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ex_orangeglo298 @ 2003-11-07 18:25:00 |
Concerning Socks
Mood: quixotic
I got really bored. And the subject of socks is simply too important to ignore.
caten @ November 7 2003, 15:51:01 UTC |
OMG, me loffs!!! That is so cute. Get bored again. Please?
(and btw, it took my browser about one sec to load this. *hugs computer*)
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 7 2003, 17:09:10 UTC |
lucky with the fast comp! thanks! i expect to get bored very often...
(parent)maggie_malfoy @ November 7 2003, 16:27:43 UTC |
!!!!11!!!11234!!!!!! OMGWTFLOL!!!
*adores you*
Marry me?
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 7 2003, 17:10:24 UTC |
hehee thanks. who can reject a proposal like that?
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 7 2003, 17:12:10 UTC |
have you tried the whole refreshing or right click show picture? otherwise, i've no idea what's wrong. :[ if they still don't show i can always e them to you.
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fourscore @ November 7 2003, 17:14:43 UTC |
Yes. :/ I'm on DSL too, but they are just showing up as red x's (and so is your mood pic, for that matter).
(parent)dragynville @ November 7 2003, 16:38:45 UTC |
omigodyouaresofabulous! :D
yes, get bored more often. ;D
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 7 2003, 17:12:52 UTC |
ah yes, boredom produces wonderful stuff, doesn't it. :]
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 7 2003, 17:16:21 UTC |
^___^ i'm glad everyone can see them and like them.
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 7 2003, 17:17:59 UTC |
hm. the 'ron anger' icon was not the one i meant to use.... and so i must make a comment to inform everyone of this.
(parent)anatidae @ November 7 2003, 17:40:09 UTC |
Oh my god, this is a conspiracy!
All these gooey, adorable and cute images are just to show off your icons!
*Knew it*
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 7 2003, 17:45:18 UTC |
conspiracy?? what conspiracy??
*makes note to plan more subtle conspiracies*
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 7 2003, 17:46:40 UTC |
pff. not having a default icon makes it difficult when you respond by email.
(parent)petitesl @ November 7 2003, 17:09:31 UTC |
You are a beautiful, inspiring, amazing, loverly, wonderful, insert adjective here person.
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 7 2003, 17:14:57 UTC |
lol. female/woman/girl/lady/etc. and thanks!
(parent)plebeonwheels @ November 7 2003, 17:22:35 UTC |
lunadeath02 @ November 7 2003, 18:11:57 UTC |
heh. sorry. Those are so cute!! That's probably what happened too, no doubt! ^___^
jacinthsong @ November 8 2003, 04:53:08 UTC |
That made me laugh almost as much as the original cartoon. Hee.
(parent)hermione_like @ November 7 2003, 18:51:59 UTC |
Hehe! How in the world did you make their outfits look so real? Did you just superimpose (or whatever it's called) the clips of their uniforms onto those pictures?
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 8 2003, 14:43:43 UTC |
After I screencapped the South Park version onto my PSP I took a movie pic of Harry and Draco and used the clone brush tool to brush on the ties and 'slytherin' 'gryffindor' things. So, yeah, superimposed, I think.
(parent)therealycats @ November 7 2003, 20:49:20 UTC |
EEEE!! South Park Hogwarts! :D
You wouldn't happen to know where that site moved to, would you? The last few times I've tried to go there I get a broken link :(
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 8 2003, 14:49:00 UTC |
South Park Hogwarts? Um... I didn't know there was one. I know of a Smallville meets South Park... But I made the South Park Harry & Draco with this site:
therealycats @ November 8 2003, 15:26:29 UTC |
The South Park Hogwarts is what I'm calling what you did. Like I did a South Park Buffy.
Thanks for the link. They must have moved it...I always get a German error page and all I remember from German is "Machen Sie den Uberkorper frei!"
purplelavender @ November 7 2003, 21:36:02 UTC |
that little cartoon is so cute, good on ya..
(parent)sbbo @ November 8 2003, 13:35:30 UTC |
Can I just say that I love your icon? I remember that little cartoon. I think I still have the link somewhere...I hope I do.
bentley @ November 9 2003, 02:03:52 UTC |
Can I just say that not only is that absolutely glompable, but you also have some of the most squeeworthy icons I've ever seen. Do you draw those yourself? Your Ron-Hermione heart one is just brilliant, though I'm not a shipper.
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ex_orangeglo298 @ November 9 2003, 07:40:03 UTC |
nope! the prettiness comes from his address:
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Anonymous @ November 9 2003, 12:29:57 UTC |
What is the equivalent word for "slash" in Japanese?