luna_lg @ 2003-10-15 17:27:00 |
Snape is most definitely pissed!
Mood: awake
Meep! Fifty points, a month's worth of detention, and banned from the Hallowe'en ball!!! Poor Neville! *wibblewibble*
...then again, part of me (well, several parts, if you call the chibis in my head "parts of me") says that he actually deserved it for brewing something VERY close to the Draught of Sleeping Death.
On the bright side, though, this shows that Snape really does care for his students, even though he's so mean that he makes first years cry on their very first week there...
jupistrahan @ October 15 2003, 14:38:16 UTC |
Pissed, you say? I think he's rather pleased with himself, being able to take *that* many points from a student (and a Gryffindor, at that) without the other teachers getting on his case about it - it was a completely deserved punishment on Neville's part. :O *stalks Snape and Sirius*
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Anonymous @ October 15 2003, 15:09:21 UTC |
Meep! Fifty points, a month's worth of detention, and banned from the Hallowe'en ball!!! Poor Neville! *wibblewibble*
He deserves it. What was he thinking? He's terrible at potions.
I'd like to know what's going on with Neville, if only because, since I don't see any problems going on with him, I just see him as a big cry-baby lately. And that's horrible. But really, why should he be having problems sleeping, etc? If I knew, I might feel some actual sympathy for him. As it is now, whenever I see a post by Neville, I just tend to just roll my eyes and wonder what he's being depressed about this time.
annotated_em @ October 15 2003, 15:16:41 UTC |
Hmm. Well, isn't he effectively as much an orphan as Harry, since his parents are in St. Mungo's with no hope of recovering? And his grandmother had that stroke earlier this summer. That was after his prospective Muggle girlfriend threw him over for someone else. If I recall correctly, he's also been having bad nightmares consistently about whatever it is that's behind his memory block... I think Neville's probably due his fair share of angst. [grin] Which is fun, because I like my boys angsty....
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a_player @ October 16 2003, 06:52:22 UTC |
Yeah, that just about covers it. Also, maybe his roommates are preoccupied, so he's feeling even a little lonelier than usual.
Neville's player
annotated_em @ October 16 2003, 19:59:12 UTC |
I just want to snuggle poor Neville so much right now... [snuggles Neville's player instead]
(parent)meifu_shinigami @ October 15 2003, 16:53:48 UTC |
But aren't Draco and Harry also banned from the ball? (^^)?
Or was that some other ball?
luna_lg @ October 15 2003, 17:08:16 UTC |
No, it's the Hallowe'en ball.
Hmmmmmmmmmm...I wonder...perhaps Neville will finally help us discover the truth about those two "rivaling" boys...
meifu_shinigami @ October 16 2003, 04:08:32 UTC |
It's not likely to be a question of voluntarity (is there even such a word? ^^"), more of a question of intentionality. We all know that Neville has a habit of showing up places where he's least expected, or worse, wanted. XD
If he shows up in time to see the two in a rather... compromising situation....
bobbery @ October 15 2003, 17:31:09 UTC isn't it customary to provide the link (or links in this case) to the post being addressed? |
I'm too curious about what is behind Neville's memory block. And damn him for being stupid and drinking a potion he made himself! Was he going for the Draught of Sleeping Death?
Oh, whatever could it be that is being kept from him?
bookofjude @ June 22 2004, 11:52:31 UTC |
omg i love you. i was just reading the archives and i was looking for the link to this post :)) thnx loz. :-*
(parent)noirenails @ October 15 2003, 22:57:29 UTC |
So I'm not the only person with chibis in my head. 5w33+!
(parent)slightlights @ October 17 2003, 10:41:31 UTC |
It's interesting that despite Snape's mood of "smug", he used his "suspicious" icon, which works against that. That's what he calls it, "suspicious", but to me, the picture 'feels' more wibbly/nervous than anything, and that Snape looks (again, to me; YMMV) anything but smug and self-assured. Hmmm.
(parent)black_dog @ October 17 2003, 19:07:18 UTC |
Well, we're taking it for granted that Neville screwed up the potion because he's Neville. But actually, his roommates may have just panicked when they couldn't wake him up, and the potion seems to have done exactly what he needed it to do -- given him enough undisturbed deep sleep to recuperate. Perhaps Snape is rattled that Neville was able to come up with a potion that was actually as effective as intended. And perhaps this feeds into Snape's rather paranoid sense last summer (can't find link) that Neville is more powerful than he's been letting on.
We actually haven't seen much of comically-paranoid!Snape in a while.
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Anonymous @ October 17 2003, 13:38:29 UTC |
What I don't get is Parvati's comment ( on Snape's post... what do you think she means? Is she fed up with Neville, or what?
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Anonymous @ October 17 2003, 15:34:07 UTC |
I think she thinks Neville bitches and moans too much. He tends to post every time he sees a caterpillar or sneezes or anything. Strike that, make that anything. (Plus, he's been getting pretty cosy with Padma recently, which might be a source of irritation for Parvati.)