steph_hime @ 2003-09-08 14:17:00 |
(no title)
Sybill, Lisa and Neville post.
<3 to Neville
aquagia @ September 8 2003, 09:50:11 UTC Um. |
So maybe I'm just a little slow on the uptake, but who is Yet-They-Prophesied?
Also--you just know that little message isn't "dungeon lost ghost." Any guesses? I've been trying to put it backwards, mixed up, anything...and I'm getting nothing.
steph_hime @ September 8 2003, 09:53:31 UTC Re: Um. |
No idea, I can't really think of anything it could be, mind you my brains kinda dead at the moment.
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jacay @ September 8 2003, 14:44:37 UTC Re: Um. |
Here, Sybll kind of explains who he is.
And also, didn't she say it seemed like Yet-They-Prophesied and the ghost were having a row?
Also also, here, she said she would be looking for a spirit guide within the castle. Er?
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Anonymous @ September 8 2003, 15:41:53 UTC Re: Um. |
Yet-They-Prophesied Twitterton is Sibyll's Spirit Guide. Read up on ouija boards and spiritism to find out more - I think she's based on some of the Victorian "mediums" who were really quacks.
Is he real? Or is Sibyll just confabulating it the way she confabulates everything? Who knows?
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Anonymous @ September 8 2003, 17:49:49 UTC Re: Um. |
I just assumed that the there was no message, just random letters that Sybil pieced together into a message, using her non-psychic awareness of the ghost to help her. Although that's certainly the cynical way to think about it.
(parent)cirakaite @ September 8 2003, 10:21:19 UTC |
What if Blaise is the new head boy? It's never been seen, after all . . .
Maybe that should be Head Thing, though?
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neveth @ September 8 2003, 12:50:55 UTC |
that's what I was thinking. Thay said they weren't telling to protect their privacy. Hmmmmmm...
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ex_orangeglo298 @ September 8 2003, 13:48:20 UTC |
maybe it's that ghost. ^__^ lol. i'm so obviously correct.
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jacay @ September 8 2003, 14:13:51 UTC |
XD! That's exactly what I thought earlier (I commented on it somewhere, but I'm too lazy to look). But is there a ghost in its seventh year? And would the head boy really be making that much racket in the dungeons? I think not.
Wow, I put way too much thought into that.
I have no idea what the code is.
athene_51 @ September 8 2003, 14:33:03 UTC |
So, am I the only one who read this as Severus having a fight with someone in his rooms? I guess the obvious assumption would be Remus, or maybe Sirius.
It's hard to tell, but Trelawney uses "See" with the capital S, which I interpret as the Divination type of seeing, as opposed to actually viewing something. That makes me think she was in the hallway and heard fighting, and assumed it was ghosts.
Don't mind me. I'll be over here, jumping to conclusions ;)
dn gn los ght
There just aren't enough vowels in there to make an actual sentence...
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jacay @ September 8 2003, 14:48:25 UTC |
I guess that's kind of obvious when you think about it, huh? But then, when you're desperately searching for one specific thing, you tend to interpret things kind of strangely. But yes, it does seem like that.
And on the almost looks like there are letters missing, and spaces too, or something.
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Anonymous @ September 8 2003, 15:43:11 UTC |
Nope. She really heard the ghost.
-Sibyll's player, who is now hoping that Severus's player won't get mad at her for leading the Nrageders down the garden path
tabiji @ September 8 2003, 16:38:40 UTC |
Looks like Lisa is a Quidditch Widow. Again, it seems that Morgan is not being a very attentive boyfriend.
Makes ya wonder why she keeps him around at all, but then I suppose the selection of available straight boys at Hogwarts is rather sparse.
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hobaggins @ September 9 2003, 13:46:30 UTC *post whore* |
I bet Morgan's really really hot. I new an unbelievably attractive Morgan, and that's how I picture him- guh. Sometimes, y'know, that's enough. Plus, I bet there are great after-winning hook-ups. *lusts after all of Ravenclaw*
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Anonymous @ September 8 2003, 18:37:26 UTC |
I wonder why Dumbledore needed to choose this overly private person as the Head Boy? How can he do his duties? Is there no other eligible candidate for this position? This 's so weird.
If not that ghost, I guess it's Harry.