annotated_em @ 2003-11-09 22:50:00 |
(no title)
Mood: amused
Snape has posted. The Slytherins are raking in points, and he's managed a nice little dig at the recent Weasley tragedy.
Oh, and Sirius is weighing in. ^___^
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Anonymous @ November 9 2003, 20:21:17 UTC |
he's managed a nice little dig at the recent Weasley tragedy.
God, Snape is so petty. I find myself disliking him more and more with every post. Really, that's uncalled for.
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Anonymous @ November 9 2003, 20:43:27 UTC |
I love it. He's more canon than he's ever been. Much, much more.
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Anonymous @ November 9 2003, 20:55:15 UTC |
Oh, I certainly think it's canon. I also think it's bastardly. What if people made a crack like that if his pet died? Insensitive prick is what he is.
(parent)redbowties @ November 9 2003, 21:49:54 UTC |
Could you honestly imagine Severus Snape having any other response?
I do find it amusing, because one: they are the Weasleys, and two: they made two posts about it and a zillion comments in one of Draco's entries.
We are sad, but I think Severus was making a small point in his behavior: one post is enough.
Even Aruthur admitted he got a bit carried away. So shush. >:O Snape rocks!
redbowties @ November 10 2003, 23:15:10 UTC |
Good thing I told you, huh?
:( the starting string of Sirius' posts... he seems so..desperate..clingy..holding on to something that isn't really there anymore! *wibble*
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ponymouse @ November 10 2003, 23:17:42 UTC |
I used to be such a huge fan of Sirius/Remus but now I've grown accustomed to the Remus/Snape hints and...yeah. Sirius is definitely depressing me. *wibbles along*
(parent)redbowties @ November 10 2003, 23:19:43 UTC |
My OTP is Remus/Sirius..but I'm not minding the Severus/Remus..speaking of which, why isn't our friendly potions master rushing in and cuddling our poor Remus! He needs some love, dammit!
Hopefully Seamus can suffice.
*sniff* poor Siri...have he and Harry made up yet?
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ponymouse @ November 10 2003, 23:27:38 UTC |
My OTP's the same, too. [Well, really it's H/D but seeing as how there's no H/D present at the moment...] BUt on N_A I can't help but love the Snape/Remus.
And Snape is busy with that foul-up Hermione had.
AND Seamus ran away!
I can't help but think of the quote "While the cat's away the mice shall play." [Hope I got that right...]
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ponymouse @ November 10 2003, 23:28:37 UTC |
No idea about what's going on between Sirius and Harry, though...
(parent)redbowties @ November 10 2003, 23:32:49 UTC |
Harry needs to apologize..I want the happy family-ness again! >( Silly Potter..probably too busy having non-dates with Draco to care about Sirius.
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ponymouse @ November 10 2003, 23:36:58 UTC |
I know. I mean, it's been a long time, hasn't it? Months, actually.
Still, you can't blame him. Sirius was flirting around with someone who wouldn't mind seeing Harry dead. I'm still so peeved over that...
redbowties @ November 10 2003, 23:38:48 UTC |
omgosh, me too..and he really ruined things between everyone in doing so...
I'm glad to see that he and Remus are talking again. Let's hope some good comes out of this..but then again, knowing N_A..Sev could get uber jealous and chaos could ensue..*wibbles again*
redbowties @ November 10 2003, 23:30:48 UTC |
But you can hope! H/D are one of my ships. Yeah, it's so...needed; you know? (I can't really find the right word for the Snape/'s good though, very good..but good doesn't quite cover.)
Stupid beaver. But then again...Sirius might bring soup!
Yes, I hope they do play, and they make up. Then they can 'play' some more!
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ponymouse @ November 10 2003, 23:41:42 UTC |
How about "guh"? Or "aww"? I seem to say that a lot whenever Snape/Remus is involved. ^^;
But then again...Sirius might bring soup!
But he just said he didn't because of "last time."
Yes, I hope they do play, and they make up. Then they can 'play' some more!
Yes, as "Sinus" and "Ranus." Oh I'm so amused.
...but then I keep thinking about Snape in the back of my mind...Y_Y
redbowties @ November 11 2003, 17:48:59 UTC |
haha, yeah, lots of aww's from this end too!
Yeah, I know..but one can hope!
Haha, I really want a picture of their cups...that'd make for a really spiffy icon..don't you think? too..:(
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ponymouse @ November 11 2003, 22:47:40 UTC |
Mmm, icons. It would be pretty spiffy...
<3 Snape
saffronlie @ November 9 2003, 22:16:31 UTC |
Yeah, but, that's Snape for you. We can't expect him to be nice just because he's shagging Lupin. :D
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Anonymous @ November 10 2003, 13:56:25 UTC |
I love you. What a bastard Severus Snape is! I HATE HIM.
(parent)deerlike @ November 9 2003, 23:47:55 UTC |
I, too, was amused briefly. And then I saw Sirius's second icon and forgot everything else. Two icons!!!1! :DDD
Sorry. Misplaced my medication. *slaps her wrist*
nraged_luthien @ November 9 2003, 22:43:10 UTC |
deerlike @ November 9 2003, 23:44:45 UTC |
Much <3 for the Amazing Slytherin Point Machine. Would that I could attend Hogwarts... *wistful sigh*
I am so easily-sidetracked though. As soon as I saw Sirius's response, I promptly squeed, "omg, he has two icons now!" and forgot about anything else. Because, "omg, two!"
I will now facepalm in mortification. Thank you. -.-
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Anonymous @ November 10 2003, 14:19:03 UTC |
Is it just me, or does it seem like Remus is throwing himself at Sev?
(parent)luna_lg @ November 10 2003, 16:33:49 UTC |
...please don't tell me that he's...y'know...
SB Duo: "Falling in love with Sn--"
*whacks Duo* Shush!!
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Anonymous @ November 10 2003, 17:45:33 UTC |
no, I hope not, i'm a major lover of sirius/remus, but remus seems desperate for...something. And its kind of pissing me off. It's almost like "OH SEV LET ME HELP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!" I don't know. Thats what i'm getting out of it.
bsafemydeers @ November 10 2003, 21:14:22 UTC |
Erm. Even if you were to totally ignore the developing relationship (in the romantic sense), they're still friends. Good friends. Offering to help friends doesn't quite equate with throwing yourself at them. In my book.
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ponymouse @ November 10 2003, 22:48:08 UTC |
Aren't you a little late to be saying that? This has been developing for quite some time now. At the beginning it did seem as though Remus was "desperate." But seeing how much their relationship has developed this can also be seen as an act of sincere friendship. I mean, look at Snape's response! Your offer of assistance, however, is...appreciated.
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ponymouse @ November 10 2003, 22:57:00 UTC |
What is with all the Anti-Snape comments in this entry?
Maybe it's just me but this is a wee bit abnormal for nraged...o_O
dr_jekyl @ November 10 2003, 23:34:10 UTC |
I'm just hoping that this doesn't degenerate into an OTP war.
(parent)delfeus @ November 11 2003, 00:00:32 UTC |
I was going to leave a message that soon someone'll post "he's so mean" but I noticed they already had. *lol*
It's Severus. That's how he is. Considering the Weasleys even flooded Draco's journal with replies they were just asking for a nasty comment.
I am worried of the recent development with Sirius. I hope nothing comes of it, Remy belongs with Sev...
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ponymouse @ November 11 2003, 11:23:32 UTC |
I was amused by those anti-Snape comments. Of COURSE he's mean. Jesus.
Remy belongs with Sev...
In N_A anyway, imo...
delfeus @ November 12 2003, 04:35:30 UTC |
Indeed! :D
Oh, I was speaking of NA, yes. I don't mind SS/RL fics, some are rather good, but my OTP is SS/HP... :)
ekaterinn @ November 12 2003, 22:26:33 UTC |
Anybody see the new comments on this thread? Remus asked Snape if anything was wrong and Snape snapped at him, told him nothing was wrong, he wasn't worried at all, and Remus wasn't his mother, you know. Sounds like trouble.