petitemillicent @ 2003-08-24 00:53:00 |
(no title)
M. B.
tarie @ August 23 2003, 10:06:03 UTC |
Do you know what happened to Draco's portrait?
Did you ever get a boat?
dragynville @ August 23 2003, 10:10:30 UTC |
What did you give Harry for his birthday?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 10:26:27 UTC |
Actually, no.
He was born with that hair defect.
M. B.
dragynville @ August 23 2003, 10:38:25 UTC |
ROFLMAO XD XD XD *<3's it!*
Thank you, that answer was fabulous!
dragyn :D
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 10:16:40 UTC |
I am strictly monogamous in Literati.
M. B.
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hobaggins @ August 23 2003, 10:21:54 UTC |
I don't know that my disappointment knows bounds.
Would you tell me a story about Terry Boot then, instead?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 10:23:39 UTC |
Where in the Sorting Hat song were Slytherins said to be known for their storytelling skills?
M. B.
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hobaggins @ August 23 2003, 10:26:11 UTC |
Oh alright then. No salve for my wounds. I see how it is M.B. I am crushed.
Will you draw me a picture, perhaps?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 10:41:28 UTC |
Why, that is rather forward of you.
I see you have stolen Draco's drawing.
Well done.
M. B.
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hobaggins @ August 23 2003, 10:45:32 UTC |
Yes, it is.
Thank you, you are too kind. I hope you have had a fantastic holiday.
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ex_orangeglo298 @ August 23 2003, 10:16:39 UTC |
Then what would be written on you, or how would you be used, and why and by whom? Who? I forget the proper word usage.
(parent)petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 10:18:14 UTC |
Made into a limited edition Chocolate Frogs card for Weasley.
M. B.
vileseagulls @ August 24 2003, 04:30:38 UTC |
Would it have your own face on it? Would Weasley appreciate it?
(parent)petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 10:42:57 UTC |
It was more of a very loud gulp laced with the beginning of a shriek.
M. B.
luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 08:31:19 UTC |
Snerk indeed.
And that sounded like a VERY typical Ron.
slytherincesss @ August 23 2003, 10:19:10 UTC |
Will you come to my house for a sleepover? I have a tent . . .
(parent)slytherincesss @ August 23 2003, 10:29:03 UTC |
My tent is black. You could bring yours, too, though.
(parent)petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 10:39:47 UTC |
My mother, slowly but surely, says I should not talk to strangers.
M. B.
slytherincesss @ August 23 2003, 10:57:47 UTC |
Then you ought not be talking to your mother either, no?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:02:30 UTC |
I do not talk to my mother.
We owl each other even if we are in the same house.
I decided we will both live longer that way.
M. B.
slytherincesss @ August 23 2003, 11:08:55 UTC |
How long has it been since you have?
Interesting solution.
So noted.
Are you a pureblood?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:20:01 UTC |
When "Mister Malfoy" came to visit.
I am friends with Draco Malfoy.
M. B.
slytherincesss @ August 23 2003, 11:32:23 UTC |
Yes, well, so is Potter.
Although, I suppose his bloodline is up for debate. Some say he is, some say he isn't.
slytherincesss @ August 23 2003, 11:42:57 UTC |
Yes, well, there's always that caveat.
<3 you muchly M.B. Do say you'll come visit sometime with your tent. Am not a stranger anymore.
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 10:29:42 UTC |
Do you prefer Literati or Hangman?
Also, why did you set up a tent in Draco's room?
A.N. Other.
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 10:46:14 UTC |
I enjoy bringing a tent with me whenever I run away from home.
M. B.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 10:57:23 UTC |
Hmm..what should I ask? I find you rather intimidating actually, but you seem nice enough. And by nice, I mean how I expect Slytherins to behave. ^_^
Anyway, what do you think of the Malfoys and their problems? Is that typical of them and we should not be worried?
And what do you think about Harry running away, do you think he's just crying out for attention, or it's something more seroius? (Provided you care, of course xD)
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:18:09 UTC |
As you and everyone with a journal can see, the Drama Queen gene has evolved through the Malfoy line emerging stronger and louder each time.
Because he can.
M. B.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 11:25:37 UTC |
Ah. So, we shouldn't be expecting any heartfelt apologies any time soon..oh well, I knew it wasn't their style to begin with, just hoping against hope...and blaming it on August.
Hm. Doing something because you can and whether or not you should do them are two different things. It doesn't surprise me, however, that he did run away. He never fully thinks things through, it's usually spur of the moment with him. Pity really.
Thank you very much, anyway, and I hope you have a good year at school.
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:29:27 UTC |
Draco's parents do not require August to be embarrassing in public.
If Potter thinks things through then he is not Potter.
I suspect Weasley is the only one left who still gets surprised when Potter disappears.
M. B.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 11:36:33 UTC |
Ha! Although, I'm quite sure that they don't find it embarrassing as much as 'people should sympathize with my problems because I am rich and powerful'. Oh, how I love people like that. Not to say they can't be quite wonderful, take Narcissa for example, I'm sure she's very nice to be around indeed.
Oh, too right you are. Well, Ron isn't one that I would see having enough sense to form patterns. Does he still not understand why his mother is in the shed? Hm. I suspect that might be a family trait though..
Thanks again!
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:52:15 UTC |
No, she is not.
At least he is not flooding everyone's journal page with "Mum? Please come back?" posts.
M. B.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 11:54:56 UTC |
Oh, see, you learn something new everyday! She is quite like my Aunt Gail then. Tsk.
Good point, I do see him as one of the better Weasleys, although I'm fond of Bill, you don't hear much from him. A quiet Weasley is a good Weasley.
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:58:17 UTC |
A quiet Weasley is a dead Weasley.
Or one that knows not how to type.
M. B.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 12:02:33 UTC |
Or perhaps he's too busy making something of himself to type long and intricate posts of "Mum? Please come back"
But, seeing as we just might have jinxed it, we might be hearing from Bill soon..-_-;
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 12:07:26 UTC |
Me!? Well, yes, I suppose I started the jinxing. And I don't hold you at fault; you were the innocent party in my unknowing-jinx-for-more-Weasleys.
I think I shall stop bothering you now, I'm sure you are very busy doing more important things that participating in jinxes with the likes of myself. ^^;
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 11:07:16 UTC |
Who are your most and least favourite professors? Why?
(parent)petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:22:29 UTC |
She turned down Draco's advances.
I like my professors human.
M. B.
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ex_orangeglo298 @ August 23 2003, 14:23:51 UTC |
Well, then you certainly mustn't have a Weasley for lunch. Unless s/he's a guest. Or locked in a closet.
(parent)petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:24:48 UTC |
Pins is fine and tangled in Pansy's hair.
M. B.
noirenails @ August 23 2003, 11:29:36 UTC |
It's good that your cat is doing fine.
My cat ate my ice cream. She's gone outside to puke. Not very nice.
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:31:38 UTC |
Pins only throws up in Draco's bedroom slippers.
M. B.
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 11:23:40 UTC |
Is Draco successful in convincing you to wear your hair in ringlets?
If so, how?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:46:51 UTC |
He did not.
He is fully aware that I know he is ticklish.
M. B.
vileseagulls @ August 24 2003, 04:36:12 UTC |
What were the circumstances that led you to tickling him and discovering this?
(parent)petitemillicent @ August 24 2003, 05:13:36 UTC |
We grew up together.
Dignified tickle-fights were weekly occurences.
M. B.
vileseagulls @ August 24 2003, 05:19:17 UTC |
I'm not entirely sure how a tickle-fight can be dignified, but if anyone can do it it's you.
Are you ticklish?
1anonymous1 @ August 23 2003, 11:28:28 UTC |
I truly adore you, and are you still very busy?;)
Oh, have you ever had sex?
1anonymous1 @ August 23 2003, 11:35:11 UTC |
Are you available for emails? Like, if a player or someone else were to send them?=D
And did you have sex with a male or a female?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:37:38 UTC |
Sure, sometimes I even think about replying before deleting them.
Does it matter?
M. B.
1anonymous1 @ August 23 2003, 11:42:47 UTC |
Nope, just curious.
Would you come to my birthday party?
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 11:28:34 UTC |
How long have you known Draco? How long have you known Pansy?
And honestly, you can do much better than Boot.
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:39:15 UTC |
I gave him a comb.
I am afraid the heartbreaker here is Potter, not I.
M. B.
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 12:00:36 UTC |
A comb means he had better not forget my birthday.
Potter lives with people who may accidentally have you as dinner.
M. B.
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 12:25:59 UTC |
I am not taking my chances.
I am busy enough as it is.
M. B.
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 12:33:54 UTC |
What can I say, he keeps me up at night.
M. B.
luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 08:36:30 UTC |
Does he twitch only when he's having a bad dream, or is it just a once-in-a-while kind of habit?
(parent)petitemillicent @ August 26 2003, 08:59:32 UTC |
I suspect it is simply his way of hogging the covers.
M. B.
sincelastjuly @ August 23 2003, 11:31:26 UTC |
What's your worst memory? Or your favourite memory of the previous year?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 11:43:19 UTC |
Ballroom dancing lessons.
Rescuing Potter from microscopic owl.
M. B.
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 11:32:00 UTC |
How many people have you had sex with? Were they/is/are s/he students at Hogwarts?
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 12:01:06 UTC |
Thank you for answering. :) Now I shall go off to contemplate who...
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Anonymous @ August 24 2003, 16:26:32 UTC |
Seeing as you've answered these questions in your usual incredibly forward way- tell us who?
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 11:33:16 UTC |
M.B. aka God:
Any embarrassing stories about Draco and/or Pansy that you'd like to share?
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 11:40:08 UTC |
What are the annoying qualities of Draco , Harry, Pansy, Ron, Crabbe and Goyle?
What are things you like in them?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 12:24:03 UTC |
Draco is very much the brother I never had.
However, I never wanted a brother.
Potter is very funny.
He cares too much and expects the same from others.
Pansy and I can communicate without words.
She needs to disown her parents.
Weasley tries his best to be a good friend.
But he feels the need to make sure everyone knows that.
Crabbe dotes on Pins a lot.
He never completes his sentences.
Goyle is, Goyle.
M. B.
anjenue @ August 23 2003, 11:42:18 UTC |
Do you have a middle name? If so, what is it?
What sort of plant ended up in Draco's bed?
melody2tds @ August 23 2003, 12:35:55 UTC |
So, in other words, you "Pruned Draco's small growth under the sheets."?
*smirk* Sounds painful.
melody2tds @ August 26 2003, 19:54:08 UTC |
Er... *raises eyebrow*
How many guys do you know who go by the name "Melody"?
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 11:59:51 UTC |
Has Pins ever encountered Crookshanks? If so, what was the result?
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 12:02:48 UTC |
And in case you don't know (or care, I suppose) Crookshanks is Hermione Granger's cat.
(parent)petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 12:06:39 UTC |
They shook paws and exchanged email addresses.
Crookshanks then agreed to spy on Potter for Pins.
M. B.
imochan @ August 23 2003, 12:02:10 UTC |
If you had to be in a House other than Slytherin, which would you choose?
nabiki @ August 23 2003, 12:06:59 UTC |
So, things are over with Terry Boot for good then? And if so, why are they over? You two made a deliciously S/M couple.
Which one of you likes causing trouble more, Draco or yourself?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 12:12:27 UTC |
Things were never under with Boot.
He only keeps me around to clear up his mess.
M. B.
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 12:31:33 UTC |
It will be announced in at least five different entries when he shows up eventually.
M. B.
zorb @ August 23 2003, 12:25:08 UTC |
Has Pins ever met Lilitou? If so, what happened? If not, do you think they would get along?
Also, what do you want to do after leaving Hogwarts next year?
Finally, what colors should we drape your altar in?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 12:30:43 UTC |
Pins is generally unimpressed with non-vegetarians.
M. B.
black_dog @ August 23 2003, 12:34:04 UTC |
What did you say to Ron in the email you sent, the night you and Harry were talking with Draco in Cannes?
(parent)petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 12:39:30 UTC |
I did not.
I was merely teasing Potter and attempting the impossible task of further confusing Weasley.
M. B.
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 13:14:12 UTC |
What do you think about the current family situation of the Malfoy, the Weasley and Lupin-Black-Potter?
Has Draco ever talked to you about this?
tiamet_nox @ August 23 2003, 13:17:24 UTC |
What is your opinion on Hufflepuff conspiracies? Is it easy to make them see smoke where there is no fire?
What was in the cake Draco saved Potter from?
Tell us something about Draco he wouldn't want us to know.
You're one of my favorite chacters in the game. Go you!
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 13:28:27 UTC |
It is their feeble attempt at having personalities.
Draco and I were chatting.
He demanded cake.
I went to the kitchen and brought back a large one.
Then I went to collect Potter.
By the time we met up with Draco, the cake disappeared.
Ask Potter.
M. B.
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 13:24:24 UTC |
Draco's mother.
She is utterly unaware that she is not alone on earth.
M. B.
la_pensee @ August 23 2003, 13:30:57 UTC |
Did you want to spend the night, darling, or are you planning on heading back home this evening?
(parent)toopizza @ August 23 2003, 13:47:16 UTC |
Tell us the funniest thing you have ever seen Draco do.
And did you like Pansy better as a blonde or brunette?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 14:01:32 UTC |
Battling with Pins over romance novels.
M. B.
ma_cheri @ August 23 2003, 13:55:58 UTC |
Are you in love with anyone right now?
Do you know where Terry Boot is? He hasn't been posting very much. :(
<3 to you and your player. :D
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 14:03:09 UTC |
That would require me to believe in it.
M. B.
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bassoonist @ August 23 2003, 14:02:22 UTC <3! |
What do you consider your greatest talent?
Why did you decide you needed your own question thread? Was it because you were feeling left out, or because you were bored that you decided to grace us with your presence?
May I have your children?
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 14:13:49 UTC Re: <3! |
Where Pansy goes, I go.
M. B.
doingfirst @ August 23 2003, 15:09:04 UTC |
Hello M.B.!
What is the best part of being a Beater? Why do you feel your talent is so superior?
You are the founder of cool, as is your player :D
petitemillicent @ August 23 2003, 15:12:26 UTC |
Getting to injure others.
I injure others.
M. B.
dragynville @ August 23 2003, 15:20:25 UTC |
describe one incident in which Harry made Draco blush (i.e. what Harry did that made Draco blush).
I hope you'll be posting more illustrations in the future, they are delightfully hilarious.
Thank you. :D
vellum @ August 23 2003, 15:57:16 UTC |
wanna come over for a sleepover? and bring la pensee along?
(parent)petitemillicent @ August 24 2003, 02:00:26 UTC |
We have a potterstinks to cater to right now.
M. B.
maggie_malfoy @ August 23 2003, 16:07:42 UTC |
You have rather fabulous eyebrows. Have you ever considered plucking?
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 23 2003, 16:10:51 UTC |
There's no end to the dramas on these journals--the tragic sufferings of Draco and Narcissa, the tangled love lives of canine professors, the periodic searches for Potter and his joyous return to his public... Did you find any specific ones particularly enjoyable or irritating?
I cheered when you appeared in OotP. Yes, you are my canon Millicent. You rock!!!
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clodia_of_rome @ August 23 2003, 16:27:43 UTC |
Ditch Pansy and come stalk me. I have some waxing products, a tent, a Draco blow-up doll, and three cats to keep your's company.
(parent)lunadeath02 @ August 23 2003, 16:37:23 UTC |
Do you suspect Draco enjoys the company of men better than women? Does he seem to enjoy Harry's company, and does he talk about him much?
(parent)petitemillicent @ August 24 2003, 01:38:38 UTC |
Draco is the only male player on the Slytherin Quidditch Team.
M. B.
nightflight @ August 23 2003, 16:55:49 UTC |
I once had an odd dream where you graced us with your presence as you are right now, and of all things, I chose to ask you what your favourite song by the unfortunately Muggle artist Tori Amos was. So, just to keep the dream alive, if you have any answer to that whatsoever, I'd be delighted to hear it.
Otherwise, what are your plans for after graduation, being a Supreme High Deity and all?
Thank you so much for your time.
bookofjude @ August 23 2003, 17:35:43 UTC |
Nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.
Which do you prefer?
weatherby @ August 23 2003, 18:08:11 UTC |
01. What was your Boggart?
02. What did you hear when the Dementors were on the train when you were thirteen?
03. What is your favourite romance novel?
04. Who is your best friend?
05. What do you think of Theodore Nott?
petitemillicent @ August 24 2003, 01:56:33 UTC |
My older self looking exactly like my mother.
I did not hear anything different.
Honest Illusions by Nora Roberts.
My baby sister, Draco Malfoy.
Not much.
M. B.
akutenshi2007 @ August 23 2003, 21:02:51 UTC |
have you always been God?
have you considered starting a Boat program for refugees (or former ones) like yourself?
(may i give you a boat?)
do you too, hate the August?
complete <33 to your player. M.B. is my religious icon of choice. you're sublime!
petitemillicent @ August 24 2003, 02:06:46 UTC |
No, I was once a Godlet.
Yes, you may.
August is my favourite month.
M. B.
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clodia_of_rome @ August 23 2003, 22:29:34 UTC |
Okay here's another question and some requisite fangirling:
What would you like to do as a profession in the future?
Quidditch Player?
Exotic Dancer?
Professional Wrestler?
Mild mannered accountant?
And thank you for denigning us with your effervescent prescence! You are quite possibly one of my most favorite characters. You and Draco.
*molests you*
petitemillicent @ August 24 2003, 02:15:02 UTC |
I would like to be retired by then.
Perhaps someone would like to buy Draco a paid account for him to return to his effervescent self.
M. B.