la_pensee @ 2003-08-24 00:53:00 |
(no title)
What a darling community! I feel as if I could spend hours perusing every corner of this lovely place. Everyone seems so very delightful.
Oh, but I'm afraid Millicent says it is her turn to use the computer. I must be off then.
However, if you leave me a question, I shall attempt to do my best to answer it as soon as I find the chance. Please do keep in mind that I shall reserve the right to decline answering any inquiries that I find infringe too far upon my privacy or that of my friends. I trust you all to be properly discerning.
(Millicent, darling, I am getting off right this minute!)
Pansy Parkinson
lazy_daze @ August 23 2003, 10:10:21 UTC |
Dear Pansy
What do you plan to do as a furure career (presumably within the Ministry)?
Thank you!
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:11:28 UTC |
What a wonderful question. Initially, I would like to do anything within the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. However, in the long term, I would aim to emulate Amelia Bones, of course, and become head of the department or a member of the Wizengamot.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:12:34 UTC |
Draco is the perfect height. Why one earth would it bother me? That is not to say, of course, that he would not also be perfect if he were to grow taller in the future.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:21:38 UTC |
You should not smile so. It is far too attractive, darling.
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:13:54 UTC |
I do find all of the Weasleys such a pleasant group, so this is, as I'm sure you know, a difficult choice, but I would have to say Ron Weasley.
purestblood @ August 23 2003, 20:45:34 UTC |
Hm. Silly me. I could have sworn your favorite was Arthur.
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:14:35 UTC |
Certainly! What kind would you like?
slytherincesss @ August 23 2003, 10:36:46 UTC |
How do you assert your personal style in light of the limitations posed by school uniforms?
<3 <3 <3
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:17:05 UTC |
At the very least, I do my best with hairstyles and cosmetics. However, even with uniforms, you can add your own touches, variations in skirt length, how many buttons you choose to do up, slight alterations on jacket cuts. Also, accessorizing is vital, be it jewelry or something else.
luna_lg @ August 25 2003, 19:38:04 UTC |
*raises an eyebrow*
Mymymy...that's VERY interesting to hear, Pansy. I wonder if other girls at Hogwarts do that as well.
cirakaite @ August 23 2003, 10:43:26 UTC |
What are you most looking forward to about going back to Hogwarts?
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:18:08 UTC |
I would have to say seeing Millicent and Draco on a daily basis. But some time away from my mother would not be under appreciated.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:20:42 UTC |
I do not really support them since I think a person ought to be able to choose who they wish to spend their entire lives with. However, I do think in certain cases they have worked out quite well.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 13:16:37 UTC |
When the person I am in love with asks me, assuming of course, I have already finished schooling and have started my career.
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 13:28:00 UTC |
When I was thirteen, my boggart was Draco telling me I was fat, stupid, ugly, and someone he would never be interested in even being friends with. As you can imagine, it was quite embarrassing to have this revealed in Professor Lupin's class.
As I have not run into a boggart any time recently, I do not know what my boggart would turn into now.
luna_lg @ August 25 2003, 19:40:06 UTC |
That must've been one of the most embarrassing moments of your entire life, huh?
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:23:22 UTC |
Well, I have already said Ron Weasley in answer to another question. I suppose he is my favourite because I have always had a weakness for boys with tempers. Of course, it does not hurt that he is quite handsome and always seems to know how to make me laugh.
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hobaggins @ August 23 2003, 10:49:13 UTC |
Are you friends with any Ravenclaws or Hufflepuffs, Miss Parkinson?
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:30:16 UTC |
I think that majority of the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs are an extremely pleasant lot, although I'm not certain any of us could be called good friends. However, I do think I'm on fairly good terms with Hannah Abbott and I think Susan Bones is a sweet girl. From Ravenclaw, Mandy Brocklehurst is quite a nice girl, and I have had the pleasure of associating with Terry Boot on occassion because of his fondness for Millicent.
altricial @ August 23 2003, 10:51:18 UTC |
Name one person from each house who you'd like to be better friends with, and why.
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:37:08 UTC |
Another fascinating question, darling, as I've always been very interested in promoting better interhouse relations.
From Gryffindor, I would like to become better friends with Ginny Weasley. She seems as if she would be a good and loyal friend, and I am already quite fond of most of her family.
From Hufflepuff, I would likely choose Hannah Abbott because that girl has a good head on her shoulder. She seems very sensible and responsible as shown by her dealings as a prefect.
From Ravenclaw, well, she isn't a current member as she's finished with school, but I would like to become better friends with Cho Chang. I once went to her mother's store and she seemed a bit standoffish (although perhaps this was only my imagination). But for that reason, I do not think it could hurt to try and somehow overcome this.
From my own house, I must say that I would always like to become closer to my current friends Millicent and Draco, but I would also be happy to make amends with Queenie Greengrass. We were fairly good friends as children, and I do not think it would be wrong to let her know I would not mind going back to that.
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 10:52:27 UTC |
Are you and MB just friends or more than friends? XD
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:38:27 UTC |
Of course we are more than friends. We are extremely close and I share everything about me with her. I do not think the word "friend" encaptures the full extent of that.
(parent)redbowties @ August 23 2003, 10:53:33 UTC |
Oh, that's so sweet of you! Thank you!
I have a few questions:
Have you ever watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer? I'm just curious, because I imagine you just like her..just..more of when she was in LA.
What exactly do you see in the Weasley family? I always thought that you didn't like them..but I'm happy to be proved wrong..
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:43:17 UTC |
Your quite welcome! I am quite enjoying myself here and I'll now answer your questions. I have never seen this "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" that you refer to. What is it exactly?
As for what I see in the Weasley family, I see them as quite a friendly lot. I admit I have not always been fond of the Weasleys. Neither my parents nor the Malfoys are on particularly good terms with them despite the fact that we are all old families. Still, I have always admired the closeness of their family, and really, how can I not like them? Ron is always such a joy to chat with, Ginny is the sweetest thing, and Mr. Weasley was kind enough to help me find a job this summer.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 12:14:27 UTC |
It's a Muggle television show, and you remind me of the main character, Buffy. She used to live in LA, (Los Angeles, California) but then her parents got divorced so she moved to Sunnydale, California with her mother. There, she discovered that she was the Slayer. The Slayer is the force of good that fights the Vampires. How do you feel about Vampires?
While she's there, a Vampire with a soul, Angel, falls in love with her and she with him in turn. But, as fate would have it, he lost his soul when they first made love and his 'inner demon’; Angelus, came out and started reeking havoc on Sunnydale. Angelus was going to unleash a demon that would plunge the world into Hell; so Buffy had to kill Angelus; but little did she know that her friend Willow was working on a spell to reinstate Angel's soul.
Tragically, at the last moment, his soul came back, but he had already been stabbed, sending him and the demon to Hell. Buffy had lost her true love and she then ran away. Much like Harry actually, instead of dealing with her problems she ran away from them.
She ran to LA, but then she came back, after realizing that Sunnydale had very much become her home. It's a very long and intricate series and it would take much too long to explain the whole of it here. If you'd like, I can link you to a page that will explain it in more length and detail.
Buffy and Angel to try and get back together, but they decide that it's something that just isn't meant to be, and she ends up falling in love with another Vampire named, Spike, who got a soul so that Buffy could love him. It ended this season, and I for one will miss it.
There is no doubt in my mind that they are a most friendly lot, and I too admire how close they are and wish that my family could be that way. Now, if only they didn't annoy my brains out..
I agree, but as I was telling Millicent earlier, they aren't the brightest stars in the sky. I mean, even Percy hasn't really caught on to why exactly Mrs. Weasley is staying in the shed. She feels unwanted and unloved, in a romantic sense. If Mr. Weasley were to plan something really romantic, such as a romantic getaway for just him and his wife, I'm sure that would help. Maybe you could suggest this? It's just awful that they are fighting such as they are.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 12:59:12 UTC |
This sounds like quite an interesting Muggle show indeed. Thank you for taking the time to describe it to me. I do appreciate the effort.
I do think it would do some help for Mr. Weasley to plan a romantic getaway, but I must admit I thought that much of Mr. Weasley's current efforts at making amends were very romantic. However, I do not think it could hurt to suggest this as well.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 13:02:38 UTC |
^_^ You are most welcome!
Oh, I'm not putting down any of his recent efforts, they have been romantic, but in a way. But, I don't think they are quite getting the message across. Sometimes, actions speak more than words, and its seems that Mrs. Weasley is feeling..well, old, that Arthur would rather have someone younger. Well, if he did something to show that he still finds her beautiful and young and made her feel loved, then I'm sure she would come inside and make a proper pot of tea.
Thank you for answering my questions!
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 13:15:16 UTC |
You're quite welcome.
I do think that Mrs. Weasley shouldn't worry so much, although I do understand her reasoning. But Mr. Weasley loves her very much - he won't even speak to me nor mention my name on her account - which I also understand but do regret a little. I do wish that family the best and hope they make up promptly.
I agree that actions can occassionally speak louder than words, but at the same time, sometimes actions begin to feel empty without those words as well. Sometimes one needs to hear those things like, "I love you."
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 13:20:05 UTC |
Yes, I do think her behavior reguarding you is rather silly. You are with Draco, and as you said, Mr. Weasley loves her very much! But, I can see why she would feel threatened, few people can retain the elegance and charm that comes to you naturally!
Aw, yes. But, those words can be thrown around without meaning, so the action backs up the words. Although, I've found that sometimes, those words can mean the world.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 13:25:56 UTC |
few people can retain the elegance and charm that comes to you naturally!
Why I do believe you are the charmer between us, darling.
As for the rest, I suppose in that case, one might say it is important to do both. Because without one, the other may feel empty after a while.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 13:28:12 UTC |
::Smiles.:: Why thank you, I do try.
I absolutely agree.
Thank you again for your time!
bsafemydeers @ August 23 2003, 11:12:23 UTC |
You are so charming and have such good connections; will you give me advice on how to win friends and influence people?
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 17:16:32 UTC |
Oh darling, thank you! Such a compliment. I am certain there must already be seminars on such things, but my advice would be to always try to be positive, smile at people, remember things about them, even if it is as simple as remembering their name and saying it when you greet them. Always treat people as if they are important and you are interested in them and what they have to say, and try to not let the hurtful things people say get to you.
People like to feel as if you care about them, so it's good to respond in such a manner, and in turn, it's likely they too will respond well to you. If people trust and like you, you are far more likely to do well in my opinion if only because you will feel better about yourself.
noirenails @ August 23 2003, 11:12:28 UTC |
Hi, and thanks for answering the questions.
What do you think of cats?
What about ice cream? *offers*
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:51:28 UTC |
Oh no problem at all. I am having quite a lot of fun, darling. In answer to your inquiries, I am quite fond of cats. Millicent has a gorgeous black one that I do enjoy playing with. As for ice cream, it is one of my favourite foods, if not my very favourite.
noirenails @ August 23 2003, 11:58:48 UTC |
You're having fun, I'm having fun, let's all have fun together. This is such a wonderful community.
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:52:36 UTC |
I would have to say it is that I eat too much. My mother always tells me so and that I ought to watch my weight, but I am so very fond of food and the way it tastes. I often eat even when I am not truly hungry.
luna_lg @ August 25 2003, 19:47:46 UTC |
*blinks* have that kind of problem myself! ^^;
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 23 2003, 11:33:32 UTC |
Are are such a nice person, and I for one am a personal fan of your charm.=D
Now, would you marry me?
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 11:54:25 UTC |
Why I am positively flattered! I do believe you've made me blush, and my first proposal on top of that. It would, of course, be an honour to marry you, but I'm afraid that I am currently involved with someone. Many thanks, however, and I am sure you shall find someone who suits you much better than myself.
1anonymous1 @ August 23 2003, 11:56:53 UTC |
See? Your are absolutely delightful.
Can we just fool around then? Like friends with benefits?
1anonymous1 @ August 23 2003, 15:34:53 UTC |
Is that a yes, you sexy woman you?
(psst, Pansy is like my fav character, cept for M.B. of course:D)
lazy_daze @ August 23 2003, 12:18:16 UTC |
I am currently involved with someone
There is probably no point in asking this, but I will try - who? Of course, I fully respect your privacy if you do not wish to disclose such information. <3
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 12:53:57 UTC |
I mean no offense, darling, but I thought it was quite clear who I was with!
(parent)lazy_daze @ August 23 2003, 13:06:16 UTC |
I sometimes find it hard to believe how dense I am. *shoots self*
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 12:01:05 UTC |
I admit I am not too familiar with most muggle designer labels, but I have occassionally seen some outfits on muggles that I have admired. Therefore, I would assume that there are certainly some outfits I would deem suitable.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 13:10:56 UTC |
Why I do not think I could say without offending the ones I didn't choose. We have so many talented designers.
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 12:04:34 UTC |
I'm afraid you will have to excuse me from answering the first question for either way I respond, if it got back to my mother, she would likely be disappointed in me.
On the second, why I most certainly do love Draco. I have loved him since I was a very little girl.
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 12:07:48 UTC |
Oooh, okay. I completely understand.
Ah, but are you in love with him?
(P.S. Thank you for answering these questions! You're a doll. :D)
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 13:23:27 UTC |
I was very much in love with Draco at one point, but whether I am right now or not, I would rather not say.
(parent)luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 07:51:35 UTC |
Ahhhhhh, the whole "do I honestly love him with all of my heart" stage of the relationship.
Pansy, dear, you have my fullest sympathies.
anjenue @ August 23 2003, 11:51:11 UTC |
Pansy, dear, first off I'd like to say you are positively divine and it is absolutely impossible not to adore you.
That being said, I am curious if you could divulge some insight about your darque phase, how you were feeling at the time, what inspired it, and what made you emerge from it.
Much love to you, darling!
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 11:54:25 UTC |
And more pictures of it, if possible. Can never see too many pictures of a beautiful girl.
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 12:31:51 UTC |
Here are some pictures. I am always happy to share.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 12:28:14 UTC |
Thank you for all your compliments, darling! I do hope I do not disappoint and shall try to answer your question this as best as possible.
Near the end of my fifth year of Hogwarts, I was becoming very unhappy with myself and the things within my life. It seemed my mother never stopped criticizing my appearance and my lack of relationship with Draco. I was deeply in love with Draco at that time (and still do love him now), but I felt that nothing I did seemed to gain his attention and that all of our dates to balls and such never resulted in much more. I was very frustrated and unhappy to say the least, and I was displeased with everything I seemed to do. My life felt as if it were going no where. I was drained of any will and spent most of my time locked in my room, lying in the dark. In some ways, the sadness became addictive in its own right, indulging that sort of unhappiness.
The darque phase itself emerged from that state. I felt dark and empty and so I expressed it in an outward fashion through my cosmetics and style. I admit, perhaps, in some ways I also wanted to feel unique, and stand out from the monotony of the things around me.
It wasn't until my forced excursion to Beauxbatons that I realized this sort of life wasn't helping me. I wasn't happier and I was in fact sabotaging the things I had liked in life. I developed a new sort of appreciation for the things I had once I lost them, one might say. I also had begun to get tired of the darque look, and I wanted to find myself again. This wasn't something I did on my own, of course, I was talking to someone in France about my problems, and I occassionally talked to Millicent as well. These sort of things helped me realize I needed to find a way to get my life back on track, and that failure was not the end of the world. Rather, when one door closes, another opens, and furthermore, if you never fail, then you have not challenged yourself.
anjenue @ August 23 2003, 13:10:59 UTC |
Pansy, thank you so much for your insightful and obviously rather personal response. You are a delightful young lady, and I am so glad you have emerged from the darque experience with a new view on life. All the choices we make influence who we become, and judging by that, you must have made many, many good choices.
Also, so much love to your player! The way you've played Pansy is so delightful, I can't dislike her when I read canon anymore, and I want to be just like her!<33333!!!
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 13:21:22 UTC |
You're quite welcome. I definitely believe strongly in learning from one's mistakes and the mistakes of others, so I am happy to hear that it has indeed helped me become a better person in your opinion.
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 11:56:40 UTC |
Oh, what a joy. I have two questions, if you don't mind.
First, what exactly caused you to change since your return to Hogwarts?
Second, if you absolutely had to choose between never sleeping with Draco and never sleeping with Millicent, which would you choose? And let us hope you never have to make such a choice.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 12:38:34 UTC |
Oh, I do not mind at all. I am happy that you are interested in asking any questions at all, dear.
I have answered your first question somewhat here. However, in short, I would say my trip to Beauxbatons helped me realize that the lifestyle I had been living was not benefiting me really. In fact, it was making things worse for me. This was not some simple path of self-discovery by myself. I had the help of other things, such as some medication to aide me in combating depression and Millicent being such a good friend.
As for your second question, this is quite a difficult choice. It is rather like asking a mother to choose between her two children, and even if I had a preference, I could not very well say it. I do hope you understand.
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Anonymous @ August 25 2003, 10:20:53 UTC |
You really are a dear, Pansy. I hope the change and self-discovery has found you better you off then before. Lucky for you that you did have Millicent to help you through it. You're a good friend as well, for not being able to choose between your very best. I daresay you'd make quite the elegant Hufflepuff, no offense intended.
Thank you for sharing with us.
moony @ August 23 2003, 12:07:41 UTC |
Miss Parkinson,
What subjects at school do you most enjoy, and why?
Oh, and just for grins - would you ever want a pet? Besides Draco, that is?
Thank you, dear.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 12:41:41 UTC |
Hello there. You're very welcome. To answer your questions, my favourite subjects in school would likely be Potions and History of Magic. I enjoy potions primarily because I am very fond of Professor Snape. He has always been a wonderful teacher and a wonderful head of house. As for History of Magic, it is a subject I am keenly interested in. I think, as many others do, that history repeats itself and we should learn from it.
To answer your second question: Millicent, of course.
luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 07:54:47 UTC |
I will agree about the repeating history bit.
Just one question: If Binns moved on, how would you react to the new History of Magic teacher? And how would you take having a new teacher in that class at all?
la_pensee @ August 26 2003, 09:59:06 UTC |
I think that would depend on what the professor was like. I do think Professor Binns is quite familiar with his subject matter, but he lacks any passion in his classes so it would be nice to see a teacher who had some. I think I would be very open to a new professor.
(parent)nabiki @ August 23 2003, 12:18:05 UTC |
I just wanted to comment and say that I think you are great! And quite fun and charming! I miss your comments and journal entries!
What would your idea of an ideal date be? If you are ambitious in as far as your career goals, does that mean that you do not plan on having a traditional family life with traditional female gender roles?
Thank you for answering!! :)
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 17:15:27 UTC |
Why I shall have to try to write more entries and comments to satisfy you if such is the case.
My ideal date would be primarily spending time with someone I care about. Although, if they treated me to dinner at a fancy restaurant for dinner, took me to see the opera, and kissed me gently good night, it would not hurt.
As for my family life, I am always open to adjusting my future plans to best suit whatever comes. However, for the moment, I do not plan to become an unemployed wife, if that is what you mean by traditional. I believe that I can be both a successful wife, mother, and career driven woman. I enjoy having a full plate and to tackle it with all my energy.
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 12:22:48 UTC |
In your opinion, who are the top 5 hottest boys in Hogwarts? Detail, please.
Are you interested in dating Ernie or Justin? If so or if not, why?
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 12:48:39 UTC |
Forgive the lack of details, but I do think my choices shall be self explanatory:
(1) Draco Malfoy
(2) Draco Malfoy
(3) Draco Malfoy
(4) Draco Malfoy
(5) Ron Weasley
As for Ernie or Justin, I would not date Ernie because I do not believe he would ever trust me. If he could, I might consider it. As for Justin, I do not know him well enough to make any sort of decision on it. He does seem like a nice fellow however.
serpensortia @ August 23 2003, 12:46:19 UTC |
Oh damn. Well, seeing as you've already had a marriage proposal it seems pointless to try now. Although, if things to not work out with your current SO...Pansy, sweetheart, marry me then? *puppy dog eyes*
For now though, what would you say your favourite food is? What do you like to bake the most? (And presumably eat afterwards - any food you make yourself always tastes better in my opinion ^-^)
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 12:50:41 UTC |
If my current prospects do not work out, I would certainly consider you, darling.
My favourite food is ice cream, particularly with chocolate sauce and toasted coconut. Of course, I am fond of many sweets. As for what I enjoy making best, I would have to say cream puffs.
serpensortia @ August 23 2003, 12:56:40 UTC |
If you marry me I'll make you ice cream with chocolate sauce and toasted coconuts everyday. ;)
I've yet to try making cream puffs, but now I'll have to try. Thank you for being so sweet as to answer these questions! You rock.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 13:08:02 UTC |
As do you, darling, I was quite happy to answer your questions. And I shall say, your proposal is sounding very tempting.
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 13:28:25 UTC |
What do you think about the current family situation of the Malfoy, The Weasley, Lupin-Black-Potter?
If you were Narcissa, Molly, Lupin, would you react the same ways?
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 13:43:27 UTC |
I think it is quite unfortunate, particularly because it does not just effect the two parental figures who are fighting, but their children as well. I cannot help but wonder, of course, that if there are many other underlying problems unstated that confound the current and somewhat specific arguments at hand.
I think all the cases are different, and I am not certain how I would react within all of them. I, myself, have been prone to dramatics spurred by jealousy, so admittedly I do not know if I would behave any better or worse. I would, however, in their case, hope to do my utmost to preserve my marriage.
toopizza @ August 23 2003, 13:37:18 UTC |
Have you ever eaten sushi?
And have you ever done yoga?
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 13:45:10 UTC |
I have not done yoga, but I have eaten sushi. I think it is quite delicious.
tiamet_nox @ August 23 2003, 13:57:29 UTC |
What is your opinion on the end of school debacle that occurred in june?
Tell us some small and yet incriminating detail about Draco. Something that wouldn't really mean much to anyone but him. Neville, for example reveled that Ron is allergic to pineapple. Do you have a similar fact about M.B. to impart?
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 14:10:42 UTC |
It was a very frightening situation, and it affected so many of us at the school. I don't think any of us has made it through unscathed, either phsyically or emotionally, by the incident. I would say I am thankful I made it through without any permanent injuries, and of course, both my life and the lives of my friends. Unfortunately, not all of us were so lucky. Still in the end, I hope that this affair brings all the students - from all houses - closer together, rather than dividing each other because of prejudices or suspicion. It is in the face of the difficult that we truly need to stand together and help each other through things. Therefore, I hope when the new school year starts, we will be able to go back bravely to our classes and treat each other with respect and kindness.
Now forgive me for not answering the latter part of your question, but I would not want to mistakenly give out any information that might incur the "wrath" of my friends.
ma_cheri @ August 23 2003, 13:59:16 UTC |
Which one of Ron's icons is your favorite?
Oh, and just want to say, I adore you. :)
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 14:11:53 UTC |
I do, of course, adore all of Ron's icons. He is so adorable with all his various expressions. But I suppose my favourite would be this one.
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ex_orangeglo298 @ August 23 2003, 14:16:06 UTC |
Because I cannot think of a very clever question, I will ask what I asked of M.B.:
If you were a tree, what tree would you be?
That's a lovely hat, if I may say so.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 14:29:24 UTC |
Oh, I always find these questions quite difficult, because I always want to pick a tree I am fond of rather than one I am truly like. Perhaps an evergreen of sorts, that goes through the winter without losing it's leaves. Similarly, I'd like to think I could go through adversity without having to sacrifice some part of me.
And thank you for the compliment on the hat. I am ever so fond of them.
sistermagpie @ August 23 2003, 15:51:56 UTC |
Dear Pansy,
I'm such an admirer I'm a little nervous about actually speaking with you! Feel free to not answer any questions you don't like.
It sounds like you made a wonderfully impression at the MoM this summer. You must have made some good contacts for the future! Did you get a chance to talk with your father about your experience? If so, what did he think of your success?
Also, what's the one thing you'd want your mother to most understand about you and you about her?
Thank you!
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 16:17:13 UTC |
An admirer? I'm flattered. Well, it shall be a pleasure to answer all your questions then, or at the very least, I shall try my very best to do so.
I did talk to my father briefly about my experiences the last time he came home from his business trip, but I'm afraid he wasn't home for very long and he was very busy at the time with his own work. Still, I think he was quite proud of me. I have also written him several owls about my experiences about it, but as expected, he doesn't always have time to write me back. However, he did say that he was glad to hear I was having a good time with what I was doing and that we'd do something when he got back.
As for my mother, I wish she would understand that we have very different ideas about what we want out of life, and if there is one thing I wish I could understand about her, it would be to know how she finds satisfaction in the life she leads, and that if she isn't, why she hasn't done more to change it.
vellum @ August 23 2003, 15:59:20 UTC |
a slytherin princess at hogwarts, a job at the ministry, social standing that has been kept unblemished, AND you bake. how do you do it?
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 16:23:03 UTC |
A slytherin princess? I wasn't aware anyone called me such, although I am quite flattered by the epithet.
My social standing did, unfortunately, take quite a blow right around the time I briefly attended Beauxbatons. However, I've learned since then that if you fall down, you must simply get back up and try to rebuild your reputation as best you can from the remains you are left with. That, I suppose, is one of the keys to success: to learn to pick yourself up again when you do fall. Things can always change for the better after all.
Of course, I am also the type who prefers to stay busy as much as possible, and baking is one of the things I like to do to fill my time.
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novacancies @ August 23 2003, 16:30:18 UTC |
What do you enjoy about baking, and what is your favourite food to bake? Could you share any recipes with us?
<33333 and thanks for answering our questions :D
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 16:44:10 UTC |
I love baking because you get to keep your hands busy for one, and that is always something I like. Furthermore, you get the satisfaction of having made something and even better, you get to enjoy eating it! I am quite fond of food myself. Therefore, I think it makes sense that I'm prone to baking things. There is just something very warm and fun about it. Best of course, is that no recipe is completely concrete. There is always, at the very least, a little room to experiment and adjust it to suit your own tastebuds. No recipe has ever been written in stone, and with experimentation, you can make something uniquely yours.
I'm afraid I won't be sharing any recipes right at this moment for selfish reasons I'm afraid, but if I think of one I'm willing to share, I shall type it up.
lunadeath02 @ August 23 2003, 16:47:21 UTC |
What's your opinion of Harry? What do you think of his friendship with Draco? Are they entertaining when together? ^_^
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 17:03:26 UTC |
Harry seems like quite a nice person, and I have always thought he is either very capable or very lucky or both. He is, of course, quite a hero at our school and has proven himself to be very brave. However, to me, he rather pales next to my boyfriend Draco, who is dashingly handsome, extremely clever, and endlessly fascinating. So I can't say I've ever taken great notice of Harry Potter other than what I've just said.
I personally would support any friendship he would endeavor to cultivate with Draco, considering that I have always support better interhouse relations. Harry has not always held a positive attitude towards Slytherins, so if people see him make an effort to befriend some of us, I'd hope others might follow his examples. After all, many people do hold Harry in great regard for obvious reasons.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 17:32:06 UTC |
Could Draco be anything but a good kisser? He is after all "perfect."
moojja @ August 23 2003, 17:25:12 UTC |
Are you still Draco's girlfriend? Does it bother you when we speculate otherwise? Do you plan to marry him or any other guy? What is your hope for your love life? Does the rumors regarding Harry and Draco bothers you? (rumors saying they are sexually involved, and more than friends)
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 17:44:05 UTC |
Unless Draco has forgotten to inform me otherwise, I am still Draco's girlfriend. Draco and I have a good underestanding of our relationship and during the onset of it, we both were quite honest (as far as I know) about what we wanted out of it and therefore, I think because of that we're both quite happy.
It does not bother me that you speculate otherwise because speculation does not affect the truth of a matter. But in that case, I hope that you may see why I do not put much stock in rumours nor really have much interest in them. I would prefer to judge a matter on my own observations because at least then I know it hasn't been altered or exaggerated by word of mouth.
In regards to my love life, I would be quite content if things with Draco worked out, but I am doing my best to make sure I cultivate a life for myself outside of that relationship. I believe that a person should be content with who they are by themselves before entering into a relationship with another person, because otherwise, they may become dependant upon that relationship as their source of self-esteem. I've been there and I've done that, so this time around, I am doing my best to be happy with me first. That said, I do think having someone who cares about you and who you care about is a great addition to one's life so I personally do hope to not end up alone ultimately.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 17:48:18 UTC |
Not particularly, although the Whomping Willow is somewhat frightful on occassion.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 18:39:30 UTC |
That is very kind of you to say. Thank you. I am afraid my answer shan't be too exciting. I would have to say Draco darling is the more attractive of the two. That is not to say Mr. Weasley isn't good looking himself, but I tend to think, after all, that Draco is the handsomest boy I know.
anjaliesque @ August 23 2003, 18:36:45 UTC |
Darling -
What house did you want to be Sorted into when you were young? Why? If Slytherin, was it because of Draco? Or did you have no preferences? What houses were your parents in?
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 18:42:27 UTC |
Hello darling! I shall do my best to answer your question thoroughly. As a child, I wanted to be Slytherin, and no, it was not because of Draco, although I was quite thrilled to be placed in the same house as he. You see both my parents were Slytherins, and so were the majority of my relatives, so Slytherin has always been a house of good regard in my family. We've always thought things like ambition and cleverness were extremely important qualities, so like my parents, I wanted to be in the house that embodied those traits.
This was a wonderful question. Thank you for asking it.
weatherby @ August 23 2003, 21:24:11 UTC |
Pansy, I think you're lovely. I was just wondering what you said to Sally-Anne Perks that caused her to transfer to Durmstrang. Surely she was overreacting.
(parent)la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 22:16:35 UTC |
Before answering your question, I would first just like to say thank you. Now in response, I must admit that I do not believe Sally-Anne's departure from Hogwarts had really anything to do with the conversation between the two of us.
Despite that, I will do my best to recall we did talk about. It was such a while ago that I barely remember. If memory serves, I initially mentioned something about her newfound relationship with Draco, and how unfortunate it was that things had not worked out with his previous dates, Queenie Greengrass and Tracey Davis. I told her it would really be too bad if anything as awful happened to her, but she was quite confident that even if anything did happen to her, she would not let it ruin her relationship with Draco. Of course, that was very reassuring and I said it was good that she was so dedicated to her relationship with him.
I asked her what her family thought of her dating Draco and she said they were very pleased of course. I do think we stayed on the subject of family for quite a bit since I do not know much about Sally-Anne Perks, I thought that would be a safe subject. My mother has had her mother over before at one of her ladies' luncheons, and I told Sally-Anne I'd once heard her mother talking about Mr. Perks' business with Mrs. Greengrass. I asked her then exactly what her father did because it seemed as if it was somewhat similar to my own father's business.
Sally-Anne was none to interest in discussing this it seems, though I haven't a clue why. They are a rather "new money" family so I thought she would be ecstatic at the opportunity to brag about her father's work. Still, I let her know that what I had heard her mother say about it to Mrs. Greengrass, that her father seemed to deal with particularly difficult to acquire objects and specialty potion ingredients. Really, I thought we had quite a nice conversation, so I don't see why she would have left because of it. But coincidentally, she did depart very soon after, and without so much as a proper goodbye.
You know, I do vaguely recall Tracey saying she received a howler from her parents that day. Perhaps that is why she left.
lilychick @ August 23 2003, 23:25:12 UTC |
Pansy, thank you for taking the time to answer questions! I enjoy reading your posts -- your charm and wit never fail to make me smile.
Have you ever seen a Muggle movie? If so, what is your favorite?
Also, do you still keep in touch with anyone from Beauxbatons?
And, one last question -- which of your usericons is your favorite one?
(I *had* to delurk for this one because Pansy's journal is the one that got me reading N_A regularly in the first place! Much love to the player! (*smooches*) I apologize that my questions are dorky. Hee.)
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 23:51:50 UTC |
Thank you kindly, darling! How sweet of you to say all these things. I am quite thrilled you have taken the time to ask me anything.
I am afraid I have not really seen any "movies" so I could not tell you which one is my favourite. I heard that they showed some in Muggle Studies, but I had not elected that as one of my classes and missed out on that opportunity.
In Beauxbatons, I am afraid I did not make any good friends. There were a few nice girls and boys but none that I became particularly close to.
As for my favourite usericon, I would say it was either this one:
Or this one:
saffronlie @ August 24 2003, 00:16:02 UTC |
Pansy, can I ask where you get the inspiration for your baking? Do you have a food hero? Want to trade a scone recipe? ;)
(parent)la_pensee @ August 24 2003, 00:31:45 UTC |
As silly as it may sound, I do believe in that one must make food from the heart. So I draw my inpiration for baking from the one I am baking for. It also does not hurt to turn up the music quite loud while baking and let yourself get caught up in the beat of the song and just have fun with the recipe.
My food hero was my grandmother on my father's side. She always made the most meals when I would go to visit her on holidays. I suppose that may be where I get my love for baking from.
Unfortunately, I'm afraid I won't trade my scone recipe. I have a soft spot for that particular one.
tabiji @ August 24 2003, 00:36:48 UTC |
Hi Pansy!
I hope I'm not too late! I can't help but notice that there seems to be quite a bit of chemistry between you and Ron Weasley! Since you're so young and attractive, don't you ever feel like you're missing out on the opportunity to get to know other people by dating one boy exclusively?
I'm so impressed with your quest for success and independance, and I'm sure you'll succeed in all your aspirations!
Much love to your player! I adore your posts!
la_pensee @ August 24 2003, 00:50:27 UTC |
Hello there! You're not to late for a question at all, so I shall answer it now promptly.
I am ever so fond of Ron Weasley as I have stated before. He does quite have an attractive air about him that one can't help but like, doesn't he? However, to answer your question, I do not really feel I am missing out from anything. Draco is the loveliest boyfriend, and I am very happy to be with him. But quite apart from that, I am as you've said quite young, so I do believe there is plenty of time for me to date other people in the future should Draco and I ever decide to go our separate ways.
Thank you so much for all you've said and your confidence in me.
therealycats @ August 24 2003, 07:27:11 UTC |
I hope I'm not too late for this! :)
You have already been asked if you are familiar with Buffy, but I'm wondering if you're familiar with another show. As has already been stated, you said the exact same thing in a post that was said on the television show Daria in the episode "Lane Miserables." I was wondering, are you familiar with this show or was it simply a coincidence? :)
While I'm on it, are you familiar with any Muggle television at all or do you wizards generally have better things to do with your time than sit in front of a blinking box? :)
I know it's a silly question and obviously the player is familiar with it, but I wanted to see if Pansy was :D
la_pensee @ August 24 2003, 07:53:30 UTC |
No, you aren't too late darling!
I am afraid that I do not watch any of this muggle television really so I am not familiar with any of these titles. My parents have never really quite approved of muggle devices. They are fairly traditional in most respects and have done their best to raise me in such a fashion. Nor have I taken Muggle Studies where they have done things like gone on field trips to see muggle cinema and such.
dari_brit @ August 24 2003, 12:45:12 UTC |
Dear Pansy,
I really do feel that you are one of the classiest witches at Hogwarts, and I do so enjoy reading your journal! In addition, I think that you have quite a healthy outlook on life, love and career pursuits. I wish you the best of luck with all your achievements and balancing the diverse parts of what will no doubt be a successful life.
Now for the questions:
Since you want to pursue a political career, what is your opinion on some of the burning issues in wizard/Muggle relations? How permeable do you think the barrier between worlds should be? What suggestions would you have for purebloods, Muggle-borns, and those of mixed ancestry so that they can all work together to make the wizarding world most harmonious and productive?
In addition, what is your happiest memory? Your earliest?
Thanks ever so much for answering these-- your character and player are wonderful!
la_pensee @ August 24 2003, 19:54:50 UTC |
Thank you for taking the time to write such thought provoking questions (and in addition, of course, for the compliments and well wishing).
I think that for the most part I do support a system similar to one we have currently incorporated, where there is a degree of separation between wizarding and muggle society (for the protection of individuals on both sides). If muggles were to learn of wizarding society right now on a widescale, it would be quite chaotic. Many muggles have invested a lot of time and parts of themselves into things such as religion and also in sciences, and if they were to suddenly find out that magic existed, just imagine how this would shake their system of beliefs or how difficult it would be to readjust their perspectives. Many people find change difficult, to the point of denying it, fearing it, or acting upon it with hostility. Not only that but a good deal of muggle society has always treated the supernatural with a degree of negativity. Obviously, if wizarding and muggle society were ever to come out openly to each other, it would take a lot of work and planning for everyone.
At this point, I don't see a compelling reason for us to come out to muggle society. They have been self-sufficient without our influence, one might even sayextremely successful. Therefore, I think it is quite reasonable that we only work on a need to need basis as we have been when it comes to informing those of the wizarding world. Individuals and extremely small groups can get the proper attention to help them adjust to the knowledge that a whole new world out there exists.
As for the second question, I think general awareness and understanding and education can benefit everyone. For example, as touched upon in my previous answer, muggle-born witches and wizards are in many ways entering a foreign society when they first learn of us. So I think it makes sense that they should be properly educated about our world when they are first entering it. The wizarding world is vastly different from the muggle one. We have our own culture, our own history, etc. and under any circumstance - not just wizard and muggle cases - assimilating to a new society can be very hard. It isn't as simple as reading books and knowing how the system works. It's important to experience that society if you want to function successfully in it. However, as I've said, this is just one aspect of how education can help. If we know our similarities and differences, if we truly look at what it means to be pureblood or muggle-born or mixed (if these labels have any meaning at all), then such a knowledge could be a powerful tool in promoting harmony within wizarding society.
Now it suddenly feels strange to talk about myself. However, you asked my happiest memory and so I will answer. I think one of my happiest memroies, and I'll mention this one because it popped first into my head, was my last birthday when Millicent and Draco came down to the Great Hall in the guise of a cake. It was just unexpected and so touching that it makes me smile just to remember it, still fills me with warmth because it reminds me of how lucky I am to have such wonderful friends.
My earliest memory, however, is not as pleasant. It was when I was about two or three and my mother was dressing me up in front of a mirror. She had put me in pink, filly dress robes and was combing my hair into pigtails. She brushed so hard and I simply remember how much it hurt but I was trying not to cry. I think I recall her saying something about how tangled my hair was and asking me why I was determined to be such a messy child.
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queeniefox @ August 24 2003, 14:54:05 UTC |
Did I miss the boat?
Everybody's already taken all the interesting questions, but I hope you don't mind answering a couple of mundane ones!
How do you like to relax, other than baking?
What did you first think when you were told to keep an online journal?
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all our questions, you're very sweet!
la_pensee @ August 24 2003, 19:59:52 UTC |
Hello darling! No, you didn't miss the boat yet. Here I am answering your question as best I can.
There are actually quite a few things that I do other than baking to help relax myself. First and foremost, I spend time with my friends. It is always nice to have a person you can just be yourself around. However, I am also fond of reading books on history, listening to music, or writing poetry on occassion.
When Professor Dumbledore first told us we were to keep an online journal, I was quite opposed to the idea. I thought it was stupid, frankly, but realize, I was in a very different point of my life when that happened. I was in what you might call a "darque" place, and I was very skeptical and grudging of practically anything new I had to do.
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Anonymous @ August 24 2003, 18:14:56 UTC |
How tall are you?
*loves for player, you've changed my entire view on canon!Pansy*
la_pensee @ August 24 2003, 20:02:30 UTC |
Oh, I like this question, because I can answer it fairly easily. I'm about 160 cm (or if you're American, that's approximately 5'4").
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Anonymous @ August 25 2003, 00:51:02 UTC |
I have been admiring you from afar for so long and now I'm talking to you and my heart is a a-flutter.
What did the Sorting Hat say to you?
What do you and Mr. Weasley disagree on regarding the Ministry?
How is your relationship with Draco different from the way it was before your breakup?
I remember during your darque phase you said saw something in the lake that made you cry. What was it?
You acted prejudiced toward the Muggleborn during your darque phase. How did your attitude toward them chage?
I think it's great that you are interested in promoting inter-House relations and dispelling the prejudice toward Slytherin. You are a shining example that all Slytherins aren't obnoxious. Best of luck to your career!
And, to the player: thank you for making Pansy one of my favorite NA characters.
la_pensee @ August 25 2003, 15:37:47 UTC |
My, my quite a lot of questions. I shall try to give them all the proper attention, though undoubtedly I shall have more to say about some things than other. I apologize for taking quite some time to get to your questions. Between Draco and Millicent, I have been rather occupied.
The sorting hat was quite clear on which house to put me in, so there really isn't much to relay to you. However, I do recall him saying something similar to "already planning to get married at such a young age?" and mentioning I had a good deal of ambition because of that. I do think my lifetime goals have changed slightly since then, however.
As for my discussions with Mr. Weasley, I think it is safe to say that he is fairly liberal and I am far more conservative on certain matters, so disagreements are prone to arise. For one, I think he would be quite happy to have a far more open relationship with muggles than we do, perhaps even come out completely to them, and I am far more cautious of making such a decision, for reasons stated in my reply here.
In regards to my relationship with Draco, I think it varies in many ways from the first time we dated, partially because I think I have changed since then. I am less dependent upon Draco and my relationship for any sort of self-validation. I love being with Draco, but it isn't my soul ambition or the only good thing I feel I have going for me this time. Therefore, I think we are able to live our own lives, be individuals, and not fall into that trap a lot of couples do by making their whole lives the relationship. I don't think Draco ever had that tendency, but I certainly did at one time.
I'm afraid that regarding the lake question, your memory is far better than mine. Perhaps I saw my reflection! Honestly though I do not quite remember what made me cry at the lake that day, only that I was far more prone to self-pity and getting myself worked up over things during that period of my life.
To answer your last question, I think it is important to reiterate that I was very unhappy with who I was during my "darque" period. So I really do believe that the way I acted towards muggleborns had less to do with them and more to do with me and my own perspective of myself. Therefore, I am not surprised I lashed out at them, in all likelihood as a means of trying to make myself feel better. It is hardly something I'm proud of but I don't think it's uncommon for people with low self-esteem to act in such a manner.
Also, thank you for all the sweet things you've said.
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Anonymous @ August 28 2003, 17:02:06 UTC |
this is for the player, although I adore you, pansy, to pieces!
was your vision of Pansy inspired at all by Kathryn Meurtille from Cruel intentions? they seem, to me, extremely similar on many fronts.. especially how Kathryn is nice to everyone in order to gain their trust but truly has a complex network of manipulation going on underneath that surface
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Anonymous @ August 29 2003, 06:39:24 UTC |
It was sort of a second generation, derivitive type thing going on where I had previously written a Pansy influenced by Kathryn, and used the same concept I built in that story in NA. After all, I thought NA had a lot of openly mean or mocking or snarky characters, and to me, it only made sense to have a character who was not as open about her feelings towards everyone. So yes, definitely some influence. ;)