dari_brit @ 2003-08-25 21:50:00 |
Homage to sibyllsays?
Mood: surprised
In any case, I looked at the user info for lupercus and
potions_master. Remus's birthday is Halloween 1958, making him a Scorpio, while Snape's is September 11, 1959, making him a Virgo. (Dry humor from Snape's player? Oh yes.) It's also interesting, IMHO, that Snape is younger than Remus! ^_^
I fed this info into astrology.com, and came out with some interesting tidbits about Snape and Lupin and their relationship potential:
"Love for you is often a "divine discontent". You are so romantic and idealistic it is difficult for any mortal person to sustain your interest without disappointing you. Your need to idealize loved ones may make you susceptible to illusion."
Sirius-sympathetic insight, yes?
"When it comes to love, you are definitely not casual. You yourself may be surprised at the depths of feeling a close relationship brings to the surface. You love deeply and passionately and do not understand people who are incapable of making lasting commitments."
Again, it definitely speaks to the rift between Remus and Sirius. Remus cannot understand Sirius's inability to quit flirting with Lucius!
"Moral integrity is important to you and, while you are not judgmental, you will not violate a principle."
This, to me, sums up Remus's position in the Marauders in a nutshell-- Snape's Worst Memory, anyone?
"Your relationships can only endure if your partners grow and change with you so that you wind up still pointed in the same direction. Otherwise you will leave them behind."
WAH -- does this ever point to a permanent rift. Damn you, August!
"Your emotional needs were not met when you were growing up and there was nothing you could do about it."
I about died when I read this-- is this not just quintessential apologist!Snape? "He was unloved as a child!" But still, it works.
"While you may not be emotionally demonstrative or sentimental, you love deeply, lastingly and loyally. You may be strongly drawn to people either much older or much younger than you are. Love, for you, has always entailed an enormous amount of responsibility."
Again, very potions_master. The much younger reminds me of Snarry fics, but we won't touch that here. The last bit here is quite poignant, and resonates with Snape taking care of Lupin, with the tea and sympathy.
"However cool or cynical you may appear to be externally, you are extraordinarily sensitive and romantic."
Is there a sensitive soul inside Snape's hard candy shell? Remus may just have to find out...
"When Virgo and Scorpio join together in a love match, these Signs that are two apart in the Zodiac are brought together. Their placement gives the relationship an intense karmic bond. The Virgo-Scorpio couple is loyal and deep, with very strong ties. Usually, this couple will stay away from crowds; they aren't too inclined to go to parties or dances, but alone they can form a very fulfilling union."
They're certainly both extraordinarily bookish...
"Virgo is ruled by Mercury and Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. This combination is very heated, thanks to Pluto's influence. The two Signs unite to form the basic foundation of human relationships -- Mercury's communication and Mars's passion. Mercury and Mars go well together; Mercury is about the conscious mind, and Mars is about the passion of romance. Scorpio is rambunctious and intense, and Virgo is attracted to this energy. In turn, Scorpio needs the loyalty and practicality inherent in Virgo. "
There's definitely the attraction factor there, but that, to me, is not the most interesting concept in this bit: it's the idea that Snape is attracted to the warmth and humanity in Lupin, while Lupin needs Snape's no-nonsense way of handling situations. I think that the players in NA have really underscored this concept, building it up from the religious discussions early in the summer, into Lupin's faltering emotional strength and Severus' support of him.
Astrology is fun, not something that I place much stock in normally. But here, you have to wonder at the coincidence...or the *mad* NA player research-skillz!
therealycats @ August 25 2003, 18:56:08 UTC |
Noooooooooo! No Snupin! Blupin! BLUPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ahem*
(parent)jenicomprispas @ August 25 2003, 19:13:29 UTC |
Ye gods, I love this community for the effort and thought everyone puts into their ideas. Much ♥. I'm not sure how much credence I put in it *coughSiriusRemusforevercough* but cheers for an awesome research job. And your icon...is David the Gnome, yes? *loved that show*
(parent)dari_brit @ August 25 2003, 20:52:58 UTC |
Believe me, I heart the Sirius/Remus too! There's just been such an absence of it lately...*sob*
And yes, David the Gnome ROCKED!
luna_lg @ August 25 2003, 19:17:57 UTC |
I'm a loyal but beginning astrologist myself, and I can see that those do ring quite true for those two. I will admit, it's something to think about...
Can we say...Lupin/Black/Snape threesome?
luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 06:36:45 UTC |
Oh? When did we have proof that Snapes slept with LUPIN instead of Sirius?
(parent)imochan @ August 25 2003, 20:05:52 UTC |
All right, so even not being superstitious or highly attuned to the ways of the planets (I would so completely and totally flunk Divination on account of my short attention span and tendency to be attracted to shiny objects), this is very lovely and it made me go "awwwww". >:D<potions_master/
lupercus is fast becoming possibly the only instance ever where i would ship (as someone put it) Snupin. :D I hope you realize what you've done to me. \:D/ You people. All of you. Seriously.
dari_brit @ August 25 2003, 20:55:02 UTC |
All the combo names remind me of Wynkin, Blynkin and Nod...
The Official NA Nursery Rhyme is now "Snupin, Blupin, and God (aka M.B.)!"
therealycats @ August 25 2003, 21:04:45 UTC |
I couldn't help myself. I get silly when I'm tired.
HP Pairings
darkflame173 @ August 25 2003, 20:54:08 UTC |
HA! I can say for definite that the Scorpio/Virgo match is a good one ^_~ I'm a scorpio (Nov 6th) and the hubby is a virgo (Sept 5th)
Although this doesn't help the fact that I'm *not* a Lupin/Snape shipper... =/ Ah well...
luna_lg @ August 26 2003, 06:38:48 UTC |
I will have to agree on that.
Oh, BTW--nice icon! ^_^