hobaggins @ 2003-09-01 22:35:00

#world explodes#
Mood: mind reeling

Luna Lovegood, dooglevoluna, has posted. And she has entries for the last two years. Wow. #shock and awe#


xnera @ September 1 2003, 19:40:18 UTC

Argh, you beat me. *grins* This I was not expecting at all. It will be interesting to see how she fits in with the storyline.

Rather interesting: She's memorized every single post made by a_slytherin.


peccavium @ September 1 2003, 19:48:30 UTC

how she fits in with the storyline.

Based on those memories and her interests list, I predict that Luna is going to unravel a few NA mysteries for us...

She and Ernie would make the BEST. COUPLE. Just a thought- sorry, Hannah. Your legs are nice too.


hobaggins @ September 1 2003, 19:49:42 UTC

It looks like it's gone Ginny/Luna.

MB/Boot sex0rizing.

MYSTERIES SOLVEd. dont understand.


retired_ego @ September 1 2003, 19:43:05 UTC


I cannot wait to start fangirling all over her.


Anonymous @ September 3 2003, 01:06:58 UTC

fangirl, eh? If there's ginny/luna you can fangirl times twoooooooooo.
ehehehe. I should sign in. *lazy* See you lata, my darling. :-*


jenicomprispas @ September 1 2003, 19:43:50 UTC

#world explodes#

That's very interesting.


anjaliesque @ September 1 2003, 19:49:21 UTC

Wow, that's dedication. And the posts are so amusing to read! *adores*


bookofjude @ September 1 2003, 19:52:30 UTC

Dooglevoluna is an anagram of Luna Lovegood.

And the journal was created last year.



peccavium @ September 1 2003, 19:55:29 UTC

How could it have been created last year, unless they have sooper sneaky back-dating going on? Luna wasn't introduced in canon until June, was she?


bookofjude @ September 1 2003, 20:00:03 UTC

I am in awe. Either they changed her creation date back, or they had backup journals for unintroduced characters and simply paid to have the name changed?


Anonymous @ September 1 2003, 20:01:50 UTC

You didn't think that the characters in NA were the only ones in Hogwarts who had journals all this time, did you? ;)


bookofjude @ September 1 2003, 20:05:21 UTC

I don't follow.

What I meant by unintroduced was characters that were new in Order of the Phoenix?


xnera @ September 1 2003, 20:15:08 UTC

My guess is that it was they renamed an unused account to dooglevoluna. Perhaps one of the minor characters who doesn't post anymore?


bookofjude @ September 1 2003, 20:16:20 UTC

That was my thought as well. Or something like that. My brain is dead.


theantimodel @ September 1 2003, 20:19:54 UTC

Or one of the journals that got abandoned after a player change?


vellum @ September 2 2003, 21:28:42 UTC

i knew it! but i wasn't expecting her to come on that way.

nancy! she's not here! have to tell! ::flaps hands::


Anonymous @ September 3 2003, 00:39:15 UTC

Nope, it wasn't a NA journal that got renamed. :D


vellum @ September 3 2003, 21:05:04 UTC i don't deserve a gold star

hehe. he. i was actually refering to when i told anti that na had to put a luna player in because she was hogwarts centric, whereas charlie and tonks weren't, so they won't have journals. i told this to anti and nancy.



jheaton @ September 1 2003, 21:09:43 UTC

Speaking of renamed accounts, I followed a link in one of Luna's old posts and noticed that seamus_f used to be called theirishwonder. (The latter account is now being used in another HP RPG, BTW.) I scanned Seamus's old posts, but found no reference to the when or why the name of the journal was changed. Anyone here know anything about the change?

On a related note, I noticed a reference to an LJ user named quidditchislife, whose account has been deleted. (Or renamed?) Which character held that account, and why and when did he or she leave the game?


xnera @ September 1 2003, 21:17:12 UTC

quidditchislife was Oliver Wood. I think he (and Marcus Flint, whose lj_name I forget) were phased out because they really didn't have much to do in the current storyline, since they were both out of Hogwarts already.


Anonymous @ September 1 2003, 22:30:40 UTC

Player change. Old player took the journal when they left. Hence the new Seamus.


peccavium @ September 1 2003, 20:14:05 UTC

Clearly not. If the lj code number is anything to go by, Luna's (565101) was created in the same ballpark as nocturne_alley (540055), potterstinks (538646), et al.

They have their shizz together. And even shelled out for the name change. =awe=


bookofjude @ September 1 2003, 20:17:21 UTC

I know. Is like. <333333NA.


eponis @ September 1 2003, 20:29:10 UTC

Indeed. Though judging from the fact that only one generation of update client was used, the entries themselves were probably all added fairly recently.

Still am in awe. ::sends huge awe-respect-love vibes to N_A::

Also, Luna's account is still free. ::grin:: So if anyone has any money left (which unfortunately is not me), perhaps we could rectify this?


retired_ego @ September 1 2003, 21:22:52 UTC

I am so there.


darklites @ September 1 2003, 23:37:44 UTC

Though judging from the fact that only one generation of update client was used, the entries themselves were probably all added fairly recently.

You can tell they are all pretty recent by their ordering on the NA friends page. They do not look like they've been backdated, so the March ones show up in the middle of the other August entries, etc. I mean, NA would not have been able to somehow pre-empt her character! It was a bit eerie to see the creation date though, hee. And I love the way it seems that she's always their, and how her journal goes back through the history of NA with her commentary. Isolate Potter, the Bleu Ball ... ahh, I remember it like it was yeserday!

Luna looks like she is going to be someone who will be able to reveal a lot to the NrAged audience. I like her dreamy tone, and how serious and solemn she sounds about inanity in her posts. You know, I was quite indifferent about Luna in OotP, but I've a feeling that NA is going to make me grow to love her-- as it has done for so many other characters (Ernie, Millicent, just to name a few).


darklites @ September 1 2003, 23:38:43 UTC

always been THERE, that is. ahem.


Anonymous @ September 2 2003, 20:52:15 UTC

This will makes things interesting for the people trying to chronicle NA.


luna_lg @ September 3 2003, 15:17:22 UTC

O_O ...there's a luna...and I wanted to play her should they want someone to do so...

AUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!!! *pulls a Charlie Brown*

Still...I'm glad that she's finally into it now! ^^ And I can easily see her as someone who can get to the bottom of all these mysteries! I mean, sure, she's very dreamy and "out there" to the point of insanity, but I cannot help thinking that she is probably the most perceptive person in all of Hogwarts...besides Dumbledore-sama, of course.


retired_ego @ September 1 2003, 19:56:02 UTC

I was wondering why she has such an odd name (even for her).


therealycats @ September 1 2003, 20:29:01 UTC

It's not an odd name :\ It's Lovegood spelled...well not exactly backwards, but you know...changed around a bit, followed by Luna :\

*scratches head*


therealycats @ September 1 2003, 20:31:24 UTC

D'oh. Disregard that. That's what you were talking about, of course. *blush* I should learn to read things thoroughly before replying, but I'm TIRED and lightheaded. So there :)


peccavium @ September 1 2003, 20:52:07 UTC

If you're truly embarrassed, you could always delete the comment and we'd be none the wiser. All up to your discretion.


retired_ego @ September 1 2003, 21:20:39 UTC

Always a good reason. ;)


therealycats @ September 1 2003, 22:57:11 UTC

Thank you :D


aquagia @ September 1 2003, 21:04:31 UTC


I've been waiting for her. *fangirl*


portkey @ September 1 2003, 21:36:09 UTC

I hope she does a Q&A. I'd love, love, love to hear Luna's answers.

I'm nearly going into fanboy mode. Somebody save me!


tiamet_nox @ September 1 2003, 21:51:33 UTC

and I was going to go to bed early. Ha ha ha!!!

But no user pictures?


tiamet_nox @ September 1 2003, 21:55:21 UTC

I take that back. Just no default.

I wanna pink elephant


luna_lg @ September 3 2003, 15:22:02 UTC

Wow...cool pics! ^^

And Luna/Ginny, eh? Hmmmmmm...I dunno if Luna wants her like THAT. A friend, yes, but more than that? *shrugs* Not quite sure...

And yes, I hope for a Luna Q&A as well.


zorb @ September 1 2003, 22:31:21 UTC

*dies of happiness*


melody2tds @ September 1 2003, 23:10:00 UTC

I like the fact that her journal is sorta upside-down...
Comments at the top of the entry, and all. Very nice touch. =D


jukajong @ September 1 2003, 23:49:11 UTC

She's a lurker! Awww... I wonder what happened with Ginny? Did Luna have a crush or... Also, she idolizes Lavender Brown! A first, I presume.
<3 Luna! What a job the player did! Wow.


kittikattie @ September 2 2003, 00:03:21 UTC

*wibble* I love Luna!


lazy_daze @ September 2 2003, 01:19:05 UTC

Oh, this is so exciting! New character! *thrills* And Luna, too - I loved her in OotP, she is gonna rock out.


noirenails @ September 2 2003, 02:27:54 UTC

*head explodes* Yay! Luna!


angerfish @ September 2 2003, 03:12:48 UTC

*Adores the Luna* She's just... awesome.

Anyone out there think Blaise/Luna would be really funny?


Anonymous @ September 2 2003, 07:23:56 UTC



angerfish @ September 2 2003, 14:42:30 UTC



Anonymous @ September 2 2003, 06:25:35 UTC

HI LUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also I'm intrigued;"WHO"S THE HEAD BOY! Lisa has to know now. she said that she And Head boy did something! To do smth together she has to know who is it, doesn't she?"


tabiji @ September 4 2003, 01:28:54 UTC

I love her just for the interests of "black helicopters" and "trapping nargles"!

NA, you've been amazing, but now you're just scary!!
