sistermagpie @ 2003-03-28 14:29:00 |
(no title)
Mood: sad
Oh my. Now he's trying to coax him with Quidditch talk. And he's free tonight, just in case anyone cares.
Apparently the magpies are political about Quidditch
I've heard that too.
milenalupin @ March 28 2003, 11:47:07 UTC |
Such an ickle woobie.
Not only Quidditch, but also the old Potions-cry-for-help tactics. Though I'm not sure that the hint that his failure would at least make Snape happy was helping.
sistermagpie @ March 28 2003, 12:17:01 UTC |
I'm happy Lupin has invited him for the evening, even if that's not quite the invite Harry was hoping for. How's he to know it's not the Quidditch that Harry's missing?
I can't wait to hear how Harry replies to Lupin's question about wherever he could have heard such a thing about the Magpies, though. Refresh. Refresh. Refresh.
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nefeleo @ March 28 2003, 12:25:04 UTC |
*hopes that Harry turns Lupin down, as he is feeling like an intruder with L and S lately anyway*
Maybe Harry could just go fly forlornly around the pitch tonight by himself! Perfect opportunity for someone to join him. It ought to be dark enough, too.
zhonnika @ March 28 2003, 12:30:18 UTC |
Haha *deletes my own post*
Great minds perv alike, I see? :)
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nefeleo @ March 28 2003, 12:36:55 UTC |
And thanks. Again.
Does anyone else see some small amount of sarcasm in that last line? Or am I crazy?
*snuggles Harry*
zhonnika @ March 28 2003, 12:40:05 UTC |
I did. And, the way he said that maybe it was Malfoy who said that they were political... as if he's just DARING Malfoy to reply. Prove me wrong, Malfoy.
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nefeleo @ March 28 2003, 12:42:16 UTC |
My favorite part of that response was that he immediately mentioned Malfoy, like he'd been thinking it all along, and then realized how obvious it was and tried to cover it up!
I really adore just_harry. XD
luthienlupin @ March 28 2003, 12:49:38 UTC |
Ooh, yes, that was so endearing. He rambles so charmingly.
katrionaa @ March 28 2003, 13:04:17 UTC |
My favorite part of that response was that he immediately mentioned Malfoy, like he'd been thinking it all along, and then realized how obvious it was and tried to cover it up!
Ex-ACT-ly!! just_harry is just a doll! <333
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 13:48:39 UTC |
Absolutely. *snuggles him*
Also, I adore this community! You guys have the best comments!!!! *hearts*
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luleh @ March 28 2003, 14:17:50 UTC |
Oh, that was funny. Maybe it was Malfoy, no, Ron. No, Seamus, No, Susan! No, Snape! No, Dumbledore! The milkman! Dudley! justharry is killing me!
And so is potterstinks! Stop ignoring poor Harry! He gave you laundry tips!
sistermagpie @ March 28 2003, 12:47:40 UTC |
LOL! Yeah, maybe it was Malfoy who said it. Or maybe Ron. Or maybe Dean. Or Petunia. Or anybody else in the world BUT Malfoy.
I also love that no matter how indifferent potterstinks pretends to be he's still got a journal named after his own true love.:) :)
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 14:41:38 UTC |
I wonder what will become of Draco's journal if when they get together?
I mean, will he continue to call himself potterstinks while he and harry are dating?
What on earth could/would he change his name to?
taradiane @ March 28 2003, 14:54:35 UTC |
I'm equally curious about how we'll find out about it...will one of them post about it? Will someone see something and blab it to everyone?
I can imagine potterstinks disappearing again if and when it does come out without his consent. I can't imagine his snarky self doing a 180 and suddenly being all "Yeah, I love Potter. What of it?" about the whole thing. No, I think he'd be publically mortified, seeking solace in the privacy of Harry's arms ;-)
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 15:00:48 UTC |
Hmmm. I can also imagine him being very publicly smug about it, haha, and still an intolerable git about Harry--like, 'Unfortunately for the ladies of Hogwarts I have lured Potter into my arms with my naturally irresistible charm,' haha. That's assuming he ever gets over the 'oh my god, i'm NOT gay!' phase.
*toasts to Potterstinks*
taradiane @ March 28 2003, 15:05:56 UTC |
True. Hard to tell which way he'd go. If he ever gets there! *sulks*
(parent)anamirza @ March 28 2003, 15:54:31 UTC |
That's assuming he ever gets over the 'oh my god, i'm NOT gay!' phase.
He's in no rush for that apparently. It looks like either deep, deep denial or maybe frantic pre-emptive damage control to me.
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 16:02:48 UTC |
frantic pre-emptive damage control
I love that phrase! Hahaha, it's perfect. Pre-emptive damage control before he reaches the point where he throws himself at J_H and shoves his tongue down the boy's throat!
anamirza @ March 28 2003, 16:29:43 UTC |
Well, I was thinking more along the lines of, pre-emptive before someone says "What exactly happened between you and Malfoy that night, Harry? Colin says he saw ... "
But I like your version better :)
greenapricot @ March 28 2003, 17:35:03 UTC |
Hmm, yes, that's what I thought too. Here's hoping for Draco throwing himself at Harry.
And it took me a minute to realize that it actually is your icon that's pulsing not and it's not just me.
anamirza @ March 28 2003, 15:14:21 UTC |
.will one of them post about it? Will someone see something and blab it to everyone?
This is my theory on why potterstinks is staying way, way out of any conversation that has to do with that night...he's hoping this will blow over and not be mentioned anymore. I think he's trying to limit the chances of anyone saying anything at all. Maybe I post too soon, but he hasn't egged Snape on to find out what Potter's up to, he hasn't said anything to Ron at all, and he hasn't gone anywhere near a Harry comment.
unravels @ March 28 2003, 17:34:54 UTC |
That's true, why hasn't he been on Ron's case now that Ron's gotten on the bad side of just about everybody? 'Don't kick them while they're down' has never really seemed like the Malfoy style, particularly where a Weasley is involved. Afraid to prompt a reconciliation between him & just_harry?
greenapricot @ March 28 2003, 17:47:56 UTC |
Afraid to prompt a reconciliation between him & just_harry?
Yeah, Ron and Harry not talking does leave Draco with an in of sorts if he ever admits to himself that he wants one.
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 19:14:42 UTC |
also, i think he probably doesn't want to give the impression that he cares about harry's welfare, and in harry's current mindset, chewing out ron might look like he was coming to harry's defense indirectly. can't have that, can we? *tsks*
(parent)moony @ March 28 2003, 13:38:53 UTC |
It's funny how inflection just doesn't translate over the 'Net.
moony @ March 28 2003, 13:54:57 UTC |
Well, I say that because now I'm wondering - what makes Harry's "Thanks. Again." sarcastic?
It's always interesting to see how people translate both fic and the happenings of an RPG. Like, how a little sentence like that can mean so many different things.
Is fascinating! Eee! *claps hands*
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nefeleo @ March 28 2003, 14:07:10 UTC |
Oh I dunno, I haven't kept a close eye on NA for a while, but most of us here at NrAged are under the impression that Harry was dangling bait for a Malfoy, and pulled up a Lupin instead.
Hence, a sarcastic 'thanks'.
Unless of course, Harry is in much more denial than we think.
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nefeleo @ March 28 2003, 14:16:47 UTC |
(strike the whole 'most of us' - am dork, and should not speak for others!)
(parent)bookshop @ March 28 2003, 14:15:23 UTC |
Hmmm. If it's sarcasm, then I read it as sarcastic in terms of, 'thanks for being the only one listening to me anymore.' Because really, Lupin's giving Harry tea instead of real detention, he's actually reading what harry's saying, and seems to be reading between the lines, at least to some extent, I think. Who else is doing that right now? Certainly not Sirius, but then, *snort*, what else is new there. And, wah, Ron isn't doing anything but shutting out everybody he cares about. Looks like Hermione isn't either, given that she won't even come to the library with Harry to study. He must have had a falling-out with her too.
Just my two cents.
sistermagpie @ March 28 2003, 14:33:54 UTC |
That's how I read it as well. Harry's trying so hard to acknowledge people who are important to him. And Lupin even told Snape to back off his investigation into what Harry's really up to.
Also, I think--and this part makes me sad--that Harry feels like a bother to Lupin and Black and so wants to know he appreciates them spending time with him when he feels they'd rather be alone. And yet...just as I do in canon, I can't help but feel for Draco here too. Because...what is Harry apologizing for? Did Draco perhaps take care of him after the party, perhaps listen to Harry talk and then Harry maybe did something that made it clear how they he felt and this freaked Draco out? Wah! I don't know!!!
anamirza @ March 28 2003, 15:01:22 UTC |
what is Harry apologizing for?
Yeah, don't we all want to know. It does have Draco really freaked out, though, because he's really passing up prime opportunities to tease Harry about having no friends, and that's not really like him, is it? Or maybe it's that he's so worried about whatever it was being discussed, he's ignoring Harry completely, and hoping the whole thing will just blow over. Which it doesn't seem like it's doing really, since Harry seems so miserable and desperate to connect.
And I can only think having Snape interested in things is going to be a total disaster.
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 15:23:05 UTC |
Yeah, don't we all want to know. It does have Draco really freaked out, though, because he's really passing up prime opportunities to tease Harry about having no friends, and that's not really like him, is it?
That's not the only thing that's different. Normally after something *big* happens between them, like the time they wound up hiding under the table together in the barroom brawl, or the time they both had detention together for a week, it's Harry who retreats and shies away and Draco who gets mad, insults him publicly, and hounds his journal while Harry hides away.
But now nobody's hiding; Draco isn't as much retreating from Harry as he is giving him the cold shoulder--moreover, he's actively pursuing other people. There's nothing passive about it, and it's very desperate. But Harry's the one who is suddenly more desperate than ever to make Draco pay attention to him.
Is that just because of what happened that night? If something major had happened, what was the difference between now and all the other times when Harry freaked out and went running? It's almost as if Draco must have given him some kind of encouragement somehow, something to make him realize that, hey, maybe he has a chance at getting Draco to like him; and also something that made Draco go, hey, wait, what are we--what am I--doing here?
It could also be that Harry's so very lonely right now that he figures throwing himself at Malfoy is better than being ignored by his best friends. *cries and cries*
Or maybe it's that he's so worried about whatever it was being discussed, he's ignoring Harry completely, and hoping the whole thing will just blow over. Which it doesn't seem like it's doing really, since Harry seems so miserable and desperate to connect.
It could have been anything. I love all the things this roleplay leaves up in the air, things inferred but never known for certain. I mean, they could have not even talked to each other--Draco could have caught Harry standing in a pool of moonlight and realized he wanted to kiss him! Harry could have caught him staring! They could have Shared A Moment of Realization! Although I doubt drunken!Harry in a pool of moonlight would look anything other than bedraggled, I'm just saying, it could have been really anything. They could have fought. They could have snogged, or flirted, or maybe Harry passed out and Draco had to carry him back to his dorm! *plebey cliche lover*
Whatever it was, it had to be something new. They've already done the fighting, oblivious flirting, staring, and silent treatment to each other during the course of the last year. So it must be something totally never-been-thought-of-before new.
Eee. *impatient*
And I can only think having Snape interested in things is going to be a total disaster.
I concur.
sistermagpie @ March 28 2003, 15:48:56 UTC |
Maybe Harry got impatient and called potterstinks queer and he's now trying to deny it by dating. If
just_harry made the mistake of telling him that all his pestering only showed how interested in Harry he was, that would be good reason for Draco to cut him off completely.
And for Harry to apologize and feel terrible and stupid for saying it.
And jadedsirius is so not making anything better with his taunts about
potterstinks and his questionable sexuality. If he'd think for a second he'd figure out that he was making things more difficult for Harry with that!
anamirza @ March 28 2003, 16:18:48 UTC |
Maybe Harry got impatient and called potterstinks queer
Hmmm, that's a really plausible scenario. And one which does not necessarily mean that just_harry is interested in Draco romantically at all. Harry would feel guilty about saying something like that, I think - and want to reach out and be understanding or something to try to negate having said such a thing, even to Draco.
Though I agree with vanityfair that this must have gone beyond the normal name-calling in some way, or
potterstinks would not be so freaked out now.
jadedsirius is so not making anything better with his taunts
I wonder if he realizes at all that Something Is Up with Harry? lupercus seems to...he keeps inviting him over to talk. But they don't seem to have had a big talk about That Evening in detention - or maybe
lupercus is trying to figure it out without asking directly, or just waiting for Harry to bring things up when he feels like it. I can't really tell.
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Anonymous @ March 28 2003, 23:59:33 UTC |
Dude! Why would Harry do that? He'd be outing himself and it would be totally OOC!
(parent)sistermagpie @ March 29 2003, 18:33:31 UTC |
I didn't mean to imply that it was IC for Harry to say something like that--the idea was that something about this fight was totally different so I figured it would have to have resulted in Harry saying something OOC. Otherwise he wouldn't be apologizing for it. When one's own sexuality is in question one's often more likely to say something like that. A Harry who had accepted he was gay himself might say it as well in a "why don't you just admit it?" way. Clearly if they did have a fight it left Malfoy in a panic about proving himself straight so the issue had to come up somehow.
Although I like to think that it wasn't a fight at all. Maybe they actually had a conversation for once and drunk Harry leaned in to kiss him or something. That way Malfoy would be terrified but there would still be nothing he couldn't deny since they didn't actually kiss.
lunadeath02 @ March 28 2003, 20:52:54 UTC |
I've been thinking that maybe, while Harry was in his drunken state, had told Draco that he loved him.
*gasp!* Oh no, the L word!
So now Draco's being all 'het het het- i love boobies... not peenies...'
And just_harry is now saying he's sorry for suddenly saying the dreaded L word. and he wants to talk Quidditch and potions and even laundry now. anything but what he blurted out.
kokopoko @ March 28 2003, 12:41:22 UTC |
Why isn't Draco picking up the hints? I mean, what else can Harry do besides fall at Draco's feet swooning?
Draco! Wake up and put Harry out of his misery!
zhonnika @ March 28 2003, 12:44:23 UTC |
I know. Complete opposite from when Draco used to post, and post, and post in Harry's journal. He went ignored, so I suppose it's Harry's turn?
(parent)kokopoko @ March 28 2003, 12:53:58 UTC |
They can't stand to be ignored by the other. They each do everything they can to distract themselves from the undeniable truth that they want to be with each other.
Draco is probably holding his dating game to entice Harry's jealousy to go out of control. Notice how Harry can't leave Draco alone now. 4 or 5 posts on how to get stains out of clothes? Harry is just poking Draco in the side hoping to get a reaction.
Oh it's just so beautiful. *sniff*
zorb @ March 28 2003, 13:13:27 UTC |
I actually think the dating game is Draco panicking and trying to hold on to the last remnants of heterosexuality. And now Harry finally knows what he wants and is going after it. Hee!
(parent)lore @ March 28 2003, 12:47:30 UTC |
Geeze, it makes you want to start a character just to keep him company!!!
love, lore
anamirza @ March 28 2003, 15:39:56 UTC |
It's just so sad, isn't it? At least Susan Bones is talking to him, and Lupin too, now.
luthienlupin @ March 28 2003, 12:56:49 UTC |
divineparvati: I'm Feeling a sense of unfocusedness coming from your Direction of late.
Wah! Poor Harry. He's all befuddled by his feelings. Come on, Draco stop pretending to be indifferent!
*hugs just_harry*
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Anonymous @ March 28 2003, 14:25:31 UTC Oh, Harry...*clings to him* |
Snape is catching on ( Will Potter simply decide to disregard all and take Vector to Hogsmeade instead?
And then...
Ginny? Are you busy this weekend? We could do something if you want, with Cho too? I mean, I don't have any ideas, but if you wanted we could.
*heart breaks* ( WAH! He's lonely! Someone be there for just_harry!! *cries* *cuddles him and glares at potterstinks*
God, but Ron's going to do some permanent damage from bursting blood vessels. I don't get how he can think he can waltz back into Harry's life after neglecting him for so long. And where the hell is Sirius???
*fumes on Harry's behalf*
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 14:48:54 UTC Re: Oh, Harry...*clings to him* |
Wah! I'm glad you pointed that out, I totally missed it! *weeps with you*
I don't get how he can think he can waltz back into Harry's life after neglecting him for so long. And where the hell is Sirius???
I know, it's so obvious that Ron has been wronging Harry for so long! Just because Harry turns to Malfoy suddenly Ron is justified in acting like a git! Although to give Ron credit, all his friends have turned on him too: Harry, Ginny, and who knows where Seamus, Dean, Neville, and Hermione are right now.
Sirius. Is. Never. There. For Harry. Ever.
And when he is, I have the horrible suspicion it's just to flirt with him.
*loathes jadedsirius*
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 14:54:19 UTC P.S. |
P.S. I feel it is in no way inappropriate to re-declare my Lupercus/Potions_Master shipping status.
anamirza @ March 28 2003, 15:07:17 UTC Re: P.S. |
There is a chemistry there, isn't there? At the very least one gets the impression that Lupercus enjoys toying with potions_master way, way too much.
zhonnika @ March 28 2003, 15:51:07 UTC Re: P.S. |
Yeah, Sirius creeps me way out. And the only time Snape isn't, well, downright Snape-y, is when he's flirting talking with Remus. I wonder who Draco will date next... maybe Harry should do something to try and make Draco insane with jealous enRaged rage.
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 15:55:05 UTC Re: P.S. |
Well, he is talking to Susan again...........
:D :D :D
zhonnika @ March 28 2003, 15:56:11 UTC Re: P.S. |
Haha, so he IS. But, no offense to Susan, I don't think making idle chit-chat with a random Hufflepuff will do it...
(parent)bookshop @ March 28 2003, 16:00:01 UTC Re: P.S. |
True, but at this point Draco probably figures Harry's just desperate for company since NOBODY ELSE FROM GRYFFINDOR IS TALKING TO HIM!!! >:0!!!
Hahaha, where's Colin when you need him?
zhonnika @ March 28 2003, 16:01:59 UTC Re: P.S. |
Where is ANYONE? No Terry, or Lisa, or Hannah, or even ERNIE and his paranoia schemes! Wah! Dean! Seamus! Parvati is the only one it seems...
(parent)bookshop @ March 28 2003, 16:04:40 UTC Re: P.S. |
...and she's only interested in him for his Barry's Green Blend! [-(
(parent)zhonnika @ March 28 2003, 16:16:02 UTC Re: P.S. |
Have Seamus and Dean been off having hot, wild boysex? I just want to take Harry and do something fun with him. Er... you know what I mean. Don't think he'd appreciate it much.
bookshop @ March 28 2003, 16:17:41 UTC Re: P.S. |
Hahahaha. Dude, I don't know! but I really think Seamus and Dean are still fighting--wasn't Seamus still mad at Dean over his Valentines Day present? (Stupidest fight ever, haha).
*pouts at empty school*
zhonnika @ March 28 2003, 16:18:56 UTC Re: P.S. |
Bahaha... we collapsed a thread with our t00by musings. Go us! Oh, and I do remember that fight. *hmphs*
(parent)bookshop @ March 28 2003, 16:59:08 UTC Re: P.S. |
Your icon sends me to the bad place every time i look at it.
thank you for using it so much. :D
*watches thread collapse*
Somebody needs to stake out Dean or Seamus' journal and see if they can find any hints of what's happening.
zhonnika @ March 28 2003, 17:00:32 UTC Re: P.S. |
*hugs icon* I had to perve around dan sites for those pics. Diiiiirty, I tell you! Wah! I'll go sneak about...
(parent)moony @ March 29 2003, 14:35:51 UTC Re: Oh, Harry...*clings to him* |
Sirius is there, but perhaps Sirius understands that sometimes you can't approach a sixteen year old boy, you have to let him come to you? Harry doesn't exactly seek Sirius out, you know, and he probably has his reasons for that.
I imagine they're probably still getting used to having one another in their lives. It's a weird process to be socked away in Azkaban for over a decade, only to get out and have to behave like a parent to someone you really hardly know. Not to mention having to readjust to being in a social environment all over again.
Just as it's probably hard to get used to the idea that not everyone who is considered your family is a) going to die or b) treat you like crap. Someone with his personal history might have some serious abandonment issues, y'know? Afraid everyone he loves will leave him, at some point, or turn on him.
Which is probably what Lupin's trying to do. Bridge the gap and ease Harry AND Sirius into a more family environment. Since that's what they are/will be: a family.
Perhaps Harry and Sirius both never thought they'd have that sort of thing again.
bookshop @ March 29 2003, 14:51:49 UTC Re: Oh, Harry...*clings to him* |
That is an excellent, excellent point.