nraged_luthien @ 2003-11-02 21:04:00 |
(no title)
Music: "Last one alive" Vast
Sevvie got rid of his "content" icon.
This makes me sad.
However, his "enraged" icon is incredibly amusing.
I'm just hoping he doesnt use his "through with you" icon on Remus. Heh.
Edit: Aghh, Justin! -dies- He did the "can't hurt a girl" thing! KILLLL!!!! -jumps on Justin and gnaws on his neck-
zorb @ November 2 2003, 21:50:22 UTC |
Oh god, that "enraged" icon makes me think very, very bad things. And when I say bad, I mean good. *dies*
(parent)longtimegone @ November 2 2003, 21:59:15 UTC |
AHAHAHA! You have a very dirty mind. *approves*
(parent)deerlike @ November 2 2003, 22:40:00 UTC |
*snerk* You're not the only one. :D That man causes multiple-somethings every day, and whether it's deaths or orgasms, I have yet to figure out.
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hobaggins @ November 2 2003, 22:11:00 UTC |
He changed his default to "untrusting." Hm. I was really liking his ghost-movie-esque icon, with the hand.
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Anonymous @ November 3 2003, 02:56:36 UTC |
Not only that, but he added one of himself with his back turned labelled "through with you."
saffronlie @ November 3 2003, 04:56:20 UTC |
Which is slightly scary. I hope nothing bad's happened with him and Lupin already. Snape strikes me as the type to never ever trust, and then when he does give in it doesn't take much to make him retreat again.
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Anonymous @ November 3 2003, 05:37:08 UTC |
Exactly. If something *did* happen, it seems it could only involve Sirius. Lupin has no intimite history/interaction with any other adult males other than Sirius and Snape, both of whom featured frequently over the weekend.
I'm not quite as familiar with the RPG as some of the others here. Do the players consistently foreshadow in their posts, so that even if an event happens off-journal, readers will have good evidence of what it must have been? If so, and if something happened between Sirius and Lupin to make Snape back off, maybe it had something to do with "Snape" sneaking disheveledly out of Lupin's room Halloween night? "Snape" in that case being Sirius in costume, which the real Snape would know because he'd know it wasn't himself. But, if that was the case, possibly Lupin wouldn't have known, either; would Snape have bothered to ask?
Or, er, maybe NA does things off-journal, and there's no way to know what happened.
I'm deadly curious though.
saffronlie @ November 3 2003, 17:45:00 UTC |
Hmm, the thing with N_A is that we'll never know *exactly* what happens outside of the journals, and that just kills us nragers, but the players are very good at hints and foreshadows. Even something as seemingly minor as an icon change can have great repercussions, at least in our theory-mad minds. A good motto for following N_A is probably "wait and see", really. Things are almost never what they seem, but careful examination can turn up more than what's not being said.
Did that make sense? I've just woken up, I swear!
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Anonymous @ November 3 2003, 07:37:03 UTC |
Did anyone notice the lyrics in Remus's user info? Or the fact that he has "padfoot" in his interests again?
I'm probably reading too much into it, but I just thought i'd post my findings. And sorry if this is old news. I'm a bit slow on the uptake.
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Anonymous @ November 3 2003, 13:01:27 UTC |
I believe(correct me if I'm wrong) that padfoot has always been in Rem's interests. I think. I'm almost certain...Oh, and I think it was Snape and Remus who slept together, something I saw that was gold starred. I think it was something about those notes that Remus found and that they weren't planning to sleep together, it just happened...yeah.
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Anonymous @ November 3 2003, 13:14:29 UTC |
Yeah, I'm the person that just posted anonymously and I'm sort of replying to myself because I really need to get this off my chest, and what better place to do it than Nraged. Ok, I HATE Severus and Remus. With a passion. It makes me sick to think about them together. I really want Sirius and Remus back together. Nothing seems right about Severus and Remus. Snape is an ass to Harry, too. I mean, if my parent slept with someone who treated me like dog poop I would be royally pissed. I would cry like a 2 year old who couldn't have a cookie. And besides that, what the heck is the difference between Sirius sleeping with Lucius and Remus sleeping with Severus? There is none. Sirius hates Snape, Remus hates Malfoy. And honestly, I understand that Snape needs to be loved too, but he's such a jackass to Harry. We all know this. And I also know that I am incredibly frustrated about all of this, and thinking about it takes up too much of my time. I swear though, I get so darn wrapped up in NA that I think I'm a part of it or something. And ok, I'm done. Sorry for my swearing, but I'm a frustrated girl who wants a happy ending!!! Hehe. Bye now.
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Anonymous @ November 4 2003, 03:27:38 UTC |
I love you right back! ;) At least someone feels the same.
(parent)inomhe @ November 3 2003, 16:15:14 UTC |
ya guys seen this? follow-up on the seamus's birthday present. awfully presumptuous of a 'gift' to give to his teacher in the first place, but this conversation sure is cute.