steph_hime @ 2003-09-10 18:45:00

(no title)
Cannon's tonight Arthur seems pretty excited.


noirenails @ September 10 2003, 10:50:51 UTC

Grrr. You beat me by a second. I had already posted and I had to delete my post. Oh well.


bookwench31 @ September 10 2003, 11:29:21 UTC

I love that Arthur's mood is "no longer hungry". Ahh, men and their stomachs.


windtear @ September 10 2003, 17:35:08 UTC

Well, he's getting a) fed and b) to see his favourite sporting team tonight. Either would make a man happy, but both would make many men ecstatic.

(I speak as an ex-football widow, that is, from experience.)

Plus, he and Molly are patching it up. 'Music: WIFE' doesn't exactly sound happy but at least it means she's there and talking to him.


peccavium @ September 10 2003, 17:50:51 UTC

On the contrary, I think he's throwing around the word because he is so happy to still have claim to it. I rather wonder that he didn't say "wifewifewifewife!!!1<3"

He was adrift without his Molly, you know.


Anonymous @ September 10 2003, 18:08:58 UTC

:(( <33
