash someone else's questions or theories. Not everyone has read every comment in every single thread, so no questions are really "dumb questions".
The Gold Star Rule: Don't use them! They're just for players to give us feedback!
Off Topic Comments: Try to keep it to a minimum. There's a lot to keep up with, without having to read a slew of comments about how "Member X" and "Member Y" just discovered they have the same shoe size. Please be considerate and take stuff like that onto your personal lj.
Duplicate Posts: If you post, and then see that someone else has also just posted the same thing, please delete the duplicate.
Edits: Take advantage of the "Edit" feature, and update your own post, rather than beginning an entire new post, especially if the threads are related.
LJ-cuts and Linking: Please use an lj-cut on a long post. Instructions on how to do it, and how to do linking are here.
Icons: Icon-related stuff goes here! na_icons
The Anonymity Rule: For the most part, the nocturne_alley players are anonymous. Even if you are certain that a player is "out" (because they list their character/role in their alternate/everyday LiveJournal), please respect the players' wishes to stay anonymous and the nraged group members' wishes to not have spoilers about player identities.
Er...did I leave anything off ?
tabiji @ August 23 2003, 00:16:50 UTC |
Players come onto nraged anonymously and give these out when we figure out certain details of the game :)
(parent)athene_51 @ August 23 2003, 00:18:19 UTC |
This is a great "reminder" post. The link for LJ cuts doesn't work though. Just a heads-up :)
(parent)tabiji @ August 23 2003, 00:22:53 UTC |
Thanks! (It is beyond hysterical that I screwed up the link to "linking"!)
*laffing at self*
vellum @ August 23 2003, 00:22:05 UTC |
THANKYOUSOMUCH for doing this!!! i was just thinking of doing it myself.
i don't think you left anything off. that about covers it.
theantimodel @ August 23 2003, 00:55:17 UTC |
where are yoooouuuuuu, I have a question for you. Do you have aim? I am theantimodel2
(parent)untiemybinds @ August 23 2003, 00:29:23 UTC |
Thank you.
Now hopefully everyone follows these to the greatest extent possible. Everyone's allowed to "screw up" but seeing three posts on the same topic is really annoying and it clutters up my friendslist more than I want it to be. :/
cirakaite @ August 23 2003, 00:33:33 UTC |
Maybe add a request not to discuss player identities? That came up today, and some people didn't seem to know that the players prefer anonymity.
(parent)tabiji @ August 23 2003, 00:40:52 UTC |
There was? And I missed it?? Did we find out who..., nevermind!
Good one...adding that.
cirakaite @ August 23 2003, 00:50:08 UTC |
We didn't find out the identities of anyone, and I think that the post was deleted, because a fair number of people responded to say that we don't want to discuss player identity *g*
(parent)theantimodel @ August 23 2003, 00:35:29 UTC |
This is a personal pet peeve. But, as someone who has very very little time to catch up on nraged as it is, could we please keep the comentary discussion in the threads and not make separate posts with side questions that could just as easily be asked in one of the posts that is already up.
I mean unless you have compiled a bunch of threads or want to start a post dedicated to clue gathering, I vastly prefer that commentary/analysis goes in the comments. Most people are used to f5ing, chances are if you comment in a post you won't be overlooked, so theres really no need to spam my friends list with vaguely topical posts.
[/selfish pet-peeve complaints]
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danceupontheair @ August 23 2003, 03:27:09 UTC |
Thanks, being new here, I didn't know all this. Certainly makes it easier :)
(parent)tabiji @ August 25 2003, 21:11:09 UTC |
You're welcome! I will show you the sooper-sekrit handshake next! :)
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danceupontheair @ August 25 2003, 23:40:17 UTC |
:), I think it was designed to induce epileptic fits or something...
Sorry if I spelt that wrong.
staraflur @ August 23 2003, 04:22:04 UTC |
I have already said that I posted the silly thing about vanityfair as a joke more than any real speculation, because I don't actually care who plays who or who she plays herself, and I don't care either way if it's deleted.
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hobaggins @ August 23 2003, 04:33:32 UTC |
Ahm, this post wasn't made for you, it was a general post because of a lot of things that have gone down recently. Don't take it personal, we were just going over some of the rules that the Mods have brought up over the time of NrAged. We're just some simple NrAgers who wanted to bring some of the new people up to speed with how the game is played.
(parent)anatidae @ August 23 2003, 05:21:55 UTC |
Haha, it's probably a bad thing that every single one of my pet peeves are sadly not rules.
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hobaggins @ August 23 2003, 06:58:36 UTC |
What are yours, I want to know, instantly!!!!
anatidae @ August 23 2003, 17:22:51 UTC |
Haha, :)). I'm going to die.
Here's one, which you will all throw me out for!
I hate it when everything that happens on NA is obviously a sign of Draco and Harry's undying love for each other. And if one of them has not been online, they are clearly having some hawt m0nK3Y sex.
*is horrible* I love H/D really! I will clearly die when Draco and Harry do get together. :((
lunastarr @ August 23 2003, 21:44:36 UTC |
{And if one of them has not been online, they are clearly having some hawt m0nK3Y sex.}
imochan @ August 23 2003, 06:18:48 UTC |
You, Nancy, love = R0X0R!
;D Ta v. much! This will be extremely helpful to everyone! *mugglehumps*
luna_lg @ August 25 2003, 18:50:36 UTC |
Finally...someone reminds all of us just what the basic guidelines are! Thankies! ^^