imochan @ 2003-04-05 22:40:00 |
(no title)
he needs a hug!!
So bitter! And lonely! And in apparent desperate need of some just_harry lovin'!
moonlitpages @ April 5 2003, 19:54:28 UTC |
Now everyone is ganging up on him! *weeps* The poor dear. Someone really ought to stop them from kicking him while he is down *cough cough*.
(parent)anamirza @ April 5 2003, 19:55:30 UTC |
Whoa. That was bitter. And so was what he said to his mother.
imochan @ April 5 2003, 20:07:42 UTC |
wah! my linkage failed. i meant to include all the potterstinksbitterness, so thank you for doing it for me! the responses to his mum are especially heartbreaking.
heart: *cracks* :((
moonlitpages @ April 5 2003, 20:11:37 UTC |
You can tell that he's really taken what Colin said to heart and is hurt by it, especially from what he said to pansy, and the way it directly correlates to Colin's "PANSY AND MILLICENT MAKE FUN OF YOU ALL THE TIME AND THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE YOUR FRIENDS BUT THEY LAUGH AT YOU JUST LIKE THE REST OF US!!!". Oh, my heart just bleeds for him.
(parent)anamirza @ April 5 2003, 20:33:56 UTC |
Yep. So far he's been responding straight (heh) out of Colin's accusations, which are supposedly Harry's statements, and Harry's comments - first on his LJ ('going into my hole now' and 'wouldn't want to miss the point'), then in comments to his mother and Pansy.
sistermagpie @ April 5 2003, 20:45:31 UTC |
You know, it may sound weird but I sort of hope this leads to something good for ps. What Colin said was very much true and really I think it's healthier for ps to accept that he's not the person he's always pretended he was, with the life he always pretended he had. And it's painful for him to have his illusion ripped away but it won't kill him. Maybe it will make him stronger as he sees that it's not the end of the world to admit that you're neglected. His comments to his mother, especially, made me feel good for him because in admitting that his mother didn't care about him he was also saying that he deserved for her to care about him as her son. When he's making excuses for them he seems more like a kid who thinks, way down, that he's not important enough to be cared for as he should.
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luleh @ April 5 2003, 20:54:08 UTC |
I can add nothing intelligent to this. Just gotta say word!
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flyby @ April 6 2003, 20:05:53 UTC |
Ditto. Also, waaah for hidden-self-esteem-issues!Draco. ::sniffle::
(parent)tropes @ April 5 2003, 20:07:50 UTC |
Ok, maybe I'm nuts, but does that entire post feel like code to anyone else? Or at least some pretty heavy innuendo?
"forced me out of the castle"? Um, closet? And it was raining outside (angry public opinion), so he was forced back in?
"sew all of the sleeves of my robes shut"? Um, all I could think of was orifices. It's a stretch, but that's what I do.
"litter my new living quarters with banana peels"? Er. Harry, in various states of undress? I know, I know. Wishful thinking. But his room now reeks of "banana"... I dunno. Hmmmm.
The "biscuits" make me think of an offer of sexual favors from Sally-Anne, and yet, alas, M. M. ate them all. Femmeslash?
Just a thought. :)
imochan @ April 5 2003, 20:09:33 UTC |
Yes. Oh God Yes.
Er. Harry, in various states of undress?
Oh God Definitely Yes.
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kearie @ April 5 2003, 21:26:41 UTC |
Hmmm might be wishful thinking but that's still worth wishing for!
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luleh @ April 5 2003, 20:24:47 UTC |
Ya know, I do think the mud disguised as blood thing was quite nasty but the whole detention thing is just wrong!
Seriously, if any other student had gotten the whole school detention for singing a song, the school would be outraged! But they're all jumping on potterstinks!
*sulks for potterstinks*
anamirza @ April 5 2003, 20:35:56 UTC |
I wonder if the detention-for-a-song thing was not just the equivalent of the 'Isolate Potter' detentions - those were allowed to pass, too.
sistermagpie @ April 6 2003, 10:22:28 UTC |
I think so too. That's why it's so important to me that people object to it on principle because it's wrong no matter who the student is.
(parent)zedmeister @ April 5 2003, 20:36:37 UTC |
Some thoughts:
I feel bad for him, I do, but we all know he had it coming. This is a classic case of dishing it out without being able to take it. Many of his comments/actions have been just as mean and hurtful as Colin's. He doesn't actually seem sorry for anything he's done or said, either. He's just bitter because he's being attacked.
And it's like... he's suddenly decided to change the rules of the game, and he's mad because nobody understands.
Before, he would have sneered at the taunting and accepted Narcissa's and Pansy's faux-sympathy, but now for some reason he's really hurt and wants comfort nobody's offering to him. (Not that he deserves it, really). He seemed rather happy about the way Milicent was going after him to eat the cookies.
You know, I don't hate him, but he's definitely brought this on himself. All can't be forgiven overnight just because he's suddenly sensitive. And his response to Narcissa was so... petulant. And bratty, but not in a charming way.
imochan @ April 5 2003, 20:51:21 UTC |
I agree completely.
I personally think one of the great things about potterstinks is that he is so... (i hesitate the word, but it'll have to do) Canon. He's a bully, and a complete and utter attention-hog. But of course, to him Attention = Being Fawned Over, and, Showing Off His Wit and Brilliance, right?
At this moment, he's pretty much backed-up against a wall. His "friends" have abandoned him, and, being the petulant, little snot he is, he's going to lash out at them.
Thing is, I can't really predict what his reaction might be if just_harry offers him something in the way of.. well... certainly not sympathy, but maybe a little support? What do think he'd do... publicly and privately?
zedmeister @ April 5 2003, 21:17:04 UTC |
I don't think he would take it well, if he responded at all. But then again, I've got nothing to go on, considering his silence towards and about Harry lately.
Privately... I'm sure he'd be grateful.
tropes @ April 5 2003, 21:06:52 UTC |
God, Lucius is such a dick!
"Suck it up, like a Malfoy."
Eat me.
imochan @ April 5 2003, 21:12:05 UTC |
woah. Smackdown massive on Drakie-poo. O_O
I didn't even know Lucius even had the word "suck" in his vocabulary. So crude. >:o
sistermagpie @ April 5 2003, 21:18:43 UTC |
This will probably be a real test of how ps is feeling. How will he respond to Lucius, if at all?
zedmeister @ April 5 2003, 21:21:11 UTC |
Well, Narcissa's showing unexpected protectiveness. It might give hm courage to speak up.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 5 2003, 21:48:11 UTC |
I hold out hope that there's a lot more going on there behind that "Yes, Father." Especially since Lucius was being so protective of Narcissa (saying Draco shouldn't talk to her like that).
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 5 2003, 21:27:09 UTC |
Although how's this for classic Narcissa:
My life is ashambles at the moment. My hair is horrendous, someone or something is preventing me from receiving Remus's gift, and, most importantly, my child is in pain.
I cannot wait to go to Paris come Monday morning.
Hope Draco works all this out by Monday because that's about all the time she's got!
zedmeister @ April 5 2003, 21:52:02 UTC |
Lucius got easily sidetracked, too, as soon as Sirius mentioned his sucking.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 5 2003, 22:01:40 UTC |
And they're loving telling each other what great parents they are! It's all about how a Malfoy should behave rather than, "Gee, what's really going on here?"
(parent)bookshop @ April 5 2003, 22:19:22 UTC |
ugh, i love how lucius just feels it perfectly accessible to engage his son's professors in sexual inuendo banter RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS SON ON HIS OWN SON'S JOURNAL.
*loathing lucius at the moment*
"i'm tired of his whinging?"?
normally i enjoy lucius' character, but at the moment i'm furious with him and thoroughly wish him to kiss my ass. :-L.
lunadeath02 @ April 6 2003, 00:18:51 UTC |
I totally agree!!
*hopes Narcissa will Spellotape Lucius to their bed and feed HIM bakery*