bookofjude @ 2003-09-09 14:19:00 |
Draco posts
And we learn the truth behind Hera Peligroso. Also, Flitwick with a sun tan. *snickers madly*
tabiji @ September 8 2003, 21:41:06 UTC |
Interesting that Draco says he's sleeping well and doesn't have anything bad to say about Harry.
I wonder if those are related ?
la_trix @ September 8 2003, 22:52:09 UTC |
If you mean that things are going well with Draco and Harry, I've got to disagree. (Though your :p may mean that you think things aren't going well at all—sorry, can't tell.)
In any case, I think their friendship's kind of strained right now. I don't think Harry and Draco have had a fight, or anything; in fact, I don't think they've even talked much this summer. Harry has kind of been ignoring him on these journals, and, perhaps, outside them as well. They had a nice conversation in July, but I don't recall one since then. His Happy Birthday Harry post drew a single comment, and neither of his visits to Privet Drive went well.
Harry got his own flat, but never invited Draco to see it. Ron slept over for several days, and had so much fun they overslept and missed the train to school. You can practically see Draco gritting his teeth at (1) missing his "unspoken appointment" to hassle Harry on the train and (2) the fact that he was off doing something with Ron, instead of him.
Harry's behavior toward Draco has been so discouraging, I think, that Draco mentioned in the Q&A that Potter wouldn't even remember Draco's name by the time school started (I searched and searched for the link, but I couldn't find it—anyone else remember this?).
noirenails @ September 8 2003, 23:03:06 UTC |
I wonder when those two are really going to work things out.
And I'm also wondering why Harry is sullen. (In Seamus's post, too busy to make a link)
tabiji @ September 8 2003, 23:51:01 UTC |
I expect the sullen is because of the stuff with Sirius.
(parent)noirenails @ September 9 2003, 00:01:19 UTC |
If that is so...well, they are going to have a rough year in the school. But he can't sulk forever, now can he? Scratch that, he propably would...But the point is (yes, there is a point)that isn't Sirius still going to teach?
la_trix @ September 8 2003, 23:51:24 UTC |
I know. Get it together, guys! No more time to waste; this is your last year at school!
(parent)tabiji @ September 8 2003, 23:03:44 UTC |
Yes, exactly. I was expecting Draco to be hopping mad that Harry had been neglecting him. I'm hoping that the mellowness in this post means that they have finally been able to spend some time together and Draco isn't feeling overlooked anymore.
Then again, who knows with these two.
la_trix @ September 8 2003, 23:45:33 UTC |
He may be mad, but if he's very hurt, I don't know that he'd let it show. I think it's a bad sign when Draco has absolutely nothing, either good or bad, to say about Harry.
But, of course, you're right; we never have all the details about their relationship, so who can tell?
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Anonymous @ September 8 2003, 23:47:44 UTC |
Exactly. This is what has been bothering me for months. I know that Harry has been preoccupied by his depression and family stuff lately. But sometimes I wonder whether Draco really means so much for Harry or just his love interest of the moment. Nothing more than that, easy to ignore and forget.
(parent)la_trix @ September 8 2003, 23:57:40 UTC |
God, that's a depressing thought. It's plausible, though, considering Draco's comment in the Q&A that he's certain that he has more invested in this relationship than Harry has.
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Anonymous @ September 9 2003, 00:26:51 UTC |
I used to think Draco's pretty cold then, but now I think he might be right. Don't tell me they're going to break them up as well. Why is it so hard to find happy!Harry and happy!Draco these days? They are so damn miserable in almost every fics and RPGs I've been reading and following lately.
Gosh, this is killing me.
noirenails @ September 9 2003, 07:45:31 UTC |
You propably have already done this, but go read (or reread) Aja's, Rhysenn's and Plumeria's one-shots. It helps me.
(parent)takeonelook @ September 9 2003, 00:03:44 UTC |
I have no idea what to think about the Harry/Draco situation at the moment. Like you said, it seems like Harry has been ignoring Draco, and I just can't figure out why. It seems that they really haven't spoken since the watch retrieving incident at Dogear. I know that since things have been really hard for Harry. I mean, telling Sirius to 'fuck off' had to hurt him as much as it did Sirius, but I don't understand why that would be a reason to push Draco away, especially since Draco is going through something similar. Harry wouldn't blame Draco for his father's actions, and it appears he blames Sirius for the destruction of their family, so he can't be ignoring Draco on account of Lucius. All I can think is that Harry has maybe given up on love. Obviously love isin't enough, and maybe by pushing Draco away he is trying to protect himself. Their relationship seems to be pretty shaky, and maybe his home situation has made him lose faith in his relationship with Draco. Half the time he doesn't know where he stands with Draco. There's the fact that he's connected to the Dark side (i've been wondering what Harry thought about Draco having lunch with his father's work associates), also if they are romantically involved then Pansy could be an issue, and not to mention Harry, like Draco, seems to be insecure about who cares more about who in the relationship. Maybe Harry sees all these things and decided that a relationship (friendship or otherwise) with Draco could never really work, and that even if you try hard to make things last it will all fall apart anyway. I don't think he wants to ignore Draco, but he might feel that he has to, or that he might as well since things are hopeless anyway. But really, that's just me grasping at straws.
As for Draco, I feel really bad for him at the moment. It seems that what he feared came true. School started and Harry doesn't even remember he exists. His comment in the entry sounded to me very resigned. Like he was expecting it and just got proven right. It's as if he's past the anger and hurt and all that's left is a dejected feeling. An, "I knew Potter didn't care about me."
I think if Harry were to comment to Draco's latest post I would be the happiest girl in the world.
And now I'm off to bed before I make anymore incoherent posts.
la_trix @ September 9 2003, 00:45:44 UTC |
All I can think is that Harry has maybe given up on love.
I think this is a really, really good point. In the Q&A, he said how being in love doesn't mean that much, and you can't really trust those feelings. Though the actual cheating hadn't happened yet, the Lucius/Sirius flirting had effectively broken up Harry's family by that point. Harry could see (hell, we all could see) that Remus and Sirius were very much in love, and that wasn't enough to save their marriage. What chance, then, does Harry have of making a relationship work with a guy who won't even publicly admit to more than "tolerating" his friendship? In an effort to save his own feelings from getting trampled on in the inevitable end, maybe he's making a conscious effort to stop caring?
I think if Harry were to comment to Draco's latest post I would be the happiest girl in the world.
Me and you both. But I wouldn't count on it. *Sigh.*
la_trix @ September 9 2003, 00:51:46 UTC |
I said "Don't count on it." And … I've just been proved wrong. Harry responded!
Maybe Draco's ignoring him was a deliberate ploy to draw Harry out? If it was, it worked. Good job!
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Anonymous @ September 10 2003, 10:00:08 UTC |
Harry's behavior toward Draco has been so discouraging, I think, that Draco mentioned in the Q&A that Potter wouldn't even remember Draco's name by the time school started (I searched and searched for the link, but I couldn't find it—anyone else remember this?).
I know that Draco did delete one telling comment, with an afternote to "Disregard" that comment. That may have been it. The comment also said that Harry wasn't talking to him unless there was no other option except to talk to him. So, yeah, it seemed as if Draco was trying to get ahold of Harry, but Harry didn't return his emails and/or owls.