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ex_orangeglo298 @ 2003-08-23 19:53:00 |
(no title)
Five minutes, yes?
imochan @ August 23 2003, 16:57:54 UTC |
OMG REMUS! :(((((((
nightflight @ August 23 2003, 16:57:56 UTC |
Bur I'm glad Harry is well.
arborwin @ August 23 2003, 17:00:22 UTC |
I rather want to strangle Harry for putting Remus through this..
(parent)len @ August 23 2003, 17:04:25 UTC |
Ah, you beat me to it! I had an entry all written up and was about to click the "update" button when I thought about checking at the last minute to see if someone else had already posted in the span it took me to write the entry. Oh, well.
But where is Harry? And why doesn't he have a lot of time? And what ever happened to that note that he apparently left for Sirius??
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ex_orangeglo298 @ August 23 2003, 17:18:54 UTC |
I've no idea about where or why, but -- And what ever happened to that note that he apparently left for Sirius?? -- maybe it's simply stupid reason as a house elf thinking it trash? Or the message just being overlooked?
(parent)len @ August 23 2003, 17:30:51 UTC |
Or, I have this minor (conspiracy) theory that Sirius actually knew about the note all along (and thus the reason for Harry's disappearance) and simply kept this information from Remus in an attempt to get closer to him again under the guise of collaborating forces to search for Harry?
Or not.
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ex_orangeglo298 @ August 23 2003, 17:34:00 UTC |
Ooh! That could be interesting. But the confrontation over this note (if you are correct) would be horrible for them both, you know?
(parent)len @ August 23 2003, 17:40:37 UTC |
No kidding, thus why I said it was a minor theory. Definitely not one that I hope to be true, even if it would make for an "interesting" confrontation. But it IS still August for another week...
(parent)dragynville @ August 23 2003, 18:07:06 UTC |
Except they didn't. Work together, that is. In fact, it was all a bit nasty. And very separate. ;_;
(parent)lunadeath02 @ August 23 2003, 17:06:54 UTC |
it's good that he's ok! but when you stop to think about it, he's got the right to go where he wishes. he's 17, he's got his Apparation license, and he's legally an adult, which means he can now do magic anywhere, any time.
and I understand why he's upset. I think i'd leave too. (it sounds like what my nephew did when he got tired of his dad- he took off for a while) but i can't wait for the 'family reunion' to come.
len @ August 23 2003, 17:08:00 UTC |
Snape reprimands Harry and drags Lupin away from the computer.
Go Snape!
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 17:08:25 UTC |
Snape acts as if he... cared about Lupin. (http://www.livejournal.com/community/nocturne_alley/190079.html?thread=1688703#t1688703)
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 17:24:38 UTC |
Non-native speaker here.
And those tenses are rather tricky thing.
vellum @ August 23 2003, 17:47:18 UTC |
no, i'm sorry, you had your sentence right, but what i was saying was that snape does care for remus in his own way. a rather aloof way. snape checked up on remus during his separation and remus tells snape to take care, as snape was traveling on order business.
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handful @ August 23 2003, 17:25:04 UTC |
I've really got to work on that time machine I keep talking about...
*goes to drink heavily instead*
swallowaspider @ August 23 2003, 17:37:34 UTC |
We're to take the "Lupin's computer will be shut off now" comment to mean that Snape is staying with Remus, right?
dragynville @ August 23 2003, 18:02:19 UTC |
That's the way it sounds to me too. Temporarily, at least.
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Anonymous @ August 24 2003, 01:13:51 UTC |
If the title of Snape's icon in his latest post is any indication, then yes, Snape must be staying with Lupin (name is the same as where Lupin is staying.)
(parent)delfeus @ August 24 2003, 02:26:41 UTC |
*joins in the squee*
I've been hoping for Severus/Remus. If not an actual relationship, at least a deep friendship. I'm so happy that Sev has been there for Remy.
dragynville @ August 23 2003, 18:01:29 UTC |
Ok. So why didn't Sirius tell Remus about the note? I say he probably didn't find it at all: something could have happened to it, or he just missed seeing it like the last note. It's either that or he was being unnecessarily cruel, which I just don't see. (Yes, sometimes he's quite cruel, but generally when he's feeling very angry or defensive.)
And I still want to know where Harry is staying.
zionsstarfish @ August 23 2003, 18:13:09 UTC |
Cho said Harry withdrew a lot (alot!) of gold from his account. I don't think school supplies would necessarily require that much money, so maybe he's staying somewhere fairly expensive.
Also, he says he doesn't have alot(!) of time... what does he mean by that? Is he on one of those internet cafe computers? Why doesn't he seem more concerned that everyone's been busting their arses looking for him? He seems so... flippant. I wouldn't say callus or cruel, but... just... not Harry :(
It would fit in with my new crackpot theory that someone is impersonating him, but of course, that would mean that they've somehow gotten his Gringotts key, his password to his journal, and has taken it upon themselves to memorize his writing patterns. (alot, indeed). *flushes theory*
dragynville @ August 23 2003, 18:19:46 UTC |
Hmm.. he didn't sound flippant to me, more like he was trying to sound as though everything is fine. That sort of "nothing's bothering me, no time to talk" avoidance thing.
(parent)zionsstarfish @ August 23 2003, 18:34:43 UTC |
Perhaps. I'm naturally suspicious of everything though, lol. I agree with Snape, Harry's being rather inconsiderate. With all the people worried about him, he's going to have lots of explaining to do when school starts.
Also, I hate that Remus has been reduced to begging O_o
dragynville @ August 23 2003, 18:49:43 UTC |
Of course, he might be being a little flippant, in a cool sort of way (cool as in cold), considering that he's probably still angry with both of them. And I find it interesting, and rather telling, that he chose to reply to Remus instead of Sirius even though he was feeling abandoned by Remus. Seems to indicate that he does have at least an idea of whatever it was that Sirius did.
Making them worry and fret may be the very thing he intended. Striking back at them both for giving up, Remus for leaving, and Sirius for Lucius. Or it could be that he simply wasn't thinking about the effect on others at all and just had to get away from there. Considering only (or mostly) their own feelings is typical behavior for teenagers.
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Anonymous @ August 25 2003, 11:01:28 UTC |
i dont understand why harry is angry at remus at all actually. didn't remus leave because of sirius's refusal to stop seeing lucius? what does harry expect him to do then? that shows harry is behaving rather selfishly if he is so upset with remus leaving that he cant see WHY remus left in the first place i think.
i think they are all being idiots really. harry is being a selfish brat, sirius is being a selfish brat too, and lupin's freaked out to the point of drama queen by the both of them. thank god for sevvy-poo man!!!
dragynville @ August 25 2003, 13:10:09 UTC |
Harry wasn't angry until Lupin moved into his own flat. And I don't think he's so much angry, as feels abandoned by Remus. Before that he was quite sympathetic to Remus, spending much of his time with him, alternately worrying and being playful. It was after they gave up on trying to work things out that he got so upset, and after whatever went on between Sirius and Lucius that he moved out on his own.
And I don't think Harry is being selfish in moving out. They gave up on the family they had promised him and went their separate ways, so why shouldn't he? Does he not have the right to protect his own bruised heart?
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Anonymous @ August 25 2003, 16:20:31 UTC |
thats all very valid but i think that everybody is just too reluctant to fault harry at all in this. he's being a brat. yes he has an excuse but he's still being a brat. i just don't like the prevalent attitude that harry can do no wrong. he can be extremely selfish and pretty obnoxious too. like any other teenager he can behave like a complete ass sometimes.
i hope he gets read the riot act by snape or lupin at some point because while he may be brassed off at sirius for what he's done he had no right to do what he did to people who care about him. i mean what about the weasleys too? molly is worried and ron's exhausted himself helping to find him. harry didn't even consider what this would do to them and they didn't even do anything.
dont get me wrong because i love harry but i love him as a flawed human being and not as TBWL and i wonder why so many people refuse to accept that about him. especially after book five when he was just completely snotty and SHOUTING ALL THE TIME.
dragynville @ August 26 2003, 07:00:20 UTC |
Also remember that Harry did leave a note saying he was going away for a while and did not know about the search until after the fact. It's not his fault that Sirius either didn't find the note or misunderstood it.
Snape has been reading him the riot act on LJ. (XD) I don't think that Harry's behavior is unselfish, he is acting his age. Seventeen year olds still usually have tunnel-vision and perceive the world in terms of how it effects them. But also by that reckoning, it's all he's capable of yet.
N_A is AU after book four, but I thought OOTP Harry acted like a bit of a spoiled brat. XD
len @ August 23 2003, 18:21:11 UTC |
Or, maybe Sibyll is right and Harry has had a run-in with a vampire and/or become one of the undead??
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 18:41:45 UTC |
Somehow, I don't think so.
I do like "Yet-They-Prophesied Twitterton" though. Hee!
therealycats @ August 23 2003, 18:58:45 UTC |
Ahahaha...did anyone else notice how she said that weird-name-dude (I just said dude :o ) was born in 1728 in the United States?! Now, correct me if I'm wrong about my own nation's history, but did we not because the UNITED STATES until...oh...about 50 years later?!
I would think a professor at a respected institution such as Hogwarts would KNOW when Britain lost the colonies. *rolls eyes*
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 20:00:17 UTC |
She's Trelawney. Come on. You can't expect too much.
(parent)therealycats @ August 23 2003, 20:58:38 UTC |
Yeah, I know. But I still find it really pathetic :D
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 21:50:44 UTC |
She also called him a "puriman" instead of a "puritan."
therealycats @ August 23 2003, 21:59:52 UTC |
LOL Yeah, I saw that too...but I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt...you know...Muggle religion and all...after all, the Weasleys say "fellytone" :D But then, it's Trelawney, so why pass up a chance to laugh at her expense? ;)
(parent)saffronlie @ August 24 2003, 01:22:12 UTC |
That sounded like a Ouija board mistake to me. Those things seem to spell out nonsense most of the time anyway, heh heh.
(parent)len @ August 23 2003, 18:17:44 UTC |
Yes, sometimes he's quite cruel, but generally when he's feeling very angry or defensive.
Well, Harry was spending a lot more time with Remus after the separation (and understandably so), so could this have motivated Sirius to act in such a selfish way?
(I really, really hope not.)
dragynville @ August 23 2003, 18:25:07 UTC |
No, I think his worry over Harry would override anything like that, and he's seemed genuinely worried. Plus, that would be both punishing and using Harry in a way, just to get back at Remus. I don't think Sirius is that petty (to use Harry like that).
(parent)len @ August 23 2003, 18:34:02 UTC |
Plus, that would be both punishing and using Harry in a way, just to get back at Remus.
Hmm, true.
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Anonymous @ August 25 2003, 11:46:10 UTC |
Heh, your icon! FLCL rocks, but she's got a bass, not a guitar. (Nit picky, I know, but I play myself, so.)
(parent)therealycats @ August 23 2003, 18:04:47 UTC I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
Yes, Harry has been a very, very bad little boy. But for God's SAKE. He GETS it. You were worried. I agree with Sevvy-Poo. Give it a rest. Stop trying to play the "I love him more than you" game and just kick his ass for putting you through hell.
I really hope Sirius wouldn't do that. He's the one who asked Remus about Harry's whereabouts first right? I would hope he wouldn't be that cruel, because God, it wasn't even just them that were brought into it :(
swallowaspider @ August 23 2003, 18:33:01 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
I can't blame him, though. Snape is right, it's neither healthy nor helpful to go on and on about it, but if it were me I can't say I wouldn't be doing the same thing - trying to stay calm, but realizing over and over that there's something more he needs to say while he has the chance, and just... losing it, a little. He's panicked and desperate and blaming himself, and he doesn't know what to do but keep on it until someone stops him.
(parent)therealycats @ August 23 2003, 18:36:16 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
I know he's upset. He's got every right to be upset. But unless he apparates to whereever Harry is at the moment and grabs hold of him, he's not going to do any good just sitting at a computer, hoping Harry will reply. I didn't even check the times on the replies, but I'm guessing they may have been in quick succession (am probably wrong, but will look in a minute :$).
But yeah, a big part of me is just convinced that he's trying to prove to Harry that he loves him more than Sirius does, and whether it's conscious or not, it's doing no good.
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 18:34:02 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
yeah, lupin's being a total drama queen but i don't think it's a put-on. i think he's genuinely worked up about harry being gone because consider it: his best friends are dead, his other best friend betrayed everybody and now his remaining best friend and former lover has turned out to be a total cad. so losing harry would be like losing the only thing he's got left right? so yeah he would be pretty freaked out ESPECIALLY with harry being tbwl, and voldemort still out there somewhere.
i dont think sirius or Remus would sink so low as to play stupid games with each other at harry's expense. they are two different people who react to things in different ways and lupin's just happens to be the way of the Enormous Queen.
sirius probably never even saw the note. or maybe harry didnt actually leave one. i wouldnt rule out the possibility of harry being a complete and total brat too because he certainly wasn't an innocent little thing in book 5. if jkr's abuse of caps is any indication. :-D
zionsstarfish @ August 23 2003, 18:38:12 UTC |
Am thinking that Sirius maybe mistook one of Harry's old notes that he left on his pillow as a new one. Harry's newest note maybe slipped under his bed, or something o_O
(parent)therealycats @ August 23 2003, 18:43:14 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
Ehehehe...I'm not sure if Harry left a note either. Or maybe he did...like...in a sweater in his closet in his bedroom where there was no way Sirius would even think to look for it.
I understand Harry's position in the lives of both Remus and Sirius, but speaking as a child of divorce, I really wouldn't put it past either of them to attempt to "buy" Harry off with love declarations. I think Remus is doing it. I don't doubt he's worried, but I do think it's almost like a cry for Harry to care more about him than about Sirius. Sirius played the game when he emphasized that Harry was his godson. I think Remus is doing the same thing. *shrug*
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 18:56:02 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
well if remus is doing that, then its probably not even a conscious thing. i dont see remus as being that vindictive at all. he is not perfect but he is not cruel either.
(parent)therealycats @ August 23 2003, 19:02:00 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
I'm not saying that either of them are being cruel when they're doing this, but I do think it's a usual reaction for a parent to have after a divorce. I think he might be afraid that since he's technically *not* his godson he's afraid that Harry may feel more for Sirius than he does for him and this is his way of trying to show it...but it just comes across as whiny and irritating. I know when it's happened to me it's all I can do not to scream at the offending party to shut up and stop playing that horrid game.
I think the only thing that would be really cruel with this situation would be if Sirius intentionally let Remus think that Harry was missing when he knew where he was, and I don't think Sirius would be capable of that...at least not to Remus anyway.
delfeus @ August 24 2003, 02:39:09 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
If you need a code e-mail miadraven€hotmail.com
(parent)sheron @ August 23 2003, 18:34:28 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
I am with you on thinking Remus is a bit over dramatic... but then I start thinking of who Harry is (i.e. a target for Voldemort) and Remus' past (losing his friends to one thing or another) and I can see him having an absolute breakdown when Harry disapears. Of course if Harry did leave a note then it excuses his actions somewhat as he'd probably thought it would be quite alright.
( I wonder if this reflects Harry's bedsite maner. Leave in the morning after writing a note, before the partner wakes up.)
I really hope Sirius wouldn't do that. He's the one who asked Remus about Harry's whereabouts first right? I would hope he wouldn't be that cruel
Again, I'm with you.
therealycats @ August 23 2003, 18:38:32 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
Yeah, I understand that they're concerned as far as the Voldemort thing goes, but as Snape already said, if it had anything to do with him, he would know about it.
Yeah, I suppose the note is some excuse, but still...he should have actually FOUND Sirius, I think, and told him he was off for a few days.
Shall we ask Draco about his bedroom habits? ;)
dragynville @ August 23 2003, 18:55:15 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
I think Remus is feeling guilty (for leaving Harry) and is reacting in his usual way.
(parent)therealycats @ August 23 2003, 18:56:23 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
Maybe...but he's still being a complete drama queen about it, I think, and frankly it's getting annoying :$
(parent)dragynville @ August 23 2003, 18:58:30 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
That's what I meant by "reacting in his usual way". :D
(parent)therealycats @ August 23 2003, 19:02:41 UTC Re: I CROWN THEE QUEEN REMUS OF DRAMATICA! |
Oh :D Ok! :D
(parent)len @ August 23 2003, 18:39:33 UTC |
Yep, and it's already being discussed here and here.
And completely off-topic: Has Snape always listed "patrick swayze" as an interest or did I just not notice it until now? Either way, I am completely amused :D
therealycats @ August 23 2003, 18:46:09 UTC |
Hehehe! I think there's something about Patrick Swayze in Snape's Q&A session. I think Lucius put it there or something...Snape "claims" he doesn't know who he is.
I however think that Snape is busy taking beauty tips from Miss Vida! :D
purplelavender @ August 23 2003, 20:44:38 UTC |
sorry must learn to scroll down more be fore replying.. * hides*
(parent)delfeus @ August 24 2003, 02:34:57 UTC |
I believe it was Remus he asked about it, and it sounded that Remus really did put it there... :D
(parent)therealycats @ August 24 2003, 07:15:31 UTC |
Oooooooooooh...ok. :D I couldn't remember who it was; just seemed like something Looshie-Poo would do to Sevvy-Poo. :D
(parent)black_dog @ August 23 2003, 19:10:18 UTC The Case For Harry |
All right, Harry's being a brat, he's acting out, he's delibertely causing pain. But is he within his rights, here?
I'm thinking Harry's actions are consistent with his own definition of "love" from the Q&A thread. He doesn't want to hear about how worried Remus and Sirius are, how much they care; he isn't impressed with the melodrama. You either live it or you don't, and in his view, they haven't.
Sirius promised to give him a family, and shattered it with his own compulsive behavior. Remus gave up on his commitment to Sirius and Harry. Sure, Harry cares about them both, but what special claims do they have on him, that are separable from their commitment to give him a substitute family? Without that, they're each just friends of his parents, a sentimental attachment. They're not his guardians, and he's 17 and can do what he wants.
Furthermore, as far as Harry is concerned, he's not doing anything to Sirius and Remus that they haven't done to him. The abandonment is mutual. So why does their pain make him a jerk, while his pain is just something he has to live with, because he needs to respect their choices?
I'm not endorsing Harry's actions here, or even his thinking, because I do think he was being childishly vengeful in causing pain by not communicating. But I can't condemn him for walking out on Sirius and Remus, and refusing to continue treating them like family, if only to lay down some boundaries in the relationship. Do any of his so-called "protectors" have the moral authority to criticize that decision?
dragynville @ August 23 2003, 19:27:57 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
I heartily concur, except for the "being childishly vengeful in causing pain by not communicating" part, as he did leave a note saying he was going off for a while and that he hasn't been around computers much since. He told them what he was going to do, hasn't seen all the ruffle that's been going on, and it's hardly his fault that Sirius didn't see the note.
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Anonymous @ August 23 2003, 20:03:43 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
I also don't see Harry's actions as being brattish/prattish/a plea for attention, or childish.
I think he's just a kid who has been hurt by people that have promised him a family, something he has never really had, and once he does, it's taken away again.
He obviously just wanted to get away from everything for awhile, and he is seventeen, after all. He says that he left a note, and it's not his fault no one saw it. Maybe he could've done a better job of it, but it's not like he knew no one would find it and that they'd be this worried, as he has no computer access.
I also find myself rather angry with Snape, who I think is a bit out of line with his most recent posts. I'm glad that he cares so much about Lupin, but he's always had a blind spot where Harry's concerned, and he has no idea what Harry is going through at this moment, or why he does what he does. I don't think Harry has ever run away from anything before, and I don't really feel that that is what he is doing now. Why can't he leave if everyone else can leave him, as he might feel Lupin has done.
I also don't think Lupin is acting like a drama queen.
I think I've covered everything. :)
noirenails @ August 24 2003, 00:59:18 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
I don't think Harry has ever run away from anything before, and I don't really feel that that is what he is doing now
Except for that 'Aunt Marge incindent' in PoA, but that was with muggles so that doesn't count.
black_dog @ August 24 2003, 10:36:56 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
Eh, sometimes I think "running away" is a self-serving accusation made by people who can't escape a bad scene themselves. What's wrong with walking away from a no-win situation?
(parent)noirenails @ August 24 2003, 22:56:59 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
There's nothing wrong with walking away...
(parent)black_dog @ August 24 2003, 10:42:38 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
I think it's more than "getting away for a while," though -- I think he's shutting down the family fantasy for good. He'll see them when school starts, he says. And next year he's on his own, after all. He's done with them.
I'm with you on Snape though. He just can't see Harry clearly. Remus I'm divided on -- I think that being such a nice guy, maybe he feels acutely guilty for being the one who finally drew the line with Sirius, and I think he, even more than Sirius, wanted a family with Harry as surrogate-son. So he's hurting more than anyone, I think -- more even than Harry, who after all trusts nothing to be durable.
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Anonymous @ August 25 2003, 12:00:12 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
Very true about Harry not trusting things to be durable; I'm reminded of his freak-out when he found out that S/R wanted kids of their own. He seemed to worry that he was just a temporary thing in their lives, a placeholder until they found something better.
This may even explain why he's angry at Lupin, when Lupin clearly comes off as the wronged party. Afterall, it was always Lupin stressing the importance of family, constantly begging Sirius to come back from his travels so they could be a family again, etc., etc. and then HE leaves the family. However justified he may have been to do so, it might still come off as him going back on everything he had ever said to Harry.
luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 07:45:08 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
...that is a VERY good point.
(parent)black_dog @ August 24 2003, 10:28:51 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
Yeah, I don't want to put too much stress on the childishness -- I mean, he's doing an adult thing, he's making a decisive break with people he loves but who are just bad news for him right now. I just meant that there's some endearing immaturity to how he's doing it -- ideally you'd be much more up front about the whole thing, there wouldn't be this disappearance and wibbling and worrying. But it's too much to expect that from him, and it's a minor criticism.
(parent)dragynville @ August 24 2003, 14:22:18 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
Oh, I see what you mean. I think it's in keeping with both his age and personality. Harry's always had to be rather self-reliant and isn't one for consulting others. I think he wanted to be interdependant (family-wise with S & R) but, when everything fell apart, went back to his old ways. And he sort of has to to protect his battered heart.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 23 2003, 21:40:06 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
Dude. Best. Comment. Ever.
(parent)black_dog @ August 24 2003, 10:30:05 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
Haha, yeah, everybody's wibbling about Sirius and Remus, but Harry's doing what he needs to, no apologies.
(parent)1anonymous1 @ August 24 2003, 10:31:28 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
Mind if I friend you?
I always see you around here making intelligent comments,and it would be cool if I could have you as a friend.=D
black_dog @ August 24 2003, 10:35:22 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
Hey, feel free! My LJ is very boring though, I rarely update, mostly just drive-by commentary in other people's threads.
(parent)zionsstarfish @ August 23 2003, 21:53:31 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
I think Harry's struggling with his young-adulthood. You used 'childish' and 'adult' in your post, and I think that's so telling of Harry's situation. I think he's trying to be adult about things (he's done the childish not-talking, and the sulking, and the sniping) by being 'okay' by himself, not needing anyone, able to live on his own and take care of himself. You make good points :)
(parent)black_dog @ August 24 2003, 10:33:36 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
The more I think about it, the more I respect the decision. I mean, what's left for him if he stays with Sirius? A continued emotional tug-of-war over him with Remus, plus he's going to have to deal with both of them getting on with their lives and seeing new people. What a mockery of the "family" he expected. A weaker person would cling to the situation and suffer, but he's made a tough, necessary break I think.
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 25 2003, 07:56:30 UTC Re: The Case For Harry |
I don't know how I managed to miss this thread before but wanted to say I agreed. I don't mind Snape's comment to Harry causing a fuss when he thought he was hiding away and hadn't let anyone know he was going. That, to me, would indicate Harry was trying to make everyone worry about him and get attention. Harry may have even honestly asked himself, after reading the comments, if that's what he was doing and just realized that no, that really wasn't what it was about.
Now, maybe Harry's a bit more all-or-nothing than someone else would be. Another person might have just decided in their mind that they no longer cared to deal with Remus and Sirius as parents but continued to live at Dogear until going back to school--moving's a pain! But Harry felt like he wanted to make a clean break and let them know this is how he felt.
I admit his thinking is very much the way I would be thinking. He can still have a bond with Sirius and Remus without getting sucked in to all the unhealthy things about their relationship. Harry's never had a home where his place was solid. Now, perhaps, he's got his name on a lease.
redbowties @ August 23 2003, 19:10:23 UTC |
::dies of relief::
But, poo! Come back for good!