aposiopeses @ 2003-10-26 18:20:00 |
Lucius posts
And it appears that the Malfoys are going to have a "Hallowe'en Gala".
w00t, anyone?
luna_lg @ October 26 2003, 16:46:20 UTC |
Not unless Neville actually spots Harry and Draco snoggin!!! XD
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chasingwhispers @ October 26 2003, 01:48:17 UTC |
The staff... hmm. Which professors have to stay behind and supervise the Hallowe'en Ball at Hogwarts? I vaguely remember a request from McGonagall, ah, here it is:
Professors Snape, Flitwick, Vector and Wiglorn, please see me. You have been selected to chaperone. Professor Lupin, you may take the day and evening off.
Mwuhahaa! So Remus and Sev are to be separated. That is, if Remus attends the Malfoys (which he might not since he despises Lucius)... But if he does, then potential Sirius/Remus interaction while Sev is busy chaperoning? We all know the evils of alcohol and the usual chaos of NA parties...
Oh I have bad, bad thoughts.
*Crosses fingers for a bitch-fight between Hooch & Narcissa... And of course, H/D Banned-From-Ball-Together Action!!!*
peccavium @ October 26 2003, 01:57:44 UTC |
Hm, I can't imagine Remus attending, as even his manner with Narcissa has been frosty lately. But if Sirius goes, woe betide him.
woe betide US.
I wonder if Remus doesn't go to the Hogwarts ball as Snape's date...
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chasingwhispers @ October 26 2003, 01:11:03 UTC |
That would definitely be a much cheerier arrangement. At least, I think so. *Ships Sev/Remus* Hope you're right!
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Anonymous @ October 26 2003, 02:44:07 UTC |
The Halloween ball is on the 31st itself and the Malfoys' gala is on the 1st, though, so they can go to the Malfoys'.
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chasingwhispers @ October 26 2003, 02:49:56 UTC |
Gah! I am a fool. But hey -- hangovers might be a factor? (Yeah. I like to clutch at straws.) Oh well, even more potential chaos! *Bounces* Still dubious if Remus or Sev would even go to the Malfoys anyway. Shall see. I apologise for my date mix-up stupidity anyway! *Smacks forehead*
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handful @ October 26 2003, 02:47:29 UTC |
Oy. Officially, I know this won't end well. I mean, come on. Do Malfoy parties EVER end well? Really.
Sheesh. It's like Mary Tyler Moore all over again.
saffronlie @ October 26 2003, 03:23:50 UTC |
Does an N_A party ever end well? Really, they should all be contained in the one room when a celebration occurs, given a cupcake each and some pumpkin juice in a paper cup, and sent to bed quietly after a civilised game of musical chairs (wands confiscated beforehand so no hexing when you miss out on a chair). Except that we get much more drama this way. :D
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handful @ October 26 2003, 14:07:45 UTC |
Dude, that'd be such a riot. I can just see someone nameless admonishing purestblood 'Now, play nicely or there'll be no cake for you.'
luna_lg @ October 27 2003, 16:41:41 UTC |
*snickers* Good one!
And-- *looks at the icon* BWahohohohoooo!! XD Excellent icon!
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Anonymous @ October 26 2003, 12:24:42 UTC |
Pronounce the zeros as "o"s. Woot. It's a sound you make when you're excited about something.
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Anonymous @ October 26 2003, 14:20:12 UTC |
I always thought it was indicative of certain colorful hand gestures, myself...
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hobaggins @ October 26 2003, 06:59:51 UTC |
I hope Harry doesn't go.
I don't want him at the manor. That doesn't seem very safe to me.
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Anonymous @ October 26 2003, 07:57:33 UTC |
The title on the post of the invite is Hogwarts Professors and Staff so I doubt you'll have to worry about Harry going. Draco only went last year I think because his mother requested his presence.
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hobaggins @ October 26 2003, 08:00:41 UTC |
melody2tds @ October 26 2003, 08:36:00 UTC |
Looking forward to this. N_A parties are always so much fun. lol
And compliments to Lucius's player for effective use of brushes on the graphic... It's absolutely lovely. Von Holdt makes to die for brushes. But dammit... Now I need to go and change my LJ graphics, I was going for unique.
tjstein @ October 26 2003, 09:33:55 UTC |
Did anyone take a look at the text in the lower left hand side?
Looks to me like : "In real life as in dreams, nothing is ever quite what it seems." or something to that effect.
Gosh, I'd hate to think that the Malfoys are up to something. Luring the Hogwarts professors away from the school for a party on a Saturday night? Hmmmm...
Where are the conspiracy theorists when I need them?
small_rodent @ October 26 2003, 16:13:07 UTC |
His mood is devious... I have a very bad feeling about this. Or a good feeling, depending on how you look at it :P