hobaggins @ 2003-09-28 03:34:00 |
DEAN LIVES. huzzuh is a palindrome, whereas huzzah is not
Mood: elated
Dean is alive, and, well, apathetic. DEAN. YAY.
#33#3#33#3333#3##3333 (lots of hand-me-down Weasley hearts for you, deanthomas)
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hobaggins @ September 28 2003, 00:49:39 UTC |
And, now anyone who opens this friend may visit it, and join.
Ha. Ha ha ha.
redbowties @ September 28 2003, 11:07:59 UTC |
.....I think the proper question is are YOU insane! You have an icon of Legolas thrashing about and flipping his hair and then it says "Hardcore Elf" !!?!?!
Don't you care about Dean! I think you need to get your fandoms in order! ::mock glare::
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hobaggins @ September 28 2003, 11:34:20 UTC |
Is that cockney rhyming slang? Your Irish? WTF does that mean?
FYI: Irish in cockney rhyming slang apparently means wig or nose. Huh.
redbowties @ September 28 2003, 11:22:46 UTC |
0_o; I think that makes him feel something less than "man-elfly" ..
Completely mixed you say? Hm. The only way they would truly be mixed would be if Remus posted and said that he was reading Lotr, THEN I'd support the mixed-ness.
Seamus? Over Dean? Bah. Dean's more down-to-earth-art-boy...Seamus has a porn collection, and if I may be so bold as to quote Ronniekins: I wonder if Seamus is secretly straight or something and trying to hide it, haha.
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hobaggins @ September 28 2003, 11:25:08 UTC |
NA/Neil Gaiman books. Do you have a problem with that?
The h0b4
redbowties @ September 28 2003, 11:27:15 UTC |
Oh no, it's just I see Harry Potter and Lotr engaged in an epic Fandom War in the vast space of Fanfic. ^^;
I'm just cheering on my boys! GO HARRY!
redbowties @ September 28 2003, 11:29:38 UTC |
!!?!?! Ask Lucius?? I'm not all sure that even he has enough long blonde hair to vouch for testosterone! Let's not forget teh plights of Remus/Sirius!
I'm not insulting him, maybe he is an ickle hobbit fancier at heart!
hahahaha. I'm just saying, Dean wouldn't ever have a het porn collection! As a side note, Ron's a little pervy bugger, and that's why I <4 him so!
redbowties @ September 28 2003, 11:39:49 UTC |
And what if I am?! Well, not Lucius, .. but Legolas! Yes! KILL THE WHELP!
Remus is the pervy hobbit fancier, and yes, sadly enough, I do think think that Lucius has a thing for Harry...maybe he just likes the eyes..hm..that's where Draco got his good taste!
He's also a gay teenage guy! He should have like..guy porn!
Yes, I <4 him. It's a degree more than <3 so if I said that I <4567 him, that means that I squee my pants everytime he posts.. (I <4567 Sevvy) o_O
redbowties @ September 28 2003, 11:52:41 UTC |
::Grabs a frying pan from Sam and whacks her over the head, before friending her so that there are promises of more Lotr/Harry Potter fights in the future!:: I HAVE SEEN A FIC THAT WAS LEGOLAS/SMAUG! HOW DO YOU DEFEND THAT?!?!
So is Boromir! Do you love him too?? ::Takes Remus and gives him back to Sirius::
oo..suddenly I like Seamus. Heh.
Well, I just have a thing for greasy potions masters..that's all..and he is oh so intimidating!
redbowties @ September 28 2003, 12:06:37 UTC |
You know, Smaug..the dragon..haha..have you read the Secret Diaries?
I <3 him too, better than Faramir anyway..he's .. a noble man of Gondor! And the Aragorn/Boromir in those books kills me.
I won't..yell it.. ::shifts eyes.:: Blow the Horn of Gondor!
I do..I do..
Well..he is Irish..
I used to have this great, Harry/Sevvy site..but they shut it down..it was a good site.. *sob*
tabiji @ September 28 2003, 00:44:52 UTC |
Heheheh. My, we sure can recognize our own, eh, Jude?