notapipe @ 2003-09-25 18:06:00 |
(no title)
Mood: contemplative
Draco has updated, giving us a harrowing tale of school mismanagment and intolerence, then regaling us with the brutal injustice he suffered at the hands of an ill-tempered Crabbe. Hogwarts cares far too much about Quidditch.
But apparently the beating -- which Lisa was informed of by the Head Boy -- took place in the library, and there is a non-guaranteed list of those in attendance. Consulting Remus's list for the CoMC field trip last school year, the bolds are 7th year boys:
Draco, Crabbe, Lansing, Bones, Finch-Fletchley, Weasley, Sloper, Gross, Baddock, Macmillan, Whitby, Bolish, Mullarkey, a fat witch with glasses, Zeller, Lovegood, that albino looking second year, the Weaselette, Pritchard, that fourth year witch who gave herself a horn last week.
pornography @ September 25 2003, 19:26:04 UTC |
Well Draco obviously isnt Head Boy (seeing as I dont think he's the type to take housepoints away from himself).
I bet its a Hufflepuff.
black_dog @ September 25 2003, 19:30:09 UTC |
In spite of hobaggins, I still think it's Dean.
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hobaggins @ September 25 2003, 19:50:24 UTC |
Well, let's say it is Dean. What think you the reasons for him to hide his identity?
(parent)black_dog @ September 25 2003, 20:55:36 UTC |
The general modesty of his nature? A form of performance art? A desire to avoid razzing by his dorm-mates, for which he would feel obliged to take points? An odd psychological quirk that makes him despise the honor so long as his parents are disowning him? A bizarre form of private penance for secretly murdering Boot this summer and burying the body at a crossroads?
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hobaggins @ September 25 2003, 21:09:15 UTC |
*chokes and dies laughing*
Well, I could see the boot_boy one.
black_dog @ September 25 2003, 21:14:05 UTC |
He's been awfully quiet, the Boot Boy. As has Dean, of course -- as Dean. IIRC we have no sign of him since Dean's strange post this summer asking where he'd disappeared to?
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hobaggins @ September 25 2003, 21:15:53 UTC |
IIRC? *is a plebe*
Cho mentioned seeing him at Flourish and Blotts in the poetry section. He was wearing a fishnet shirt and eyeliner if I believe... We've seen no mention of Dean though to my recollection......
black_dog @ September 25 2003, 22:36:27 UTC |
IIRC = "if I recall correctly." Perhaps there is more stigma in knowing this than in not knowing.
And I missed the Cho thing! Do you have a link? Or I'll look for it.
black_dog @ September 25 2003, 23:08:17 UTC |
Hmm, that was August 7, and Dean reported Boot missing on July 24, almost two weeks earlier.
Love the image of Boot "browsing the poetry section in ripped fishnets and eyeliner." He seems to have been doing OK, or at least disdaining help.
Another theory then -- perhaps they fell out, and Dean is hiding from Terry?
flickerflare @ September 25 2003, 23:17:34 UTC |
we have mention of dean here, but that's the only one i can remember.
(parent)la_trix @ September 25 2003, 19:36:57 UTC |
It is so Finch-Fletchley. He's sticking up for his woman!
(parent)dragynville @ September 25 2003, 21:09:26 UTC |
I'm with you! :D It has that air of Hufflepuffian paranoia ("purposely breaking Susan Bones' rucksack"). Plus, hiding his identity is SO in line with Finch-Fletchley's particular strain of Hufflepuffian paranoia (thinking everyone's out to get him).
(parent)fluffers @ September 25 2003, 22:42:24 UTC |
Ah! I was just coming here to see if anyone had tossed that in yet! Taking away points for upsetting Susan? I've cast my vote for Justin until further notice!
(parent)petitesl @ September 26 2003, 00:30:47 UTC |
It is more Finch-Fletchley than it ever was before. If that makes sense ...
(parent)tabiji @ September 26 2003, 01:33:42 UTC Re: Akutenshi2007, your time has come |
...remind me why I'm doing this again?
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hobaggins @ September 26 2003, 01:35:24 UTC |
It'll be good for you, ThomasNancy. You need to get your aggressions out.
tabiji @ September 26 2003, 01:38:51 UTC |
How about I get my aggressions out on your cosmetics vibrator collection instead?
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hobaggins @ September 26 2003, 01:40:48 UTC |
You know, if you're going to chicken out, ThomasNancy, I can find another second. I wouldn't think any less of you. Actually, I would. Never mind.
tabiji @ September 26 2003, 01:44:35 UTC |
suppose I should read up on my hexes drive-by tactics ....
akutenshi2007 @ September 27 2003, 20:42:01 UTC Re: Akutenshi2007, your time has come |
Mister hobaggins:
I accept this duel, for you are not a gentleman and it shall be seen in light once and for all. A scoundrel may I be called, but this is of no comparison to you, scurvy cur that you are. You will find that this challenge was a mistake; oh yes, for the light-footed Boot knows no fear when it comes to me. The lady knows that --
Right, sorry, hobaggins, but I can't call Boot a light-footed lady with a straight face. I'll be there, and you'll be sorry. Oh, and I do hope you aren't planning to cheat, as my second is certainly well-equipped in spotting these things, young novice. My second shall be the Nocturne Alley Cat.
In agreement,
Joan, Akutenshi, Slytherin House
tabiji @ September 28 2003, 00:36:26 UTC Re: Akutenshi2007, your time has come |
Sir CADOGAN The Nocturne Alley Cat?! But he's a....!
I'm, ah...sure he will be a worthy adversary....
luna_lg @ September 28 2003, 15:58:32 UTC Re: Akutenshi2007, your time has come |
And what EXACTLY is the NA cat?
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ September 28 2003, 17:31:14 UTC Re: Akutenshi2007, your time has come |
*cough* nraged: the noCturne alley fAn communiTy
Friends of the Nocturne Alley Cat
la_trix @ September 25 2003, 19:54:11 UTC |
Anyone else get the idea that Draco completely forgot Lucius's birthday? Picture this: he wakes up, checks the journals, and finds Narcissa's birthday message to Lucius. Freaking out, he goes to McGonagall and asks to take the day off, purportedly to celebrate His Father's birthday like it's a national holiday, but in actuality to haul ass to Hogsmeade to buy him a present. McGonagall refuses, Draco swears, then runs down to the dungeons (or elsewhere) to find something he can wrap and send immediately. I wonder what it was. Something horrifically ungainly, I would imagine, if it takes several owls and several days to get there. Of course, he would never admit that whatever he picked was less than perfect, though.
Sound likely to anyone?
black_dog @ September 25 2003, 20:58:55 UTC |
At first I though, eh, too much even for NA, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. It adds up, I think.
Do you think he forgot the birthday or was just angry, maybe over the reconciliation or Lucius' "leather goods" taunt. He might have thought better of it at the last minute?
merlion @ September 25 2003, 21:03:55 UTC |
It's possible that he was 'holding' out. But it really does seem like he just completely forgot. His comment to Lucius seems slightly ... rushed and cover-up-ish.
(parent)small_rodent @ September 26 2003, 12:04:05 UTC |
Yeah, there's something about "the precise day of your birthday" that says 11:58pm to me.
(parent)dragynville @ September 25 2003, 21:14:13 UTC |
He never does full out rebellion and he's not the sort to actually forget either. I think he perhaps delayed sending or posting anything as another of his subtle 'I can pretend ignorance later' rebellions.
(parent)black_dog @ September 25 2003, 21:19:21 UTC |
Sort of a passive-aggressive thing? He does admit to his father that "I sent it the very day of your birthday," which is maybe an admission that he acted at the last minute.
I could see any of these -- that he forgot (but with some deep-seated reason for forgetting), that he was thumbing his nose and thought better, that he was acting out a lot of resistance/resentment by buying something at the last minute.
Some regret or second thoughts over this would also explain why the birthday post to his father had such a suck-up sound to it.
dragynville @ September 25 2003, 21:52:14 UTC |
Yes, my money's on passive-aggressive rebellion or possibly subconscious forgetting.
(parent)la_trix @ September 25 2003, 22:42:23 UTC |
Hmph. I wish he would just openly rebel already!
Do you think, if Draco were asked right now to take the Mark and join the DEs, that he would refuse? I don't think he'd be willing to go through with it, but I also don't think he'd openly say so. Maybe he'd just make an excuse why it shouldn't happen at the moment, just to stall. At some point in the not-too-distant future, though, he's going to be forced to make a decision. And he doesn't seem strong enough yet to disobey Lucius. The possibilities give me chills.
dragynville @ September 25 2003, 22:56:36 UTC |
Me too. :D
I think he'd find ways to postpone it, at least until he no longer feels he's materially dependant upon his parents. I think, once that happens, he'll be more comfortable with self-assertion but probably still won't appear rebellious because of his emotional dependance.
sistermagpie @ September 26 2003, 06:40:02 UTC |
I admit I can't help but wonder about his possibly forgetting too, even though he could just be telling the truth here. Maybe just because it seems like ps keeps having these little bouts of out-of-it-ness this eyar where his mind's on whatever thing his mind is on.
He could, of course, have bought Lucius a present on his trip with Seamus and Harry, though he said he had nothing particular to buy then. Perhaps all will be revealed when we hear what it was.
Btw, I love Crabbe. Especially with Susan.
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Anonymous @ September 25 2003, 21:54:16 UTC |
His entry is lacking the usual Potter mention.
dragynville @ September 25 2003, 21:59:16 UTC |
I took it as a sign that he was actually enraged for once. XD
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Anonymous @ September 25 2003, 22:22:49 UTC |
Perhaps getting sick of each other? I wonder if they're going to the Falmouth-Chudley match together on Saturday or not?
-another anon
dragynville @ September 25 2003, 22:50:18 UTC |
I was thinking enraged in general (his father's birthday, his pounding by Crabbe, etc.), not at Harry. Though, who knows..
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hobaggins @ September 25 2003, 23:00:56 UTC |
I forgot about that.
*marries on you for reminding me*
tabiji @ September 25 2003, 22:22:35 UTC |
Okay, who's taken Crabbe and replaced him with the alien imposter?
Why was Crabbe in the library? What was he doing with his DADA book on a Tuesday, when the Slytherins have DADA on Thursday? Why the sudden (seemingly extreme and unproportional) hostility toward Draco?
la_trix @ September 25 2003, 22:33:27 UTC |
In all fairness, Crabbe has given Draco a pounding in the past (after Draco lost all Slytherin House's points). Though this most recent incident seems to be a little rougher; the past pounding consisted of, according to Draco, one punch squarely in the back.
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Anonymous @ September 25 2003, 22:55:06 UTC ..... |
Is there any chance Harry was there in his invisibility cloak?
Just a thought.
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hobaggins @ September 25 2003, 23:02:57 UTC |
Any reasoning behind why Harry would be lurking in the library in his invisibility cloak?
lunadeath02 @ September 26 2003, 00:11:51 UTC |
there can be many good reasons why he'd want to "hide" I guess.
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hobaggins @ September 26 2003, 00:20:47 UTC :---------? |
Like what? Why in the library on a Thursday? It just doesn't seem very IC for Harry to be hanging around the library spying on people. I guess I just don't get it. Am Plebe Queen.
tabiji @ September 26 2003, 00:37:33 UTC Re: :---------? |
How 'bout...he was under the cloak...snuck into the library to surprise Draco...then Harry got under the desk...
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hezzabeth @ September 26 2003, 02:51:44 UTC Re: :---------? |
It also sounds rather pervy to me, but then again Harry is a 17 year old boy.
(parent)notapipe @ September 26 2003, 03:03:23 UTC :------/\ |
Creepy library vouyerism would certianly be a dynamic of J_H we haven't seen before.
Also note: the irony of an 18 year old (right?) girl who reads slash saying this. It amused me, at least.
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hezzabeth @ September 26 2003, 03:06:06 UTC Re: :------/\ |
Well yes you got my age right, you impress me with your profile reading skills.
And I'll have you know that I never said I was'nt pervy I'd just be surprised if J_H was.
Surprised and shocked.
notapipe @ September 26 2003, 03:07:58 UTC Re: :------/\ |
Profile reading, now there's an idea.
I just found it amusing, was all.
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hezzabeth @ September 26 2003, 03:09:09 UTC Re: :------/\ |
I suppose on reflection it is rather funny.
(parent)notapipe @ September 26 2003, 02:56:49 UTC :------------# |
Sunday, actually. And I don't know what you do on Sunday nights, but I am fairly sure most people spend their Sunday night spying on people in the library. For example, there was this one person reading this book on Imperial Germany and...
I mean, it's just so intuitive.
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hobaggins @ September 26 2003, 12:14:23 UTC :--------!!! |
*am NrAger, I can see that that's what you're implying a bajillion miles away*
I go to the movies with a head of lettuce on Sunday.
notapipe @ September 26 2003, 19:28:55 UTC :---------% |
Imperial Germany. Actually, we have a course on the Third Reich, but this book is clearly for Weimar: State, Society and Culture, I know this partially because Third Reich isn't offered right now. So you lose.
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hobaggins @ September 26 2003, 19:37:23 UTC :----O |
That's awesome. I am so... intuitive.
notapipe @ September 26 2003, 19:41:02 UTC :-----------??? |
Making sense = good. Try it sometime.
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hobaggins @ September 26 2003, 19:42:52 UTC :---(( |
Vhat?? Why? What are the benefits?
Maybe my brain is dissolving because I am losing at our Literati battle.
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Anonymous @ September 25 2003, 23:56:42 UTC |
Another possible interpretation - maybe PS is being EXTREMELY sarcastic in his response to his father's birthday ("I think it should be made a public holiday")? As in, "Get over yourselves" to his mom and dad. That's the way I read that post. But it doesn't seem very in-character for NA!Draco.
(parent)tabiji @ September 26 2003, 00:51:07 UTC |
Back in May Crabbe posted this about both Susan and M.B. He admits to liking Millicent, yet he says he's afraid of her. He also mentions being afraid of Susan (heheh). In the new thread Crabbe calls Susan a "buly". Does he have a thing for tough broads? Will we see some Millicent/Susan/Vincent OT3 lovin'?!