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ex_orangeglo298 @ 2003-11-04 17:57:00 |
(no title)
Mood: quixotic
goyle's writing hurts my eyes.
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Anonymous @ November 4 2003, 15:01:42 UTC |
Me, too. I think someone gifted in translating internet-speak should translate for the rest of us.
(parent)whoyouinvent @ November 4 2003, 15:13:35 UTC |
I'll agree to that too. the first time i read it was at work (bad, bad me) and could not bring myself to be caught reading it. although i suppose i might be able to pass it off as a younger cousin... ?
(parent)neviachiel @ November 4 2003, 15:17:15 UTC |
I second that. I had to read it aloud to understand it, and even then I hit snags. *blinks several times*
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Anonymous @ November 4 2003, 15:23:35 UTC To the best of my translation. . . . |
[? Our?] party was [bloody? blurry?] good.
Dressed as frog again haha bet you didn't see that one coming haha! Miles off, eh? Well I made it brown so I was a giant chocolate frog like all them ones that Colin has (HAHA ""HAD"" if I have much to do with it!) anyway I was gonna write before but nothing much has happened Crabbe said I'm stupid for saying nothing had happened when it has but nothing much different has happened you see strange stuff happens all the time and it's not very unusual if you know what I mean. Why why why are all my socks weird? I didn't think they were weird but apparently so?? I think I am getting smart sounds a brilliant thing to be smart haha but not for Granger cause her Muggle head will explode! I wish I could see that Draco swears blind (without swearing actually, teachers) that her head will explode I only say I want to be around when it does!!! Is Muggle blood a different colour to pureblood colour? It must be cause it's diluted! Silly shift key. Anyway I am dumb apparently but I can speak so I shouldn't be! And anyway if I was smart I think my head would explode too I want to see this but not at expense of my own head! Besides I just [thought?] I can't see my own head explode I would be too busy exploding to see it! Silly me. Why why why is someone yelling return at me? Return return return. Why should I return? Return where? Oh apparently it means i should use the return key but what has it ever done for me that's what I want to know.
Anyway school has been sort of crazy everyone is panicking about exams I say they'll come but some are saying we'll all die horribly the day before in our dreams! Why will we die the day before in our dreams? I hope it is true I cannot and will not understand translation in Transfiguration, not if my life depended on it and I'm perfectly sure it does!
Just been told Muggle blood is same colour as pureblood what a let down! Bet it smells different though. Like burnt toast or summat. House-elves burn toast a lot I have discovered I must discovered why maybe they are mad at the Gryffindorks SPEW or whatever their antihouse-elves campaign is.
Well I have to go and practise my wand swinging. I swang it good last lesson but the wrong way!!! Haha silly me.
Yours faithfully
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 4 2003, 15:55:37 UTC Re: To the best of my translation. . . . |
would you like a code?
(parent)whoyouinvent @ November 4 2003, 16:51:42 UTC Re: To the best of my translation. . . . |
yay, thank you!!!
(parent)redbowties @ November 4 2003, 17:15:12 UTC Re: To the best of my translation. . . . |
You totally own, thanks bunches. I gave up like, half way into the first sentence. lol.
(parent)inomhe @ November 4 2003, 20:54:03 UTC Re: To the best of my translation. . . . |
um.. have you got the title, by any chance? great with the translation. but ive just been staring blankly at 'nossie callad gave' for far too long. can anyone help? odd odd boy, he is.
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Anonymous @ November 4 2003, 23:06:03 UTC Re: To the best of my translation. . . . |
No clue. I couldn't figure it out either.
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Anonymous @ November 9 2003, 04:11:31 UTC Re: To the best of my translation. . . . |
nossie callad gave??? wurris loony wuvring abowt noe?>??
"Nos calad gaeaf" is the Welsh name for Samhain, or, Halloween.
saffronlie @ November 5 2003, 01:06:29 UTC Re: To the best of my translation. . . . |
It is so, so strange to read Goyle's thoughts all coherent-like. Thanks for the translation, though. I think the title of the post must be about some sort of animal that Loony, ie Lupin, is talking about. I wouldn't be surprised if Goyle wrote his entry while in Magical Creatures class. And how funny is it that he signs 'Yours faithfully'? :D
(parent)nraged_luthien @ November 4 2003, 15:48:10 UTC |
I can't bring myself to try to read his writing.
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hezzabeth @ November 4 2003, 17:05:47 UTC |
I think that deep down Goyle is'nt as stupid as every one makes him out to be, I also found it odd how Draco gently corrected Goyle's spelling even though Goyle has spelt his name wrong before on many of occasion.
(parent)onthehillside @ November 4 2003, 17:27:11 UTC |
Yes, that was a little gentle for Draco. He also used his "alarmed but composed" icon, which is not snarky at all.
(parent)noirenails @ November 4 2003, 22:08:14 UTC |
Maybe he's getting soft? Or maybe he was tired or something? *hint hint*
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ponymouse @ November 4 2003, 23:58:08 UTC |
Haha! But of course, we'd never really know. *sigh*
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hezzabeth @ November 4 2003, 23:52:50 UTC |
His been in such a funny mood lately, even his post about Slytherin first years loosing their points was'nt filled with his usual " this is an outrage" rants.