kenboy @ 2003-10-14 23:17:00 |
Aw, sweet
Mood: amused
Lupin posts, and manages to allude to the poor Cubbies.
Nicely done.
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Anonymous @ October 14 2003, 20:26:53 UTC |
Actually, it happened in tonight's game as well. I think Remus is probably referring to that incident.
portkey @ October 14 2003, 20:26:55 UTC |
Actually, I have some doubt that Remus' player was referring to that incident (the old one), however it does coincide rather nicely with his words and the NA timeline.
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hobaggins @ October 14 2003, 20:31:41 UTC |
I do enjoy Sirius's company anyway, or I will learn to enjoy it again. He was my friend first, after all.
He doesn't seem so very sure about this... sigh.
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tymbrimi @ October 14 2003, 21:27:23 UTC |
Someone's in a good mood. Uncommonly playful, really XD
I'm not sure how I feel about potions_master butting in during their little reconciliation, though. I guess
lupercus is indulging him for now...
Flattery will get you nowhere.
snowballjane @ October 15 2003, 02:26:39 UTC |
Seems fair enough for him to butt in, since from his perspective, Remus just double-booked himself and appeared to be cancelling a date.
It made my stomach go all ooshy just thinking of Snape going "but... but I thought we were... oh, no he's spending the evening with Black, I see, I'll just go over here and sulk in the corner then."
I was actually surprised how easily he was giving Remus an out by suggesting that whatever they were going to be doing might be postponed.
saffronlie @ October 15 2003, 05:03:09 UTC |
I like it. It's tension. Possibly unresolved, and sexual. Mmm, tension.
(parent)deerlike @ October 17 2003, 02:20:07 UTC |
*agrees fervently* Guh, the whole Snackin dynamic. <3
It's the best triangle I've ever seen in an RP, that's all I'm saying.
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hobaggins @ October 14 2003, 21:43:47 UTC (Y)!!!2!!TWO!!! |
Er. Fitchburg? *blink*
In any case, it's very interesting to compare/contrast Lupin, Black and Snape's interaction with those interactions of a few months ago with Lupin, Black and Lucius (and Snape too, later). Lupin seems very strong now, much more secure. <3 Lupin.
portkey @ October 14 2003, 23:08:40 UTC Re: (Y)!!!2!!TWO!!! |
Any guesses on what team Fitchburg is an allusion to?
.. and (Y) is supposed to be thumbs up, right?
.. sorry, just had to get that out of my system.
snackbreak @ October 15 2003, 00:09:52 UTC Re: (Y)!!!2!!TWO!!! |
yeah, well, I always would look at the (Y) and think... Y in parentheses... does that mean yes, sort of? or what? I'm glad that's been all cleared up now though.
Also, no guesses from me.
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Anonymous @ October 15 2003, 00:46:58 UTC Re: (Y)!!!2!!TWO!!! |
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hobaggins @ October 15 2003, 02:24:13 UTC >:O |
Well, yes, I know, but why FITCHBURG of all placed........ I know it was the s0x, hence the icon, man. I'm not an idiot.
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Anonymous @ October 15 2003, 03:11:24 UTC Re: >:O |
In Quidditch Through the Ages, the Fitchburg Finches are the Massachusetts team.
(parent)versinae @ October 15 2003, 08:43:20 UTC Re: >:O |
Indeed. Fitchburg isn't even the most useful of places. If she were going for somewhere historical, I would have expected a team from Salem or someodd. Oh well. :)
*cheers for "Fitchburg" anyways*
portkey @ October 15 2003, 02:41:46 UTC Re: (Y)!!!2!!TWO!!! |
Oh, duh. That one was so obvious, what with the 'curse', that I overlooked it. Heh.
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hobaggins @ October 15 2003, 02:29:12 UTC >:O |
.. and (Y) is supposed to be thumbs up, right?
Any guesses on what team Fitchburg is an allusion to?
red s0x will win! WE WILL!!!! (Y)!!!!!1!!!1!!!!
portkey @ October 15 2003, 02:48:54 UTC >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O!!!~!1`11!!!ONE!!ACCENT!!`.. ew, no more of that. |
Yeah, I know it means thumbs up, but I'm starting to go insane because I keep bloody seeing it all over LJ, and every time I do, I have a sudden urge to see ascii art of a bunny.
It's bloody annoying.
portkey @ October 15 2003, 02:50:55 UTC Man, the header of my last comment was annoying. |
Er, and in case I wasn't clear, the symbol itself isn't annoying, it's annoying that I keep wanting to see ascii art, and never have that hunger satiated.
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hobaggins @ October 15 2003, 03:57:48 UTC |
You should get Trillian. Then you'd start doing it.
saffronlie @ October 15 2003, 05:00:44 UTC Re: >:O >:O >:O >:O >:O!!!~!1`11!!!ONE!!ACCENT!!`.. ew, no more of that. |
Teehee. I get so used to using (Y) because it's the thumbs-up on MSN, and then get stuck when I want to add a thumbs-up anywhere else, because one can't assume others will interpret it as thumbs-up... or a bunny. Perhaps I should just not want to put thumbs-ups in everywhere, but because I do it all the time IRL... maybe it's an Aussie thing.
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ October 15 2003, 00:30:52 UTC |
As much as I detest Snape/Remus, I must say it's amusing to see Sirius and Snape squabble over him.
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hezzabeth @ October 15 2003, 03:11:19 UTC |
I think Snape deserves Remus and I dont care who knows it.
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hezzabeth @ October 15 2003, 04:13:06 UTC |
It would be funny if this was an actual player, is this an actual player?
(parent)jiffy_spiffy @ October 18 2003, 23:01:16 UTC |
You are? *perks up* I'm so in the minority at the moment. *hands you a 'I support Sirius/Remus flag and t-shirt*
Hehe :)
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Anonymous @ October 15 2003, 04:09:03 UTC |
I found it very amusing, as well. Let's just hope Sirius comes out on top. :)
(parent)luna_lg @ October 17 2003, 09:04:39 UTC |
On top of Remus, or on top of a Snackin sandwich? ;P
(parent)deletrius @ October 15 2003, 06:09:29 UTC |
Sirius BETTER come out on top, or i'll be extremely upset.
therealycats @ October 15 2003, 12:09:41 UTC |
I hope Sirius comes out on top.
Preferably on top of Remus, but perhaps on top of a Snackin sandwich would be even better *eg*
spiderine @ October 15 2003, 06:26:44 UTC |
yea verily. As much as I enjoy the Snape/Lupin byplay, I have always been a Puppy!shipper through and through. All I want is for Remus and Sirius to get back together and make me weep happy romantic tears at their reunion. :)
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hobaggins @ October 15 2003, 09:26:00 UTC |
I dunno... aren't you afraid that this will all just happen again, and again?
This happened notsolong after they were married! That doesn't bode well to keep this from becoming a cycle if Remus lets Sirius back.
spiderine @ October 15 2003, 09:39:08 UTC |
well... Sirius is Sirius. He's always going to be a flirt-hound, and it's possible that monogamy is simply beyond him. And then again, Sirius is never going to be serious - about anyone *but* Remus. It's true that in Lucius he picked about the worst possible person, and repeatedly ignored Remus's statements that Lucius was one step over the line. Maybe, just maybe he's learned to grow up enough from this to understand when something he does Really Matters and Has Consequences.
(start of sekrit message here:) besides, this ain't real life, it's just a story, and I want my Remus/Sirius story to have a happy ending. So there. :)
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hobaggins @ October 15 2003, 10:52:28 UTC |
Hn. But does Lupin deserve someone who can't be serious? Who can't be faithful? I mean just because Lupin is the only one Sirius can love, if that's true, doesn't mean Lupin should be forced to take his shit. It's not Lupin's fault if Sirius does something wrong, if Remus doesn't think that Sirius is right for him- that has to be HARD. He was an absolute MESS about it. But if that's his decision he knows his situation a helluva lot better than we do.
BAH! who cares what happens in real life, I'm probably more concerned with fictional relationships than I am of my friends
spiderine @ October 15 2003, 11:51:02 UTC |
No, nobody has to take anybody's shit. Nobody "deserves" to be taken less than seriously. All that politically correct, self-empowered stuff.
But we are all human, full of mistakes and full of shit, even those of us who occasionally run around on 4 legs and sniff our own butts. Compromise is the key to any relationship, accepting your lover's faults. Remus knew who and what Sirius was when they became involved. Why be surprised when Sirius acts like Sirius?
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hobaggins @ October 15 2003, 12:15:20 UTC |
Why be surprised when Sirius acts like Sirius?
And why be surprised when Remus realizes that Sirius is acting like Sirius and he hasn't grown up and he's exactly the same as he always has been?
I think that maybe Remus was always nursing that hope that Sirius would mature and understand and be there. Remus shouldn't have to compromise on an issue like his husband wanting to sleep with a Death Eater who wants Harry dead! Sirius hasn't grown up. Remus is being the mature one here, and forcing himself to let go.
jacay @ October 15 2003, 20:03:41 UTC Re: Dudes... |
Wow, man. That was the most immature thing I've seen all day. XD