siren52684 @ 2003-04-06 20:00:00 |
(no title)
Mood: thoughtful
d'ya ever get the feeling that the real people who play the NA characters are just sitting back laughing at all the complicated theories we throw out, and at how spazzy we get over the littlest things their characters do?
i do...
imochan @ April 6 2003, 18:03:16 UTC |
LOL, possibly. Although I doubt we're as entertaining to them as they are to us. ;)
(parent)siren52684 @ April 6 2003, 18:13:46 UTC Re: |
haven't a clue.
mindless ramblings are my trademark.
i often find myself not exactly knowing/understand what it is that i have just said.
artistic_flower @ April 6 2003, 18:16:10 UTC um |
*note to self*
Must. Remember. To. Log. Out.
zhonnika @ April 6 2003, 18:21:50 UTC |
Hmm... I think that they're sometimes as surprised as the rest of us. From what I can tell, the plot (and players) are quite the big secret. But it's more fun that way, I think. You can think about the characters, and not who it is behind the monitor.
And I see we've had a visit from Ms. Patil?
siren52684 @ April 6 2003, 18:30:03 UTC |
oh definately more fun...and the not-knowing makes it seem that much more real. and makes us seem far less obsessive/scary. :)
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glimmerglass @ April 6 2003, 18:25:51 UTC |
:-/ I don't want to be laughed at. I think that there are probably times they think our theories are odd but I am sure the opposite must be true sometimes too. :)
(parent)siren52684 @ April 6 2003, 18:27:18 UTC Re: |
i wouldn't be surprised in the least if we offered them at least a FEW ideas for plot now and again...
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glimmerglass @ April 6 2003, 18:52:52 UTC |
That's true. There was that one time with the nickname "greenknees" which I think came from here.
(parent)siren52684 @ April 6 2003, 19:06:16 UTC Re: |
and we love you!
~ your ever-devoted legion of fans
sistermagpie @ April 6 2003, 20:40:48 UTC |
Yay! Feel the love!
siren52684 @ April 6 2003, 20:42:08 UTC Re: |
"hi, my name is sistermagpie, and i'm an NA addict."
"hiiiiiii sistermagpie...."
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 20:42:32 UTC |
I'm hitting refresh waiting for replies so I can entertain you with my replies to those replies. (Whew. Did that make sense?) *sobs* Don't hate me.
(parent)anjaliesque @ April 6 2003, 20:19:39 UTC |
I get that feeling all the time. Sometimes, before I post, I imagine them sitting and laughing at our obsessing. And then I think, well no one knows me online so I'm going to go ahead and obsess away.
I often wonder if having so many fans, grouped into an insane community, puts a lot of stress on the cast. Any mistake or inconsistency is jumped upon immediately and debated ferociously. I'm sure they must've regretted a few things they wrote being taken the wrong way by us. There's just so much to live up to, y'know? But I think NA has been a lot more active these days, probably because of all of us fans having the opportunity to be so vocal.
What I really love about having these two parallel communities is the interaction. The cast comments on non-NA journals so much more and there are so many more sides we get to see. I just worship the NA cast so much. *schnoogles*
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 20:34:02 UTC |
We don't sit and point and laugh at your obsessing. We obsess just as much as the rest of you do. I don't find it stressful that this community is out here; it's a great way to instigate more creative juices flowing seeing things debated on here. It's good for me, at least.
anjaliesque @ April 6 2003, 20:37:51 UTC |
*sigh of relief*
What's good for us is good for you is good for us. NA, it does the body good. <3333333333
siren52684 @ April 6 2003, 20:38:36 UTC Re: |
they LIKE us! they really LIKE us!
okay, bad sally field speech aside, that's just awesome to know. :)
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 20:49:35 UTC |
Honestly, one stressful aspect is posting and then waiting to see if anyone says anything. It kind of ends up feeling like, 'Well. Clearly that tanked.' And I have to admit I kind of did panic for awhile, thinking that I wouldn't be funny enough, that I wouldn't live up to what you expect. That someone would say, 'Well, that was disappointing', and I would have to see it and just sit there quietly. And you're right--sometimes things are read into and I can't help thinking that everyone will be disappointed if they find out that it has nothing to do with what they think it has to do with.
As a whole, though, I'm personally really--well, this sounds lame, but--honoured that you guys like what we do. We do sit around trying to figure out something we can do for you, just to say we do appreciate it, because truly we do. The self-questioning I've got over, myself, and really I am just pink-cheeked-pleased.
-you can probably figure out who this is.
sistermagpie @ April 6 2003, 21:00:57 UTC |
Oh, but don't ever assume something tanked because it wasn't commented on. Because honestly I can't think of anything that has tanked so far.
It's just that some things are more out in the open, so you're hanging on what's going on, but you don't run to dissect it with everyone. (For instance, I love what's going on with Seamus and Dean and the way Remus and Sirius have responded.) Or you're watching it carefully but you're not quite ready to say, "Hey, look at this here..." *cough*Narcissa*cough There's a lot of things I know I'm thinking about that I haven't discussed out loud, and I'm sure everyone else has things like that too.
Like right now I'm wondering about whether Parvati's going to stir things up for Harry and his "unique" view of werewolves. What with all the crystal balls and purple Bernie Botts she's likely to look for things that aren't there. On this plane, anyway.
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:18:01 UTC |
Oh, I know, it truly is a bit ludicrous to use it as a basis on whether or not an entry was good. But previously we hadn't had an audience right there to know whether or not something was as funny as we found it, so it's a bit odd at first.
I love Remus's reaction to Seamus and Dean. Especially how, to him, it likely feels like a repeat of the whole werewolf scenario, so of course he thinks the best thing to do would be to turn in his resignation. It also brings in that sense of realism, as gay teachers have gone through this as well.
Sometimes we just want to give you guys hints or at least something, but someone advised me that it would likely spoil the fun, which I think is true. The speculation seems to be the best part, so I could just tell you right now the answers to your questions . . . but I think that it is for the best that I keep them locked in my vault.
-same as before
siren52684 @ April 6 2003, 21:20:38 UTC Re: |
indeed. we have a love-hate relationship with the suspense. and as much as we whine, i'm fairly certain that we'd really REALLY like to be surprised. i mean, they plot is YOUR creation...we're just the rabid fans.
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Anonymous @ April 7 2003, 01:47:27 UTC |
Well, it's just that some things are very difficult to explain thoroughly in journal form. Obviously some characters will keep things secret, and more still just don't want to talk about those sorts of things. Like with the Harry and Draco, particularly.
(parent)siren52684 @ April 7 2003, 02:11:29 UTC Re: |
oh absolutely. one of the things i really really appreciate is that you keep any OOC business out of NA. i'm a member of an HPRPG on blurty, and i can't stop comparing it to this one...especially about OOC commenting. it's terribly unprofessional and detracts from the plot.
so yeah....kudos to you guys.
anjaliesque @ April 7 2003, 14:15:14 UTC |
I must second this, you players do an absolutely amazing job on keeping the OOC out. NA was actually the first RPG I ever really followed, and it was only later after checking out some others that I really appreciated how much effort goes into making it so lovely and professional. If RPGs can be professional. Well, surely in your case...<33333
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 6 2003, 21:39:39 UTC |
Oh yeah, I understand what you mean. It must be a hard balance to keep, on the one hand wanting to entertain but also wanting to be true to the characters. Remus is always so lovely and it was really interesting the way Sirius had never dealt with someone like it before, even in his own life. I loved Remus' mention of seeing Sirius' mother btw, and how he wasn't 100 percent sure of Sirius' innocence at the time. ::sob:: Damn you Pettigrew!
I think I'd vote for not wanting any hints for that reason. One of the things that annoys me about TV nowadays is the way you know everything in advance. The actor's careers start being as big a part of the show as the characters' lives.
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Anonymous @ April 7 2003, 01:46:26 UTC |
Oh, exactly. I used to be rabid with spoilers for the one show that I watched, and then I realised that I wasn't enjoying the episodes at all when I actually watched them. I mean, they were good, but there was nothing to laugh at.
I also loved Remus and Sirius there and was so pleased that Remus did not pretend he had thought Sirius was innocent.
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Anonymous @ April 7 2003, 04:16:36 UTC |
thank you for thinking of parvati! :> in a slightly more positive light than of late! i think a lot of nraged members really don't like her :))
~ player
sistermagpie @ April 7 2003, 07:41:51 UTC |
Parvati rocks! She's a hoot and she makes very pretty death cards. Today I'm loving her and Lavender. Only really good friends can be sensitive enough to not sit together when one of them is fat. LOL.
(parent)siren52684 @ April 7 2003, 08:11:32 UTC Re: |
< dies laughing >
wow, i hope that when i get fat, my skinny friends won't sit by ME... ;)
lore @ April 7 2003, 08:32:47 UTC |
I have always imagined that Parvati and Lavender would be difficult to play because the main thing we know about them is their predilection toward divination. I think Lavender's player is playing her as the complete bubblehead so that Parvati can be a little more serious as the fashion guru and medium of the group. We kind of expected one of them to be frivolous, so Lavendar is filling that role.
I've missed Lavender and I'm very glad to see her again. I'm sure she'll get mixed up in the main storylines eventually, but I love her comments in the meantime. It's hard to comment on comments, but I have noticed and appreciated her return, nonetheless.
Parvati's readings, predictions and horoscopes have been amazing in their scope. As with Lupin's werewolf lessons, she is putting in an incredible amount of work on them and it has been noted and appreciated, by me and I'm sure others.
In fact, I'm loving that many of the players are posting more visuals in their journals - links, pictures, drawings, etc. Um, audios too, I guess (draaaaco ;).
I do not think Parvati should be looked down upon for not letting Harry near their project. She has shown in the past that she *does* care about her grades, and it makes sense for her to be gun-shy about Harry's writing at this moment. Also, Gryffindors may be loyal, but only to a point, as the books themselves have shown on more than one occasion. Parvati might be thinking she is helping both herself AND Harry by doing all of the writing because it will keep them both from being accused of plagiarism. So, Nyah!
Over-thinking it,
love, lore
sistermagpie @ April 7 2003, 09:07:33 UTC |
I was just hysterical over her telling Harry no really, it's all right, I'll just do all the work. And he was letting her do it because he felt like he was just getting in the way, but she was so obviously saying, "Dude, you're part of this project too!" But Harry just remained clueless and said, "Okay, if you don't need me to do anything!"
I can just see her pointing to that exchange with Lupin and saying, "Really, professor, how much clearer could I be?" and Lupin saying, "Well, remember that from another pov it actually looks like you're telling him you don't need his help..."
I think Lupin must get a kick out of her and Lavender. (And Ron's pink journal will always be classic NA)
lore @ April 7 2003, 10:27:22 UTC |
Hummm...I think the first part was sarcasm about not getting any help, but I think after Harry said he would do the bibliography, Parvati was serious about not wanting more help, especially in taking notes or research. Parvati made mention of Harry's suspected plagiarism in another thread, which is what made me think she was serious....
...Most likely, I am a gullible t00b, and Parvati is pointing and laughing at me. :)
love, lore
sistermagpie @ April 7 2003, 13:56:35 UTC |
Or else I am...which is a distinct possibility.
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Anonymous @ April 7 2003, 14:46:58 UTC |
yeah, i like Parvati a lot too--i always liked her in canon a lot too, though, so I'm really glad to see her being played with a little more depth than you usually see in her in fandom.
also, thanks for mentioning you were thinking about Colin the other day! He's another character that can we really only know one thing about so it's kind of nerve-wracking wondering how to make him feel original. Even though a lot of us just play minor characters, it feels so nice to see that you guys appreciate everybody, not just the key characters. :)
--COLIN'S PLAYER!!!!!!! ;)
sistermagpie @ April 8 2003, 09:21:35 UTC |
SQUEEE!!! Colin's player!!
I have loved Colin for so long. I imagine it is hard to do a character we know little about. One one hand you want to make him a real person, but on the other hand to keep him IC he can't suddenly become a major player who makes things happen. But he really does seem like a real boy to me. Even when I want to smack him...I still feel sympathy for him. His current story has been just been a perfect use for him--nobody could have done it but him. I love how you're going all the way with it. (And he just keeps getting better and better--"Harry told me about the muggles AGES ago!") Poor Harry! Hee!
anjaliesque @ April 7 2003, 14:15:39 UTC |
I just wanted to say that I love Parvati. I've never been good at deeper meaning and especially not hers, which is probably why I've never really commented on her and others might not either, but I know she makes me laugh and laugh and laugh. I am of Indian descent, and I know girls just like her, who are sometimes slightly annoying and yet also the sunshiny kind you know the world could never do without.
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:07:39 UTC |
yeah, it can be a little disheartening when you work on something for ages and then you post it and ::crickets::
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 20:54:06 UTC |
Well, it's fun to read till you get flamed.
But at least you're all having fun. So are we.
-another player
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 20:59:02 UTC |
Flames don't bother me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Besides, like you said we're all in this for fun...and I know I'm definitely having fun. The only downside of NA, IMO, is crooked-pointer-finger-syndrome from rapidly hitting refresh button in search of new replies to read.
~Yet another player ;)
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 20:56:31 UTC |
sometimes i laugh when i read the things people come up with - hidden meaning in posts, code, psychoanalysis, etc. - but the truth is i'm as addicted to this place as everybody else is. my only worry is players letting nraged dictate to them how their characters should be played, or allowing themselves to be adversely influenced by what readers want, rather than what's good for the character or the storyline in place. so i choose to laugh, so that i don't take it too seriously, and i can enjoy being a fan while still being able to play my characters. because na players are all fans, too, yanno.
bottom line: if you're happy, then we're happy, and that's all that matters.
- a player <3
imochan @ April 6 2003, 21:00:26 UTC |
Wah! All the player-love is making me wibbly and sqooshy inside! <3<3<3<3
Not only is it rather très cool to know how that you all read our ravings, it's so interesting to learn your different takes on it. ^_^ Thanks!
siren52684 @ April 6 2003, 21:01:07 UTC Re: |
yay! and quite frankly, if that harry/draco plot is, in fact, a reality, i'm SO glad you're all holding off on it, because that would TOTALLY change the structure of things over there, and that would make me sad.
besides...suspense is good. :)
sistermagpie @ April 6 2003, 21:05:41 UTC |
Yeah, I was gonna say...definitely don't let us dictate anything! I mean, if you get an idea that sounds good from some crazy thing over here that's great, but speaking for myself I know that whatever you give me I'll be all over it. With every new post I start thinking of more new possibilities. But I really don't have any things I really expect or need to happen to make me happy. (Okay, well, I am a rabid H/D shipper but that's just a little thing...
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:33:53 UTC |
HAHAHA but sometimes the hidden meanings behind the posts are right! Not always, but once or twice, I've seen a speculation that was dead-on.
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luleh @ April 6 2003, 23:35:37 UTC |
Ooh, that was a silly fangirl reaction. Sorry about that.
*runs off to re-read her posts*
sistermagpie @ April 7 2003, 07:38:39 UTC |
Ack! Okay, the three of us will now have to go over everything we've ever posted with a fine-tooth comb and wildly speculate on what we said right! Ernie would be so proud!
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 8 2003, 09:22:41 UTC |
Sadly, when I reread my posts, I realize I've done so much speculating it could be anything! Even a broken clock is right twice a day, as they say...
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:03:39 UTC |
ps: echoing another player's sentiments, yes, the only thing you need to watch out for is character-bashing. it's one thing if it's constructive criticism, if you have a beef with a character's behaviour fictionally, but if you're flippent or not specific about it a player can read what you say and it can actually hurt them. yes, we are able to disassociate ourselves, but unless you're clear that your complaint is with the character's behaviour or a particular action, or you dislike the character in the books and not NA specifically, it's hard to tell who you're actually talking about.
*hugs nraged*
- a player
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:04:18 UTC |
Well, I think it is awfully flattering and I check this community more than I check NA sometimes, but it can get rather stressful. like, if someone says like, "oh xxx should have done this instead of that" I'd feel like crap. Then again, criticism is always good for improvements so i guess everyone wins. ^_^
- another Playa!
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:10:06 UTC |
"oh xxx should have done this instead of that"
I think I see that often, but I just decide I know my plot so I know where it's all leading. Besides, I think they trust us. :D
siren52684 @ April 6 2003, 21:12:04 UTC Re: |
Besides, I think they trust us
...with our LIVES!
okay, maybe not our lives, but with our approval, and our time, and with our newly developed carpal tunnel. :)
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:21:41 UTC |
Well, I did have to be taught that you trusted us and wouldn't be disappointed that it didn't match up to anything you'd thought of. But thinking of things I've followed, I think I would always prefer the original's word, no matter what my theories were.
(parent)sistermagpie @ April 6 2003, 21:20:46 UTC |
I think...maybe one thing is that when we read it--or at least when I do--I really see all the characters as their characters. And anytime you create a real character who's come to life people are going to react strongly to their actions. It's like if you were watching ER you might say, "Oh god, I can't STAND Carter," or "Abby's such an idiot..." or "Kerry should have done such and such..."
But it's not really a way of saying you don't like the way the show is written or acted because part of the fun is that the characters act they way THEY would, not the way that would always be the most effective. Like right now with Colin I'm all "Grrrrr...he's making me mad," but I LOVE that because I think Colin's acting totally the way he would and I understand where he's coming from and I wouldn't want him any other way. He's shaking things up. (Btw, if Colin's playa's out there you rock and good for you for following through on this for Colin!!) Same thing with Ron last week--he was making other characters unhappy but this wasn't a bad thing. (Hell, my favorite moment with Canon!Ron is when he's all pissy in GoF).
So yeah, I'd hope everybody would take any hisses from the audience as a kind of applause too. :-)
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:23:48 UTC |
Yes, I've noticed that's how it's read and it makes me very happy. (It's also why I'm not signing these comments as which character I am, as I think it's for the best that the effect isn't broken that way.)
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:07:49 UTC |
ya kthx d00ds u r0x0r omg :)) <33333333
-yet another player, BAAAAA
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:24:15 UTC |
HAHAHA Oh god I'm not a numbskull, I swear - well, I am, but not that kind of numbskull, I swear, I just felt as though I had to make a contribution and that's the only kind of contribution my brain can process currently ahaha.
( boy, we really like our smiley faces, don't we :-" )
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:16:29 UTC |
I love this place. I love it when the little hints I drop are picked up and commented on. I used to slave over them, and I never really thought that anyone cared enough to look for them. So many times I have just wanted to leave some kind of thumbs-up comment when you've sniffed something out. I love you guys.
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Anonymous @ April 6 2003, 21:19:33 UTC |
Exactly! It is so heartening to know they do pick up on those slight changes in emphasis in comments and things like that. I thought we were the only ones who remembered the entire story.
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vintagesex @ April 6 2003, 23:14:10 UTC |
Oh, god. I'm going crazy just trying to figure out who the anonymous people are!