tocomfortyou @ 2003-10-31 00:43:00 |
The Witching Hour..
Mood: celebratory!
Happy Birthday, lupercus!
And Happy Hallowe'en!
blue_raven @ October 31 2003, 01:07:48 UTC |
It's almost November First here, so I had better get this in quickly.
Happy Birthday!
lazy_daze @ October 31 2003, 01:47:45 UTC |
Happy Birthday lupercus!
Happy Halloween everyone!
noirenails @ October 31 2003, 02:49:41 UTC |
Happy birthday, Remmy, you sweet n' adorable lil' wolfie! (urgh, the cuteness...)
And happy Hallowe'en, everyone...;D
noirenails @ October 31 2003, 02:51:17 UTC |
Uh, sorry that comment was supposed to be for everyone, but I click and post before thinking and am too lazy to delete my replies...
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ October 31 2003, 11:35:06 UTC |
Any thoughts re Narcissa's ( gift to him ( I mean, what an interesting choice. The excerpts from the book could almost be an apology, or an attempt at explaining why she went back to Lucius; or could be an admonishment to him. Or a warning.
Or could be nothing at all, of course, but a thoughtful and unique gift. But still makes me wonder.
bentley @ October 31 2003, 15:11:49 UTC |
Is it just me, or do the extracts appear to contradict Seamus's birthday wishes?
Either way, I thought it was a very nice present, whether it has alterior motives or not.
deerlike @ October 31 2003, 18:36:53 UTC |
I was thinking something along those lines too, actually. But here's my take:
Considering that Oscar Wilde wrote that almost as an admonition to his lover Bosie...and taking into consideration the absinthe-induced infidelities of this perhaps a subtle hint on Narcissa's part, for Remus to resolve something with Sirius during the Halloween Gala? Or does it merely reflect on her view of their relationship?
All of this makes me wonder what will happen at the Halloween Gala -- N_A never has disappointed us with their feasts and festivals. ;)
deerlike @ October 31 2003, 18:40:10 UTC |
But yes, it could be simply a wonderful gift. I'd rather it was that, but the conspiracy-theorist in me won't shut it. *kicks it* Personally, I salivated upon seeing it, and rather covet owning it. ^-^;
(parent)snackbreak @ November 1 2003, 14:11:29 UTC |
About your icon... the first thing that popped into my head when recently playing that game was "Ohmy! It is harry/draco!" ... well, you know, before harry/draco anyway.
Also, very nice present... it's times like these I wish I was acquainted with the Malfoys.
deerlike @ November 1 2003, 19:25:39 UTC |
Haha, yes! S/S is so H/D. Although, I was actually introduced to H/D after reading S/S (which was my first 'yaoi' pairing of sorts), so for me, it was actually the other way around. Or something. Anyway, it sort of went like this:
Me: ...ohmygod! Draco has Squall's eyes, and Harry has Seifer's eyes, but it's really the other way around, personality-wise! AND THE SHEER CHEMISTRY OF IT -- OMGOMGOMG! Nemesis-smut! *squeee*
And life was good. *g*
bentley @ October 31 2003, 15:05:45 UTC |
Happy birthday, Remus, though you say you don't care for it. May you find your Robert Ross within this lifetime.
(parent)tabiji @ November 1 2003, 01:05:52 UTC Am late, but still, |
And to Remus' player, I seriously hate that there are so few photos of Thewlis, 'cause I'm dying to do manips of him!!