hobaggins @ 2003-10-13 01:36:00 |
SNAPE - COMM POST re: draught to revive sleeping Neville
Mood: giggly
I don't know if I'm reading too much into this, but I think Snape might be sort of upset that he has to go make a potion to revive Sleeping Neville. :-?
notapipe @ October 12 2003, 22:45:35 UTC |
You're definitely reading too much into it. It's nothing more than the simple fact that Snape has a deep, though frequently concealed, affection for Neville and he doesn't want to see Neville hurt or die. It's one of those "awwwwww" moments.
(parent)tocomfortyou @ October 12 2003, 22:47:38 UTC |
Oh, a true romantic, that one. *lights candle*
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hobaggins @ October 12 2003, 22:55:21 UTC |
Are you mocking the Neville/Snape? re: those awful word combinations, what would this be? Nevillape? Snaville? Snapille? .... and on a different note, if we shipped Neville/Pipe it could be nevapipe or notaville
That's some good chan right there, pure OTP-status. You could start a wank with your offputting sarcasm, the NL/SS shippers attack in packs. They're like hyenas. Do hyenas attack in packs?
tocomfortyou @ October 12 2003, 23:12:50 UTC |
Made from the best stuff on Earth, don't you know.
jupistrahan @ October 12 2003, 23:25:15 UTC |
Personally I like Sneville, but it kinda reminds me of Cruella De Vil... So I kinda want to burst into song now. O_o
Oh, and you're avatar is absolutely fabulous. I just want to kug you now. XD
saffronlie @ October 13 2003, 04:43:16 UTC |
I like Sneville, it isn't far off from Snivellus, so it makes everything fit in a sun is shining and daisies are growing way. :::nods:::
(parent)bookwench31 @ October 13 2003, 07:34:13 UTC |
Of course my freind lives in a Snellville, so now whenever I go see her I will think of Sneville
(parent)peccavium @ October 13 2003, 13:17:16 UTC |
hobaggins, what have you DONE!!!! =flees in terror=
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hobaggins @ October 13 2003, 13:19:08 UTC |
Hey man, I start off all the COOL NrAged threads.
The NrAged Mods are going to kick me out aren't they?
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handful @ October 12 2003, 23:12:52 UTC |
I'm going to go with Snapille. It sounds like a flower.
And yes, hyenas are pack animals. And really mean too.
therealycats @ October 13 2003, 16:41:02 UTC |
Snagbottom...sounds like some sort of sidekick character in a Disney movie. I like :D
(parent)therealycats @ October 13 2003, 08:23:09 UTC |
Oh yes! Sneville! That ranks right up there with Dobius on the icky factor. Therefore I LOVE it! :D *evil grin*
(parent)notapipe @ October 13 2003, 17:07:30 UTC |
Besides, it would have to be notEVILle.
Nevape? But pronounced Nuh-vah-pay, so it sounds all pretentious, or at least like a shitty hair/face/body product.
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hobaggins @ October 12 2003, 22:49:05 UTC |
OMG, I really want to reread that Neville post where he had that epiphany where he was all, "I understand now, Snape just wants to do right by me!"
(parent)snowballjane @ October 13 2003, 01:32:54 UTC |
Yikes! The mention of shipping off to St Mungos to be watched...
Cruel potions_master. Very cruel.
noirenails @ October 13 2003, 01:57:08 UTC |
I love Snape so much that even my socks feel it.
(parent)akutenshi2007 @ October 13 2003, 11:03:00 UTC |
You ought to look into refocusing your chi.
I love Hooch to death.
peccavium @ October 13 2003, 13:26:47 UTC |
Sounds as though Sybill's been rubbing off on her.
inomhe @ October 13 2003, 17:19:09 UTC |
has there ever been a cooler comment? she is now my deity.
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hobaggins @ October 13 2003, 17:55:43 UTC |
Who became Slytherin prefect after Draco was discharged from his role? No one seems to know... Was there even a replacement?
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ponymouse @ October 14 2003, 17:48:07 UTC |
I don't think they ever mentioned any replacements...
Of course, I could be oh-so-wrong. Woe.