portkey @ 2003-09-30 00:52:00 |
Icon makers, get ready..
Mood: contemplative
..Sevvie and Remus are drunk again.
And based on this comment, I get the feeling that Severus wanted to replace some of what Remus lost in his bet with the twins. Or perhaps Remus persuaded him to.
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hobaggins @ September 29 2003, 22:56:34 UTC |
And based on this comment, I get the feeling that Severus wanted to replace some of what Remus lost in his bet with the twins. Or perhaps Remus persuaded him to.
I donno. He might just want to get pissed. HnnnNn...
milenalupin @ September 30 2003, 03:47:29 UTC |
lupercus needed to be much more than a saint to decline an offer as sevvie as that.
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hobaggins @ September 29 2003, 23:02:11 UTC |
Someone was going to say it. May as well as not be me
dragynville @ September 30 2003, 09:47:34 UTC |
And Sevvie spent the night in Remus' tower, under Remus! *leer*
(parent)luna_lg @ September 30 2003, 09:51:39 UTC |
*giggle-squee's issue from this girl until--*
...damnit! I hate it whenever I act out my icon!! >
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hobaggins @ September 30 2003, 13:58:42 UTC |
It sure took me a long time to figure out that the layouts were changed on NA/NrAged and it wasn't eLJay changing some sort of default. Hnn. Will repeat change is good mantra until I can cope.
redbowties @ October 1 2003, 10:53:29 UTC |
I <3 your icon..
And now they've changed it to this..blue/white thing...0_o;
It's, um, interesting..
xnera @ September 30 2003, 17:14:00 UTC |
There's been several reports on the Support Board today of journals losing their custom colors schemes. Happened to me, too. I use S1, and my custom color fields were completely blanked out. So that could be what's causing the white.
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Anonymous @ October 1 2003, 12:00:25 UTC |
Wow. On one hand, I feel the need to be conservative and believe that nothing more happened than what appears to have happened -- drunkenness and spilling of liquor and falling asleep.
But Snape's "Wait just a bloody minu-" post makes me wonder, what cut him off? He wouldn't necessarily have cut himself off just because something spilled on him; he might instead have shouted louder. But he might have been cut off if someone planted a sloppy drunken kiss on him.
And Remus saying "Oops" and apologizing, could be for not having exactly intended to kiss him.
And Snape going on about the Scotch spilling could be a change of subject. For Scotch getting spilled during a kiss is still spilled Scotch.
And Remus' "Oh, bugger" post could be because of a lousy hangover, but it could also be because he kissed Snape.
*quietly spazzing* These characters drive me absolutely crazy, in a really good way. I'll be happy and amused regardless of what happened, but boy do I really really really want to know what happened. :D
redbowties @ September 30 2003, 16:47:38 UTC |
(parent)redbowties @ September 30 2003, 17:23:20 UTC |
Oh I know...the fights and the love against all odds, and the jealousy!
This will surely drive us all mad..
redbowties @ September 30 2003, 19:06:09 UTC |
Too right you are...=/ .. let's break out the closets!
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hobaggins @ October 1 2003, 17:06:23 UTC *gurgle* |
And then there was you.
/hnnNnnnnnn/incoherent gurgling
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Anonymous @ October 2 2003, 18:14:58 UTC |
Does the fact that there's an hour in between the just-a-bloody-minu- post and the oops post mean anything? Since it all looks rather suspicious to me.
(parent)snowballjane @ October 3 2003, 04:27:21 UTC |
Players have said in the past that the times displayed aren't really relevant - presumably to take account of game mechanics and so on.
But hey - that doesn't mean there wasn't a significant gap between the posts in NA time as well.