intern_alley @ 2003-08-27 11:03:00

(no title)
Mood: confused and frightened

Er, you guys didn't just happen to delete a handful of posts, did you? Because they are gone, and that was not us.

Edit: PSA: if your posts are disappearing, it's not because they've been policed or anything. LJ appears to be screwing up. Ours are disappearing, too. LJ is having problems right now, so you might want to save posts before you post them.

Ever helpfully helpless,


Anonymous @ August 27 2003, 04:06:08 UTC

I think it's LJ. My post just disappeared, too.



intern_alley @ August 27 2003, 04:07:55 UTC

Aha. Where are you? Never mind, I will look for you myself, rather than going into a personal conversation in the middle of Nraged!


fourscore @ August 27 2003, 04:09:27 UTC

I think it's livejournal having problems. A bunch of posts just disappeared from my friends list and I keep getting error messages when I try to load stuff.


intern_alley @ August 27 2003, 04:13:56 UTC

>:0!!! How annoying! Thank you.


Anonymous @ August 27 2003, 04:29:44 UTC

I am trying to upload icons and I keep getting these stupid little red x's instead of my icon. Dammit, LJ! I say we picket!!


therealycats @ August 27 2003, 05:19:31 UTC

I thought something funny was happening :s I could have sworn there were some more posts somewhere before...and now I see the post discussing "HUZZAH" is gone :o (or Harry's return; whatever) Is anyone else having problems just posting a reply? Instead of the "you may view your comment" thing you get a bit long error message? :s


intern_alley @ August 27 2003, 05:57:40 UTC

Yep, I'm having the same problem.


xnera @ August 27 2003, 06:11:29 UTC

Hi everyone! xnera, LiveJournal Support Volunteer here.

At any time, you can check the following pages to check the status of LiveJournal:

* The big yellow box at the top of support page:
* The Status page, located here:
* The LiveJournal Maintenance community:

I've checked these all this morning, and don't see any reference to posts disappearing. There doesn't seem to be any support requests about it, either.

There was an issue last night with posting comments. Users attempting to post comments would receive the following error:

[Error: SMTP RCPT command failed: : Temporary lookup failure at /home/lj/cgi-bin/ line 1109 @ w23]

This issue has since been resolved.

I'm checking to see if anyone affliated with LiveJournal staff knows anything about disappearing posts, but there's not many people around at this hour.

I would suggest opening a support request regarding this error, especially since it involves data loss. Include in there the approximate time the error occured, the exact error message (if any), and any other information that you think might be relevant. That will help Support Volunteers diagnose the problem.

I'm off to work now and won't be checking back in for a good nine hours.


intern_alley @ August 27 2003, 06:34:25 UTC

Thanks! I just filled one out. I didn't see any error message -- I was just commenting on an entry on nraged and got 'no such entry' when I tried to send it through. I know at least two are missing from nraged, and unless they were both by the same person, I don't think they were deleted.


acidcandy @ August 27 2003, 06:47:55 UTC

no i don't think so, i usually post only private entries and i posted mine today and it disappeared like an hour later. :/ good thing i write my entries on notepad!


thessamunga @ August 27 2003, 08:35:56 UTC

You know, it's really un-PC to call it 'Nam if you weren't there.


moony @ August 27 2003, 13:46:06 UTC

Maybe they were there in another life?
