nabiki @ 2003-09-04 01:52:00 |
Head Boy?
dooglevoluna's comment to
turpinol's latest post is quite troubling to me. Could someone other than Harry have an invisibility cloak? Or perhaps he leant it to whoever it is? Or perhaps Ron and Harry didn't use the Knight Bus after all and used that as a cover story?
I would only be so apt to believe Luna's statements because, while eccentric, we know that she often has good ideas / the right ideas and an intuition that exceeds logic, sometimes...
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Anonymous @ September 4 2003, 02:44:51 UTC |
My first thought when I saw her comment was that Head Boy was Harry, since in my mind Invisibility Cloak = Harry.
- Jill
jukajong @ September 4 2003, 03:39:17 UTC |
Although Harry seems like the most obvious conclusion, could it be possible that she just meant that as the Head Boy is unknown, he is invisible? Also, how would she know if Harry had one? Although Luna usually isn't vague in that way, so perhaps another student we don't know about has one? Hmmm...
Good idea about the Knight Bus, though.
anatidae @ September 4 2003, 04:21:41 UTC |
When I first read her comment, I thought ERNIE!!!1 Until I read his entry. Before that I thought, Neville!
You may not want my comment on this, as I suck at coming up with fabulous theories. :* I don't want to take Luna's comment too directly, because it's very vague. But I like your theory. Harry hasn't said anything about the topoic, though he normally avoids these type of conversations anyway.
wednesday_tea @ September 4 2003, 12:36:13 UTC |
That was my first thought too, but, er, I sort of doubt it. XD
(parent)dari_brit @ September 4 2003, 15:57:31 UTC |
The "Head It" theory has been proposed is a possibility, but I somehow doubt it. I like the idea of it perhaps being Boot, who hasn't been home yet and may in fact still be t00bing around London!
Speaking of which, I really miss myself some Boot and Dean. They've been gone all summer, and I want to hear their stories!
And BTW, toopizza, I LOVE your icon and have chosen a matching gnome icon to compliment it. Is it Sims?
toopizza @ September 4 2003, 17:56:14 UTC |
I'd like it to be Boot but I doubt that the teachers would choose him. Although with Dumbledore, who really knows? I miss him too, though.
Thanks - I like your gnome icon too! I got mine from this page...
selene_rain @ September 4 2003, 04:42:30 UTC |
If whoever it is is literally using an Invisibility Cloak (which I think is likely, as it is capitalized), how does Luna know about it? Isn't that the whole point of the Cloaks, that you can't see them? heehee Harry's Cloak is kept pretty quiet, isn't it?
Also: They way it was phrased (chalk it up to the crazy, maybe) made it sound like he is continuing to be unseen, in more than a secretive-about-his-HeadBoyness kind of way. Is there anyone we haven't heard from yet?
serpensortia @ September 4 2003, 04:54:14 UTC |
Boot, Dean and Justin haven't said anything yet. Neither have Harry and Ron for that matter; although Ron doesn't know who it is for sure. I somehow think that it's unlikely to be Justin because I can't see him wanting to hide it...Boot seems like a strong possibility you know - we haven't heard from him all summer.
Maybe Luna doesn't mean invisibility cloak as in someone is wearing one, just that the head boy is invisible because nobody's noticed him yet, or noticed that he is head boy. Or maybe there is no head boy yet and the staff were just saying that they wished to remain anonymous because they haven't picked one yet.
Or maybe I'm just coming up with weird theories instead of looking at the obvious. -_-;;
nabiki @ September 4 2003, 10:36:03 UTC |
Hmmm I think I am leaning towards Boot and Im still suspicious about Harry...Zabini might be a possibility but I still think they want to keep "it" ambiguous...although the ambiguity might be a good clue since no one seems to notice him/her much
(parent)nabiki @ September 4 2003, 10:36:50 UTC |
Also, weren't Dean and Boot spending the summer together, and then all of a sudden Dean couldn't find him? That was kinda fishy to me...
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Anonymous @ September 4 2003, 05:57:09 UTC |
I'm at work, can't sign in.
I thought she meant Zabini. Blaise has been posting here and there. And if they have a head boy they can't see couldn't it also be him?
livejournal as chinae
corsiva @ September 4 2003, 06:26:59 UTC |
It could be Blaise. And the reason no one has seen him, or noticed that he is head boy is maybe cause no one knows if he is male of not. Makes sense to me, but yeah I also automatically thought Harry when I read about the cloak.
sistermagpie @ September 4 2003, 06:52:54 UTC |
I thought she just meant he's invisible because nobody has seen him. Naturally she'd say this as if it were an obvious fact because that's how Luna always presents these things.
(parent)nabiki @ September 4 2003, 10:33:36 UTC |
but if she states obvious facts does that mean that he is using an invisibility cloak? or is just invisible?
Ooo gold star for you :OOO
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Anonymous @ September 4 2003, 10:31:01 UTC |
I'm really sorry for the spum but I just have no idea where to put this and can't start a new discussion.
Has anyone thought about Crabbe/Colin. It would be *can find absolutely NO words to match*
nabiki @ September 4 2003, 10:32:50 UTC |
crabbe is so mean sometimes :P possibly goyle, he's mean but also makes nice little comments to people, or tries to joke or something..he means well
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Anonymous @ September 4 2003, 12:38:21 UTC |
OMG! I can be so stupid sometimes! OFCORSE I ment Goyle *blushes*
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jacay @ September 4 2003, 14:16:37 UTC |
Then again, were there any students who died in their sixth year that could be made Head Boy?
Ack, never mind, then.