kat99999 @ 2003-08-31 20:39:00 |
Well done Ron!
Mood: ecstatic
Well done, knight_to_h3!!!
(Hope this isn't too soon before the five minute rule....)
dragynville @ August 31 2003, 13:00:00 UTC |
I love the way they're apparating all over the apartment and to play against themselves! XD And owling Hermione for food, instead of just going out and getting some..! SO teenage boys! XD
I love it that Harry's having a bit of normal fun, it's been such a hellish summer for him.
kat99999 @ August 31 2003, 13:03:42 UTC |
Awww yes, they are so sweeeeet. They're having fun, and it's so cute! *schnoogles them*
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 31 2003, 13:08:43 UTC |
Awww. They're starving to death. That's so cute!
*realizes she's twisted*
Honestly boys. Stop the games. Start the learning how to cook. Or how to go grocery shopping. Or how to put pizza on speed dial. BE PROAVTIVE!!! How is Harry supposed to survive next summer if he can't manage one weekend? ...maybe he'll get a roommate.
kat99999 @ August 31 2003, 13:14:50 UTC |
Maybe by next summer his mystery boyfriend will have been revealed, and they'll shack up! *hopes!*
(parent)kat99999 @ August 31 2003, 13:20:27 UTC |
Especially if it were ps... Maybe his mother will move to Romania, Lucius will be too shiny to be a parent, and Draco will have to move in with Harry! Ah, imagine the possibilities...
(parent)dragynville @ August 31 2003, 13:22:28 UTC |
*drowns in puddle of fangirl drool* That would be fabulous! And quite possible with the way things are going between L/N. :D
(parent)kat99999 @ August 31 2003, 13:23:22 UTC |
You see! I draw logical conclusions! *nods convincingly* I wiiiish. *adds to pool of drool*
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 31 2003, 13:19:13 UTC |
But not in August. In August they will go on holiday. Far away.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ August 31 2003, 13:28:30 UTC |
*nods fervently* yes yes, far, far, far away.
our last day! there shall be rejoice ment at midnight, no?
dragynville @ August 31 2003, 13:35:38 UTC |
And not take computers. (The people who were AFK seem to have had the least angst.)
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Anonymous @ August 31 2003, 19:16:02 UTC ??? |
Is there really a mysterious boyfriend? I only started reading nocturne_alley a few months ago and could only go back in the memories so far...
(parent)la_trix @ August 31 2003, 20:30:54 UTC Re: ??? |
It was talked about in the Nraged Q&A session with J_H and PS here.
(parent)windtear @ August 31 2003, 20:38:23 UTC Re: ??? |
It's from the Nraged Q&A... Harry is no longer a virgin, it wasn't casual sex, and Harry refuses to name his partner. So, there's a boyfriend in the picture, but exactly who is anybody's guess.
Of course all the rabid H/D'ers here immediately began squealing about potterstinks, but I'm inclined to think we should look elsewhere. I favoured
knight_to_h3, but Ron's player has indicated that Ron and Harry are just friends. So... well.
The way Justin and Ernie have reacted, it could be Justin, possibly. Another thought in my head is that Charlie and Harry might have an on-again, off-again thing. That wouldn't be casual, but if they had been together and then broken up, it would fit.
dragynville @ August 31 2003, 13:15:04 UTC |
maybe he'll get a roommate
*gets lovely pervy thoughts* :D
tiamet_nox @ August 31 2003, 13:18:37 UTC |
...and as of yet, there is only one bed.
*joins the pervy thought band wagon*
kat99999 @ August 31 2003, 13:22:13 UTC |
Haha, does that mean him and Ron are sharing? In the non-slashiest way because... no. But other than Ron-roomie, the one bed thing is happy thoughts!
(parent)tiamet_nox @ August 31 2003, 13:28:01 UTC |
We should send an advance scout to find out. It is vital information after all. I nominate potterstinks
kat99999 @ August 31 2003, 13:30:31 UTC |
*seconds nomination!* Off you go, PS. You know what to do.
(parent)dragynville @ August 31 2003, 13:33:39 UTC |
*thirds it* (Isn't that enough to make it carry?) PS, a man with a mission! :D
(parent)dragynville @ August 31 2003, 13:31:38 UTC |
Hmm.. small enough for kicking and 'stabby elbows' to be a problem..
Sounds deliciously cozy for a "roommate"! :D
tiamet_nox @ August 31 2003, 13:38:37 UTC |
If the slept close stabby elbows wouldn't have enough room to be a problem. *cough*
(parent)kat99999 @ August 31 2003, 14:54:45 UTC |
Aww no, it so couldn't be. Ron is just- not even an option in my opinion. They're far too good friends! *is certain, lmao* Or at least, very, very hopeful.
(parent)muggleangel @ August 31 2003, 19:21:25 UTC |
Does this constitute 'gold star abuse?'
*grins and nods to the lovely mods*
sistermagpie @ August 31 2003, 20:40:22 UTC |
Oh, I hate to tell you this, but now I've got this image of Harry and Ron (his secret boyfriend) and Ron is dancing around in nothing but strategically placed gold stars!!!
Ahem. Quickly removing that vision from brain.
Congraultations on the apparating Ron!!!!
black_dog @ September 1 2003, 03:57:57 UTC |
Quickly removing that vision from brain.
Use a spoon. You'll want to get every drop.
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fealindale @ September 1 2003, 17:48:48 UTC |
But it can't be!! Unless-but Harry said-NOT Gryffindor!!
Ron, sudden house switch? Harry, a slip?
Uh....? Not?
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Anonymous @ September 2 2003, 02:04:46 UTC |
>:O Read the comment that was given the gold star again >:O It is not Ron >:O It's a horrifying thought to me as you can see >:O
- Ron's player.
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fealindale @ September 2 2003, 03:41:28 UTC |
Ah, thank you! Sorry, you can't expect me to actually think straight during times like those. :)
Love you! Congrats!
melody2tds @ August 31 2003, 13:11:34 UTC |
They should order chinese. That's what I'd do.
Maybe Ron remembers some of the Mandarin... ;)
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hobaggins @ August 31 2003, 16:17:24 UTC |
Ron "I'm hungry" icon is a bit... vampiric isn't it?
I'm afraid.
xnera @ August 31 2003, 16:42:11 UTC |
For some reason, the post's date has been changed to 2004. It's here.
(parent)anjaliesque @ August 31 2003, 21:13:29 UTC |
Hurrah for Ron! One-player chess sounds like a great deal of fun - it put me in mind of Pixar's Geri's Game, which is the sweetest short ever created.
Also, is there an NrAged post corresponding to Cho's post yet? Because I have this undeniable urge to squee about Narcissa's henna. <3
angerfish @ September 1 2003, 08:16:21 UTC |
So it IS henna? Because I've been wondering about that ever since the new icons came up... Very pretty icon, it is. ^^
(parent)anjaliesque @ September 1 2003, 10:15:01 UTC |
I'm assuming so, since the description seems to match so well... I had thought the icons were random but now they're sudddenly relating to what she's doing. Is she also a ruffle-attired dancer, then? :))
I adore henna. And it's just so exotic and different for Narcissa! So is Burning Man, I was very o_O over that one. Also, have you seen her new layout? Perhaps it's been mentioned before but I've been out of town so I do not know... but it's very awesome. And ouch over the "The Man Whose Name I Took." I think it's very lovely of the players to come up with these fantastic layouts (I love lupercus's and
potions_master's) after NrAgeders moaned about the difficulties in reading the SS2 style.
angerfish @ September 1 2003, 14:29:50 UTC |
I'm a big henna fan, as well... I actually bought a henna kit, but I'm waiting for the right moment to use it...
I havn't seen much of the player's layouts because I see what's going on in nocturne_alley by viewing the friends page. So actually LOOKING at the layouts was great!
anjaliesque @ September 1 2003, 14:03:25 UTC O_O!! |
and omigod you have a bend it like beckham icon with a picture i haven't even seen and i love you so much now -
angerfish @ September 1 2003, 14:26:38 UTC Re: O_O!! |
*Lol!* Bend it Like Beckham fan, I take it! ^_^
Go you.
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Anonymous @ September 1 2003, 02:54:34 UTC |
Your icon! Hahahahahahahahaha! <3
- Ron's player.
acetal @ September 1 2003, 02:16:50 UTC |
Also notice the subject line of Ron's post is I'M YOUR APPARATION KING!!!, which of course is a nod to OoTP's `Weasley is our king.'
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Anonymous @ September 1 2003, 07:08:18 UTC |
So is Ron Harry's mystery man? I thought he was dating Hermione!