hobaggins @ 2003-09-03 00:09:00 |
SNAPE = <3 x1,100
Mood: in love
Snape speaks his mind.
The best is that it's a community post.
eponis @ September 2 2003, 21:23:50 UTC |
::seconds <333333333333333333333::
Hee. Lupin teases Snape, and Snape isn't even nasty in return.
Also, GIC (Gratuitous Icon Comment).
eponis @ September 2 2003, 21:39:44 UTC |
::grins:: I wish for more occasion to use said icon. Though yay, live Snape/Lupin thread - what more could I want? And, like, Snape is being totally non-sniping. Which means he's tired, relieved to talk to someone, or both.
(parent)delfeus @ September 3 2003, 09:58:55 UTC |
I wish for more occasion to use said icon
Oh, me too. Me too... *sigh*
dragynville @ September 2 2003, 21:31:11 UTC |
I have so much pervy love for Professor Snape, it's not even funny! :D
(parent)eponis @ September 2 2003, 21:44:53 UTC |
::snerk:: Indeed.
Hrm. Last year (was rereading old posts), Snape commented that he was bisexual. Perhaps the hordes of screaming N_A fangirls begging him for his babies scared him away from our gender?
::gets in line in the horde::
anjaliesque @ September 3 2003, 13:37:53 UTC |
He was bi at one time? Certainly not anymore. "Women scare me," indeed! As said in this thread, he now seems "gayer than a treeful of Nifflers on buttergin." :D
(parent)dari_brit @ September 2 2003, 21:33:12 UTC |
In the salad bar line today, surrounded by whining, puling freshmen, I actually muttered, "I hate the children."
Yes, folks, that's right-- I'm not afraid to admit it. The older I get, the more I channel Prof. Severus Snape.
This comment is done.
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Anonymous @ September 2 2003, 21:49:20 UTC |
The quote actually comes from a story called "How Harry Potter Got His Groove Back," by Durendal (eleveninches). Fangirl her. :-)
athene_51 @ September 2 2003, 22:10:08 UTC |
Ha ha! I did that too! There were far too many children around me at lunch time. Enough said.
Ontopic: Is it pointless to hope for a deep, philosophical discussion? I would be interested to see what approach both Lupin and Snape would take in a philosophical debate.
eponis @ September 2 2003, 22:24:50 UTC |
I hope it isn't pointless. I mean, Lupin seems to be starting in that direction, though Snape does tend to be much more averse to online self-revelation. In fact, ::tries to repress shipping urges:: it seems like - despite his usual reticence - Snape did seem to want to talk before bed. I don't know how to interpret his "I'm tired, but I'm not going to go to bed yet" other than a "please, come over or talk to me" invitation.
(parent)dari_brit @ September 3 2003, 15:01:38 UTC |
I wouldn't bother to restrain said shipping urges. The long philosophical discussion ending in Remus's quarters says it all for me...^_^ I see the repartee/philosophical discussion as smartguy!foreplay...especially the bit where Snape says, "I know your mind, Lupin," despite the fact that he follows it up with the "you just want someone to talk to" bit.
Other points: The new Snape icons are...guh. Guh. Have I mentioned guh? "curious" "I am watching you." and "thoughtful" are especially guh-inducing.
And does anyone else find it cute that Snape wouldn't leave Hogwarts, despite the fact that he hates the children?
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hobaggins @ September 2 2003, 22:30:17 UTC |
Snape referencing Alan Rickman's role as Sheriff of Nottingham. I used to think about that spoon line all the time when I was little, really creepd me out.
dragynville @ September 2 2003, 22:43:13 UTC |
I just saw that! *lurve* :D (And the Karate Kid ref too! XD)
(parent)athene_51 @ September 2 2003, 22:47:40 UTC |
Ah, Karate Kid and Rickman's role in Dogma. Come to think of it, the usage of "Wax on, wax off" in Dogma was about death...
Whee! Over-analyzing is such fun! :D
sundaysunday @ September 2 2003, 23:01:04 UTC |
Dogma was also referenced with "It never ends!"
Snape's player is a gee-nus.
delfeus @ September 3 2003, 10:01:46 UTC |
Yes she is. We all must worship her. Severus & Remus are my fave characters in the game...
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Anonymous @ September 2 2003, 23:28:02 UTC |
Also "It is my occupation; without one I would go mad" could be reference to a line in Sense and Sensibility where Brandon (Rickman) says something like "Give me an occupation or I shall run mad"
*grins geekily*
_audrey @ September 3 2003, 02:14:05 UTC |
I wonder how many house points he'll take away for that? XD
Well, I can see it's certainly going to be more ...interesting with Luna around.
luna_lg @ September 3 2003, 15:49:19 UTC |
Oh, you can say that again!
*looks at icon* LOL!!!
... >< God, I just sounded like a total newbie...
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Anonymous @ September 3 2003, 16:21:36 UTC |
I miss him, too. He hasn't posted in a while. I just want Remus and him to get back together, this is so heartwrenching. I miss their mushy posts. :'(
(parent)mira_nevlome @ September 3 2003, 20:18:35 UTC |
*wants Snape/Remus/Sirius*
*waves S/R/S flag*
luna_lg @ September 4 2003, 17:15:09 UTC |
I want a flag...
*also wants a S/R/S -ish icon...or at least learn how to link pictures from web pages*
mira_nevlome @ September 5 2003, 19:01:22 UTC |
*passes out flags*
*wants an icon too*
*kicks LJ for being wonky*
small_rodent @ September 3 2003, 21:44:06 UTC Contented??? |
*gasps, points*
Snape has a new icon! It's a... contented icon? Does this have anything to do with the chat he and Remus had? I just can't imagine Snape being contented (or more properly, admitting that he's contented), especially with school in session.
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Anonymous @ September 4 2003, 12:42:52 UTC Re: Contented??? |
He hasn't used it yet though. Maybe Dumbledore made him put up at least one positive icon. :-D
(parent)eponis @ September 4 2003, 13:10:09 UTC |
Snape's actually had that icon for a couple of weeks, though he hasn't used it yet. Specifically, I'm pretty sure that he acquired it during his time at Tite Street.
But yeah, it really surprised me when I first saw it. :-) Snape and happy contentment is an . . . interesting combination. Though hopefully a pleasant one.
small_rodent @ September 4 2003, 16:02:46 UTC |
Ah, my bad. I must have missed it.
Darn, I was hoping for a post soon that uses it... although I can't imagine what it would be for. Perhaps Harry will get in trouble and Snape will be able to assign detentions.
lore @ September 3 2003, 23:41:00 UTC |
Hummm...a very interesting conversation indeed. Lupin has a lot on his mind, doesn't he?
love, lore