hobaggins @ 2003-10-16 23:59:00 |
Neville - Redige spell a success
Mood: nervous
Neville does the Redige spell with Sirius again, and this time it works. His memory block was of his parents.
omfg go s0x!!!!1!!!
EDIT: Er. I just screened like twenty+ s0x posts if you're wondering what happened to onthehillside,
notapipe and my terrible witty/aborribly crushed responses to the game. Weep for our loss.
imochan @ October 16 2003, 21:10:38 UTC |
and etc.
windtear @ October 16 2003, 22:35:43 UTC Re: OT with a bullet. |
To the baseball fans: I am Australian. I do know what baseball is, and have played it in state-sanctioned torture sessions P.E. class, but apart from that I have no idea what's going on. If you could please mark baseball-themed posts in the subject so I could avoid further bemusement that would be very kind and much appreciated.
Secondly... oh my. Neville, I want to pick you up and give you a big hug. That 'And now I remember everything' does not sound good.
anoni @ October 17 2003, 07:41:19 UTC Re: OT with a bullet. |
I read baseball manga. *Lots* of baseball manga. The problem is that every tad of information I know happens to be in Chinese, so when people talk about baseball in RL, I just sit and stare. XD
And no, it doesn't, does it? ::wibbles::
I'm curious, now. o.o
anoni @ October 17 2003, 21:09:34 UTC Re: OT (very) ^^;; |
Well, no. Unfortunately. ^_^ (Wow... I read non-slash manga? o.o) I'm talking about "Touch" and "H2" by Mitsuru Adachi. There are actually some slashable characters, but they... ::cough:: *feel* straight. XD
"Touch" scanslations can be found here under the 'fun' section, at mangaproject.cjb.net or on IRC (#MangaProject). "H2" scans are done by Adachi's Universe and can be found here. Overall, I like "Touch" better, but the beginning of "H2" volumes are undeniably cool.
Now... in a pathetic attempt to return to the topic ^^;, Neville hasn't clarified anything. Wonder when he'll do so. ::is lame, yes::
tabiji @ October 17 2003, 02:19:33 UTC |
When I read, "I saw Mum and Dad. I saw them" I took it that "them" wasn't a second reference to his parents, but that he also saw the DE's.
Poor Nev, I just wanna hug him and squeeze him.
Thanks h0 for screening the baseball stuff! :)
merlion @ October 17 2003, 08:52:04 UTC |
I'm taking it to mean that he was WITH his parents when they were attacked. *wibble*
(parent)tabiji @ October 17 2003, 10:12:41 UTC |
Hmmm. NA is following canon by having Neville's b-day listed at the end of July. I'm not sure if that's always been his birthdate, or if they changed it after OotP, but it looks like they're trying to work at least some of the prophecy stuff into NA.
If he did see it, Snape could have been right about Neville potentially being a really powerful wizard, because otherwise he wouldn't have been likely to survive.
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jacay @ October 17 2003, 07:24:27 UTC |
Neville is so melodramatic, but man, he so has the right. Going through all this crap, it's amazing he can even bear to post.
(parent)luna_lg @ October 17 2003, 09:10:40 UTC |
I fully agree. That's pure Gryffindor guts right there.
Apparently...he actually saw what had truly happened with his parents. And it totally shocked him. Poor kid... ;_; *wibble* I only hope that his friends could support him thru this trying time...
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Anonymous @ October 17 2003, 13:22:26 UTC |
You know, this could end up being an interesting avenue for Sirius to focus on. Being there with Neville when he experienced such an affecting memory -- if Sirius *doesn't* exhibit some kind of nurturing reaction, I think it would solidify a rather more negative impression I could have of him. But if he *does* maybe make an effort to be there for Neville, despite the continued discomfort in his (Sirius') own personal life...well, I'd be impressed, and I think it would be a wonderful aspect of him to explore. For the people he loves the most, he might not be able to be what they need/come through for them. But maybe he could succeed in that way for Neville.
Don't know.
dari_brit @ October 17 2003, 13:58:11 UTC |
Wordy von Wordenstein. To see a closer relationship develop between Sirius and Neville would be absolutely wonderful, and would go a long way towards pushing public opinion of Sirius back towards "fallible human, with both flaws and gifts" and away from "omfg wut a total Jerk!11!1!!"
Even though this is OBVIOUSLY a slash-friendly list, I would like to say that developments of Sirius/Neville would be a Very Weird Thing. I know that the Powers that Be have decreed no student/teacher, so I'm not actually prophecying here. But the fact that my mind is blown so completely by that pairing shows that possibilities of the relationship and connections between Sirius and Neville have not been explored in fanon to the degree that they should be.
*sits on lid of suddenly exploding Plot Bunny Box*
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jacay @ October 17 2003, 16:16:45 UTC |
The Powers that Be have decreed that? Oh, poo. I was just thinking that, with all these twisted pairings here (PLAUSIBLE H/D, Snupin, etc), it's a wonder there haven't been student/teacher things, and now I know why. Whee.