eponis @ 2003-08-23 13:48:00 |
. . . whoah . . .
No new information, but Remus sounds so - broken.
imochan @ August 23 2003, 11:55:01 UTC |
okay, so "wah", "wibble"? NOT COVERING IT SO MUCH ANYMORE.
we need a new sound of anguished despair.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 12:43:13 UTC |
Maybe..a combination of heart breaking and tear stained gasps...
cirakaite @ August 23 2003, 12:14:47 UTC |
Poor Remus! He sounds so lost, like he's ready to give up. In a way, it must be worse for him to know that Harry *is* okay, and is going about his life as usual- getting ready for school etc- because that just reinforces the fact that he left on purpose, and is choosing not to contact either of his parents.
*sends loff to Remus*
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 12:29:49 UTC |
:( Yes. Harry really should contact someone. At least to tell them that he's okay..
Oh. I read the saddest fic last night..I was crying so, freaking, hard. And then, I started to think, what if what happened to Harry in the fic happens to Harry now?!!
I wouldn't be able to handle it..
eponis @ August 23 2003, 12:33:54 UTC |
Honestly, I wonder if Harry is specifically avoiding coming online. I really don't know if I could read - well, things like Remus's post - and keep myself from commenting, or at least saying "I'm okay.". I mean, he's causing them so much pain, and while I know he's upset, I can't help but think that he couldn't be reading what they're saying.
But if he's not coming online, then he can keep telling himself that they don't care, that they're only worried about themselves.
Urgh. Snape needs to come back from holiday and beat some sense into everyone on N_A.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 12:37:04 UTC |
I agree with you! Yes, Snape come help..
Look here. I agree with her that he's being a prat..but something is a little off about this:
She says he was wearing a blue jumper and black trousers and trainers and he looked like he hadn't slept in a couple of days and has he ever eaten anything ever?
..wouldn't he have gotten a place at the Leaky Cauldron or in a Muggle hotel and gotten something to eat? He's been going for what, five days?
Mum worries like that though so maybe it is nothing but ok the Gringotts goblins said he took out loads of gold yesterday and the Apothecary said he was in buying Potions ingredients so it sounds like he was just doing his school shopping calm as you please!!! VERY WEIRD for a boy gone missing I think!
Yeah..I think so too..It is rather odd..what's wrong with him? 0_o;
cirakaite @ August 23 2003, 12:45:03 UTC |
Hmmm- I don't think I agree so much that he's being a prat. Small things can take on epic proportions in the life of a teenager, especially one like Harry, who hasn't had much stability in his life. And I think we can all agree that the situation with Sirius and Remus isn't a small thing anyway!
If he's not reading the journals (which I doubt he is, because even if he wanted to, where would he get computer access while wandering around the wizarding world? He doesn't seem to even have have anywhere to sleep!) then he won't know exactly how upset both of his parents are- he'd probably have an idea that they'd be upset, but not just how bad it would be.
Or possibly, I'm wrong, and he's being a prat and trying to get S/R back together with his absence. But I don't think that fits the way J_H has behaved before . . .
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 12:48:09 UTC |
Well, I think he might be doing it for attention. Even if he's justifying it with something else..it does remind me of a cry for attention. Especially since he hasn't told anyone!
If he had just left a post saying: "I need to get away from you people. Do not come find me, I want to be left alone, I'll see you all at school."
Then I wouldn't feel this way, but just TAKING OFF in the middle of the day and saying to Sirius: "I'm going to see Remus" .. it's just..odd, and although, it does seem a very Harry-like thing to do..he had to have known that they would be worried sick about him!
He is Harry Potter the-boy-who-lived afterall! Even if he doesn't want to be Harry Potter the-boy-who-lived, he would have broken that mold by telling someone!!!!
eponis @ August 23 2003, 13:16:12 UTC |
One of Ivy Blossom's stories. Really good (one of my favorites, actually). Just read it. :-)
(parent)redbowties @ August 23 2003, 14:55:10 UTC |
*Squee* I <3ed it!!
Awww. So insanely sweet. Thank you for showing me!
lunadeath02 @ August 23 2003, 17:31:06 UTC |
he's probably so upset that he can't eat or sleep well. that's how i've been most of the day today and yesterday because of... certain RL stuff.
(parent)anjenue @ August 23 2003, 13:01:07 UTC |
Was it Beautiful World?
I positively hyperventilated when I finished that fic...I was in physical pain. Cinnamon is the only author who can make me cry. Even JKR couldn't do that.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 13:04:23 UTC |
Yes, oh my gosh, it was.
It hurt to read the end of that fic. And I, oh gods, I died when it said,
"The stars will sing of it, we are Immortal, you and I"
len @ August 23 2003, 13:16:50 UTC |
Oh no, don't you remind me. I was sobbing enough last night when I read it and you're making me all weepy again. Oh, my heart ached so much for Harry when he was walking backwards because he couldn't bear to look away from all the beauty that he was leaving behind. And then again when Draco tried to wake Harry up at the end and Harry wouldn't stir. Wah.
(parent)redbowties @ August 23 2003, 13:23:28 UTC |
::Breaks into a new wave of sobs.:: Oh, gods I know.
But as I said in my review, sometimes you need those funeral barges and winter wildflowers..just as you need a good off-topic wibble..
I think we need to get Harry down here when he comes back so we can punish (and hug) him accordingly. :(
anjenue @ August 23 2003, 15:30:18 UTC |
Oh God, I know, and it hurts to think about it...my chest gets all tight and my eyes well up with tears, but I am not gonna let myself out and out sob again...my parents already are concerned about me...
*bawls silently*
I so want to write a fanfic for the fanfic, you know, write about Draco growing to a ripe old age, living his life but never forgetting Harry, and then eventually dying and being laid to rest next to Harry, his epitaph reading "We are immortal, you and I...", and then having him going to meet Harry in the afterlife...
If I did so, it would be a one shot, and only discuss his death, nothing else. But I have to compose myself first, before I die of wibble.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 15:31:24 UTC |
yes..it's not good for us to be over wibbling in this time of woe in the month that calls itself August..
(parent)la_trix @ August 23 2003, 18:25:02 UTC |
I just knew when I read redbowties's comment above that the fic in question was "Beautiful World." I had to comment despite the OT-ness, because that story broke my heart into a million jagged little pieces and I have never, ever cried at fanfic before. If you're out there, Cinnamon, thank you for writing something so touching.
By the way, anjenue, if you write it, I will certainly read it.
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ex_orangeglo298 @ August 23 2003, 16:36:28 UTC |
This is a new Lupin icon, yes? I saw it and became sad again.