neviachiel @ 2003-11-04 00:09:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
Well, we all knew it was going to happen as soon as possible. potterstinks not only has a new layout, but also has decided to get some more userpics. Color me surprised.
![]() |
Anonymous @ November 3 2003, 22:17:47 UTC |
Er, whoops. That isn't a new layout. LJ is being odd and changed my entire journal to an extremely old layout. However, I am glad you posted about it, as otherwise I'd not have known.
(parent)neviachiel @ November 3 2003, 22:18:47 UTC |
Well, you're welcome then. Personally I did like the newer one better, so I was a bit surprised.
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ November 3 2003, 22:23:04 UTC |
Though the other one is quite nice looking, I can't stand reading from such a tiny box.
(parent)mordororbust @ November 3 2003, 23:19:08 UTC |
I suspect Draco's new collection of (stunning, exemplary, alluring, perfect, classic, and chiseled) icons has broken LJ with it's incredible stunning-ness. My journal is ugly. Why?
(parent)![]() |
Anonymous @ November 3 2003, 23:26:18 UTC |
LJ has randomly changed a few people's layouts. It's completely irritating.
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hobaggins @ November 3 2003, 23:20:14 UTC |
Er. Is potterstinks going back and changing his old entries icons?
Everyonce in a while it hits me how hardcore NA is.
Er. Am shocked and awed.
saffronlie @ November 3 2003, 23:37:46 UTC |
I know, aren't they perfect? An icon for any occasion! He needn't bother using mere words in his comments now, but should just let the icons speak for themselves.
(parent)deerlike @ November 4 2003, 05:00:30 UTC |
It definitely brings new meaning to the phrase, "a picture is worth a thousand words". ;)
(parent)zorb @ November 4 2003, 00:13:57 UTC |
The last one is the best. "I have more icons than you do." Yes, dear, you certainly do.
(parent)selene_rain @ November 4 2003, 00:03:38 UTC |
The Weasleys seem to have taken advantage and added a few new icons as well.
(parent)snackbreak @ November 4 2003, 09:26:25 UTC |
LOL! Arthur's icon descriptions crack me up, especially "this is a bit lip-chewy"
(parent)peccavium @ November 4 2003, 01:27:16 UTC |
Because what is an nraged post without ps/j_h speculation:
Draco has very obviously manipulated two (possibly more) of his icons to include Harry- "I will not stand for harrassment" and "I am heroically noble", in the latter you will note Harry is checking out Draco's arse. Whut, you don't?
Also, there's beautiful manipulation on "I am exceedingly popular" to include the NA personalities of Pansy and Millicent.
Glad to see PS is struggling through this time of sockless despair.
lazy_daze @ November 4 2003, 07:09:58 UTC |
:O I see him! Squidged right in the corner of the two icons! Awww.
(parent)sistermagpie @ November 4 2003, 06:44:33 UTC |
I don't think I can even pick a favorite, though "suffer unfairly," "chiseled," "shocked and appalled," "throne," and "popular" would all be in the running. What I also love is I know he'll make the effort to use them.
I love the one with the Grangers too.
Go N_A players with new icons!
catiadoodle @ November 4 2003, 14:02:31 UTC |
Yeah, those new icons are really nice! The Delightfully Dark is just too cute.
I know I'm wrong, but I can't help to see some kind of meaning in the fact that Harry is present on some of them. Like Draco is publicly acknowledging him as a part of his life... And acknowledging him, of course, in an ironical way, as the 2 icons are the "noble hero" and the "harassment" ones.
I also like the one with Pansy and M.B.