dragynville @ 2003-08-25 13:26:00 |
Mood: amused
Ernie has discovered The Beatles Conspiracy. O.O
I could just roll in him! XD
therealycats @ August 25 2003, 13:45:08 UTC |
From what I gather, they had a pretty good following among Muggle girls, 500 or so at least,
WOW. 500 whole fans! :o LMAO
saffronlie @ August 25 2003, 15:56:07 UTC |
Someone needs to tell him John is also dead, and let him at the conspiracies about that. :D
(parent)dari_brit @ August 25 2003, 16:52:29 UTC |
LMAO-- I totally called this! Much love for the trippy Hufflepuffs...
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 25 2003, 18:19:16 UTC |
Oh, I love Ernie so much. This will keep him up for weeks! So many clues to find!
Then he'll have to try to decifer Yoko's artwork.
Then he'll find out about John being dead and who knows what will come of that!
Then he'll try decifering random hangman enteries with no letters whatsoever...oh wait, that's us.:D
I love his stuff about muggles and music, though. Those 500 hundred Beatles fans could get pretty loud! Maybe Justin will take him to Abbey Road and the Hufflepuffs can, you know, take that picture that everybody has to take on the crossing.
dari_brit @ August 25 2003, 18:21:16 UTC |
If he reads about the Manson murders, that may put him a bit off of the Beatles, though...I mean, that's an entirely different conspiracy!
(parent)sistermagpie @ August 25 2003, 19:48:24 UTC |
Oh god, can you imagine? I don't think Ernie's ready for those kinds of conspiracies. You know, the kind where they really are out to get you.
You know, everytime I think of that I remember Dennis Miller and SNL when he used to do the news. It was back when they were releasing all this old stuff on CDs and he announced, "The Beatles' White Album was released on Compact Disc this week. Upon hearing the new recording Charles Manson commented, 'You know, now that I hear it digitally recorded I realize they weren't talking to me at all. Must have been the background noise.'"
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idlewind @ August 25 2003, 18:27:44 UTC |
*puts on Beatles conspiracy hat* Cranberry sauce?! That makes no sense! No, no, Sistermagpie, it's obviously telling us Paul is dead!!! Dead, dead, I say! *scoffs* Really, what would cranberry sauce even mean? Honestly. hee
Well, The Beatles fans are more fun then my friends who say Kurt Cobain was murdered, anyway. hee
sistermagpie @ August 25 2003, 19:56:27 UTC |
Oh right. Paul is dead. That's what I meant.
And doesn't it seem like "Hufflepuff" should be a word somewhere in Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?
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Anonymous @ August 25 2003, 23:14:19 UTC |
well of course...He's living in Cuba with Tupac and Hitler, didn't you know? XD
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Anonymous @ August 26 2003, 02:42:02 UTC |
I have a book dedicated to the Kurt Cobain murder theory, as well as one dedicated to the Paul is Dead theory. Be careful what you wish for, my friend, because I can make that happen. The door was locked from the OUTSIDE!!
Ernie's player.
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idlewind @ August 26 2003, 04:07:50 UTC |
Dear Ernie (and his player!)
I loooove you.
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idlewind @ August 26 2003, 04:24:41 UTC |
Uggh. Sincerely. Stupid spelling. Ernie's player, as I do love you and all, could you think up a conspiracy for how I manage to screw up the easiest spellings? hee It'd be much appreciated.
Oh! And! Fish rock! ^_^